

研究生院 免费考研网/2006-09-28

Name: Bing-kun Yu
Date of birth:
Title: Professor
Address: Professor, Shanghai University
99 Shangda Road
Shanghai 200444, P. R. China

English Version


1964 年毕业于吉林大学物理系。 1964 年起曾在中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所从事激光研究; 1984 年起在上海科学技术大学任教。 1985 年至 1988 年和 1991 年至 1993 年两次赴美国在 The University of Utah 化学系、物理系、激光研究所等任高级访问学者; 1981 年、 1996 年赴前苏联、俄罗斯访问; 1999 年赴泰国讲学。历任上海大学物理系光电子教研室主任、上海大学理学院副院长。现任上海大学理学院教授、博士生导师。



目前的研究课题为飞秒激光与物质的相互作用、碳纳米管、 OLED (有机光发射二极管)。


承担和完成国家自然科学基金重点项目等五项,上海市科委、教委项目等八项。“ Bingkun Yu, Preparation of diamond and diamond like thin films ”在 1993 年获美国专利;在国内外刊物发表文章逾百篇。是上海市红外与遥感学会常务理事、 OSA 、 SPIE 会员。


S.H.Liu, B.K.Yu and F.G.Wang, Spectroscopy of Higher order CARS and CSRS, the 7 th Vavilov Conference on Nonlinear Optics, USSR,1981
S.H.Liu, F.G.Wang and B.K.Yu, Higher order CARS and CSRS Spectra, the 5 th International Laser Spectroscopy Conference ,Canada,1981
J.Zhang, B.K.Yu and C.H.Wang, Holographic grating relaxation studies of camphorquinone diffusion in a polystyrene host, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Vol.90 No.7,1986
C.H.Wang, B.K.Yu, Raman Spectroscopy Using fiber Optics, the Pittsburgh Conference and Exposition on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy ,U.S,1986
B.K.Yu, W.Gellermann, Chalcogen vacancy Defect as Building Blocks for F 2 +-like stable color center Laser in Alkali Halides, the International Conference on Defects in Insulating Crystals. Spet, 1998 Italy Parma
B.K.Yu, X.M.Chen, New preparation Method and Properties of Diamond Carbon Film, SPIE Vol.1534, 1991
B.K.Yu, Y.Li and Y.wang, SERS used to study the Effect of langumuir-Blodgett Spacer layers on Metal Surface, SPIE Vol.1530,1991
B.K. Yu, Preparation of Diamond and Diamond like Thin Films ,United states patent 5273,788, Dec 1993
K.Mollmann, M.Schrempe, B.K.Yu and W.Gellermann, Subpicosecond and continuous wave laser Operation of (F 2 +) H and (F 2 +) AH color Center laser in the 2 μ m Range , Optics Letters Vol.19,No.13 July 1994
B.K.Yu, Additive Coloration in a Heat-Pipe Oven and color Centers, Optronics Lasers, Vol.6,Sep. 1995
B.K.Yu, Formation and Characterization of (F 2 +) H and (F 2 +) AH color centers in Alkali Halide Crystals, Journal of Synthetic crystals, Vol. 24 No. 15, May 1995
B.K.Yu, Eximer Laser and its Applications, Materials Science & Engineering, Vol.13 No. 2, 1995
B.K.Yu, The Preparation of DLC and Fullerence Film Using LB Film Technique, Proceedings of C-MRs and MRs-K Joint symposium’96 ,Beijing China, 1996
B.K.Yu, X.T.Liu, Low Temperature Preparation of Diamondlike carbon Films Protective Coatings for Superconducting Films’97 TFPA ,SPIE Vol.3715 ,1997
F.Huang, Q.H.Lou, J.X. Dong, B.Lei, Y.R.Wei, T.Y.Yu and B.K.Yu, Multicrystal Cascade for third Harmonic Generation of Broad-band Ti:sapphire Laser, High Power Laser and Particle Beams, Vol. 11 No. 5, Oct.1999
B.K.Yu ,High temperature Raman Scattering and phase Transition study of Crystals, The XV Ⅱ th International Conference on Raman spectroscopy Aug,2000
B.K.Yu, T.Y.Yu, G.C.Jiang and J.L.You, Phase Transition and Frequency Doubling of β -BaB 2O 4 and K 3Li 12-XNb 12-xO 15+X Crystals , SPIE Vol.4098 ,2000
Q.Wen, J.L.You, S.P.Huang, B.K.Yu, G.C.Jiang and C.D.Zhou, High Temperature Raman Spectra and Micro-structure Study of LithiumMetaborate and its Melt, Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, Vol.20, No.5, Oct. 2000
X.L.Yu, J.L.You, Y. Wang, Z.X.Chang and B.K.Yu, Microprobe of Structure of Crystal/Liquid Interface Boundary Layers, Science in China Vol.44,No.3,2001
B.K. Yu, B. Chen, X.Y. Yang J.R. Qiu, X.W. Jiang, C. S. Zhu, and K. Hirao Study of crystal formation in borate, niobate, and titanate glasses irradiated by femtosecond laser pulses, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, Vol. 21, No. 1, 2004