
上海财经大学外语系研究生导师简介 - 赵珂

上海财经大学 /2013-02-22

 发布时间:2011-03-10 21:22  来源:外语系 



赵珂,副教授,博士。研究方向为应用语言学与计算机支持商务英语协作学习研究。入职上海财经大学之前,曾执教上海对外贸易学院,任中英合作商务英语项目项目主管。2002年赴英国中兰开夏大学进修商务英语教学硕士课程。2008年曾访学丹麦奥尔堡大学联合国PBL(Problem/Project-based Learning)中心和德国曼海姆大学商学院。2010年6月毕业于香港大学教育学院,博士论文获香港大学2010年度优秀博士论文提名。研究兴趣广泛,包括计算机支持商务英语协作学习、知识建构、学术素养、过程性评估、商务沟通、商务英语教学与研究方法。曾荣获亚太地区计算机在教育应用学会(APSCE)优秀学者奖、最佳研究论文提名奖与博士论坛杰出组织奖等多项国际学术团体奖项。

Zhao, K. Scaffolding Role of the Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Environment on Chinese Tertiary Students’ Academic Literacy Paper accepted for the 9th Asia TEFL International Conference, Seoul, Korea, 27-29 July, 2011
Zhao, K. & Chan, C.K.K. Chinese Business English Students’ Epistemological Beliefs, Conceptions of and Strategies for Collaborative Inquiry  Paper accepted for the CAERDA Annual International Conference 2011, New Orleans, LA USA, 7-8 April, 2011
Zhao, K. & Chan, C.K.K. Learning, Assessment and Collaboration in Computer-Supported Inquiry Learning for Chinese Tertiary Business English Students  Paper accepted  for American Educational Research Association (AERA) 2010 Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, 30 April-4 May, 2010
Zhao, K. & Chan, C.K.K. Conceptual. Metacognitive and Collaborative Learning in Computer-Supported Inquiry for Chinese Tertiary Business English Students Proceedings of ICCE 2009, Hong Kong, 30 November- 4 December, 2009
Zhao, K. The effect of project-based instruction on English for International Business (EIB) learning in China. Proceedings of AILA (the Association of Applied Linguistics) World Congress 2008, Essen, Germany. (one of the top international conferences in Applied Linguistics)
Zhao, K. & Chan, C.K.K. Beliefs about learning and learning strategy of Chinese business English students in project-based learning instruction. Proceedings of the International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 2008,Utrecht,Holland, 23-28 June,2008. (one of the top international conferences in Learning Sciences)
Zhao, K. Promoting academic literacy in CSCL environment for Chinese tertiary business students Proceedings of ICCE (International Conference on Computers in Education) 2008, Taipei, Taiwan, 27-31 October, 2008
赵珂(2008). 商务英语创业主题实践教学模式的探索. 教学与管理, 10.(中文核心)
赵珂(2007). 商务英语探究式教学与学生学习能力的培养. 上海师范大学学报,6.
赵珂(2007). “知识论坛”及其在香港中小学教育中的应用和推广. 外国中小学教育, 11. (中文核心)


2009 –至今 International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (SSCI) 期刊论文评审
2010--至今  亚洲英语教师协会(Asia TEFL)会员
2008--至今  国际应用语言学会会员 (International Association of Applied Linguistics)
2009             第17届国际计算机教育应用大会组委会成员;博士论坛组织者;论文评审者


2006-2007   Strategic Research Theme (SRT) Constituent Theme: Languages, Media and Communication  participated in focus group on Teaching and Learning in ESL settings, the University of Hong Kong
2009-2010   Strategic Research Theme (SRT): Sciences of learning, the University of Hong Kong


本科生: 综合英语,商务英语视听说,国际商务英语
研究生: 研究方法和论文写作

办公地址  上海财经大学红瓦楼424室

Dr. ZHAO Ke (Coco) is an Associate Professor in the Department of Foreign Languages at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. She worked as lecturer and course coordinator for a Sino-British cooperative English for International Business (EIB) programme in the Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade and visited the UNESCO Chair in Problem-Based Learning at Aalborg University in 2008. She completed her PhD study at the Faculty of Education, the University of Hong Kong in June 2010. Her PhD thesis was nominated as Award for Outstanding Thesis by the thesis examiner panel.

Her PhD research area includes EIB learning and principle-based technology-enhanced instruction for Chinese EIB students. Her main research interests are computer-supported collaborative inquiry EIB learning, collaboration, business communication, academic literacy, and assessment. Her current research projects are mainly premised at the interface of applied linguistics (English for Specific Purposes) and the sciences of learning.

She has published parts of her PhD study as international refereed published proceeding papers and in domestic leading journals. She attended top international conferences in applied linguistics (AILA World Congress 2008), learning sciences (International Conference of the Learning Sciences 2008), and computer in education (International Conferences of Computer in Education 2008, 2009). She won international awards of ‘APSCE Merit Scholarship’, ‘Best Paper Award Nomination’ and ‘Outstanding Community Service in ICCE 2008’ for the quality research work and for her dedication to community services.  She has also served as a paper reviewer for IJCSCL (leading SSCI journal) for over two years.
Undergraduate courses: Comprehensive English, Business English Listening and Speaking, English for International Business 
M.A. course: Research Methods and Thesis Writing

Email  zhao.ke@mail.shufe.edu.cn

