电话:65642106 E-mail: lisuming@fudan.ac.cn
1980. 9 — 1884. 7 成都科技大学高分子材料系, 大学本科
1985. 9 — 1986. 7 法国鲁昂大学理学院, 材料科学 硕士
1986. 9 — 1989. 6 法国鲁昂大学理学院, 高分子化学 博士
1990. 1 — 1992. 6 法国国家科研中心, 博士后
1992. 10 — 1996. 9 法国国家科研中心, 二级研究员
1995. 10 — 1996. 9 美国麻省州立大学, 访问学者
1996. 10 — 法国国家科研中心, 一级研究员
2004.7 — 复旦大学特聘教授
获奖及学术兼职 :
担任12种国际学术刊物的评审(Macromolecules, Biomacromolecules, J. Biomater. Sci.: Polym. Edn., J. Polym. Environ., J. Appl. Polym. Sci., Polym. Inter, J. Nanoscience and Nonotechnology, Inter. J. Pharm., Carbohydrate Research., Macromol. Rapid Comm., Langmuir, J. Bioact. Compatible Polym).。
主要研究成果 :
论文60篇 (43篇被SCI收录,30篇被EI收录),41篇被SCI引用 1688 次,
主要研究领域 : 生物医用材料
1. 期刊文章
1) S.M. Li, H. Garreau and M. Vert, "Structure-property relationships in the case of the degradation of massive poly(a-hydroxy acids) in aqueous media. part 1: poly(DL-lactic acid)", J. Mater. Sci.: Mater. Med., 1, 123-130, 1990.
2) S.M. Li, H. Garreau and M. Vert, "Structure-property relationships in the case of the degradation of massive poly(a-hydroxy acids) in aqueous media. part 2: degradation of lactide/glycolide copolymers: PLA37.5GA25 and PLA75GA25", J. Mater. Sci.: Mater. Med., 1, 131-139, 1990.
3) S.M. Li, H. Garreau and M. Vert, "Structure-property relationships in the case of the degradation of massive poly(a-hydroxy acids) in aqueous media. part 3: influence of the morphology of poly(L-lactic acid)", J. Mater. Sci.: Mater. Med., 1, 198-206, 1990.
4) M. Vert, S.M. Li and H. Garreau, "More about the degradation of LA/GA-derived matrices in aqueous media", J. Control. Rel., 16, 15-26, 1991.
5) M. Vert, S.M. Li and H. Garreau, "New insights on the degradation of bioresorbable polymeric devices based on lactic and glycolic acids", Clin. Mater., 10, 3-8, 1992.
6) M. Thérin, P. Christel, S.M. Li, H. Garreau and M. Vert, "In vivo degradation of massive poly(a-hydroxy acids): validation of in vitro findings", Biomaterials, 13, 594-600, 1992.
7) S.M. Li and M. Vert, "Crystalline oligomeric stereocomplex as intermediate compound in racemic poly(DL-lactic acid) degradation", Polym. Inter., 33, 37-41, 1994.
8) S.M. Li and M. Vert, "Morphological changes resulting from the hydrolytic degradation of stereocopolymers derived from L- and DL-lactides", Macromolecules, 27, 3107-3110, 1994.
9) A. Lafont, S.M. Li, F. Cornhill, C. Guerot and M. Vert, "Evaluation of long-term bioresorbability of endoartially placed polylactic acid polymer in the New Zealand white rabbit", Circulation, 90 : I-156, 1994.
10) M. Vert, J. Mauduit and S.M. Li, "Biodegradation of PLA/GA polymers: increasing complexity", Biomaterials, 15, 1209-1213, 1994.
11) I. Grizzi, H. Garreau, S.M. Li and M. Vert, "Biodegradation of devices based on poly(DL-lactic acid): size-dependence", Biomaterials, 16, 305-311, 1995.
12) M. Vert, S.M. Li and H. Garreau, "Recent advances in the field of lactic acid/glycolic acid polymer-based therapeutic systems", Macromol. Symp., 98, 633-642, 1995.
