

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-09


研究方向主要有大气环境化学、大气化学、生物质能源与利用等。承担国家重点研发计划 “大气污染成因与控制技术研究”重点专项项目,国家自然科学基金重大仪器(自由申请)、重大项目课题、重点项目与面上项目,国家教育部重点项目,上海市科委重大项目与重大项目等20余项。在大气多相反应机理、大气污染形成机制等方面具有一定基础,主持自行研制了多功能大气气溶胶烟雾箱、TDMA、Laser-CRDS,结合FTIR-White Cell、DRIFTS、宽范围颗粒物谱仪(WPS)、Nephelometer、ATOFMS、GC-MS、DESI-MSn等先进设备,开展大气污染物综合观测及大气多相反应模拟研究室。

1993年 — 1997年,化学系讲师、系副主任、副教授,复旦大学
1996年 ­— 1997年,访问副教授,美国匹兹堡大学工学院
1998年 ­— 2004年,环境科学与工程系系副主任、教授,复旦大学
2004年 — 2009年,环境科学与工程系系主任,复旦大学
2012年 — 至今,环境科学与工程系 ****,复旦大学
2012年11月-12月 法国科学研究中心燃烧、空气动力与环境研究所 访问研究员
2014年1月-2月 法国科学研究中心燃烧、空气动力与环境研究所 访问研究员
2016年 ­— 至今,大气科学研究院 常务副院长,复旦大学
2016年7月 — 2018年6月,国家重点研发计划大气重点专项项目,细颗粒物爆发增长机制与调控原理(SQ2016ZY**),中国(主持)
2016年2月 — 2019年1月,欧盟地平线项目课题,Marie Sk?odowska-Curie Actions,MARine atmospheric Science Unravelled: Analytical and mass spectrometric techniques development and application (H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015),欧盟(主持)
2016年1月 — 2020年12月,国家自然科学基金重大仪器(自由申请)项目,大气颗粒物关键化学组分与生物毒性在线分析联用系统研制(No. **),中国(主持)
2014年6月 — 2017年6月,美国唐仲英基金会项目,科学支撑立法控制大气PM2.5研究(No. CTF-FD**),中国(主持)
2013年10月 — 2015年9月,上海市优秀学科带头人计划,大气气溶胶形成机制与环境影响(No. 13XD**),中国(主持)
2012年10月 — 2015年9月,上海市科委重大项目,上海大气PM2.5污染形成及其对肺部疾病影响的机理机制研究(No. 12DJ**),中国(主持)
2012年1月 —2016年12月,国家自然科学基金重大项目课题三,大气颗粒物界面过程与二次物种的形成(No. **),中国,(主持)
2012年1月 — 2014年12月,教育部博士点基金优先发展领域项目,含黑炭混合气溶胶的形成机理及其对大气能见度的影响研究(No.003),中国(主持)
2012年1月 — 2016年1月,欧盟第七框架协议(FP7)项目课题,Marie Sk?odowska-Curie Actions,Fate and Impact of Atmospheric Pollutants (AMIS, n°069720),欧盟(主持)
2011年1月 — 2013年12月,国家自然科学基金面上项目,新生成黑炭演化为多组分大气细颗粒物的形成机制研究(No. **),中国(主持)
2010年5月 — 2012年5月,上海市科委重点项目,大气气溶胶及其区域气候效应(No.10JC**),中国(主持)
2010年9月 — 2012年9月,上海市科委重点项目,上海大气灰霾污染形成机制及光学特性变化特征研究(No.),中国(主持)
2009年10月 — 2011年9月,上海市科委国际合作项目,崇明生态岛大气污染特征与演化(No. ),中国(主持)
2009年1月 — 2011年12月,国家自然科学基金面上项目,天然气燃烧形成气溶胶的反应活性及光辐射效应研究(No. **),中国(主持)
2007年9月 — 2009年12月,教育部科学技术研究重点项目,生物质燃烧气溶胶吸湿性和光学性质变化研究(108050),中国(主持)
2006年1月 — 2009年12月,国家自然科学基金重点项目,大气气溶胶多相反应对区域酸沉降的影响研究(No. **),中国,(主持)
2004年1月 — 2006年12月,国家自然科学基金面上项目,大气颗粒物与含硫化合物复相反应的研究(No.**),中国,(主持)
环境化学A,(本科生 ),复旦大学
环境科学前沿,(本科生 ),复旦大学
第七届国际大地测量与地球物理学联合会(I IUGG),中国委员会委员
《Science of The Total Environment》,副主编
《Aerosol and Air Quality Research》,编委
《Advances of Environmental Research》,编委
《Journal of Environment Science》,编委
1,Chen, H., Hu, D., *Wang, L., Mellouki, A. and*Chen, J. Modification in light absorption cross section of laboratory-generated black carbon-brown carbon particles upon surface reaction and hydration. Atmos. Environ., 116: 253-261, 2015.
