本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-16
Name: Sandro Jung
Position: Distinguished Professor of English and
Comparative Literature
Head of Literature
Director of the SUFE Centre for the Study of Text and Print Culture
Editor-in-Chief of ANQ (AHCI)
Journals and Publications (sufe.edu.cn)
General Editor of Book Series “Studies in Text and Print Culture”
Email: Sandro.Jung@mail.shufe.edu.cn
Office No.: Red Tile Building 621
Research/Teaching Interests:eighteenth- and nineteenth-century literature and print culture, book illustration, comparative literature (English, German, French), visual and material culture, reception studies
Educational background
PhD in English Literature, University of Wales (2004)
M.Phil. in English Literature, University of Wales (2003)
Selected Publications
“kleine artige Kupfer”: Buchillustration im 18. Jahrhundert(Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2018). A second edition was published in June 2018.
The Publishing and Marketing of Illustrated Literature in Scotland, 1760-1825 (Bethlehem, PA: Lehigh University Press, 2017).
Thomson’s ‘The Seasons’, Print Culture, and Visual Interpretation, 1730-1842(Bethlehem, PA: Lehigh University Press, 2015).
TheFragmentary Poetic: Eighteenth-Century Uses of an Experimental Mode (Bethlehem: Lehigh University Press, 2009).
David Mallet, Anglo-Scot: Poetry, Patronage and Politics in the Age of Union(Newark: University of Delaware Press, 2008).
Journal Articles:
“Ephemeral Spenser: Stothard’s Vignette Series of The Faerie Queene for The Royal Engagement Pocket Atlas,”Eighteenth-Century Life 44:2(2020): 76-108. (AHCI)
“Literary Ephemera: Understanding the Media of Literacy and Culture Formation,” Eighteenth-Century Life 44:2(2020): 1-16. (AHCI)
“Reinterpretation through Extra-Illustration: A Copy of Thomson’s The Seasons at the Library Company of Philadelphia,” The Book Collector68:2 (2020): 295-314. (AHCI)
“Book Illustration and the Transnational Mediation of Robinson Crusoein 1720,” Philological Quarterly, 99:2 (2020): 171-201. (AHCI)
“The Role of Visual Culture in the Patriotic Editions of the Morisons of Perth: From ‘The Scottish Poets’ to The Poems of Ossian,” ANQ, 33:1(2020): 37-47. (AHCI)
“G. L. Crusius, Leipzig Artist and Engraver, and His Literary Illustrations in the 1750s,” Oxford German Studies, 49:3(2020): 209-227. (AHCI)
“An American Parody of Thomson’s Celadon and Amelia Tale,” ANQ, 32 (2019). (AHCI)
“Les Saisons(The Seasons) de Thomson: mobilités textuelles et étude bibliographique des échanges iconographiques,” Revue des Sciences Humaines, 337(2020): 51-68.
“The Color-Printed Plates for Edward Jeffery’s Edition of Walpole’s Castle of Otranto (1796),” Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, 113:1 (2019): 55-67. (AHCI)
“James Robertson’s Poems of Allan Ramsay(1802) and the Adaptation of Other Scottish Booksellers’ Book Illustrations of the Works of Ramsay,” Scottish Literary Review, 10:1 (2018): 139-158. (AHCI)
“Thomson’s The Seasons, Textual Mobility, and Bibliographical Inter-Iconicity,” ANQ, 29:4 (2016): 220-229. (AHCI)
“The Other Pamela: Readership and the Illustrated Chapbook Abridgment,” Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 39:4 (2016): 513-31. (AHCI)
“Robert Morison’s Collections of Extracts, The General Magazine, and the Reprinting of Illustrations,” Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, 111:1 (2017): 31-60.
“Thomson, Macpherson, Ramsay, and the Making and Marketing of Illustrated Scottish Literary Editions in the 1790s,” Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, 109:1 (2015): 5-61. (AHCI)
“Illustrated Glasgow Editions of Robert Burns’s Poems, 1800-1802,” In: Scottish Literary Review, 7:1 (2015): 133-44. (AHCI)
“Thomas Stothard, Milton and the Illustrative Vignette: The Houghton Library Designs for The Royal Engagement Pocket Atlas,” MHRA Yearbook of English Studies, 45 (2015): 137-158. (AHCI)
“The Glasgow Poetry Chapbook, 1796-1799: Brash and Reid’s ‘Small Selections’, Cameron and Murdoch’s ‘most celebrated Pieces, both Scots and English’, Murdoch’s The Polyhymniaand the Stewart and Meikle Burns Chapbooks,” Journal of the Edinburgh Bibliographical Society, 9 (2015): 87-107.
“William Shenstone's Poetry, The Leasowes, and the Intermediality of Reading and Architectural Design,” Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 37:1 (2014): 53-77. (AHCI)
“Currer Bell, Charlotte Bront? and the Construction of Authorial Identity,” Bront? Studies, 39:4 (2014): 292-306. (AHCI)
“‘A Scotch poetical library’: James Thomson, the Morisons of Perth and the Construction of an Enlightenment Scottish Poetic Canon,” Journal of the Edinburgh Bibliographical Society, 9 (2014): 9-39.
“James Morison, Book Illustration and ThePoems of Robert Burns (1812),” Scottish Literary Review, 6:2 (2014): 25-48. (AHCI)
Book Chapters:
“Reading, Visual Literacy, and the Illustrated Text,” The Edinburgh History of Reading: Early Readers, edited by Mary Hammond (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2020), 270-96.
“Salomon Gessners Der Tod Abels, das Bild-Text-Konstrukt und die Darstellung von Gewalt, Motivation und Tragik: Kain in den Buchillustrationen der schweizerischen und englischen Ausgaben, 1758-1797,” Aufkl?rung fürs Auge. Ein anderer Blick auf das 18. Jahrhundert, ed. by Daniel Fulda (Halle: Mitteldeutscher Verlag, 2020).
“Reading the Romantic Vignette: Stothard Illustrates Bloomfield, Byron and Crabbe for the Royal Engagement Pocket Atlas,”Romanticism and Illustration, edited byIan Haywood, Susan Matthews, and Mary L. Shannon (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019), 143-170.
“The Female Body in Text and Image: Amelia, Lavinia, and Musidora in the German Translations of Thomson’s The Seasons and Beyond,” Anglo-German Dramatic and Poetic Encounters: Perspectives on Exchange in the Sattelzeit, edited by Sandro Jung und Michael Wood (Bethlehem, PA: Lehigh University Press, 2019), 169-199.
“Poetic Description and the Formation of Genre: Thomson’s Summerand Mallet’s The Excursion,” TheGenres of Thomson’s “The Seasons,”ed. by Sandro Jung und Kwinten Van De Walle (Bethlehem, PA: Lehigh University Press, 2018), 23-42.
“The Ode,” The Oxford Handbook to British Poetry, 1660-1800, ed. by Jack Lynch (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016), 510-27.
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