

上海大学 考研论坛/2013-04-20








  School of Film & TV Arts and Technology

  Shanghai University

  Founded in 1995, the School of Film & TV Arts and Technology of Shanghai University (SFTAT) is composed of 4 departments: Department of Communication and Journalism, Department of Film and TV Arts, Department of Film and TV Engineering, and Department of Advertisement. In addition to the above academic programs, SFTAT also administrates the TV Production Department and Center for Film and TV Experiment. SFTAT has 102 faculty members and 48 staff members, including 22 full professors (research fellows) and 25 associate professors, 13 of them doctoral advisors.

  After more than a decade of development, SFTAT has grown to be one of the key institutions in the nation in film and communication studies, offering doctoral, master’s and bachelor’s degrees. In undergraduate teaching, SFTAT has 6 majors: Film and TV Directing and Writing, Film and TV Arts and Technology, TV Broadcasting and Reporting, Journalism, Advertising, and Exhibition Planning and Management. In addition, 2 new areas were recently established: Animation and Creative Design. Currently, SFTAT has over 1,437 registered full-time undergraduate students. In graduate teaching, SFTAT has 6 majors: Television Studies, Journalism, Arts Studies, Communication, Film Studies, and Digital Media Technology and its Applications, the last three of which offer PhD degrees. Currently, there are 267 graduate students in SFTAT’s master’s programs, and 74 in its doctoral programs..

  There are two city-level key research programs at SFTAT: Communication Studies and Film Studies, and one “211 Project” administrated key research program: Institutional Transformation of Communication. In addition, the school also houses the Film, TV & Media Industry Research Institute, the Key Research Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences at Universities, Shanghai. As a key discipline authorized by Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, the major of TV Studies was also selected by Shanghai Municipal Government as one of the Ten Education Highlands in 2005.

  To boost international exchanges, SFTAT has in recent years established relations with more than 20 colleges across the globe, including that in North America, Europe, Australia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macao.

SFTAT has a fixed asset of more than 20 million RMB. Registered students can get access to a variety of media labs, including the Multimedia Production Lab, Digital   Design Lab, HD Film & TV Production Lab, Satellite TV Production Lab, Sound Recording Lab, TV Production Lab, TV Post-Production Lab, 3D Animation Lab, Digital TV Testing Lab, Photography Lab, Lab for Creative Design in Advertisement, Internet Graphic Design Lab, Student TV Station, and Sound Stage.

2014考研政治英语全程辅导 想不过都难![试听]


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