2,Duo, B., Zhang, Y., Kong, L., *Fu, H., Hu, Y.,*Chen, J., Li, L. and Qiong, A. Individual particle analysis of aerosols collected at Lhasa City in the Tibetan Plateau. J. Environ. Sci., 29: 165-177, 2015.
3,Chen, H., Ren, Y., Cazaunau, M., Dalele, V., Hu, Y., Chen, J.and *Mellouki, A. Rate coefficients for the reaction of ozone with 2-and 3-carene. Chem. Phys. Lett., 621: 71-77, 2015.
4,Chen, Y., Kasama, T., Huang, Z., Hu, P., Chen, J., Liu, X. and *Tang, X. Highly Dense Isolated Metal Atom Catalytic Sites: Dynamic Formation and In Situ Observations. Chem-Eur. J., 21, (48): 17397-17402, 2015.
5,.*Cheng, T., Xu, C., Duan, J., Wang, Y., Leng, C., Tao, J., Che, H., He, Q., Wu, Y., Zhang, R., Li, X.,Chen, J., Kong, L. and Yu, X. Seasonal variation and difference of aerosol optical properties in columnar and surface atmospheres over Shanghai. Atmos. Environ., 123, (SIB): 315-326, 2015.
6,Fu, H., Ciuraru, R., Dupart, Y., Passananti, M., Tinel, L., Rossignol, S., Perrier, S., *Donaldson, D. J., *Chen, J.and *George, C. Photosensitized Production of Atmospherically Reactive Organic Compounds at the Air/Aqueous Interface. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 137, (26): 8348-8351, 2015.
7.Hu, Y., Lin, J., Zhang, S., Kong, L., *Fu, H. and Chen, J.Identification of the typical metal particles among haze, fog, and clear episodes in the Beijing atmosphere. Sci. TotalEnviron.,511:369-380,2015.
8.Huang, Z., Li, H., Gao, J., Gu, X., Zheng, L., Hu, P., Xin, Y., Chen, J., Chen, Y., Zhang, Z., Chen, J. and *Tang, X. Alkali- and Sulfur-Resistant Tungsten-Based Catalysts for NOx Emissions Control. Environ. Sci. Technol., 49, (24): 14460-14465, 2015.
9.Li, C., Ma, Z., *Chen, J., Wang, X., Ye, X., Wang, L., Yang, X., Kan, H., *Donaldson, D. J. and Mellouki, A. Evolution of biomass burning smoke particles in the dark. Atmos. Environ.,120:244-252,2015.
10.Li, T., Wang, Y., *Li, W. J., Chen, J. M., Wang, T. and Wang, W. X. Concentrations and solubility of trace elements in fine particles at a mountain site, southern China: regional sources and cloud processing. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, (15): 8987-9002, 2015.
11.Liu, T., *Wang, X., Deng, W., Hu, Q., Ding, X., Zhang, Y., He, Q., Zhang, Z., Lu, S., Bi, X., Chen, J.and Yu, J. Secondary organic aerosol formation from photochemical aging of light-duty gasoline vehicle exhausts in a smog chamber. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15,(15):9049-9062,2015.
