本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-16
(Basic Information) 基本信息:
姓名(Name):张雷洪(Lei-Hong Zhang)
工作单位(Affiliated Faculty): 上海财经大学(Shanghai University of Finance and Economics)
地址(Address):国定路777号,上海,200433 (777 Guoding Road, Shanghai, China, 200433)
研究领域(Research interests):数值代数(Numerical linear algebra),最优化理论与计算(Numerical optimization),机器学习(Machine learning)
(Education) 教育经历:
2005-2008:香港浸会大学数学系博士毕业(PhD in math, Hong Kong Baptist University)
2002-2005:东南大学运筹学与控制论硕士毕业(Master degree in applied math, Southeast University, China)
1998-2002:东南大学本科毕业(Bachelor degree, Southeast University, China)
(Academic Visits) 学术交流经历:
?美国北卡罗来纳州立大学访问****(Visiting scholar, NCSU, USA)
?香港浸会大学博士后研究(Visiting scholar, HKBU, HK, China)
?香港浸会大学访问****(Visiting scholar, HKBU, HK, China)
?香港浸会大学访问****(Visiting scholar, HKBU, HK, China)
?香港浸会大学访问****(Visiting scholar, HKBU, HK, China)
?美国德克萨斯大学阿灵顿分校访问****(Visiting scholar, UTA, USA)
(Research Grants) 科研项目:
(Co-Principal-Investigator) 参与:
(Selected Publications) 主要论文:
[1] Lei-Hong Zhangand Ping-Qi Pan, A generalized quasi-Netwon equation, in Proceedings of the Seventh National Conference of Operations Research Society of China, Global-Link Publishing Company, Hong Kong, 2004, pp. 609-705.
[2] Lei-Hong Zhangand Ping-Qi Pan, A generalized quasi-Newton equation and computational experience,Journal of Computational Mathematics, 24(2006), pp.665-674.
[3]Lei-Hong Zhang, C. T. Kelley and Li-Zhi Liao, A continuous Newton-type method for unconstrained optimization, Pacific Journal of Optimization, 4(2008), pp.259-277.
[4]Lei-Hong Zhangand Li-Zhi Liao, A generalized projective dynamic for solving extreme and interior eigenvalue problems, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical System - Series B, 10(2008), pp.997-1019.
[5] Lei-Hong Zhang, Li-Zhi Liao and Michael K. Ng, Fast Algorithms for the generalized Foley-Sammon discriminant analysis, SIAMJournal onMatrix Analysisand Applications,31 (2010), pp.1584-1605.
[6] Lei-Hong Zhang, Riemannian Newton method for the multivariate eigenvalue problem, SIAMJournal onMatrix Analysisand Applications, 31(2010), pp.2972-2996.
[7] Lei-Hong Zhangand Moody T. Chu, Computing absolute maximum correlation, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 32(2012), pp.163-184.
[8] Lei-Hong Zhang, Li-Zhi Liao and Li-Ming Sun, Towards the global solution of the maximal correlation problem, Journal of Global Optimization, 49(2011), pp.91-107.
[9] Michael K. Ng, Li-Zhi Liao and Lei-Hong Zhang, On sparse linear discriminant analysis for high-dimensional data classification, Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 18(2011), pp.223-235.
[10] Lei-Hong Zhang, Uncorrelated trace ratio LDA for undersampled problems, Pattern Recognition Letters, 32(2011), pp.476-484.
[11] Lei-Hong Zhang, Li-Zhi Liao and Michael K. Ng, Superlinear convergence of a general algorithm for the generalized Foley-Sammon discriminant analysis, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 157(2013), pp. 853-865.
[12]Lei-Hong Zhangand Li-Zhi Liao, An alternating variable method for the maximal correlation problem, Journal of Global Optimization, 54(2012), pp.199-218.
[13] Lei-Hong Zhang, Riemannian trust-region method for the maximal correlation problem, Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 33:3(2012), pp. 338-362.
[14] Lei-Hong Zhang, On optimizing the sum of the Rayleigh quotient and the generalized Rayleigh quotient on the unit sphere, Computational Optimization and Applications, 54(2013), pp.111-139.
