姓名: 霍永忠 性别: 男
民族: 汉族 出生年月: 1962年9月日生
籍贯: 四川成都
电话: 021-55664171(办公室),021-64437769(宅)
电子邮件: yzhuo@fudan.edu.cn , yzhuo@hotmail.com
单位地址: 上海市复旦大学力学与工程科学系, 200433
学历: 1983年毕业于北京大学数学系,获学士学位;
个人主页: http://mech.fudan.edu.cn/teacher/HuoYongzhong/index.htm
美国数学学会“Mathematical Review”(《数学评论》)评论员;
国际力学与数学交叉学会(ISIMM,International Society for the Interaction of Mechanics and Mathematics) 会员。
1) 智能材料相变特性及本构关系研究:通过相变热力学建立滞后数学模型研究智能材料(形状记忆合金、压电铁电陶瓷等)十分独特的力学特性,为其工程应用提供所需的应力-应变-温度-电场本构关系。
2) 结构振动自适应控制研究:用智能材料控制结构振动,通过理论建模结合实验与数值模拟方法进行振动自适应控制研究。
3) 辐照对材料力学和相变性能影响研究:高能量粒子(如中子、电子、质子等)辐照下材料力学和相变性能会发生较大的改变,通过实验和理论分析相结合的方法,研究辐照下材料内微观结构的变化对其宏观力学和相变性能的影响,建立多尺度理论模型。
4) 小尺度材料的力学和相变特性:微器件及纳米材料等小尺度材料具有十分独特的性能,用变分方法、分子动力学及统计力学等方法进行理论分析和模拟。
1. 智能材料与结构的研究,教育部回国留学人员基金,负责人;论文
2. 形状记忆合金相变滞后的热力学研究,教育部优秀青年教师基金,负责人;论文
8. 辐照诱导和影响记忆合金相变的规律及机理的研究,教育部骨干教师资助项目,主研人(共二人), 论文
长期从事形状记忆合金和铁电陶瓷等相变材料的研究,已发表相关论文56篇。其中10篇收录在SCI,13篇收录在EI, 8篇收录在ISTP。根据SCI,有10篇被同行引用100多次。
1) Y. Huo and I. Müller, “Energy penalties in materials with microstructures of phase transitions: MODIFIED GIBBS PHASE RULE”, IUTAM2004,
2) Yongzhong Huo and Ingo Müller, “Energy Penalty, Energy Barrier and Hysteresis in Martensitic Transformations”, STAMM2002
3) Y. Huo, X.T. Zu, A. Li, Z.G. Wang, L.M. Wang, “Modeling and simulation of irradiation effects on martensitic transformations in shape memory alloys”, Acta Materialia, 52(9), 2683-2690, May 2004.
4) Wang, Z.G.; Zu, X.T.; Huo, Y.; Zhu, S.; Wei, X.W.; Wang, L.M., Effect of electron irradiation and heat treatment on the multi-step transformation in a Ni-rich near-equiatomic TiNi alloy Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms Volume: 215, Issue: 3-4, February, 2004, pp. 436-442.
(收录:SCI 771PP EI Number: EIP04078013840)
5) Wang, Z.G.; Zu, X.T. Wu, J.H., Liu, L.J. Mo H.Q., Huo Y., Electron irradiation-induced evolution of the martensitic transformation characteristics in a CuZnAl shape memory alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 364,(2004) 171-175.
(收录:SCI 762BY EI Number: EIP03527799501)
6) Giovanni Buratti, Yongzhong Huo and Ingo Müller, “Eshelby tensor as a tensor of free enthalpy”, Journal of Elasticity, 72,(1/3) 31-42, 2003.
(收录:SCI 8020UO)
7) Yongzhong Huo and Ingo Müller, “On Interface and Inhomogeneity Penalties in Phase Transitions”, Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 15 (4): 395-407 AUG 2003.
