

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-09

E-mail: ftliu@fudan.edu.cn
Curriculum Vitae
E-mail: ftliu@fudan.edu.cn
Liu Fang-tong
born in Taojiang, Hunan Province on 2 May, 1934
Academic experiences:
lin 1950, the Department of Economics of Hunan University;
lin 1954, the Department of Economics of Zhongnan Finance College; an assistant editor in Financial and Economic Publishing House (Beijing) after graduation
lin early 1957, the Department of Philosophy, Renmin University of China, an assistant doctoral student majoring in Western Philosophy
lsince his graduation at the beginning of 1961, teaching at the Department of Philosophy of Fudan University; in 1984, a professor; in 1996, being awarded the honorary title of chief professor; and in 2008 being hired as senior distinguished professor of Arts; teaching successively “ history of Philosophy”, “contemporary Western Philosophy”, and many other courses;
lin 1986, being approved to establish the doctor station of contemporary foreign Philosophy (later merged into that of foreign Philosophy) at the Department of Philosophy of Fudan University, and beginning as a doctoral supervisor; having directed more than 50 doctoral students
Serving no administrative duties and Party posts, he has taken many academic positions:
la director of the Society of Contemporary Foreign Philosophy of China since its birth in 1979, then a vice President during1992-2003 and a consultant since 2004;
lin 1983, a member of Committee of Philosophy of the Guiding Council for National Higher Education Self-study Examination
lin 1992 and 1997, a member of the Appraisal Group of the Philosophy Discipline of the Committee of Academic Degrees of the State Council (the third and fourth session);
lin 1997, deputy director of the 1st Directing Committee for Philosophy Discipline of Institution of Higher Learning;
lSince 1998, a member of the Appraisal Group for Philosophy Discipline of the National Philosophy and Social Sciences Fund; a member of the Appraisal Group for Philosophy Discipline of the Management Committee of the National Post-doctoral Mobile Stations; a member of the Appraisal Group of Subject Experts for Changjiang Scholars of the Ministry of Education;
lsince 1980s, serving for many times as the convener or a member of the Shanghai Planing Appraisal Group for Philosophy and Social Sciences, of the Shanghai Appraisal Group for Outstanding Scientific Achievements, and of the Shanghai Appraisal Group of the Philosophy Discipline of the Committee of Academic Degrees;
lduring 1990 s, a former member of the Administrative Committee, of the Academic Committee, and of the Assessment Committee, of Fudan University for Academic Degrees; the former academic head of the discipline of Western Philosophy; the first director (non-entity) of the Institute of Modern Philosophy; the first director of Post-doctoral Mobile Station of the Department of Philosophy;
lin 2004, the director of the Center for Dewey and American Philosophy Studies of Fudan University; ever hired by more than 10 domestic universities as a part-time professor (or honorary professor, consultants, a member of an academic committee)
Main research fields:
history of Philosophy, contemporary Western Philosophy, Pragmatism, comparative study of Marxism and Western Philosophy

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