题? 目:European ports in transition: the impact of market and port policy developments
主讲人:Theo Notteboom 教授
时? 间:5月20日(周五)15:00
地? 点:上海海事大学东明路校区209室
Title of presentation
"European ports in transition: the impact of market and port policy developments”
With a total maritime throughput of over 4 billion tonnes and a container throughput of some 100 million TEU, the European port system ranks among the busiest and most competitive port regions in the world. Port competition in Europe has become a complex and multi-faceted concept due to changes in the market environment of ports and the resulting intensification of rivalry between operators in the same port, between neighbouring ports, between multi-port gateway regions and between entire port ranges.? The market environment in which these ports operate has changed dramatically. Logistics integration, scale increases in vessel size and structural changes in logistics and distribution networks are just some of the key developments affecting port competition and port development in Europe. During this presentation I will discuss port competition in Europe with a main focus on container ports and terminals. The presentation aims to provide a clear insight on the current status, drivers and issues in European port competition, the increasing role of hinterland transport in shaping port competition and the regulatory actions and policy framework of the European Commission to stimulate competition but also cooperation between ports. Port authorities and market players are designing strategies in view of better meeting the market requirements in terms of port services provision, logistics integration and hinterland penetration.
Short CV (picture attached)
Theo Notteboom holds a full-time position as Professor at Dalian Maritime University in China. In 2015, the Chinese State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs (SAFEA) awarded him the status of High-End Foreign Expert. He also is part-time professor at University of Antwerp and the Antwerp Maritime Academy in Belgium. He holds the Chair Professorship ‘Port of Ghent’ at Ghent University in Belgium. He is visiting professor at World Maritime University and Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore. He is immediate past President and Council Member of International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME). Theo Notteboom published widely on port and maritime economics and management, with about 130 papers in first-tier academic journals and another 360 publications in the form of reports and contributions to books, proceedings and specialized press. He is the author of a handful of reports commissioned by ESPO. He is a regular speaker at international conferences and was promoter or co-promoter in about 70 academic research programs and consultancy studies on the maritime industry and logistics topics. He is editor or a member of the editorial boards of a large number of academic journals in the field. He is co-director of Porteconomics.eu, a knowledge dissemination platform on port studies.
学术讲座公告:European ports in transition: the impact of market and port policy developments_上海海事大学
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