针对受到大噪声干扰的系统和数据,陈洛南研究组开发了一套新的数据处理、分析方法,即,利用高阶矩展开进行数据的重组。具体来说,他们提出利用数据升维的方法把原系统嵌入到高维空间中,把刻画系统的动态变化过程从“变量的动力学”转换成“变量概率分布的动力学”。重组后的数据虽然维度升高,但是可以有效地降低噪声的干扰,使动态网络标志物(DNB: dynamical network biomarker; or DNM: dynamical network marker)适用于大噪声干扰高维数据空间,从而准确捕捉到系统发生状态变化的预警信号。该方法成功应用在包括生物数据,环境科学数据和金融数据等三个实际数据上,成功预警了小鼠肺部急性伤害的临界期,洱海富营养化迁移的临界期,以及雷曼兄弟银行破产前的金融风险期。

Scheme of probability distribution embedding. (a) When the system is under small noise, the critical point of the system is near a bifurcation point of the corresponding deterministic system. (b) When the system is under big noise, the critical transition takes place much earlier than that of the deterministic system due to strong fluctuations. (c) By moment expansion, the state-dynamics under big noise is transformed to the probability distribution-dynamics with much smaller noise but in a higher-dimensional space (e.g., a two-moment-variables system), for which the critical point is near the bifurcation of the reconstructed high-dimensional system. (d-g) The moment-expanding strategy decreases the fluctuation of the data, and thus makes the traditional criteria effective because of the significantly reduced fluctuations.