<无照片> 姓名: 吴正 性别: 男
民族: 出生年月: 1956年1月
籍贯: 上海
电话: 55665175(O),56037570(H),13818349474
电子邮件: wuz85n7@yahoo.com.cn;wuzheng@fudan.edu.cn
单位地址: 上海市复旦大学力学与工程科学系, 200433
1988年开始,在国内力学界率先开展交通流研究,应用流体力学理论,建立了一系列交通流实测、数学模型和数值模拟方法,代表性文献有《低速混合型城市交通的流体力学模型》( ACTA Mech. Sinica 26, 1994 )。该模型获得复旦大学首届中青年科研项目三等奖(1989),周培源优秀水动力学论文三等奖(1997),被其他研究者多次引用,称为交通流的“一维管流模型”或“吴正模型”。
近年来,在高速道路交通拥堵过程形成与发展的实测和数值模拟,“幽灵式拥堵”等非线性复杂交通现象的数学模型,行人和自行车交通流实测和数学模型,地铁候车厅内客流运动规律和延误时间分析,以及资金流动的流体力学模拟等方面,又开展了大量研究工作并取得多种成果,共在国内外学术刊物和会议上发表有关论文30余篇。交通流研究已经逐渐成为本系学生科研活动的一个重要方向,先后有“校园非机动车交通流的流体力学模型及应用”、“地铁枢纽站上下车客流测量与数学模型研究”、“地铁候车厅人流疏散时间及应用”、“Single traffic交通方式发展与对策研究”、“基于高速路交通录像的交通流模型参数测量方法研究”等多个课题获得本科生科创项目和望道学者项目资助,均取得重要研究进展和良好评价。
Some recent paper’s titles and abstracts:
1. On the numerical simulation of perturbation’s propagation and development in traffic flow ( ACTA Mech. Sinica 38, 2006 )
Abstract: The propagation and development of perturbations in various density traffic flows are numerically simulated. We studied the characteristics of some traffic flow models such as PW model, 1-d pipe fluid model and the unilateral propagation model, the effects of equilibrium functions in the models, and the influences of difference schemes with the numerical results. Quite a good result, which is close to the measured data, can be obtained by the appropriate traffic model, equilibrium function and difference scheme for the traffic perturbation problems, especially the propagation speed of the perturbation waves. A group of calculation schemes suitable to various density traffic flows are proposed.
2. Study of the Mathematical Model for Passenger’s Scatter Time in Subway Station Waiting Rooms ( WU Zheng, WANG Yun, SHEN Junyan, J. of Fudan Univ. (Natural Science) 45, 2006 )
Abstract: The mathematical model for the passenger flow in subway station to apply is studied to calculate the scatter time of subway travelers. By the method of actual observation and parameter optimization, the parameters of the model were determined successfully. The passenger’s scatter time calculated by the model is very close to the over 400 observational data which are got from three representative stations in Shanghai subway lines. It is shown that rationalizing the passenger flow may drop the scatter time and a target to forecast the “passenger-mass” may be obtained.
3. The Influence of Free Term on the Numerical Solution of Nonlinear First Order Hyperbolic Equations ( XU Qian, WU Zheng, J. of Hydrodynamics A 21, 2006 )
Abstract: It is conducted that a numerical simulation research based on the examples of different types of balanced function in traffic flow model, explores the relationship between the type of free term and the dispersibility and dissipativeness of the numerical solution of nonlinear first order equation group of hyperbolic type. The result of the research shows that the influence of free term on the dispersibility and dissipativeness of the numerical solution is regular, and the regularity is different under different conditions of initial density; and the influence of free term on the dispersibility and dissipativeness of numerical solution is related to the discrete way of the equation group, especially under the condition of medium initial density. This paper also proposes the free term and discrete way which can conduct reasonable numerical simulation on the spreading and developing of disturbance under different conditions of initial density based on the equation of Payne-Whitham model.
4. Fluid dynamics simulation of non-fluid flow ( waiting for publish )
Abstract: A new concept, called “non-fluid flow phenomena”, is established and several samples of the concept in the areas of traffic flow, cash flow are illustrated in detail. The feasibility of applying fluid dynamics simulation to research the non-fluid flow problems is discussed and the main difficult, which indispensably occurs in the simulation procedure, is also deal with. The results showed that fluid dynamics simulation is usually an efficient way to model mathematically a non-fluid problem which has the characteristics of fluid.
5. Measuring Method Study of the Traffic Flow Model Parameters Based on Video Recording of Expressway Traffic ( waiting for publish )
Abstract: A method is proposed to measure the various parameters of traffic flow models applying video tape information of urban expressway traffic. A practical example is based on some video data get from a section of a highway of Beijing. It is obtained through measurement and analysis that the critical density of Kerner’s non-linear model, the propagation speed of the wide moving jam and the unimpeded velocity of Greenshields’s model. The results showed that the new method is serviceable, low-priced and widely useful to traffic flow measuring.
6. A Math Model and Numerical Simulation of Traffic Flow for Freeways with Three Lanes ( waiting for publish )
Abstract:This paper dopted macro traffic flow theory, established unilateralism three lanes math model, and put forward a source function to describe the vehicle changing lanes. This paper used disperse method, simulated different original vehicle density, different disturb intension, different disturb bound, and disturb occur in different lanes. Then got the result of how the disturb diffuse and develop in three lanes freeways. The analysis results show that: the speed of the disturb diffusing is mainly decided by the vehicle density; Whether other lanes were impacted or not, are mainly decided by the vehicle density and the disturb intension; The developing of the disturb wave at the middling traffic flow density is very complex, and shows nonlinearity.