13) I. Rashkov, N. Manolova, S.M. Li, J.L. Espartero and M. Vert, "Synthesis, charactarization and hydrolytic degradation of PLA/PEO/PLA triblock copolymers with short poly(L-lactic acid) chains", Macromolecules, 29, 50-56, 1996.
14) S.M. Li, I. Rashkov, J.L. Espartero, N. Manolova and M. Vert, "Synthesis, charactarization and hydrolytic degradation of PLA/PEO/PLA triblock copolymers with long poly(L-lactic acid) blocks", Macromolecules, 29, 57-62, 1996.
15) J.L. Espartero, I. Rashkov, S.M. Li, N. Manolova and M. Vert, "NMR analysis of low molecular weight poly(lactic acid)s", Macromolecules, 29, 3535-3539, 1996.
16) S.M. Li and M. Vert, "Hydrolytic degradation of coral/poly(DL-lactic acid) bioresorbable material", J. Biomat. Sci.: Polym. Edn., 7, 817-827, 1996.
17) S.M. Li, S. Girod-Holland and M. Vert, "Hydrolytic degradation of poly(DL-lactic acid) in the presence of caffeine base", J. Control. Rel., 40, 41-53, 1996.
18) S.M. Li, J.L. Espartero, P. Foch and M. Vert, "Structural characterization and hydrolytic degradation of a Zn metal initiated copolymer of L-lactide and e-caprolactone", J. Biomater. Sci.: Polym. Ed., 8, 165-187. 1996
19) A. Torres, S. Roussos, S.Li and M. Vert, "Screening of microorganisms for biodegradation of poly(lactic acid) and lactic acid-containing polymers", Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 62, 2393-2397, 1996.
20) A. Torres, S.M. Li, S. Roussos and M. Vert, "Degradation of L- and DL-lactic acid oligomers in the presence of Fusarium moniliforme and Pseudomonas putida", J. Environ. Polym. Degr., 4, 213-223, 1996.
21) A. Torres, S.M. Li, S. Roussos and M. Vert, "Poly(lactic acid) degradation in soil or under controlled conditions", J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 62, 2295-2302, 1996.
22) S.M. Li, R. Gross and S.P. McCarthy, "Hydrolytic degradation of poly(DL-lactic acid): Further investigations", Polym. Prepr., 37, 133-134, 1996.
23) K. Vallee-Rehel, V. Langlois, A. Le Borgne, S.M. Li and P. Guerin, "Bioactive molecules release controlled by grafted lactic acid oligomers hydrolysis", Polym. Mater. Sci. Eng., 76, 521-522, 1996.
24) M. Vert, S.M. Li, H. Garreau, J. Mauduit, M. Boustta, G. Schwach, R. Engel and J. Coudane, "Complexity of the hydrolytic degradation of aliphatic polyesters", Ange. Makromol. Chem., 247, 239-253, 1997.
25) S.M. Li, "Des progrès dans la compréhension de la dégradation hydrolytique des polyesters aliphatiques d"intérêt thérapeutique", Lett. Sci. Chim. (CNRS), 62, 5-7, 1997.
26) T. Petrova, N. Manolova, I. Rashkov, S.M. Li and M. Vert, "Synthesis and characterization of poly(oxyethylene)/poly(e-caprolactone) multiblock copolymers", Polym. Inter., 45, 419-426, 1998.
27) S.M. Li, H. Garreau, M. Vert, T. Petrova, N. Manolova and I. Rashkov, "Hydrolytic degradation of poly(oxyethylene)/poly(e-caprolactone) multiblock copolymers", J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 68, 989-998, 1998.
28) S.M. Li, S. Anjard, I. Rashkov and M. Vert, "Hydrolytic degradation of PLA/PEO/PLA triblock copolymers prepared in the presence of Zn metal or CaH2", Polymer, 39, 5421-5430, 1998.
29) S.M. Li and S.P. McCarthy, "Further investigations on the hydrolytic degradation of poly(DL-lactide)", Biomaterials, 20, 35-44, 1999.