12.Sun, Z., *Kong, L., Zhao, X., Ding, X., Fu, H., Cheng, T., Yang, X. andChen, J.Effect of Formaldehyde on the Heterogeneous Reaction of Nitrogen Dioxide on gamma-Alumina.J.Phys.Chem.A,119,(35):9317-9324,2015.
13.Wang, H., Qiao, L., Lou, S., Zhou, M., *Chen, J. , Wang, Q., Tao, S., Chen, C., Huang, H., Li, L. and Huang, C. PM2.5 pollution episode and its contributors from 2011 to 2013 in urban Shanghai, China. Atmos. Environ., 123, (SIB): 298-305, 2015.
14.*Wang, H., Wang, Q., Chen, J.*, Chen, C.*, Huang, C., Qiao, L., Lou, S. and Lu, J. Do vehicular emissions dominate the source of C6-C8 aromatics in the megacity Shanghai of eastern China? J. Environ. Sci., 27: 290-297, 2015.
15.Wang, L., Hu, Y., *Li, C., Li, Y., Wei, Y., Yin, Z., Du, Y., Min, Z., Weng, D.,Chen, J.and Li, H. N-acetylcysteine attenuates cigaret smoke-induced pulmonary exacerbation in a mouse model of emphysema. Inhal. Toxicol., 27, (14): 802-809, 2015.
16.Wen, L., Chen, J., *Yang, L., Wang, X., Xu, C., Sui, X., Yao, L., Zhu, Y., Zhang, J., Zhu, T. and Wang, W. Enhanced formation of fine particulate nitrate at a rural site on the North China Plain in summer: The important roles of ammonia and ozone. Atmos. Environ.,101:294-302,2015.
17.Xiao, S., Wang, M. Y., Yao, L., Kulmala, M., Zhou, B., Yang, X.,Chen, J. M., Wang, D. F., Fu, Q. Y., Worsnop, D. R. and Wang, L.* Strong atmospheric new particle formation in winter in urban Shanghai, China. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, (4): 1769-1781, 2015.
18.Yang, S., Zhu, X., Wang, J., Jin, X., Liu, Y., Qian, F., *Zhang, S. andChen, J. Combustion of hazardous biological waste derived from the fermentation of antibiotics using TG-FTIR and Py-GC/MS techniques. Bioresource Technol., 193: 156-163,2015.
19.Yao, L., *Yang, L., Chen, J., Toda, K., Wang, X., Zhang, J., Yamasaki, D., Nakamura, Y., Sui, X., Zheng, L., Wen, L., Xu, C. and Wang, W. Levels, indoor-outdoor relationships and exposure risks of airborne particle-associated perchlorate and chlorate in two urban areas in Eastern Asia. Chemosphere, 135: 31-37, 2015.
20.Yin, Z., *Ye, X., Jiang, S., Tao, Y., Shi, Y., Yang, X. andChen, J.Size-resolved effective density of urban aerosols in Shanghai. Atmos. Environ., 100: 133-140, 2015.
21.Zhai, J., Wang, X., Li, J., Xu, T., Chen, H., *Yang, X. and Chen, J.Thermal desorption single particle mass spectrometry of ambient aerosol in Shanghai. Atmos. Environ., 123,(SIB):407-414,2015.
22.Zhao, X., *Kong, L., Sun, Z., Ding, X., Cheng, T., Yang, X. and Chen, J.Interactions between Heterogeneous Uptake and Adsorption of Sulfur Dioxide and Acetaldehyde onHematite.J.Phys.Chem.A,119,(17):4001-4008,2015.
23.Zhu, X., Liu, Y., Qian, F., *Zhang, S. and Chen, J. Investigation on the Physical and Chemical Properties of Hydrochar and Its Derived Pyrolysis Char for Their Potential Application: Influence of Hydrothermal Carbonization Conditions. Energ. Fuel., 29, (8): 5222-5230,2015.
