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徐英瑾,2004年6月于复旦大学哲学系获得哲学博士学位。现为复旦大学哲学学院教授,曾在意大利与美国各自进修一年(在美国是以Templeton Fellow的身份在圣母大学哲学系进行了一年的博士后研究)。他在这五年中(以及稍早的一些时候)累计获得两次上海市哲学社会科学优秀成果奖(一、二、三等奖各一次),以及2次全国高等院校优秀人文社会科学成果奖(二等奖,2009年,二等奖,2015)。在2009年他被上海市市委宣传部下属的东方学社评为“上海十大社科新人”,这是当年上海哲学界唯一入选者。同时,他至今依然是上海哲学界目前唯一的全国优秀博士论文的获得者(2006年获奖)。获奖的论文《维特根斯坦哲学转型期中的“现象学”之谜》(2006年复旦大学出版社出版,28万字)是汉语哲学界第一部(至今也是唯一一部)专门讨论维特根斯坦从其早期立场转向晚期立场之转型过程的专著。代表作《心智、语言和机器——维特根斯坦哲学与人工智能哲学的对话》(76万字,人民出版社2013年10月出版)是国内目前最全面深入的关于人工智能哲学的研究著作。目前徐英瑾还任中国知识论专业委员会副秘书长。

人工智能哲学 认知科学哲学维特根斯坦哲学英美认识论京都学派哲学



The frame problem, the relevance problem, and a package solution to both,, Yingjin Xu and Pei Wang (徐英瑾与王培,前者为第一作者)
Synthese, Volume 187, Issue 1 Supplement, pp 43-72

The troublesome explanandum in Plantinga’s argument against naturalism,
Yingjin Xu (徐英瑾,唯一作者)
International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 69(1):1-15.

The gap between Rorty’s ironism and solidarity: a reassessment from a Wittgensteinian perspective,
Yingjin Xu (徐英瑾,唯一作者)
Philosophical Forum42(2): 147-166

What can Artificial Intelligence learn from Wittgenstein’s On Certainty,
Yingjin Xu (徐英瑾,唯一作者)
Frontiers of Philosphy in China, Vol.9, Number 3, 2014, pp.441-462

What does Fodor’s “Anti-Darwinism” mean to Natural Theology?
Yingjin Xu (徐英瑾,唯一作者)
Frontiers of Philosphy in China, Vol.6, Number 3, 2011, pp.465-479





—— 一种基于认知语言学的解读》,









《演化心理学对‘1844年经济学-哲学手稿’之‘异化’观的‘祛魅’》, 徐英瑾,唯一作者




XU. Ying-Jin(2012). Plantinga’s evolutionary argument against naturalism revisited,唯一作者
Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Volume 5, No.1,pp. 95-114.

XU. Ying-Jin(2013). A Meta-Ethical Defense for the Intrinsic Value of Everything,徐英瑾,唯一作者

Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences, 2013, volume 6, number 1, pp.161-168.









心灵哲学 语言哲学专业英语

Xu Yingjin
Contact Information
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XU Yingjin (徐英瑾) earned his Ph.D. on western philosophy from the philosophy department of Fudan University in 2004. He is the only winner from Shanghai who won the “National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Reward in P.R. China”(2006). The title of his doctoral dissertation isThe Puzzles of Wittgenstein’s “Phenomenology”in the Process of his Philosophical Transition(Fudan University Press, 2006). It is the only Chinese-written book systematically addressing the philosophical transformation of Wittgenstein from his early stage to his later one. He had conducted postdoctoral research on the analytical approach to philosophy of religion at University of Notre Dame in U.S. for one year (2007-2008), and studied in Italy as a visiting student for another year (2002-2003). He is currently the professor of school of philosophy, Fudan University. He main philosophical interests include philosophy of cognitive science (philosophy of AI in particular), philosophy of language, metaphysics, as well as epistemology. He is also very interested in the comparative studies between contemporary Japanese philosophy and Anglophone philosophy. Nishida Kitaro, Kuki Shuzo, Omori Shuzo and Watsuji Tetsuro are among those Japanese philosophers who are being studied by him. Now he is conducting an online course (“Understanding Japanese Philosophy”) on the platform of Futurelearn, and that course will open in the early summer of 2016. His most recent representative book isMind, Language and Machine: The Dialogue between Artificial Intelligence and Wittgenstein(Renmin Press, 2013), which is the most comprehensively elaborated book on philosophy of AI in the Chinese-speaking world. He also published papers in English on western philosophical journals likeSynthese,Philosophical Forum, andThe International Journal for Philosophy of Religion. He is the now the leading expert who is responsible for a National Research project on the relationship between information science and epistemology (Grant No. 15ZDB020).
Feb. 2002-June. 2004philosophy department, Fudan University, PHD,
Thesis topic: The Puzzles of Wittgenstein’s “Phenomenology” during his Philosophical Transition
Sept. 1999-Feb. 2002 philosophy department, Fudan University, Master,
Thesis topic: Wittgenstein’s Notion of “Object” in his Early Philosophy
Feb. 1996—June. 1999 philosophy department, Fudan University, Bachelor