30) A. Torres, S.M. Li, S. Roussos and M. Vert, "Microbial degradation of a poly(lactic acid) as a model of synthetic polymer degradation mechanisms in outdoor conditions", ACS Symposium Series, 723, 218-227, 1999.
31) S.M. Li and S.P. McCarthy, "Influence of crystallinity and stereochemistry on the enzymatic degradation of poly(lactide)s", Macromolecules, 32, 4454-4456, 1999.
32) S.M. Li, M. Tenon, H. Garreau, C. Braud and M. Vert, "Enzymatic degradation of stereocopolymers derived from L-, DL- and meso-lactides", Polymer Degradation and Stability, 67, 85-90, 2000.
33) S.M. Li and S.P. McCarthy, "Hydrolytic degradation of PCL/PEO copolymers in alkaline media", J. Mater. Sci.: Mater. Med., 11, 227-233, 2000.
34) L.J. Liu, S.M. Li, H. Garreau and M. Vert, "Selective enzymatic degradations of poly(L-lactide) and poly(e-caprolactone) blend films", Biomacromolecules, 1, 350-359, 2000.
35) S.M. Li, A. Girard, H. Garreau and M. Vert, "Enzymatic degradation of PLA stereocopolymers with predominant D-lactyl contents", Polym. Degr. Stabl., 71, 61-67, 2001.
36) I. Molina, S.M. Li, M. Bueno Martinez and M. Vert, "Protein release from physically crosslinked hydrogels of the PLA/PEO/PLA triblock copolymer-type", Biomaterials, 22, 363-369, 2001.
37) S.M. Li, I. Molina, M. Bueno Martinez and M. Vert, "Hydrolytic and enzymatic degradations of physically crosslinked hydrogels prepared from PLA/PEO/PLA triblock copolymers", J. Mater. Sci.: Mater. Med., 13, 81-86, 2002.
38) W.J. Luo, S.M. Li, J.Z. Bei, S.G. Wang, "Dependence of morphology on composition of poly(L-lactide)/poly(ethylene glycol) multiblock copolymers", Polym. Adv. Technol., 13, 233-238, 2002.
39) W.J. Luo, S.M. Li, J.Z. Bei, S.G. Wang, "Synthesis and characterization of poly(L-lactide)-poly(ethylene glycol) multiblock copolymers ", J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 84, 1729-1736, 2002.
40) W.J. Luo, S.M. Li, J.Z. Bei, S.G. Wang, "Poly(L-lactide)/poly(ethylene glycol) multiblock copolymers : synthesis and properties", Chinese Chemical Letters, 13, 33-36, 2002.
41) S.M. Li, H. Garreau, B. Pauvert, J. McGrath, A. Toniolo, M. Vert, "Enzymatic degradation of block copolymers prepared from e-caprolactone and poly(ehtylene glycol)", Biomacromolecules, 3, 525-530, 2002.
42) S.M. Li, L.J. Liu, H. Garreau, M. Vert, “ Lipase-catalysed biodegradation of poly(?-caprolactone) blended with various polylactide-based polymers”, Biomacromolecules, 4, 373-377, 2003.
43) F. He, S.M. Li, M. Vert, R.X. Zhuo, "Enzyme-catalysed polymerization and degradation of block copolymers prepared from e-caprolactone and poly(ethylene glycol)", Polymer, 44, 5145-5151, 2003.
44) S.M. Li, "Bioresorbable and thermosensitive hydrogels prepared through stereocomplexation between poly(L-lactide) and poly(D-lactide) blocks attached to poly(ethylene glycol)", Macromol. Biosci., 3, 657-661, 2003.
45) M.-H. Huang, S.M. Li, J. Coudane, M. Vert, "Synthesis and Characterization of Block Copolymers of e-Caprolactone and DL-Lactide Initiated by Ethylene Glycol or Poly(ethylene glycol)", Macromol. Chem. Phys., 204, 1994-2001, 2003.