(收录:SCI 720UD)
8) 向霞,祖小涛,张传飞,王治国,朱莎,曾光廷,霍永忠,王鲁闵, 对单晶YSZ的Xe+ 离子离子辐照效应研究,《强激光与粒子束》,15(4),405-408,2003。
9) 向霞,祖小涛,王治国,朱莎,曾光廷,霍永忠,王鲁闵, Xe+ 离子注入对单晶YSZ光学性能影响的研究,《功能材料》,34(4):450-451, 2003.。
10) 向霞,曾光廷,鲍军委,霍永忠,邬绍轶,王治国,祖小涛,Ni+离子注入对单晶氧化铝的光学性能研究,《四川大学学报》,35(3):70-73,2003。
11) Zu XT, Zhu S, Xiang X, You LP, Huo Y, Wang LM,” In situ TEM observation of heavy-ion-irradiation-induced amorphization in a TiNiCu shape memory alloy”, MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING ,363 (1-2): 352-355 DEC 20 2003.
(收录:SCI 748FC EI Number: EIP03487756690)
12) Wang ZG, Zu XT, Liu LJ, Zhu S, Huo Y, Lin LB, Feng XD, Wang LM, Effect of 18 MeV proton irradiation on the R-phase transformation in TiNi shape memory alloys, NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS , 211 (2): 239-243 OCT 2003.
(收录:SCI726HR EI Number: EIP03387639868)
13) Yongzhong Huo and Ingo Müller, “Nucleation of droplets in a binary mixture”, Meccanica, 38(2003), 493-504.
(收录:SCI 701NQ EI Number: EIP03357608037)
14) 霍永忠,界面能对热弹性马氏体相变的影响,上海力学学会2003年年会论文集,67-71,2003。
15) X. T. Zu, L. B. Lin, Z. G. Wang, S. Zhu, L. P. You, L. M. Wang, Y. Huo, Influence of electron irradiation on the martensitic transformation of a binary TiNi shape memory alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 351(2003), 87-90.
(收录:SCI648JQ EI Number: EIP03097375628)
16) X.T. Zu, C.F. Zhang, S. Zhu, Y. Huo, Z.G. Wang, L.M. Wang, “Electron irradiation-induced changes of martensitic transformation characteristics in a TiNiCu shape memory alloy”, Materials Letters, 57(2003), 2009-2103.
(收录:SCI 661FP EI Number: EIP03137420430)
17) Zu, X., Wang, L.M., Huo, Y., Lin, L., Wang, Z.G., Lu, T.C., Feng, X.D., “Effect of Electron Irradiation on the Transformation Characteristics of Narrow Hysteresis TiNiCu Shape Memory Alloys”, Applied Physics Letters, 80(2002), 31-33.
(收录:SCI : 507LB , 2002 ISSN: 0003-6951, IDS Nr. 507LB)
18) 周旭昌,莫华强, 苟渊,曾光廷,沈保罗,霍永忠,黄德诚,郑斯奎,“NiTiNb形状记忆合金的应力松弛研究”,《核动力工程》,2002,23(3)。
(收录:EIP0242714924 EI Number: EIP02427141924
19) 周旭昌,莫华强, 霍永忠,文华,“形状记忆合金管接头的工作原理及研究进展”,《机械》,2002,29(3)。
20) 祖小涛,霍永忠等, “CuZnAl形状记忆合金马氏体稳定化的电子辐照研究“,四川大学学报(自然科学),39(3)(2002),484-486。
21) 刘丽娟,祖小涛,沈保罗,卢铁城,林理彬,霍永忠, “电子辐照对CuZnAl形状记忆合金相变温度的影响”,《中国有色金属学报》,2001,11(Nov.) S2, 164-166.
22) Guo, Y., Huo, Y., Zeng, G., Zu, X., “Quantitative Characterization on the Stress-Strain Hysteresis Loops of Cu-Zn-Al Shape Memory Alloys”, Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), 14(2)(2001), 97-102, April..
(收录:EIP2001-1006-7191 , EIP01496756028) EI Number: EIP01496756028
23) 祖小涛,林理彬,霍永忠,卢铁城,封向东,王治国,“电子辐照影响TiNi形状记忆合金R相变的研究”,《功能材料》,2001, 32(5), 478-479+483, Nov.。
(收录:EIP2001-1001-9731, EIP02266988938) EI Number: EIP02266988938
24) Zu, X., Z. Wang, X. Feng, Y. Huo, L. Lin, X. Huang, Y. Li, “The effect of pre-oxidation on the oxidation behavior of Ti-alloy at 300 C in an alkaline steam”, Surface and Coating Technology, 2001, 140(1), 161-165.
