一、复习要求: 要求考生熟悉英语语言的功能、规则、形式与结构,学会优化自己所使用的语言,掌握与语言和文学等有关的基本概念和基本理论,能够合理、有效、且灵活自如地运用各体英语,具备较为精深的语言功底,尤其是在英语的读、写、译方面的功底。 |
二、主要复习内容: 1、Gender, Race, and Language Conflict Sexism in English; rapport-talk and report-talk; anti-male bias in English; how names define relationships; names for the race; black English. 2、Right Words, Wrong Words, My Words What dictionaries can do for us; four-letter words; the E word; taboo language; English that belongs to everybody. 3、Language and Cultural Diversity Vanishing languages; whether English should be the law; bilingual children; Americanization; names in the melting pot. 4. The Language of Politics and Advertising How language may serve as the rhetoric of democracy; the doublespeak of weasel words; unprotected sex talk; types of propaganda. 5. Writers and the Writing Process Some instructions on writing and life; how to hold the reader; writing as rewriting; concision; computers and writing. 6. Understand the reading selections in Units 2, 4, 6, 8 10, 13 & 14 from Reader’s Choice (4th edition) |
三、参考书: 1. Roberts, W. H. (2000). About Languages: A Reader for Writers(5th edition). Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. 2. Clarke, M.A., et al. (2008). Reader’s Choice (4th edition). Beijing: World Book Publishing Company. |