[15] Lei-Hong Zhangand Wei Hong Yang, Perturbation analysis for the trace quotient problem, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 61:12(2013), pp.1629-1640.
[16] Lei-Hong Zhangand Wei Hong Yang, An efficient algorithm for second-order ?cone linear complementarity problems, Mathematics of Computation, 83(2013), pp.1701-1726.
[17]Lei-Hong Zhang, Wei Hong Yang and Li-Zhi Liao, On an efficient implementation of the face algorithm for linear programming, Journal of Computational Mathematics, 31:4(2013), pp.335-354.
[18]Wei Hong Yang, Lei-Hong Zhangand Ruyi Song, Optimality conditions of the nonlinear programming on Riemannian manifolds, Pacific Journal of Optimization, 10(2014), pp.415-434.
[19] Lei-Hong Zhang, Ping-Qi Pan and Shi-Pei Zhang, On the local and superlinear convergence of a parameterized DFP method, Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 35:1(2014), pp.111-132.
[20] Lei-Hong Zhang, Wei Hong Yang and Li-Zhi Liao, A note on the trace ratio optimization problem, Optimization Letters,8(2014), pp.1637–1645.
[21] Lei-Hong Zhang, On the self-consistent-field iteration for maximizing the sum of the Rayleigh quotients, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 257(2014), pp.14-28.
[22] Lei-Hong Zhangand Ren-Cang Li, Maximization of the sum of the trace ratio on the Stiefel manifold, I: Theory, SCIENCE CHINA Mathematics,57(2014), pp. 2495–2508.
[23] Lei-Hong Zhangand Ren-Cang Li, Maximization of the sum of the trace ratio on the Stiefel manifold, II: Computation, SCIENCE CHINA Mathematics, 58(2015), pp. 1549-1566.
[24] Lei-Hong Zhang, Jungong Xue and Ren-Cang Li, Rayleigh-Ritz approximation for the linear response eigenvalue problem, SIAMJournal onMatrix Analysisand Applications, 35:2(2014), pp. 765-782.
[25] Lei-Hong Zhangand Wei Hong Yang, An efficient matrix splitting method for the second-order cone complementarity problem, SIAM Journal on Optimization, 24:3(2014), pp. 1178-1205.
[26] Chungen Shen, Lei-Hong Zhang, Bo Wang and Wenqiong Shao, Global and local convergence of a nonmonotone SQP method for constrained nonlinear optimization, Computational Optimization and Applications,59(2014), pp. 435-473.
[27] Ren-Cang LiandLei-Hong Zhang, Convergence of block Lanczos method for eigenvalue clusters, Numerische Mathematik, 131(2015), pp. 83-113.
[28] Lei-Hong Zhang, Wen-Wei Lin and Ren-Cang Li, Backward perturbation analysis and residual bounds of the linear response eigenvalue problem, BIT Numerical Mathematics, 55(2015), pp. 869-896.
[29] Lei-Hong Zhang, Wei Hong Yang, Chungen Shen and Ren-Cang Li, A Krylov subspace method for the large-scale second-order cone complementarity problem, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 37:4(2015), pp. A2046-A2075.
[30] Chungen Shen,Lei-Hong Zhang and Wei Liu, A stabilized filter SQP algorithm for nonlinear programming, Journal of Global Optimization, 65:4(2016), pp.677-708.
[31] Chungen Shen,Lei-Hong Zhang and Wei Hong Yang, A filter active-Set algorithm for ball/sphere constrained optimization problem, SIAM Journal on Optimization, 26:3(2016), pp.1429-1464.
[32] Wei Hong Yang, Lei-Hong Zhang, Chungen Shen, Solution analysis for the pseudomonotone second-order cone linear complementarity problem, Optimization, 65:9(2016), pp.1703-1715.
[33] Weiguo Wang,Lei-Hong Zhang and Ren-Cang Li, Error bounds for approximate deflating subspaces of linear response eigenvalue problem, Linear Algebra and its applications, 528(2017), pp.273-289.
[34] Wei Hong Yang, Lei-Hong Zhang, Chungen Shen, On the range of the pseudomonotone second-order cone linear complementarity problem, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 173:2(2017), pp. 504-522.