46) S.M. Li, M. Vert, "Synthesis, characterization and stereocomplex-induced gelation of block copolymers prepared by ring opening polymerization of L(D)-lactide in the presence of poly(ethylene glycol)", Macromolecules, 36, 8008-8014, 2003.
47) M.-H. Huang, S.M. Li, D. W. Hutmacher, J.-T. Schantz, C. A. Vacanti, C. Braud, M. Vert, "Degradation and cell culture studies on block copolymers prepared by ring opening polymerization of e-caprolactone in the presence of poly(ethylene glycol), J. Biomed. Mater. Res., 69A, 417-427, 2004.
48) F. He, S.M. Li, H. garreau, M. Vert, R.X. Zhuo, "Enzyme-catalysed polymerization and degradation of copolyesters of e-caprolactone and g-butyrolactone", Biomacromolecules, submitted.
49) S.M. Li, M. Pignol, F. Gasc, M. Vert, "Synthesis, characterization and enzymatic degradation of copolymers prepared from e-caprolactone and b-butyrolactone", Macromolecules, submitted.
50) M.-H. Huang, S.M. Li, M. Vert, "Hydrolytic degradation of a triblock copolymers prepared by successive polymerization of e-Caprolactone and DL-lactide", Polymer, submitted.
51) P. Dobrzynski, S.M. Li, J. Kasperczyk, M. Bero, F. Gasc, M. Vert, "Structure property relationships of copolymers obtained by ring-opening polymerization of glycolide ande-caprolactone. Part 1. Synthesis and characterization", Biomacromolecules, submitted.
52) S.M. Li, P. Dobrzynski, J. Kasperczyk, M. Bero, M. Vert, "Structure property relationships of copolymers obtained by ring-opening polymerization of glycolide and e-caprolactone. Part 2. Influence of composition adn chain microstructure on the hydrolytic degradation", Biomacromolecules, submitted.
2. 期刊综述文章
1) M. Vert, S.M. Li, G. Spenleauer and Ph. Guerin, "Bioresorbility and biocompatibility of aliphatic polyesters", J. Mater. Sci.: Mater. Med., 3, 432-446, 1992.
2) M. Vert, S.M. Li and H. Garreau, "Attempts to map the structure and degradation characteristics of aliphatic polyesters derived from lactic and glycolic acids", J. Biomat. Sci.: Polym. Edn., 6, 639-649, 1994.
3) S.M. Li, "Hydrolytic degradation characteristics of aliphatic polyesters derived from lactic and glycolic acids", J. Biomed. Mater. Res.: Appl. Biomat., 1999, 48, 342-353.
3. 专著章节
1) S.M. Li and M. Vert, "Biodegradation of aliphatic polyesters", in Degradable Polymers: Principles and Applications, G. Scott and D. Gilead eds., Chapman and Hall, London, 1995, pp. 43-87.
2) S.M. Li and M. Vert, "Biodegradable polymers : polyesters ", in The Encyclopedia of Controlled Drug Delivery, E. Mathiowitz ed., John Wiley & Sons, 1999, pp. 71-93.
3) S.M. Li and M. Vert, "Biodegradation of aliphatic polyesters", dans Degradable Polymers: Principles and Applications, 2ème édition, G. Scott, ed., Dordrecht (NL): Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002, pp 77-131.
4) S.M. Li, "Degradation characteristics of synthetic polymers", in Scaffolding in Tissue Engineering, P.X. Ma and J. Eliseeff eds., Marcel Dekker, INC, New York, in press.
4. 专著文章
1) M. Vert, S.M. Li and H. Garreau, "In vitro evaluation of tailor-made bioresorbable polymers and applications in bone surgery", in "The 3rd Japanese-French Biomedical Technologies Symposium", Y. Sakurai, P. Rapischong and T. Kawamura eds., 1989, pp. 76-81.
2) M. Vert, S.M. Li and H. Garreau, "Recent advances in the understanding of PLA/PGA polymer bioresorption”, in “Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Biomaterials”, Chester, UK, 1991, pp. 137-138.
