

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-02-14

grjj:1993<\/span>年起,先后在高能物理研究所、美国NASA\/MSFC\/USRA<\/span>、荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学以及美国伊利诺依大学香槟分校从事高能天文、空间观测和数据分析和相对论天体物理问题的研究工作。博士论文入选2000<\/span>年“全国优秀博士论文”。曾经多次担任美国NASA<\/span>天文卫星观测提案评审, 于2017-2018<\/span>担任天文大科学中心FAST<\/span>杰出****。现为中欧合作eXTP<\/span>卫星、中法合作SVOM<\/span>卫星、以及国际平方公里阵列SKA<\/span><\/span>等今后空间和地面大型天文观测设备相关科学工作组的重要成员<\/span><\/font><\/font>。
<\/font><\/span><\/font><\/font><\/font>课题组主要从事对黑洞和中子星双星以及银河系内外暂现源的空间和地面多波段观测和有关相对论天体物理问题的研究,关注来自黑洞和中子星附近强引力场区域的短时标光变信号和长时标能谱演化等涉及致密天体性质和吸积物理的观测现象,已经发表了几十篇主要贡献的发现性论文,研究工作多次被列为美国NASA<\/span>天文科学卫星的科学亮点,有关黑洞和中子星双星中的准周期振荡现象的研究工作被维基百科词条长期引用。于上海天文台工作期间,曾获得包括国家自然科学基金重点和面上课题、上海市“浦江”人才计划、院空间科学预先研究、科技部973 <\/span>项目子课题等经费支持。至今,带领团队独立获得了五十余项欧美空间天文卫星XMM<\/span>、Swift<\/span>、RXTE<\/span>等卫星观测以及多项地面射电或光学望远镜的机遇观测或者空-<\/span>地协同观测,在黑洞和中子 星X<\/span>射线双星等领域获得了一批原创性的研究成果,如在2018<\/span>年4<\/span>月发现一颗新爆发黑洞暂现双星MAXI <\/span>J1820+070<\/span>中的光学准周期振荡现象,这种准周期振荡现象可能同黑洞附近的广义相对论进动(Lense-Thirring Precession<\/span>)有关。课题组在黑洞和中子星以及高能暂现源的空地观测领域具备突出的国际竞争力。<\/font><\/span><\/p>余文飞网页链接:<\/font><\/span><\/span>http:\/\/\/wenfei\/Homepage.html<\/font><\/a><\/span><\/font><\/font><\/p>
xmen:Wenfei Yu
add:80 Nandan Road, Shanghai 200030,P.R.China
jl_en:  Yu<\/span><\/i><\/b>Wenfei<\/span><\/i><\/b>received his Bachelor’s degree in Physics and Master’s degree in Theoretical Physics in the Department of Physics, Central China University in 1990 and 1993, respectively. In 1998 heobtained his Ph.D in Particle Physics in the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). He had worked in the Division of Particle Astrophysics of IHEP in 1994–2001 and visited the CGRO\/BATSE group in Marshall Space Flight Center in 1996-1998. He also worked in the `Anton Pannekoek’ Institute for Astronomy of the University of Amsterdam and in the Department of Physics of the University of Illinois at Urban-Champaign in 2001-2006 before he joined Shanghai Astronomical Observatory (SHAO) in late 2006 through the CAS One Hundred Talents Program. His current interest is on X-ray timing, spectral and polarization probes of fundamental physics in black hole and neutron star X-ray binaries, and is engaging indeveloping a competitive group at SHAO with space and ground multi-wavelength observations of Galactic and extra-Galactic high energy transients. <\/span><\/i><\/font><\/font><\/font><\/font><\/p>Selected Publications:<\/span><\/b><\/font><\/font><\/font><\/font><\/p>  (1) Yu, W<\/b>., Yang, L., Wu, X.1994. Stability of an Isothermal Magnetized Accretion Disc with Radial Viscous Force. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 270, 131. <\/span><\/font><\/font><\/font><\/font><\/p> (2) Zhang, S. N., Yu, W<\/b>., Zhang, W. 1998. Spectral State Transitions in Aquila X-1: Evidence for ``Propeller\'\' Effects. The Astrophysical Journal 494, L71-L74. <\/span><\/font><\/font><\/font><\/font><\/p>  (3) Yu, W.<\/b>, van der Klis, M., Jonker, P. G. 2001. Dependence of Kilohertz Quasi-periodic Oscillation Properties on the Normal-Branch Oscillation Phase in Scorpius X-1. <\/span>The Astrophysical Journal 559, L29-L32. <\/span><\/font><\/p>  (4) Yu, W.<\/b>, van der Klis, M. <\/span>2002. Kilohertz Quasi-periodic Oscillation Frequency Anticorrelated with Millihertz Quasi-periodic Oscillation Flux in 4U 1608-52. The Astrophysical Journal 567, L67-L70. <\/span><\/font><\/p>  (5) Yu, W.<\/b>, Klein-Wolt, M., Fender, R., van der Klis, M. 2003. Hard X-Ray Flares Preceding Soft X-Ray Outbursts in Aquila X-1: A Link between Neutron Star and Black Hole State Transitions. The Astrophysical Journal 589, L33-L36. <\/span><\/font><\/p>  (6) Yu, W.<\/b>, Lamb, F.K., Fender, R., van der Klis, M. 2007. Peak Luminosities of the Hard States of GX 339-4: Implications for the Accretion Geometry, Disk Mass, and Black Hole Mass. The Astrophysical Journal 663, 1309-1314. <\/span><\/font><\/p>  (7) Yu, W.<\/b>, Dolence, J. 2007. A Hard-to-Soft State Transition during a Luminosity Decline of Aquila X-1. The Astrophysical Journal 667, 1043-1047. <\/span><\/font><\/p>  (8) Yu, W.<\/b>, Yan, Z. 2009. State Transitions in Bright Galactic X-ray Binaries: Luminosities Span by Two Orders of Magnitude. The Astrophysical Journal 701, 1940-1957. <\/span><\/font><\/p>  (9) Wu, Y. X., Yu, W.<\/b>, Li, T.P., Maccarone, T.J., Li, X. D. 2010. Orbital Period and Outburst Luminosity of Transient Low Mass X-ray Binaries. The Astrophysical Journal 718, 620-631. <\/span><\/font><\/p>  (10) Yan, Z., Yu, W<\/b>. 2012. An ultraviolet flux drop preceding the X-ray hard-to-soft state transition during the 2010 outburst of GX 339-4. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 427, L11-L15. <\/span><\/font><\/p>  (11) Yu, W.<\/b>, Zhang, W. 2013 Energy-dependent Power Spectral States and Origin of Aperiodic Variability in Black Hole Binaries.\\ The Astrophysical Journal 770, 135. <\/span><\/font><\/p>
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