[35] Lei-Hong Zhang, Ren-Cang Li and Chungen Shen, On the generalized Lanczos trust-region method, SIAM Journal on Optimization, 27:3(2017), pp. 2110-2142.
[36] Zhongming Teng and Lei-Hong Zhang, A Block Lanczos-type Method for the Linear Response Eigenvalue Problem, Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis,46(2017), pp. 505-523.
[37] Lei-Hong Zhang, Chungen Shen, Wei Hong Yang and J. J. Júdice, A Lanczos method for large-scale extreme Lorentz eigenvalue problems, SIAMJournal onMatrix Analysisand Applications, 39:2(2018), pp. 611-631.
[38] Yangyang Shi, Lei-Hong Zhangand WenxinZhu, A Review of “Linear Programming Computation” by Ping-Qi Pan, European Journal of Operational Research, 267:3(2018), pp. 1182-1183.
[39] Lei-Hong Zhang and Chungen Shen, A nested Lanczos method for the trust-region subproblem, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 40:4(2018), pp. A2005–A2032.
[40]Lei-Hong Zhang, Wei Hong Yang, Chungen Shen and Jian Feng, Error bounds of the truncated Lanczos approach for the trust-region subproblem, Frontiers of Mathematics in China,13:2(2018): 459-481.
[41] Xing Li, Chungen Shen and Lei-Hong Zhang, A projected preconditioning CG method for the linear response eigenvalue problem, Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization, 8:4(2018), pp. 389-412.
[42] Yunfeng Cai, Lei-Hong Zhang, Zhaojun Bai and Ren-Cang Li, On an Eigenvector-Dependent Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problem, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 39:3(2018), pp. 1360-1382.
[43] Xiang Wang, Xing Li, Lei-Hong Zhangand Ren-Cang Li, An Efficient Numerical Method for the Symmetric Positive Definite Second Order Cone Linear Complementarity Problem, Journal of Scientific Computing, (2019) 79:1608-1629.
[44] Yun Yu, Lei-Hong Zhangand Shuqin Zhang, Simultaneous clustering of multiview biomedical data using manifold optimization, Bioinformatics, in press, 2019.
[45] Lei-Hong Zhangand Ren-Cang Li, Krylov subspace methods for the trust-region subproblem and beyond, in ICCM proceedings 2018 at NTU, in press, 2019.
(Honors and Awards) 获得奖项:
?2001年国际大学生数学建模竞赛一等奖(Meritorious in ICM, 2001)
?2002年中国大学生数学建模竞赛二等奖(Second Prize in CUMCM, 2002)
?第四届“应用数值代数奖(The Applied Numerical Algebra Prize, 2012)
?2018年世界华人数学家联盟最佳论文奖-若琳奖(2018 International Consortium of Chinese Mathematicians (ICCM) Best Paper Award)
(Others) 其它:
[1]Co-organizer(with Prof. Yunfeng Cai at Peking University) of the Minisymposium Some recent applications of Krylov subspace methodsat SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra (SIAM-ALA18) in Hong Kong, China (from 4-8 May 2018, see http://www.math.hkbu.edu.hk/siam-ala18/)
[2] Co-organizer (with Prof. Ren-Cang Li at University of Texas at Arlington and Prof. Wen-Wei Lin at Taiwan National Chiao Tung University ) of the Minisymposium Eigenvalue Computations and Applicationsat the 20th Conference of the International Linear Algebra Society (ILAS) in Leuven, Belgium, (from 11-15 July 2016, see https://ilas2016.cs.kuleuven.be/)
[3] Organizer of the international workshop on optimization in Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, May 9, 2016.
?美国《数学评论》评论员(Reviewer of 《Mathematical Reviews》)、SIAM Member、CSIAM Member
?杂志审稿人: SISC, SIMAX, JSC, IEEE TNNLS, Pattern Recognition, JCAM, BIT, GOMS, ETNA, NLAA, JOGO, Applied Numerical Mathematics, ORL, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, Pattern Recognition Letters, PJO, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Optimization, Science China: Mathematics, etc.
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