

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-26

姓名: 包永波 导师类别: 硕导

所在专业: 水产养殖 研究方向: 海洋生物免疫和进化
学院/单位: 浙江万里学院
专业所属学院: 水产与生命学院
专业技术职务: 研究员 行政职务:
性别: 男 E-Mail: bobbao2001@gmail.com
最高学位: 博士

先后主持承担国家自然科学基金、国家863计划子项目、国家重点研发计划子课题,浙江省自然科学基金重点项目等10余项,发表学术论文50余篇,以第一作者或通讯作者在“Scientific Reports”、“Genome Biology Evolution”、“Developmental and Comparative Immunology”和“Fish and Shellfish Immunology”等期刊发表SCI论文26篇,兼任 “Fish and Shellfish Immunology”, “Developmental and Comparative Immunology”, “PloS ONE”等多个SCI刊物的审稿专家,国家自然科学基金等科研项目评审专家,申报和获得发明专利10余项,参与编写专著3本。获得浙江省科技进步二等奖等省市科技奖项3项。


1999/09 - 2003/06,宁波大学,生物科学,学士。
2003/09 - 2006/06,宁波大学,水产养殖,硕士。
2006/09 - 2009/06,中国科学院海洋研究所,海洋生物学,博士。


2009/07 -至今,浙江万里学院,生物与环境学院,讲师、副研究员、研究员。
2010/09 - 2011/04,美国新泽西州立大学,Haskin Shellfish Research Lab,访问****。
2015/02 - 2015/08,英国牛津大学,动物学系,访问****。


主持完成国家863计划子项目、国家自然科学基金青年科学基金、浙江省自然科学基金、浙江省公益技术研究社会发展项目等10余项课题,主持在研国家自然科学基金面上项目1项。主要围绕海洋生物分子免疫学、病害防治、抗菌肽等免疫制剂开发利用和分子设计育种等方面开展基础和应用基础研究,在海洋贝类抗逆和免疫机制研究、泥蚶血红蛋白结构和功能研究领域等方面取得重要进展;以第一或通讯作者在Genome Biology and EvolutionIF=4.098)、Frontiers in PhysiologyIF=4.134)、 Scientific ReportsIF=5.228)、Developmental and Comparative ImmunologyIF=3.62)和Fish and Shellfish ImmunologyIF=3.148)等期刊上发表SCI论文24篇,他引300余次,单篇他引最高58次;获国家授权发明专利1项;参与编写专著3本;以第一完成人获得2010年山东省优秀博士论文、2011和2015年宁波市自然科学论文奖一等奖、2012年浙江省自然科学学术奖三等奖等,2013年度宁波市青年科技奖;以主要完成人获得2016年浙江省科技进步奖二等奖(4/14)、2017年国家海洋科学技术奖二等奖(4/14)、2015年宁波市科学技术奖一等奖(3/13)。


