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姓名: 潘宏博 导师类别: 硕导

所在专业: 生物学 研究方向: 原生动物学和微型生物生态学
学院/单位: 水产与生命学院
专业所属学院: 水产与生命学院
专业技术职务: 副教授 行政职务:
性别: 男 E-Mail: hbpan@shou.edu.cn
最高学位: 博士

男, 1984年2月生,江苏徐州人,博士,水生生物系副教授、硕士生导师。已发表SCI论文27篇(一作/通讯作者20篇)。现为国际原生生物学家学会和中国原生动物学会会员;曾为《Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution》《European Journal of Protistology》、《European Journal of Taxonomy》、《zootaxa》等原生生物领域和动物分类与系统进化领域SCI期刊审稿。







1. 2015年中国原生动物学会青年科技奖
2. 2015年获上海海洋大学优秀本科实验项目



Pan H., Zhang Q., Dong J., Jiang J., 2020. Morphology and phylogeny of two novel pleurostomatids (ciliophora, litostomatea), establishing a new genus,J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., doi:10.1111/jeu.12779
Stoeck T.,Pan H., Dully V., Forster D., Jung T. 2018. Towards an eDNA metabarcode-based performance indicator for full-scale municipal wastewater treatment plants. Water Research, 144:322-331.
Huang, JB, Zhang, T., Zhang, Q., Li, Y., Warren, A., Pan, H., Yan, Y. 2018. Further insights into the highly derived haptorids (Ciliophora, Litostomatea): Phylogeny based on multigene data. Zool. Scr., 47:231–242.
Qu, Z., Pan, H., Lin, X., Li, L., Aleidan, A. M. A., Al-Farraj, S. A., Stoeck, T. and Hu, X. 2018. A contribution to the morphology and phylogeny of Chlamydodon, with three new species from China (Ciliophora, Cyrtophoria). J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. doi:10.1111/jeu.12472
Chen, X., Li, L., Al-Farraj, S. A., Ma, H., Pan, H. 2018. Taxonomic studies on Aegyria apoliva sp. nov. and Trithigmostoma cucullulus (Müller, 1786) Jankowski, 1967 (Ciliophora, Cyrtophoria) with phylogenetic analyses, Eur. J. Protistol., 62:122-134
Liu, W., Jiang, J., Xu, Y., Pan, X., Qu, Z., Luo, X., El-Serehy, H.A., Warren, A., Ma, H., Pan, H.*, 2017. Diversity of free-living marine ciliates (Alveolata, Ciliophora): faunal studies in coastal waters of China during the years 2011–2016. Eur. J. Protistol., 61: 424-438.
Pan H., Stoeck T., 2017. Redescription of the halophile ciliate, Blepharisma halophilum Ruinen, 1938 (Ciliophora, Heterotrichea, Heterotrichida) shows that the genus Blepharisma is non-monophyletic, Eur. J. Protistol., 61:20-28.
Pan H., Jiang J., Fan X., Al-Farraj S.A., Gao S., 2017. Phylogeny and taxonomy of five poorly known species of cyrtophorian ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora, Phyllopharyngea) from China seas, Zool. J. Linne. Soci.,180: 475-492.
Pan H., Wang L., Jiang J., Stoeck T., 2016. Morphology of four cyrtophorian ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora) from Yangtze Delta, China, with notes on the phylogeny of the genus Phascolodon, Eur. J. Protistol., 56:134-146.
Chen X.#, Pan H.#, Huang J., Warren A., Al-Farraj S.A., Gao S., 2016. New considerations on the phylogeny of cyrtophorian ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora): expanded sampling to understand their evolutionary relationships, Zool. Scr., 45:334-348.
Pan H., Hu J., Jiang J., Wang L., Hu X., 2016, Morphology and Phylogeny of Three Pleuronema Species (Ciliophora, Scuticociliatia) from Hangzhou Bay, China, with Description of Two New Species, P. binucleatum n. sp. and P. parawiackowskii n. sp., J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 63: 287-298.
Pan H., Li L., Wu L., Miao M., Al-Rasheid K.A.S., Song W., 2015, Morphology of three Litonotus species (Ciliophora: Pleurostomatida) from China seas, with brief notes on their SSU rDNA-based phylogeny, Eur. J. Protistol., 51:494-506.
Pan H., Hu J., Warren A., Wang L., Jiang J., Hao R., 2015. Morphology and Molecular Phylogeny of Pleuronema orientale spec. nov. and P. paucisaetosum spec. nov. (Ciliophora, Scuticociliata) from Hangzhou Bay, China, Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol., 65: 4800-4808.