Dec. 2013 – Now Professor, School of Philosophy, Fudan University
Sept. 2007–Dec. 2013 Associate Professor, School of Philosophy, Fudan University
Dec. 2004–Sept. 2007 Assistant Professor, School of Philosophy,Fudan University
Research Interests: Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence, Philosophy of Cognitive Science, Philosophy of Wittgenstein, Anglo-American Epistemology, contemporary Japanese philosophy

Recent Research Focus:
Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence and relevant linguistic and epistemological issues
Books published in Chinese:
Yingjin Xu ( 2013):Mind, Language and Machine: The Dialogue between Artificial Intelligence and Wittgenstein, Renmin Press, Beijing. Circa 700 pages.
Yingjin Xu (2013):Evolution, Design, Mind and Morality: The Philosophical Foundation of Neo-Darwinism, Fudan University Press, Shanghai. Circa 300 pages.
Yingjin Xu (2005): The Puzzles of Wittgenstein’s Phenomenology in the Process of his Philosophical Transition,Fudan University Press, Shanghai. Circa 300 pages.

Book Chapters in Chinese:
1.Yingjin Xu (co-authored with Qingxiong Zhang and Lindong Zhou, 2005) Anglo-American Philosophy of the 20th Century,People’s Press, Peking, Yingjin Xu is the author of five chapters: Dewey, Putnam, Davidson, Rorty and Dummett. Circa 150 pages.
2.Yingjin Xu (co-authored with Wujin Yu, 2009): German Classical Philosophy, People’s Press, Peking. Yingjin Xu is the author of two chapters: “The Development of Yong Hegel’s Thought until 1807”and “Hegel’s Mature System and Its Historical Consequences”. Circa 250 pages.
1.Hao Wang: Beyond the Analytical philosophy (originally published by the MIT Press, 1988),Zhejiang University Press, 2011.
2.J. R. Searle: Mind, An Introduction(originally published by the Oxford University Press, 2005), Shanghai People’s Press, 2008.

Academic Papers:
Articles published in English:
1.Yingjin Xu(2013) book review: On the Intrinsic Value of Everything, Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Volume 6, No.1,pp.161-168.
2.Yingjin Xu&Pei Wang (2012). The frame problem, the relevance problem, and a package solution to both,Synthese: Volume 187s, Issue 1 (2012), Page 43-72
3.Yingjin Xu(2012). Plantinga’s evolutionary argument against naturalism revisited, Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Volume 5, No.1, pp. 95-114.
4.Yingjin Xu(2011). The Gap Between Rorty's “Ironism” and “Solidarity”—a Reassessment From a Wittgensteinian Perspective.Philosophical Forum42 (2):147-166.
5.Yingjin Xu(2011). What Does Fodor's “Anti-Darwinism” Mean to Natural Theology?Frontiers of Philosophy in China6 (3):465-479.
6.Yingjin Xu(2011). The Troublesome Explanandum in Plantinga's Argument Against Naturalism.International Journal for Philosophy of Religion69 (1):1-15.
7.XU. Ying-Jin(2008). The Logic of the Chinese Room Argument Revisited, Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences, 2008, volume 4, number 4.
Articles published in Chinese:
Yingjin Xu &Scott Davison (2013): A Philosophical Defense for the Intrinsic Values of Everything, Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences, 55(1): pp. 40-47.
2. Yingjin Xu (2013):Interview with Saul Kripke, World Philosophy, 2013(1): 142-147.
3. Yingjin Xu (2012): The Reconstruction and Justification of Dewey’s Evolutionary Approach to Epistemology,Academic Monthly, 2012(4): pp. 55-64.
4. Yingjin Xu (2012): In What sense can Normative Ethics be “Empirically Reliable”?—A response to Edward Slingerland, The Journal of Chinese Philosophy and Culture, No. 10: pp.351-354.
5. Yingjin Xu (2012): How to Build up a Computer which can Really Understand Chinese?—a “Six-Writings” Theory-inspired Model of Processing Chinese Characters and other Expressions, Studies in Logic, Vol. 5(2): 1-49.
6. Yingjin Xu (2012): Machine Vision and Wittgenstein’s View on the “sensation-content” relationship, Philosophical Analysis, Vol. 3 (4): pp. 133-147.
7. Yingjin Xu (2011) “The Frame Problem from a Wittgensteinian Point of View”, Studies in Logic, Volume 4, Number 2, pp. 93-136.
8.Yingjin Xu (2010): The Theory of Natural Selection: Scientific Laws, Disguised Theology, or Historical Narratives?—Some Remarks on Jerry Fodor’s Anti-Darwinism,Baida Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 11. No. 1, pp. 269-296.
9.Yingjin Xu (2009): Tractatus on Probability and Induction: A Tentative Reconstruction, Studies in Logic, Volume 2, Number 3, pp. 61-75.

Courses: Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Language, Metaphysics, Academic English on Philosophy
2006 National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation
2009 Ten Outstanding Young Scholars on Social Science in Shanghai
2015 National Prize for Works on Humanities and Social Science, second prize.

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