重要海洋埋栖型养殖贝类种质资源开发与应用,浙江省科技进步奖二等奖, 2016,4/14,国家海洋科学技术奖二等奖,2017,4/14




(1) Bao Y, Li L, Zhang G. The manganese superoxide dismutase gene in bay scallop Argopecten irradians: Cloning, 3D modelling and mRNA expression. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 2008, 25(4): 425-432.
(2) Bao Y, Li L, Wu Q, Zhang G. Cloning, characterization and expression analysis of extracellular copper/zinc superoxide dismutase gene from bay scallop Argopecten irradians. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 2009, 27(1): 17-25.
(3) Bao Y, Li L, Xu F, Zhang G. Intracellular copper/zinc superoxide dismutase from bay scallop Argopecten irradians: its gene structure, mRNA expression and recombinant protein. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 2009, 27(2): 210-220.
(4) Bao Y, Li L, Zhang G. Polymorphism of the superoxide dismutase gene family in the bay scallop (Argopecten irradians) and its association with resistance/susceptibility to Vibrio anguillarum. Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 2010, 29(5): 740-746.
(5) Bao Y, Lin Z. Generation, annotation, and analysis of ESTs from hemocyte of the bloody clam, Tegillarca granosa. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 2010, 27(2): 210-220.
(6) Bao Y, Wang Q, Liu H, Lin Z. A small HSP gene of bloody clam (Tegillarca granosa) involved in the immune response against Vibrio parahaemolyticus and lipopolysaccharide. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 2011, 30(2): 729-733.
(7) Bao Y, Wang Q, Lin Z. Hemoglobin of the bloody clam Tegillarca granosa (Tg-HbI) is involved in the immune response against bacterial infection. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 2011, 31(4): 517-523.
(8) Ding J, Li J, Bao Y, Li L, Wu F, Zhang G. Molecular characterization of a mollusk chicken-type lysozyme gene from Haliotis discus hannai Ino, and the antimicrobial activity of its recombinant protein. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 2011, 30(1): 63-72.
(9) Wu Q, Xu F, Bao Y, Li L, Zhang G. Bindin gene from the Kumamoto oyster Crassostrea sikamea, and divergence of the fucose lectin repeats of bindin among three species of Crassostrea. Journal of Shellfish Research, 2011, 30(1): 55-64.
(10)Wang Q, Bao Y(通讯作者), Huo L, Gu H, Lin Z. A novel tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase in blood clam Tegillarca granosa: Molecular cloning, tissue distribution and expression analysis. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 2012, 33(3), 645-651.
(11)Bao Y, Li L, Ye M, Dong Y, Lin Z. Expression of glutamine synthetase in Tegillarca granosa (Bivalvia, Arcidae) hemocytes stimulated by Vibrio parahaemolyticus and lipopolysaccharides. Genetics and Molecular Research, 2013, 12 (2): 1143-1154.
(12)Bao Y, Li P, Dong Y, Lin Z. Polymorphism of the multiple hemoglobins in blood clam Tegillarca granosa and its association with disease resistance to Vibrio parahaemolyticus. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 2013, 34(5): 1320-1324.
(13)Bao Y, Shen H, Zhou H, Dong Y, Lin Z. A tandem-repeat galectin from blood clam Tegillarca granosa and its induced mRNA expression response against bacterial challenge. Genes & Genomics, 2013, 35(6): 733-740.
(14)Bao Y, Wang Q, Guo X, Lin Z. Structure and immune expression analysis of hemoglobin genes from the blood clam Tegillarca granosa. Genetics and Molecular Research. 2013, 12(3): 3110-3123.
(15)Bao Y, Zhang L, Dong Y, Lin Z. Identification and comparative analysis of the Tegillarca granosa haemocytes microRNA transcriptome in response to Cd using a deep sequencing approach. PLoS ONE, 2014, 9(4): e93619.
(16)X Chen, R Zhang, C Li, Y Bao(通讯作者). Mercury exposure modulates antioxidant enzymes in gill tissue and hemocytes of Venerupis philippinarum. Invertebrate Survival Journal, 2014, 11: 298-308.
(17)Zhang P, Li C, Zhang P, Jin C, Pan D, Bao Y. iTRAQ-Based proteomics reveals novel members involved in pathogen challenge in sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus. PLoS One, 2014, 9(6): e100492.
(18)Dong Y, Yao H, Shi S, Bao Y, Lin Z. Development of novel polymorphic microsatellite markers for the blood clam Tegillarca granosa by pyrosequencing . Genetics and Molecular Research, 2015, 14(3): 8977-8987
(19)Dong Y, Shi S, Bao Y, Yao H, Jing Y, Lin Z. Development of 90 EST-SNP markers in blood clam (Tegillarca granosa) using high resolution melting (HRM) . Conservation Genetics Resources, 2015, 7(2):309-314
(20)Dong Y, Yao H, Shi S, Bao Y, Lin Z. Development of novel polymorphic microsatellite markers for the blood clam Tegillarca granosa by pyrosequencing. Genetics and Molecular Research, 2015, 14(3): 8977-8987
(21)Bao Y, Wang J, Li C, Li P, Wang S, Lin Z. A preliminary study on the antibacterial mechanism of Tegillarca granosa hemoglobin by derived peptides and peroxidase activity. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 2016, 51:9-16
(22)Li W, Jiao H, Lin Z, Bao Y(通讯作者). Characterization of novel expressed sequence tag-simple sequence repeat markers and analysis of genetic diversity in four geographic populations of Thais luteostoma. Genetics and Molecular Research, 2016, 15(4): gmr**
(23)Bao Y, Liu X., Zhang W, Cao J, Li W, Li C, Lin Z. Identification of a regulation network in response to cadmium toxicity using blood clam Tegillarca granosa as model. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 35704
(24)Bao Y, Xu F, Shimeld S M. Phylogenetics of lophotrochozoan bHLH genes and the evolution of lineage-specific gene duplicates. Genome Biology Evolution, 2017, 9(4):869-886
(25)Wang S, Yu X, Lin Z, Zhang S, Xue L, Xue Q, Bao Y(通讯作者). Hemoglobins likely function as peroxidase in blood clam Tegillarca granosa hemocytes. Journal of Immunology Research, 2017, 2017:**
(26)Song D, Lin Z, Fu W, Wang S, Li C, Li P, Bao Y(通讯作者). Hemoglobin from the blood clam Tegillarca granosa (Tg-HbIIA, Tg-HbIIB): expression and antibacterial activity of recombinant proteins. Invertebrate Survival Journal, 2017, 14:149-156
(27)Shao Y, Chen H, Lv M, Li C, Zhang W, Li Y, Zhao X, Bao Y(通讯作者). A novel TNFAIP8 gene mediates l-arginine metabolism in Apostichopus japonicus. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 2017, 69: 26-34
(28)Yu, M, Chen J, Bao Y(通讯作者), Li J. Genomic analysis of NF-κB signaling pathway reveals its complexity in Crassostrea gigas. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 2017, 72:510-518
(29)Qian G, Bao Y(通讯作者), Li C, Xie Q, Lu M, Lin Z. Nfu1 Mediated ROS removal caused by Cd stress in Tegillarca granosa. Frontiers in Physiology, 2017, 8:1061
(30)Song D, Lin Z, Yuan Y, Qian G, Li C,Bao Y(通讯作者). DPEP1 balance GSH involve in cadmium stress response in blood Clam Tegillarca granosa. Frontiers in Physiology, 2018, 9:964
(31)Shi Y, Zhao X, Wang Z, Shao Y, Zhang W, Bao Y(通讯作者), Li C. Novel Ca2+-independent C-type lectin involved in immune defense of the razor clam Sinonovacula constricta. Fish & Shellfish Immunology. 2018, 84:502-8
(32)Qian G, Bao Y(通讯作者), Song D, Chen N, Lin Z. SOHLHs might be gametogenesis-specific bHLH transcriptional regulation factors in Crassostrea gigas. Frontiers in Physiology. 2019, 10:594
(33)Gu H, Hu M, Wei S, Kong H, Huang X, Bao Y(通讯作者), Wang Y. Combined effects of toxic Microcystis aeruginosa and hypoxia on the digestive enzyme activities of the triangle sail mussel Hyriopsis cumingii. Aquatic Toxicology. 2019, 212:241-246
(34)Chen N, Li L, Li C, Lin Z, Meng J, Liu S, Song K, Bao Y(通讯作者). bHLH genes polymorphisms and their association with growth traits in the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2019, 1-7.

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