3) S.M. Li, H. Garreau, M. Vert, M. Thérin and P. Christel, "In vivo degradation mechanism of massive aliphatic polyesters derived from lactic and glycolic acids", in "Biodegradable Polymers and Plastics", M. Vert, J. Feijen, A. Albertsson, G. Scott and E. Chiellini eds., Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, 1992, pp. 262-266.
4) M. Vert, A. Torres, S.M. Li, S. Roussos and H. Garreau, "The complexity of the biodegradation of poly(2-hydroxy acid)-type aliphatic polyesters", in "Biodegradable Plastics and Polymers", Y. Doi and K. Fukuda eds., Elsevier, The Netherlands, 1994, pp. 11-23.
5. 专利
1) P. Christel, S.M. Li, M. Vert and J.-L. Patat, "Materials for bony prothesis containing calcium carbonate particles dispersed in a bioresorbable polymer matrix", European Patent n°93400862, 1993.
2) M. Vert, S.M. Li, I. Rashkov and J.L. Espartero, "New hydrogels based on triblock copolymers and their application for sustained release of drugs", French Patent n° 95 14144, 1995 (European patent granted on October 30, 2000, WO 97/1997).
3) A. Lafont, M. Vert, S.M. Li, H. Garreau and F. Cornhill, "Stent having a programmed pattern of in vivo degradation ", US Patent n°5,957,975, 1999.
6. 会议报告
1) S.M. Li, H. Garreau and M. Vert, "In vitro degradation of poly(a -hydroxy acids): PLA50, PLA100 and PLA37.5GA25", Ouest-Interlab 87, Nantes, France, June 1987.
2) S.M. Li, H. Garreau and M. Vert, "In vitro degradation of poly(a -hydroxy acids)", JEPO 15, Forges-Les-Eaux, France, September 1987.
3) S.M. Li, H. Garreau and M. Vert, "Bioresorbable polyesters of the glycolic/lactic type: in vitro investigations of the mechanism of degradation", Kunming International Symposium on Polymeric Biomaterials, Kunming, China, May 1988.
4) S.M. Li, H. Garreau and M. Vert, " In vitro degradation of poly(a-hydroxy acids): PLA100 and PLA75GA25", Ouest-Interlab 88, Le Mans, France, June 1988.
5) S.M. Li, H. Garreau and M. Vert, "In vitro degradation of poly(L-lactic acid)", Ouest-Interlab 89, Rouen, France, June 1989.
6) S.M. Li, H. Garreau and M. Vert, "Relationship between morphology and hydrolytic degradation of aliphatic polyesters derived from lactic and glycolic acids", JEPO XVIII, Eveux-L"Arbresle, France, September 1990.
7) S.M. Li, H. Garreau and M. Vert, "In vivo degradation of massive aliphatic polyesters derived from lactic and glycolic acids", Guilin International Symposium on Biomaterials and Fine Polymers, Guilin, China, October 1991.
8) S.M. Li, H. Garreau, M. Vert, M. Thérin and P. Christel, "In vivo degradation mechanism of massive aliphatic polyesters derived from lactic and glycolic acids", 2nd International Scientific Symposium on Biodegradable Polymers and Plastics, Montpellier, France, November 1991.
9) M. Vert, G. Schwach, R. Engel, H. Garreau and S.M. Li, "Present and future of PLA polymers", International Workshop on Controlled Life-Cycle of Polymeric Materials, Biodegradable Polymers and Recycling, Stockholm, Sweden, April 1994.
10) S.M. Li and M. Vert, "In vitro degradation of coral/poly(DL-lactide) bioresorbable material", 1st European Workshop Surgery-Engineering: Synergy in Biomaterials Applications, Montpellier, France, May 1994.
11) I. Grizzi, H. Garreau, S.M. Li and M. Vert, "Problems of size dependence of biodegradation of poly(DL-lactic acid) devices", 1st European Workshop Surgery-Engineering: Synergy in Biomaterials Applications, Montpellier, France, May 1994.
12) S.M. Li and M. Vert, "Morphological changes of aliphatic polyesters during degradation and possible effect on organisms", Congres of the French Chemical Society, Lyon, France, September 1994.
