

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-09


学士学位(1988年),气象学, 北京气象学院

Wu, B.*, and J.A. Francis, 2019: Summer Arctic cold anomaly dynamically linked to East Asian heatwaves, Journal of Climate, 32, 1137-1150.
Wu, B.*, K. Yang, and J.A. Francis, 2017: A cold event in Asia during January-February 2012 and its possible association with Arctic sea ice loss, Journal of Climate, 30, 7971-7990.
Wu, B.*, 2017: Winter atmospheric circulation anomaly associated with recent Arctic winter warm anomalies, Journal of Climate, 30, 8469-8479.
Wu, B.*, K. Yang, and J.A. Francis, 2016: Summer Arctic dipole wind pattern affects winter Siberian high, International Journal of Climatology, doi:10.1002/joc.4623.
Wu, B.*, J. Su, and R. D’Arrigo, 2015: Patterns of Asian winter climate variability and links to Arctic sea ice, Journal of Climate, 28, 6841-6857.
Wu, B.*, R. Zhang, R. D’Arrigo, and J. Su, 2013: On the Relationship between Winter Sea Ice and Summer Atmospheric Circulation over Eurasia, Journal of Climate, 26, 5523-5536.
Wu, B.*, D. Handorf, K. Dethloff, A. Rinke, and A. Hu, 2013: Winter weather patterns over northern Eurasia and Arctic sea ice loss, Monthly Weather Review, 141,3786-3800
Wu, B.*, J. Overland, and R. D’Arrigo, 2012: Anomalous Arctic surface wind patterns and their impacts on September sea ice minima and trend, Tellus(A), 64, 18590, http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/tellusa.v64i0.18590.
Wu, B.*, J. Su, and R. Zhang, 2011: The effects of autumn-winter arctic sea ice on winter Siberian High, Chinese Sciences Bulletin, 56(30), 3220-3228.
Wu, B.*, R. Zhang, B. Wang, and R. D’Arrigo, 2009: On the association between spring Arctic sea ice concentration and Chinese summer rainfall, Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L09501, doi:10.1029/2009GL037299.
Wu, B.*, R. Zhang, Y. Ding, and R. DArrigo, 2008: Distinct modes of the East Asian summer monsoon, Journal of Climate, 21, 1122-1138.
Wu,B.*, and M. Johnson, 2007: A seesaw structure in SLP anomalies between the Beaufort Sea and the Barents Sea, Geophysical Research Letters, 34, L05811, doi:10.1029/2006GL028333.
Wu, B.*,J. Wang, and J. Walsh, 2006: Dipole Anomaly in the Winter Arctic Atmosphere and its association with sea ice motion, Journal of Climate, 19(2), 210-225.

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