Qu Z., Pan H., Al-Rasheid K.A.S., Hu X., Gao S., 2015. Morphological and phylogenetic studies on three members of the genus Pseudochilodonopsis (Ciliophora, Cyrtophoria) isolated from brackish waters in China, including a novel species, Pseudochilodonopsis quadrivacuolata spec. nov., Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol., 65:4323-4334.
Qu Z., Pan H., Hu X., Li J., Al-Farraj A.S., Al-Rasheid K.A.S., Yi Z., 2015, Morphology and Molecular Phylogeny of Three Cyrtophorid Ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora) from China, Including Two New Species, Chilodonella parauncinata sp. n. and Chlamydonella irregularis sp. n., J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 62:267-279.
Xu Y., Pan H., Miao M., Hu X., Al-Farraj S.A., Al-Rasheid K.A.S., Song W., 2015, Morphology and Phylogeny of Two Species of Loxodes (Ciliophora, Karyorelictea), with Description of a New Subspecies, Loxodes striatus orientalis subsp. n., J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 62:206-216.
Xu Y., Li L., Fan X., Pan H., Gu F., Al-Farraj S.A., 2015. Systematic analyses of the genus Architricha and Pleurotricha curdsi (Ciliophora, Oxytrichidae), with redescriptions of their morphology. Acta Protozool., 54:183-193.
Pan H., Li L., Lin X., Li J., Al-Farraj S.A., Al-Rasheid K.A.S., 2014. Morphology of three species of Amphileptus (Protozoa, Ciliophora, Pleurostomatida) from the South China Sea, with note on phylogeny of A. dragescoi sp. n. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 61:644-654.
Fan X., Pan H., Li L., Jiang J., Al-Rasheid K.A.S., Gu F., 2014. Phylogeny of the poorly known ciliates, Microthoracida, a systematically confused taxon (Ciliophora), with morphological reports of three species. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 61:227-237.
Pan H., Ma H., Hu X., Al-Rasheid K.A.S. & Al-Farraj S. A., 2013. Taxonomic studies on three marine ciliates from China, including a new species (Ciliophora, Cyrtophorida). Acta Protozool., 52:25-33.
Pan H., Gao F., Lin X., Warren A., Song W., 2013. Three new Loxophyllum species (Ciliophora: Pleurostomatida) from China with a brief review of the marine and brackish Loxophyllum species. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 60:44-56.
Pan H., Li L., AL-Rasheid K.A.S., Song W., 2013. Morphological and molecular description of three new species of the cyrtophorid genus Chlamydodon (Ciliophora, Cyrtophoria). J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 60:2-12.
Pan H., Lin X., Gong J., Al-Rasheid K.A.S., Song W., 2012. Taxonomy of five species of cyrtophorids (Protozoa: Ciliophora) including consideration of the phylogeny of two new genera. Zool. J. Linne. Soci., 164: 1-17.
Pan H., Hu X., Gong J., Lin X., Al-Rasheid K.A.S., Al-Farraj S.A., Warren A., 2011. Morphological redescriptions of four marine ciliates (Ciliophora: Cyrtophorida: Dysteriidae) from Qingdao, China. Eur. J. Protistol. 47: 197-207.
Pan H., Gao F., Li J., Lin X., Al-Farraj S.A., Al-Rasheid K.A.S., 2010. Morphology and phylogeny of two new pleurostomatid ciliates, Epiphyllum shenzhenense n. sp. and Loxophyllum spirellum n. sp. (Protozoa, Ciliophora) from a mangrove wetland, South China. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol.57: 421-428.
Pan H., Huang J., Hu X., Fan X., Al-Rasheid K.A.S., Song W., 2010. Morphology and SSU rRNA gene sequences of Three Marine Ciliates from Yellow Sea, China, Including One New Species, Uronema heteromarinum nov. spec. (Ciliophora, Scuticociliatida). Acta Protozool. 49: 45-59.
Wang Y., Song W., Warren A., Al-Rasheid K.A.S., Al-Quraishy S.A., Al-Farraj S.A., Hu X., Pan H., 2009. Descriptions of two new marine scuticociliates, Pleuronema sinica n. sp. and P. wilberti n. sp. (Ciliophora: Scuticociliatida), from the Yellow Sea, China. Eur. J. Protistol. 45: 29-37.
王丽卿, 郝瑞娟, 李雪琪, 潘宏博*, 2016.六种淡水纤毛虫的形态学研究.水生生物学报, 40: 344-350.
杨丽文, 潘宏博, 李华, 李强, 吴亚楠, 2012.孔雀鱼暗尾丝虫病病原性确认与鉴定. 水生生物学报, 36: 578-582.

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