24.Zhu, X., Liu, Y., Qian, F., Zhou, C., *Zhang, S. and Chen, J.Role of Hydrochar Properties on the Porosity of Hydrochar-based Porous Carbon for Their Sustainable Application.ACSSustain.Chem.Eng.,3,(5):833-840,2015.
25.Zhu, X., Qian, F., Liu, Y., *Zhang, S. and Chen, J.Environmental performances of hydrochar-derived magnetic carbon composite affected by its carbonaceous precursor.RSCAdv.,5,(75):60713-60722,2015.
26.*Fu, H., Shang, G. F., Lin, J., Hu, Y. J., Hu, Q., Guo, L., Zhang, Y. C. and Chen, J.Fractional iron solubility of aerosol particles enhanced by biomass burning and ship emission in Shanghai, East China. Sci. Total Environ., 481: 377-391, 2014.
27.Guo, L., Hu, Y., Hu, Q., Lin, J., Li, C., Chen, J., Li, L. and *Fu, H. Characteristics and chemical compositions of particulate matter collected at the selected metro stations of Shanghai, China. Sci. Total Environ., 496: 443-452, 2014.
28.Hu, D., Li, C., Chen, H., *Chen, J., Ye, X., Li, L., Yang, X., Wang, X., Mellouki, A. and Hu, Z. Hygroscopicity and optical properties of alkylaminium sulfates. J. Environ. Sci., 26,(1SI):37-43,2014.
29.Hu, D., Li, L., Idir, M., *Mellouki, A., Chen, J., Daele, V., Chen, H., Cazaunau, M., Grosselin, B., Mu, Y., Wang, X. and Wang, J. Size Distribution and Optical Properties of Ambient Aerosols during Autumn in Orleans, France. Aerosol Air Qual. Res., 14, (3): 744-755, 2014.
30.Jansen, R. C., *Chen, J. and Hu, Y. The Impact of Nonlocal Ammonia on Submicron Particulate Matter and Visibility Degradation in Urban Shanghai. Adv. Meteorol., (534675), 2014.
31.Jansen, R. C., Shi, Y., *Chen, J., Hu, Y., Xu, C., Hong, S., Li, J. and Zhang, M. Using hourly measurements to explore the role of secondary inorganic aerosol in PM2.5 during haze and fog in Hangzhou, China. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 31, (6): 1427-1434, 2014.
32.*Kong, L. D., Zhao, X., Sun, Z., Yang, Y., Fu, H., Zhang, S., Cheng, T., Yang, X., Wang, L. and Chen, J.The effects of nitrate on the heterogeneous uptake of sulfur dioxide on hematite. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, (17): 9451-9467, 2014.
33.*Kong, L., Yang, Y., Zhang, S., Zhao, X., Du, H., Fu, H., Zhang, S., Cheng, T., Yang, X., Chen, J., Wu, D., Shen, J., Hong, S. and Jiao, L. Observations of linear dependence between sulfate and nitrate in atmospheric particles. J. Geophys. Res., 119, (1): 341-361, 2014.
34.Leng, C., Zhang, Q., Tao, J., Zhang, H., Zhang, D., Xu, C., Li, X., Kong, L., *Cheng, T., Zhang, R., Yang, X., *Chen, J., Qiao, L., Lou, S., Wang, H. and Chen, C. Impacts of new particle formation on aerosol cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) activity in Shanghai: casestudy.Atmos.Chem.Phys.,14,(20):11353-11365,2014.
35.Leng, C., Zhang, Q., Zhang, D., Xu, C., *Cheng, T., Zhang, R., Tao, J., *Chen, J., Zha, S., Zhang, Y., Li, X., Kong, L. and Gao, W. Variations of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) and aerosol activity during fog-haze episode: a case study from Shanghai. Atmos. Chem.Phys.,14,(22):12499-12512,2014.