13) A. Torres, S. Roussos, M. Vert and S.M. Li, "Microbiological degradation of poly(lactic acid) oligomers", Congres of the French Chemical Society, Lyon, France, September 1994.
14) S.M. Li and M. Vert, "Morphological changes resulting from the hydrolytic degradation of polymers derived from lactides and glycolide", Wuhan International Symposium on Biomaterials and Fine Polymers, Wuhan, China, October 1994.
15) L. Dupoirieux, S.M. Li, M. Penneau and M. Vert, "An in vitro and in vivo study on a new composite poly(DL-lactide) egg-shell powder implant", 12th International Conference on Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Budapest, Hungery, July 1995.
16) G. Kister, G. Cassanas, S.M. Li and M. Vert, "Raman spectroscopy of biomedical polymers from chiral lactides", 6th European Conference on the Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules, Villeneuve d"Asq, France, September 1995.
17) J.L. Espartero, S.M. Li, I. Rashkov, N. Manolova and M. Vert, "Insights into 1H NMR analysis in the PLA family", 4th International Workshop on Biodegradable Polymers and Plastics, Durham, USA, October 1995.
18) S.M. Li, P. Foch, J.L. Espartero and M. Vert, "More information from 1H NMR analysis of lactic acid-containing degradable polymers", 4th International Workshop on Biodegradable Polymers and Plastics, Durham, USA, October 1995.
19) A. Torres, S.M. Li, S. Roussos and M. Vert, "Fate of lactic acid polymers in the presence of selected microorganisms", 4th International Workshop on Biodegradable Polymers and Plastics, Durham, USA, October 1995.
20) S.M. Li, H. Garreau, M. Vert, T. Petrova, N. Manolova and I. Rashkov, "Hydrolytic degradation of poly(oxyethylene)/poly(e-caprolactone) multiblock copolymers", The Third Far-Eastern Symposium on Biomedical Materials, Chengdu, China, July 1997.
21) S.M. Li, S. Anjard, I. Rashkov and M. Vert, "Hydrolytic degradation of PLA/PEO/PLA triblock copolymers obtained in the presence of Zn metal or CaH2", 6th Annual Meeting of the Bio/Environmentally Degradable Polymer Society, San Diego, USA, September 1997.
22) S.M. Li, A. Deschamps and M. Vert, "Novel bioresorbable hydrogels derived from PLA/PEO/PLA triblock copolymers ", The 26th International Symposium on Controlled Release of Bioactive Materials, Boston, USA, June 1999.
23) S.M. Li, "Degradable and biodegradable polymers with therapeutic and environmental interests", 1st National Meeting of Young Polymer Scientists, Poitiers, France, March 2000.
24) I. Molina, M. Bueno Martinez, S.M. Li, J. A. Galbis Perez, "Preparation of a biodegradable copolymer from D-glucose and L-lactide", 5th Symposium on Carbohydrates of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry, Badajoz, Spain, June 2000.
25) L.J. Liu, S.M. Li, H. Garreau and M. Vert, "Morphological changes of poly(L-lactide)/poly(e-caprolactone) films during enzymatic degradation", World Polymer Congress (38th Macromolecular IUPAC Symposium), Warsaw, Poland, July 2000.
26) W.J. Luo, J.Z. Bei, S.M. Li and S.G. Wang, "Synthesis and characterization of poly(L-lactide)–poly(ethylene glycol) multiblock copolymers", 10th International Symposium on Fine Chemistry and Functional Polymers, Jinan, China, September 2000.
27) S.M. Li, L.J. Liu, H. Garreau and M. Vert, "Selective enzymatic degradation of poly(L-lactide), poly(e-caprolactone) and their blends", JEPO XXVIII, Mèze, France, October 2000.
28) C. Braud, J. Selambarom, M. Tenon, S.M. Li, L.J. Liu and M. Vert, "Ultimate stages of the degradation of aliphatic polyesters analysed by HPCE", 30th Annual Meeting of GFP, Paris, France, November 2000.
