Mainly engage in exploring the functional eco-physiological traits and scaling relationships of bryophytes, to explain their adaptive strategies and contributions to the ecosystems.
Xin Liu, Zhe Wang, Xiaoming Li, Kathrin Rousk, Weikai Bao*. 2020. High nitrogen resorption efficiency of forest mosses. Annals of Botany.125: 557–563.
Xin Liu*, Zhe Wang, Xiaoming Li, Weikai Bao*. 2020. Nitrogen and phosphorus translocation of forest floor mosses as affected by a pulse of these nutrients.Journal of Plant Ecology. https://doi.org/10.1093/jpe/rtaa050.
何芸雨,郭水良,王喆*. 2019. 植物功能性状权衡关系的研究进展. 植物生态学报, 43(12): 1021-1035.
Zhe Wang*, Chunyan Pi, Xiaoming Li, Weikai Bao*. 2019. Elevational patterns of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in understory bryophytes on the eastern slope of Gongga Mountain, China. Journal of Plant Ecology. 10.1093/jpe/rtz008
Zhe Wang*, Maaike Y. Bader. 2018. Associations between shoot-level water relations and photosynthetic responses to water and light in 12 moss species. AoB PLANTS.10: ply034.Editor's Choice.
Zhe Wang, Qihua He, Bin Hu, Xueyong Pang, Weikai Bao*. 2018. Gap thinning improves soil water content, changes the vertical water distribution, and decreases the fluctuation. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 48: 1042-1048.
Yanqiang Jin, Jing Li, Chenggang Liu, Yuntong Liu, Yiping Zhang, Liqing Sha, Zhe Wang, Qinghai Song, Youxing Lin, Ruiwu Zhou, Aiguo Chen, Peiguang Li, Xuehai Fei, John Grace; Carbohydrate dynamics of three dominant species in a Chinese savanna under precipitation exclusion, Tree Physiology. 38, 1371-1383.
Zhe Wang, Maaike Y. Bader, Xin Liu, Zhangming Zhu, Weikai Bao*. 2017.Comparisons of photosynthesis-related traits of 27 abundant or subordinate bryophyte species in a subalpine old-growth fir forest.Ecology & Evolution. 7:7454–7461.
Zhe Wang, Xin Liu, Maaike Y. Bader, Defeng Feng, Weikai Bao*. 2017. The ‘plant economic spectrum’ in bryophytes, a comparative study in subalpine forest.American Journal of Botany.104: 261–269. Highlight Research.
Zhe Wang, Xin Liu, Weikai Bao*. 2016. Higher photosynthetic capacity and different functional trait scaling relationships in erect bryophytes compared with prostrate species.Oecologia.180:359-369.
Zhe Wang, Weikai Bao*, Xiaoli Yan. 2015.Non-structural carbohydrate levels of three co-occurring understory plants and their responses to forest thinning by gap creation in a dense pine plantation. Journal of Forestry Research. 26:391-396.
Xin Liu,Zhe Wang, Weikai Bao*, Xiaoming Li. 2015.Photosynthetic responses of two pleurocarpous mosses to low-level nitrogen addition: A study in an old-growth fir forest.Journal of Bryology. 37:15-22.
Zhe Wang, Weikai Bao*, Defeng Feng, Honghui Lin. 2014. Functional trait scaling relationships across thirteen temperate mosses growing in wintertime.Ecological Research. 29: 629-639.
Zhe Wang, Weikai Bao, Xiaoli Yan and Honghui Lin. 2014. Responses of non-structural carbohydrate levels ofPolytrichastrum formosumand the co-occurring understory fernParathelypteris nipponicato different gap creations by thinning in a dense spruce plantation.Cryptogamie, Bryologie.35: 165-172.
National Natural Science Funds of China (No. **), “Elevational variations in bryophyte nutrient and photosynthetic traits and their trade-off relationships”, started from 2017, as PI
王喆.Removal of non–photosynthetic sections down–regulates the photosynthesis of mosses: an indication of sink control?2019中国苔藓植物学高端论坛(2019,中国,齐齐哈尔)
Zhe Wangand Maaike Bader. Water relations are coupled with photosynthetic light- and water-response functions across 12 mosses. The XIX International Botanical Congress (2017, Shenzhen, China)
Zhe Wang, Xin Liu, Weikai Bao and Maaike Bader. Functional trait relationships of bryophyte. 46th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland (2016, Marburg, Germany)
王喆,包维楷,闫晓丽. Effects of gap creation within densely pine plantation on leaf non-structural carbohydrate contents of three co-occurring understory plants. 全国苔藓植物学学术研讨会(2012, 中国,成都)
学术成果:论文[1]王喆. The ‘plant economic spectrum’ in bryophytes, a comparative study in subalpine forest. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY,2017,104(2):261-270.
[2]王喆. Comparisons of photosynthesis-related traits of 27 abundant or subordinate bryophyte species in a subalpine old-growth fir forest. ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION,2017,7(18):7454-7461.
[3]王喆. Higher photosynthetic capacity and different functional trait scaling relationships in erect bryophytes compared with prostrate species. OECOLOGIA,2015,180(2):359-369.
[4]王喆. Associations between shoot-level water relations and photosynthetic responses to water and light in 12 moss species. AOB PLANTS,2018,10(ply034):ply034.
[5]皮春燕,王喆. 综述——苔藓-蓝藻共生体关系与固氮能力研究进展. 植物生态学报,2018,42(4):407-418.
[6]王喆. Gap thinning improves soil water content, changes the vertical water distribution, and decreases the fluctuation. CANADIAN JOURNAL OF FOREST RESEARCH-REVUE CANADIENNE DE RECHERCHE FORESTIER,2018,48(9):1042-1048.
[7]Yanqiang Jin,王喆. Carbohydrate dynamics of three dominant species in a Chinese savanna under precipitation exclusion. TREE PHYSIOLOGY,2018,38(38):1371-1383.
[8]王喆. Elevational patterns of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in understory bryophytes on the eastern slope of Gongga Mountain, China. Journal of Plant Ecology,2019,12(4):781-786.
[9]王喆. Non-structural carbohydrate levels of three co-occurring understory plants and their responses to forest thinning by gap creation in a dense pine plantation. Journal of Forestry Research,2015,26(2):391-396.
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Annals of Botany, Ecological Engineering, Forest Ecosystems, Functional Ecology, Journal of Ecology, Journal of Visualized Experiments, Plant and Soil, 草业科学,应用与环境生物学报
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