36.*Li, W., Chi, J., Shi, Z., Wang, X., Chen, B., Wang, Y., Li, T., Chen, J., Zhang, D., Wang, Z., Shi, C., Liu, L. and Wang, W. Composition and hygroscopicity of aerosol particles at Mt. Lu in South China: Implications for acid precipitation. Atmos. Environ., 94: 626-636,2014.
37.Liu, Y., Zhu, X., Qian, F., *Zhang, S. and Chen, J. Magnetic activated carbon prepared from rice straw-derived hydrochar for triclosan removal. RSC Adv., 4, (109): 63620-63626,2014.
38.Ma, H., *Li, X., Chen, J., Wang, H., Cheng, T., Chen, K. and Xu, S. Analysis of human breath samples of lung cancer patients and healthy controls with solid-phase microextraction (SPME) and flow-modulated comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GCxGC). Anal. Methods, 6,(17):6841-6849,2014.
39.Shi, Y., *Chen, J., Hu, D., Wang, L., Yang, X. and Wang, X. Airborne submicron particulate (PM1) pollution in Shanghai, China: Chemical variability, formation/dissociation of associated semi-volatile components and the impacts on visibility.Sci.TotalEnviron.,473:199-206,2014.
40.Tang, Y., Huang, Y., Li, L., Chen, H., Chen, J.,*Yang, X., Gao, S. and Gross, D. S. Characterization of aerosol optical properties, chemical composition and mixing states in the winter season in Shanghai, China. J. Environ. Sci., 26, (12): 2412-2422, 2014.
41.Tao, Y., Yin, Z., *Ye, X., Ma, Z. and Chen, J. Size distribution of water-soluble inorganic ions in urban aerosols in Shanghai. Atmos. Pollut. Res., 5, (4): 639-647, 2014.
42.*Wang, X., Liu, T., Bernard, F., Ding, X., Wen, S., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Z., He, Q., Lu, S.,Chen, J., Saunders, S. and Yu, J. Design and characterization of a smog chamber for studying gas-phase chemical mechanisms and aerosol formation. Atmos. Meas. Tech., 7,(1):301-313,2014.
43.Wang, X. and *Chen, J. Fog Formation in Cold Season in Ji'nan, China: Case Analyses with Application of HYSPLIT Model. Adv. Meteorol., (940956), 2014.
44.Wang, X., *Chen, J., Sun, J., Li, W., Yang, L., Wen, L., *Wang, W., Wang, X., Jr. Collett, J. L., Shi, Y., Zhang, Q., Hu, J., Yao, L., Zhu, Y., Sui, X., Sun, X. and Mellouki, A. Severe haze episodes and seriously polluted fog water in Ji'nan, China. Sci. Total Environ., 493:133-137,2014.
45.Wang, X., *Ye, X., Chen, H.,Chen, J., Yang, X. and Gross, D. S. Online hygroscopicity and chemical measurement of urban aerosol in Shanghai, China. Atmos.Environ.,95:318-326,2014.
46.Wang, X., *Chen, J., Cheng, T., Zhang, R. and Wang, X. Particle number concentration, size distribution and chemical composition during haze and photochemical smog episodes in Shanghai. J. Environ. Sci., 26, (9): 1894-1902, 2014.
47.Yang, X., Lu, H., Chen, K., Zhu, X., *Zhang, S. andChen, J.Selective Extraction of Bio-oil from Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Salix psammophila by Organic Solvents with Different Polarities through Multistep Extraction Separation. BioResources, 9, (3): 5219-5233,2014.
48.Zha, S., *Cheng, T., Tao, J., Zhang, R., *Chen, J., Zhang, Y., Leng, C., Zhang, D. and Du, J. Characteristics and relevant remote sources of black carbon aerosol in Shanghai.Atmos.Res.,135:159-171,2014.
49.Zhu, X., Liu, Y., Luo, G., Qian, F., *Zhang, S. and Chen, J.Facile Fabrication of Magnetic Carbon Composites from Hydrochar via Simultaneous Activation and Magnetization for Triclosan Adsorption. Environ. Sci. Technol., 48, (10): 5840-5848, 2014.