29) S.M. Li, I. Molina, M. Bueno Martinez and M. Vert, "Protein release from physically crosslinked hydrogels of the PLA/PEO/PLA triblock copolymer-type", GTRV 2000 (Groupe Thematique de Recherches sur les Vecteurs), Paris, France, December 2000.
30) S.M. Li, I. Molina, M. Bueno Martinez and M. Vert, "Biodegradable hydrogels prepared from PLA/PEO/PLA triblock copolymers ", 2001 GRC Conference on Biodegradable Polymers, Oxford, UK, July 2001.
31) H. Garreau, L.J. Liu, S.M. Li and M. Vert, "Environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) for monitoring the degradation of biodegradable polymers", 2001 GRC Conference on Biodegradable Polymers, Oxford, UK, July 2001.
32) S.M. Li, "Hydrolytic and enzymatic degradations of aliphatic polyesters", Polymers in the Third Millenium, Montpellier, France, September 2001.
33) S.M. Li and M. Vert, "Novel bioresorbable hydrogels for applications in controlled drug delivery", GTRV 2002 (Groupe Thematique de Recherches sur les Vecteurs), Paris, France, December 2002.
7. 邀请报告
1) "Bioresorbable polyesters for bone surgery", French Observatory for Advanced Techniques, Paris, France, February 1994.
2) "Biodegradation characteristics of aliphatic polyesters", Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, October 1994.
3) "Hydrolytic degradation characteristics of aliphatic polyesters derived from lactic et glycolic acids", Polymer Biodegradation Research Center, University of Massachusetts, Lowell, USA, November 1995.
4) "Biodegradation of aliphatic polyesters with therapeutic interests", University of Paris XII, CNRS Thiais, France, May 1997.
5) "Hydrolytic degradation of aliphatic polyesters derived from lactic and glycolic acids", Department of Chemistry, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China, September 1998.
6) "Synthesis and biodegradation characteristics of aliphatic polyesters", Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, September 1998.
7) "Synthesis, characterization and degradation mechanism of aliphatic polyesters", Institute of Polymer Science, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China, September 1999.
8) "Polyester-polyether block copolymers for biomedical applications", Institute of Polymer Science, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China, September 1999.
9) "Bioresorbable poly(a-hydroxy acids) in the field of temporary therapeutic applications", Department of Polymer Science, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, China, September 1999.
10) "Structure-property relationships in the case of polyester-polyether block copolymers ", Department of Chemistry, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China, September 1999.
11) "Bioresorbable polyester-polyether block copolymers as matrices for controlled drug delivery", Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, September 1999.
12) "Biodegradation characteristics of aliphatic polyesters derived from lactic et glycolic acids", in "1999 Global Chinese Symposium on Biomaterials and Controlled Release", Taipei, Taiwan, October 1999.
13) "Synthesis, structure, property and degradation mechanism of biodegradable aliphatic polyesters", in "1999 Global Chinese Workshop on Biomaterials and Controlled Release", Taipei, Taiwan, October 1999.
14) "Hydrolytic and enzymatic degradation characteristics of biodegradable aliphatic polyesters", in "International Conference on Biopolymers : Advances in Medical and Materials Science Applications", Cambridge, USA, October 2001.
15 "Biodegradation characteristics of aliphatic polyesters", Division of Bioengineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore, January 2002.
16) "Enzymatic degradation characteristics of aliphatic polyesters", Department of Chemistry, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China, April 2002.
17) "Biodegradation characteristics of aliphatic polyesters for biomedical applications", Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, April 2002.
18) "Biodegradation characteristics of aliphatic polyesters for temporary therapeutic applications", Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, Beijing University, Beijing, China, April 2002.
19) "Enzymatic degradation characteristics of aliphatic polyesters for biomedical applications", Department of Polymer Science, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, China, April 2002.
20) "Biodegradable polymers for biomedical applications", Department of Material Science, Fudan University, Shanghai, China, December 2002.
21) "Hydrolytic and enzymatic degradation characteristics of biodegradable aliphatic polyesters", Indo-French Workshop on Biodegradable Polymers, Chennai/Pune, India, Februaray 2003.
