1. 以敦煌石窟为中心的石窟壁画音乐图像调查;
2. 不同时代丝绸之路沿线典型乐器、乐队和舞种考察;
3. 历史记录与当代民间音乐舞蹈考察。
1. 自即日起,“亚欧中心”正式开放2018年秋季学期邀访学者网上申请,截止时间为2018年5月20日。
2. 申请人可以通过“亚欧中心”官方邮箱AEMRC#shcmusic.edu.cn(请用@替换#) 进行申报(含个人简历、已有成果、本次研究计划)。
3. “亚欧中心”学术委员会将于2018年6月中旬审核通过申请人的申请。
4. “亚欧中心”将于7月初将审核结果知会申请人。
5. 本公告的解释权归上海音乐学院亚欧音乐研究中心。
The 1st Session of “Visiting Fellow Program” in the “Asia-Europe Music Research Center” at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music
Investigation and Research into the Music Cultures along the Silk Road
(September 2018 — January 2019)
The Asia-Europe Music Research Center (AEMRC) at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music is a new academic platform established by the conservatory on the basis of synergetic cooperation between academic institutes at home and internationally. The platform focuses on the study of musical cultures in the geographical arenas connecting Asia with Europe, specifically looking at the flows of musical ecologies and civilizations. It examines and compares the histories and current developments of multicultural practices between Asia and Europe, and explores the reinterpretation of traditional music resources in applied and sustainable contexts. The Centre seeks to promote in-depth academic exchange at home and abroad, with emphasis on interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary collaborations, including the promotion of cultural diversity in the digital humanities and the publicity of musical knowledge. It aims at providing a supportive research and teaching environment with a commitment to the larger interests of equality, tolerance, capacity building and the stimulation of artistic creativity, and the exploration of innovative approaches towards redefining fields of cultural study.
The “Visiting Fellow Program” in the AEMRC aims at the promotion of in-depth academic exchange based on the historical accumulation of the outcomes in its disciplinary construction in Shanghai Conservatory of Music as well as its advantages in the collaborative fellowship built with related fields in China and beyond, to explore newly emerging academic foci with interdisciplinary collaborations. This project will open its application to the whole globe which will be carried out extensively in the spring or autumn semester of the conservatory, each session lasting 3—4 months. The AEMRC will provide academic support, research grant, and domestic service, as well as opportunities to exchange and interact with the faculty members, students, or scholars from Shanghai Conservatory of Music and other music colleges and universities, in order to fully experience the scholarly tradition and spirit in an academic unity, to broaden one’s mind, and to concentrate on writings.
The “Visiting Fellow Program” in the AEMRC will launch its 1st Session in 2018, co-hosting with Dunhuang Academy, focusing on the music-cultural exchange and dissemination in “Central China — Hexi Corridor — China’s Western Regions” during the 7th to 14th centuries. Temporally based on Tang, Song, Yuan Dynasties, as well as the Tibetan, Tangut, Mongolian regimes complicatedly connected with contemporaneous central Chinese regimes, spatially centered on the Dunhuang Grottoes linked by the Hexi Corridor covering Inner China to the vicinity of the Western Regions, the contents being investigated will include:
1. Musical iconography in grottoes centered on the Dunhuang Grottoes,
2. Typical musical instruments, ensembles, and dances along the Silk Road in various periods,
3. The relationship of historical documents with traditional musics and dances in contemporary society.
The “Visiting Fellow Program” in the AEMRC will cover scholars from musicology disciplines as well as other humanities and sciences overlapping with musicology who have obtained doctor degree and works for colleges or research institutes, or have obtained professorship in such institutes. The of number of visiting fellows is 4-6.
Application procedure:
1. The online application for the autumn semester of the “Visiting Fellow Program” in the AEMRC is open now until May 20th, 2018.
2. Applicants may log on the official email of AEMRC to provide personal résumé, existing outcomes, and a plan for new research.
3. The academic committee of the AEMRC will examine the applications in the middle of June 2018 and make decision of approval.
4. The AEMRC will inform the applicants of the results by the beginning of July.
5. The Asia-Europe Music Research Center (AEMRC) at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music reserves all rights to interpret this announcement.
上海音乐学院 免费考研网/2018-05-05
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