50.Zhu, X., Liu, Y., Qian, F., Zhou, C., *Zhang, S. and Chen, J.Preparation of magnetic porous carbon from waste hydrochar by simultaneous activation and magnetization for tetracycline removal. Bioresource Technol., 154: 209-214,2014.
51.Zhu, X., Liu, Y., Zhou, C., Luo, G., *Zhang, S. and Chen, J.A novel porous carbon derived from hydrothermal carbon for efficient adsorption of tetracycline. Carbon, 77: 627-636, 2014.
52.Zhu, X., Liu, Y., Zhou, C., *Zhang, S. and Chen, J. Novel and High-Performance Magnetic Carbon Composite Prepared from Waste Hydrochar for Dye Removal. ACS Sustain.Chem.Eng.,2,(4):969-977,2014.
53.Bernard, F., Cazaunau, M., Mu, Y., Wang, X., Daele, V., Chen, J. and *Mellouki, A. Reaction of NO2 with Selected Conjugated Alkenes. J. Phys. Chem. A, 117, (51): 14132-14140,2013.
54.Huang, Y., Li, L., Li, J., Wang, X., Chen, H., Chen, J., *Yang, X., Gross, D. S., Wang, H., Qiao, L. and Chen, C. A case study of the highly time-resolved evolution of aerosol chemical and optical properties in urban Shanghai, China. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, (8): 3931-3944, 2013.
55.Leng, C., *Cheng, T.,*Chen, J., Zhang, R., Tao, J., Huang, G., Zha, S., Zhang, M., Fang, W., Li, X. and Li, L. Measurements of surface cloud condensation nuclei and aerosol activity in downtown Shanghai. Atmos. Environ., 69: 354-361, 2013.
56.Li, C., Yang, X., Zhang, Z., Zhou, D., Zhang, L., Zhang, S. and Chen, J. Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Desert Shrub Salix psammophila to High Value-added Chemicals and Hydrochar with Recycled Processing Water. BioResources, 8, (2): 2981-2997, 2013.
57.*Li, L., Chen, J., Wang, L., Melluki, W. and Zhou, H. Aerosol single scattering albedo affected by chemical composition: An investigation using CRDS combined with MARGA.Atmos.Res.,124:149-157,2013.
58.*Li, W., Wang, Y., Jr. Collett, J. L., Chen, J., Zhang, X., Wang, Z. and Wang, W. Microscopic Evaluation of Trace Metals in Cloud Droplets in an Acid Precipitation Region.Environ.Sci.Technol.,47,(9):4172-4180,2013.
59.Song, G., Zhu, C., Hu, Y.,*Chen, J.and Cheng, H. Determination of organic pollutants in coking wastewater by dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction/GC/MS. J. Sep.Sci.,36,(9-10):1644-1651,2013.
60.*Wang, L., Du, H.,*Chen, J.,Zhang, M., Huang, X., Tan, H., Kong, L. and Geng, F. Consecutive transport of anthropogenic air masses and dust storm plume: Two case events at Shanghai, China. Atmos. Res., 127: 22-33, 2013.
61.*Ye, X., Tang, C., Yin, Z., Chen, J., Ma, Z., Kong, L., Yang, X., Gao, W. and Geng, F. Hygroscopic growth of urban aerosol particles during the 2009 Mirage-Shanghai Campaign.Atmos.Environ.,64:263-269,2013.
62.Zha, S., Zhang, S., *Cheng, T., *Chen, J., Huang, G., Li, X. and Wang, Q. Agricultural Fires and Their Potential Impacts on Regional Air Quality over China. Aerosol Air Qual. Res.,13,(3):992-1001,2013.
63.Zhang, L., Li, C. J., Zhou, D., Zhang, S. C. and Chen, J. Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Water Hyacinth: Product Distribution and Identification. Energy Sources Part A-RecoveryUtil.Environ.Eff.,35,(14):1349-1357,2013.
