

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-09

尹洁博士现任复旦大学哲学学院青年研究员,主要从事生命医学伦理学、医学哲学和康德哲学的研究和教学工作。2006年获复旦大学医学学士,2009年获复旦大学哲学硕士,师从张汝伦教授。之后获得纽约州立大学Albany分校哲学系博士全额奖学金,师从康德****Robert Howell、实用主义哲学家Robert Meyers和心灵哲学专家Ron McClamrock,于2013年获得纽约州立大学Albany分校哲学博士学位。曾任东南大学哲学系和医学人文学系副教授、副系主任,获得多次教学奖。目前主持国家社科基金青年课题一项,参与多项国家社科、科技部重大课题。被美国肯尼迪伦理研究中心授予过参加国际研讨会的奖学金,并受到多所研究型大学的邀请就生命伦理学主题进行演讲。著有《康德心灵理论研究》一书,以及多篇涉及生命伦理学和康德哲学主题的论文。

时间起始学习单位 专业学位
2001.09-2006.07 复旦大学 医学学士
2006.09-2009.07 复旦大学 哲学硕士
2009.08-2013.05 纽约州立大学Albany分校Ph.D. in Philosophy

时间起始工作单位 职称/职务
2009.08-2013.05 纽约州立大学Albany分校助教
2013.08-2017.11 东南大学人文学院 副教授(自2013.11起)、副系主任(自2014.05起)
2018.01-至今 复旦大学哲学学院 青年研究员




中文 论著:《康德心灵理论研究》,上海三联书店,2018.4

英文 论著:The I think, Self-awareness and Reflexivity—a Reconstructed Kantian Model of Self-awareness, UMI/Proquest, 2013.5

2017年度 东南大学最受欢迎院系老师
2016年度 东南大学最受欢迎院系老师
2016/04 东南大学教学奖
2014/06 IBC40 Scholarship, 肯尼迪伦理学研究中心,乔治城大学
2009-2013 博士生全额奖学金,纽约州立大学Albany分校哲学系
2011 夏季 GSO Travel Grant, 纽约州立大学Albany分校

项目名称 项目来源
基于医疗公正视角的健康资源配置的伦理评估 国家哲学与社会科学规划办

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Information
Dr. Jie Yin is currently an associate professor at School of Philosophy, Fudan University. She is an interdisciplinary researcher working on bioethics, philosophy of medicine and Kant. She was trained in both medical school (Fudan University) and philosophy department (Fudan University, SUNY Albany). She was granted fellowship and assistantship by the State University of New York (University at Albany) to pursue her doctoral degree in philosophy, and she accomplished her Ph.D. within four years. She was supervised by Kant scholar Robert Howell, American Pragmatism expert Robert Meyers, and philosophy of mind expert Ron McClamrock. In her doctoral thesis, she aims to reconstruct a Kantian model of self-awareness based on exegetical analysis and analytical arguments, esp. relying on resources from contemporary philosophy of mind and language as well as phenomenology.
After graduating from SUNY Albany with her PhD in philosophy, she worked as a faculty at the department of philosophy and the department of medical humanities (Southeast University, Nanjing, China), where she taught philosophy majors as well as medical students. She has won several teaching awards and was the principal investigator of a few research projects on bioethics, including a national-level grant on just health. Dr. Yin was awarded scholarship for attending international bioethics symposium by Kennedy Institute of Ethics (Georgetown University), and was invited by several research universities to give talks on bioethics. She was the vice chair and associate professor at the department of philosophy (Southeast University) before she accepted the job offer at Fudan University. Dr. Yin has published articles and a book in Chinese on the themes of bioethics, analytic philosophy and Kant, and she regularly teaches philosophy of nursing for nursing PhD students at eight top medical universities in China. She worked at two think tanks for Jiangsu Provincial Government and is now serving as consultant in several national-level interdisciplinary research projects regarding, broadly construed, science and technology related ethical issues.

Bachelor of Medicine, Fudan University, 2006
Master of Philosophy, Fudan University, 2009
Ph.D. in Philosophy, the State University of New York, University at Albany, 2013

Working Experiences
2018/01- Associate Professor, School of Philosophy, Fudan University, Shanghai, China
2013/08- 2017/11 Associate Professor (from 2013/11), Department of Philosophy, Southeast University, Nanjing, China
2015/05- 2017/11 Vice Chair, Department of Philosophy, Southeast University, Nanjing, China
2014/05- 2015/05 Vice Chair, Department of Medical Humanities, Southeast University, Nanjing, China
2009/08- 2013/05 Teaching Assistant, Department of Philosophy, University at Albany, SUNY, US
Areas of Specialization
Bioethics, Philosophy of Medicine, Kant


Selected Chinese Publications:
“How to ‘Deconstruct’ the Crisis of Doctor-Patient Relationship?”, Journal of Southeast University (CSSCI), Feb, 2017
“Does things-in-themselves Undermine Kant’s Theory of Truth?”, Wuda Philosophical Review (CSSCI), Aug, 2016
“Does Rawls’s Theory of Justice Entail a Tenable Theory of Just Health? ”, Philosophical Trends (CSSCI), Jan, 2016
“Anti-theory Methodology in Bioethics—a Discussion on Casuistry”, Journal of Southeast University (CSSCI), March, 2015
“Kant’s Transcendental Idealism—an Analytic perspective”, World Philosophy (CSSCI), January, 2014
“‘Appropriateness’ Rather than ‘Rationality’-Issues concerning Stem Cell Research from a Confucian Perspective” (2011, Vol 9, No. 2) Journal of Chinese and Comparative Philosophy of Medicine, Published by Global Scholarly Publications, NY, US

English Publications:
The I think, Self-awareness and Reflexivity—a Reconstructed Kantian Model of Self-awareness, UMI/Proquest, 2013.5

Awards and Grants
2017/04 “The Best Instructor”, Southeast University, Nanjing, China (voted anonymously by students)
2016/04 “The Best Instructor”, Southeast University, Nanjing, China (voted anonymously by students)
2016/04 Faculty Teaching Award, Southeast University, Nanjing, China
2014/06 IBC40 Scholarship, Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University, US
2010-2013 Teaching Assistantship, University at Albany, SUNY, US
2011 SummerTravel Grant, Hong Kong Baptist University, HK, SAR
2011 Summer GSO Travel Grant, University at Albany, SUNY, US
2009-2010 Fellowship, University at Albany, SUNY, US

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