

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-03



职 称: 副教授
所属部门: 生物统计学教研室
电子邮件: xyzheng@fudan.edu.cn

学术简历2013 香港大学统计与精算系 博士
2009 北京师范大学数学科学学院 学士2017.06-08 访问加拿大女皇大学癌症临床试验研究中心2012.01-12 访问美国伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳香槟分校统计系
1. X Zheng, L Xue, A Qu*. (2018)Time-varying correlation structure estimation and local-feature detection for spatio-temporal data,Journal of Multivariate Analysis;168:221-239.
2. X Zheng, B Fu, J Zhang, G Qin*. (2018) Variable selection for longitudinal data with high-dimensional covariates and dropouts,Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation; 88(4):712-725.
3. Y Li, XL Wang, X Zheng*. (2018)Impact of weather factors on influenza hospitalization across different age groups in subtropical Hong Kong,International Journal of Biometeorology; 62:1615-1624.
4. X Zheng, G Qin*, D Tu. (2017) A generalized partially linear mean-covariance regression model for longitudinal proportional data, with applications to the analysis of quality of life data from cancer clinical trials,Statistics in Medicine;36(12):1884-1894.
5. Z Wu, G Qin, N Zhao, H Jia, X Zheng*. (2017) Assessing the adequacy of lymph node yield for different tumor stages of colon cancer by nodal staging scores,BMC Cancer; 17(1):498.
6. X Zheng, Z Song, Y Li, J Zhang, XL Wang*. (2017) Possible interference between seasonal epidemics of influenza and other respiratory viruses in Hong Kong, 2014-2017,BMC Infectious Diseases; 17(1):772.
7. X Zheng, WK Fung, Z Zhu*. (2014) Variable selection in robust joint mean and covariance model for longitudinal data analysis,Statistica Sinica;24(2):515-531.
8. X Zheng, WK Fung*, Z Zhu. (2013) Robust estimation in joint mean-covariance regression model for longitudinal data,Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics;65(4):617-638.

主要承担或参与的课题国家自然科学青年基金项目:基于稳健估计方程的复杂纵向数据研究(**), 主持

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