64.Zhang, M., *Chen, J., Chen, X., Cheng, T., Zhang, Y., Zhang, H., Ding, A., Wang, M. and Mellouki, A. Urban Aerosol Characteristics during the World Expo 2010 in Shanghai.AerosolAirQual.Res.,13,(1):36-48,2013.
65.Zhang, S., *Kong, L., Zhao, X., Jansen, R. and Chen, J.Effects of Ammonia and Amines on Heterogeneous Oxidation of Carbonyl Sulfide on Hematite. Acta Phys.-Chim.Sin.,29,(9):2027-2034,2013.
66.Du, J., *Cheng, T., Zhang, M., Chen, J., He, Q., Wang, X., Zhang, R., Tao, J., Huang, G., Li, X. and Zha, S. Aerosol Size Spectra and Particle Formation Events at Urban Shanghai in Eastern China. Aerosol Air Qual. Res., 12, (6): 1362-1372, 2012.
67.Fu, H., Zhang, M., Li, W., *Chen, J., Wang, L., Quan, X. and Wang, W. Morphology, composition and mixing state of individual carbonaceous aerosol in urban Shanghai. Atmos.Chem.Phys.,12,(2):693-707,2012.
68.Fu, H., Lin, J., Shang, G., Dong, W., *Grassian, V. H., Carmichael, G. R., Li, Y. and Chen, J.Solubility of Iron from Combustion Source Particles in Acidic Media Linked to Iron Speciation. Environ. Sci. Technol., 46, (20): 11119-11127, 2012.
69.Huang, Y., Chen, H., Wang, L., *Yang, X. and Chen, J.Single particle analysis of amines in ambient aerosol in Shanghai. Environ. Chem., 9, (3SI): 202-210, 2012.
70.Jia, X., *Cheng, T., *Chen, J., Xu, J. and Chen, Y. Columnar Optical Depth and Vertical Distribution of Aerosols over Shanghai. Aerosol Air Qual. Res., 12, (3): 320-330, 2012.
71.Li, X., Wang, Y., Yang, X., *Chen, J., Fu, H. and Cheng, T. Conducting polymers in environmental analysis. Trac-Trend. Anal. Chem., 39, (SI): 163-179, 2012.
72.Lu, X., Chen, H., Li, X., Chen, J. and *Yang, X. A simplified electrospray ionization source based on electrostatic field induction for mass spectrometric analysis of dropletsamples.Analyst,137,(24):5743-5748,2012.
73.Wang, S., Kong, L., An, Z., Chen, J., Wu, L. and Zhou, X. Comments on an improved Oddy test using metal films Response. Stud. Conserv., 57, (3): 188-188, 2012.
74.Wang, Z., Liu, J., Dai, Y., Dong, W., *Zhang, S. andChen, J.CFD modeling of a UV-LED photocatalytic odor abatement process in a continuous reactor. J. Hazard. Mater., 215:25-31,2012.
75.Xu, J., Tao, J., *Zhang, R., *Cheng, T., Leng, C., Chen, J., Huang, G., Li, X. and Zhu, Z. Measurements of surface aerosol optical properties in winter of Shanghai. Atmos. Res.,109:25-35,2012.
76.Yan, L., *Li, X.,Chen, J., Wang, X., Du, J. and Ma, L. Source and deposition of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons to Shanghai, China. J. Environ. Sci., 24, (1SI): 116-123,2012.
77.Yang, F., Chen, H., Du, J., *Yang, X., Gao, S.,Chen, J. and Geng, F. Evolution of the mixing state of fine aerosols during haze events in Shanghai. Atmos. Res., 104: 193-201,2012.
78.Zhou, D., *Zhang, S., Fu, H. andChen, J.Liquefaction of Macroalgae Enteromorpha prolifera in Sub-/Supercritical Alcohols: Direct Production of Ester Compounds. Energ. Fuel.,26,(4):2342-2351,2012.
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