22) "Bioresorbable and thermosensitive hydrogels prepared from PLA/PEG block copolymers for biomedical applications", Department of Chemistry, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China, September 2003.
23) "Novel bioresorbable hydrogels derived from PLA/PEG block copolymers", Department of Biomedical Polymers, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China, October 2003.
24) "Biodegradation of aliphatic polyesters for biomedical applications", Centre of Polymer Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Zabrze, Poland, October 2003.
25) "Biodegradation characteristics of aliphatic polyesters for temporary therapeutic applications", Department of Biomaterials, AGH-University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland, October 2003.
26) "Novel bioresorbable and thermosensitive hydrogels prepared from aqueous solutions of PLA/PEG block copolymers for applications in drug delivery and tissue engineering", International Conference on Materials and Advanced Technologies, Singapore, December 2003.
27) "Novel biodegradable and thermosensitive hydrogel obtained by stereocomplexation of polylactide/poly(ethylene glycol) block copolymers", 5th International Conference on Polymer-Solvent Complexes and Intercalates, Lorient, France, July 2004.
28) "Hydrolytic and enzymatic degradation characteristics of biodegradable aliphatic polyesters", 2nd Worldwide Chinese High Tech Chemistry Conference, Chengdu, China, August 2004.
29) "Enzymatic degradation characteristics of aliphatic polyesters", Department of Biomedical Polymers, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China, August 2004.
研究生院 免费考研网/2006-09-27
姓名 李越生 性别 男 出生年份 1955 年 职称 教授 联系电话 55664577 Email ysli@fudan.edu.cn 简历(教育背景) ...复旦大学通知公告 研究生院 免费考研网 2006-09-27复旦大学材料科学系老师介绍
电话 021—65643265 传真 021—65103056 电子邮件 bxshao@fudan.edu.cn 复旦大学材料科学系教授,博士生导师,电子材料 ...复旦大学通知公告 研究生院 免费考研网 2006-09-27复旦大学材料科学系孙大林老师介绍
孙大林 复旦大学材料科学系教授、博导电话:65642873 E-mail: dlsun@fudan.edu.cn 1992年至1994年于浙江大学材料科学与工程 ...复旦大学通知公告 研究生院 免费考研网 2006-09-27复旦大学材料科学系武利民老师介绍
姓名 武利民 性别 男 出生年份 1963 年 2 月 职称 教授、博导 联系电话 65643795 Email lxw@fudan.ac.cn 简 ...复旦大学通知公告 研究生院 免费考研网 2006-09-27复旦大学材料科学系翁渝民老师介绍
姓名 翁渝民 性别 男 出生年份 1943 职称 教授 联系电话 65643266 Email ymweng@fudan.edu.cn 简历(教育背景) 19 ...复旦大学通知公告 研究生院 免费考研网 2006-09-27复旦大学材料科学系王家辑老师介绍
复旦大学材料科学系教授电话: 021—6564368665642382 传真: 021—65103056 电子邮件: jjwang@srcap.stc.sh.cn 汉族 ...复旦大学通知公告 研究生院 免费考研网 2006-09-27复旦大学材料科学系吴晓京老师介绍
吴晓京 教授 博士生导师 1981年初毕业于北京师范大学物理系,获学士学位;1983年就读于中国科学院物理研究所,于1986、1989 ...复旦大学通知公告 研究生院 免费考研网 2006-09-27复旦大学材料科学系叶明新老师介绍
叶明新电话: 55664095传真:021-65642622电子邮件: mxye@fudan.ac.cn 简介:1964年4月出生于浙江瑞安。毕业于复旦大学,获有 ...复旦大学通知公告 研究生院 免费考研网 2006-09-27复旦大学材料科学系俞燕蕾老师介绍
姓名 俞燕蕾 性别 女 出生年份 1971 年 职称 教授 博导 联系电话 021-55664576 Email ylyu@fudan.edu.cn ...复旦大学通知公告 研究生院 免费考研网 2006-09-27