

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-03



职 称: 教授(博士生导师)
所属部门: 生物统计学教研室
电子邮件: gyqin@fudan.edu.cn
现任职务: 教研室主任

Selected Publication:
(1) Lv, Yang; Qin, Guoyou; Zhu, Zhongyi*; Tu, Dongsheng;
Quantileregression and empirical likelihood for the analysis of longitudinal data withmonotone missing responses due to dropout, with applications to quality of lifemeasurements from clinical trials , Statistics in Medicine, 2019, 38(16):2972-2991.
(2) Lin,Huiming; Fu,Bo; Qin,Guoyou*; Zhu,Zhongyi;
Doubly robust estimationof generalized partial linear models for longitudinal data with dropouts, Biometrics, 2017, 73(4): 1132-1139.
(3) Zheng,Xueying; Qin,Guoyou*; Tu,Dongsheng;
A generalized partiallylinear mean-covariance regression model for longitudinal proportional data,with applications to the analysis of quality of life data from cancer clinicaltrials, Statistics in Medicine, 2017, 36(12): 1884-1894.
(4) Qin, Guoyou*; Zhang, Jiajia; Zhu, Zhongyi; Fung, WingK.;
Robustestimation of partially linear models for longitudinal data with dropouts andmeasurement error , Statistics in Medicine, 2016, 35(29): 5401-5416.
(5)Tan, Ziwen; Qin, Guoyou*; Zhou, Haibo;
Estimation of a partially linear additive model fordata from an outcome-dependent sampling design with a continuous outcome,Biostatistics,2016,17(4):663-676.
(6)Zhou, H.*;Qin, Guoyou;Longnecker, M. P.
A Partial Linear Model in the Outcome-Dependent Sampling Setting to Evaluate the Effect of Prenatal PCB Exposure on Cognitive Function in Children. Biometrics,2011,67(3):876-85.
(7)Qin, Guoyou;Zhou, H.*
Partial linear inference for a 2-stage outcome-dependent sampling design with a continuous outcome. Biostatistics,2010, 12(3):506-20.
(8)Qin, Guoyou; Zhu, Z. Y.*
Robustified maximum likelihood estimation in generalized partial linear mixed model for longitudinal data, Biometrics,2009,65, 52-59.
(1) Yongfu Yu; Onyebuchi A Arah; Zeyan Liew; Sven Cnattingius; Jørn Olsen;Henrik Toft Sørensen;Guoyou Qin*; Jiong Li*;
Maternal diabetes during pregnancyand early onset of cardiovascular disease in offspring: population based cohortstudy with 40 years of follow-up,BMJ(影响因子:30.2), 2019, 2019(367): 0-l6398.
(2) Zhang, Minlu;Peng, Peng;Gu, Kai;Cai, Hui;Qin, Guoyou*;Shu, Xiao-Ou;Bao, Pingping*;
Time-varying effects of prognostic factors associated with long-term survival in breast cancer,Endocrine-Related Cancer, 2018,25,509-521.
(3) H. Xu*; Y. Zhang; W. Xu; L. Chen; M. Zhang;H, Su; Y. Cheng; N. Zhao; D.Xu; G. Qin*
Associations of visit-to-visit fasting glucose with risk of mortality: A retrospective cohort study of 48,077 people with type 2 diabetes,Diabetes & Metabolism, 2020, In press.
(4)Huilin Xu; Fen Zhang;Wanghong Xu;Jun Li;Jingjing Zhu;Minlu Zhang;Zhenyu Wu*;GuoyouQin*
Annual glycemic variations and risk of cancer among Chinese patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A population-based cohort study in Shanghai.Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice,2021,171, 108552

2010.8: 访问香港大学统计和精算学系
2011.6: 访问美国伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校
2012.1-2012.2: 访问香港大学统计和精算学系
2012.12: 访问新加坡南洋理工大学物理与数学科学学院
2013.7: 访问香港大学统计和精算学系
2015.7: 访问香港大学统计和精算学系
2016.8: 访问香港大学统计和精算学系
2017.8: 访问加拿大女皇大学癌症临床试验研究中心
社会兼职中华预防医学会生物统计分会第一届青年委员会 主任委员
中国卫生信息学会健康统计专业委员会第四届委员会 常务委员
<<中国卫生统计>> 编委

主要承担或参与的课题1、国家自然科学基金面上项目: 含有复杂数据的亚组分析方法研究(2019.1-2022.12),项目编号: **.(主持)
2、国家自然科学基金面上项目: 含有缺失值的纵向数据回归模型的稳健推断(2014.1-2017.12),项目编号: **. (主持,已结题)
3、国家教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金:依从于响应变量的抽样设计下部分线性模型的统计推断(2012,08-2014.8). (主持)
4、国家自然科学青年基金项目:基于经验似然的纵向数据统计模型的稳健推断(2009,1-2011,12),项目编号:**. (主持,已结题)


相关话题/复旦大学 公共卫生学院