(收录:SCI:429FB; EI:E2001256551742, EIP01256551742)
25) Y. Huo, “Electric-field-induced stress resonance in ferroelectric ceramics”, Proc. Int. Symp. Yong Scholars on “Mechanics and Material Engineering for Science and Experiments”, (eds, Y. Zhou, Y. Gu and Z. Li), Science Press NY Ltd, Elmhurste, 2001, 251-254.
(收录:ISTP BU28J EI Number: EIP03427684533)
26) 莫华强, 霍永忠,祖小涛,封向东,刘蓉生,“塑性变形对NiTi形状记忆合金相变特性的影响”,《电子科技大学学报》,2001,30(Suppl.),47-49
27) 莫华强, 霍永忠,郭宇锋,祖小涛,封向东,“形状记忆合金热力学本构关系的研究”, 《电子科技大学学报》,2001,30(Suppl.),50-52
28) 祖小涛,林理彬,封向东,霍永忠,卢铁城,王治国,“1.7MeV电子辐照对TiNi形状记忆合金相变温度的影响”,《核动力工程》,2000, 21(6), 546-550
29) 霍永忠,郭宇锋,莫华强,“形状记忆合金不同温度下应力-应变滞后的数学模型”,“现代数学和力学(MMM-VIII)会议文集(11月11-13日,广州)”,陈树辉,程昌钧,戴世强,贾保国编,中山大学出版社,广州,2000,105-109。
30) Huaqiang Mo, G. Zeng, Y. Huo, X. Zu, L. Tan, “The effect of heat treatment on shape memory properties of ductile CuAlMn alloys”, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 10(2000), 603-605, No.5, Oct..
(收录:SCI:360GB, 1003-6326 EI Number: EIP03157433695)
31) Y. Huo, Y. Chen, X. Zu and M. Tu, “On Stress-Strain Hysteresis of Polycrystalline SMAS I: A Model”, Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), 12(1999), No.3, pp 205-210, June.
(收录:EIP9910005870, EIP00045118102)
32) Y. Chen, Y. Huo, X. Zu, M. Tu and Y. Gou, “On Stress-Strain Hysteresis of Cu-Zn-Al Polycrystalline SMAs II: Experiments and Numerical Simulations”, Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), 12(1999), No.3, pp 211-215, June.
(收录:EIP9910067191, EIP00045118103)
33) 霍永忠,陈远富,祖小涛,陈孟思,涂铭旌,“NiTi形状记忆合金拉伸实验及数值模拟”, 《功能材料》,30(1999),71-73, No.1。
34) Yongzhong Huo and Xiaotao Zu, “On the Characteristic Temperatures of the Martensitic Transformation in Shape Memory Alloys” in Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Nonlinear Mechanics, edited by Chien Wei-zang et al, Shanghai University Press, Shanghai, 1998, pp252-256.
(收录: EIP99024558486, ISTP BM16J )
35) Yongzhong Huo and Xiaotao Zu, “On the Three Phase Mixtures in Martensitic Transformations of Shape Memory Alloys” in Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 10(1998), 179-188, No. 3.
(收录:SCI 1998 ISSN: 0935-1175, IDS Nr. ZY351)
36) Yongzhong Huo and Qing Jiang,“Modeling of Domain Switching in Ferroelectric Ceramics: An Example” in International Journal of Solids and Structures, 35(1998), 1339-1353, No.13.
(收录:SCI 1998.02 P635 EI 1998.11. 4434293 引用: SCI, 5次 )
37) Yongzhong Huo and Qing Jiang,“Modeling of Domain Switching in Polycrystalline Ferroelectric Ceramics” in Smart Materials and Structures, 6(1997), 441-447, No.4
(收录:EI 1997.10. 3850232 引用: SCI, 9次)
38) 霍永忠, Karl-Heinz Hoffmann, “形状记忆合金的主动控振研究”, 96中国材料研讨会论文集,I-1,660-664,北京,1996。
39) 霍永忠等,“NiTi丝拉伸的物理模型及数值模拟”, 96中国材料研讨会论文集,I-1,488-492,北京,1996。
40) 霍永忠(Yongzhong Huo), “内变量和伪弹性的热力学模型 (Internal Variables and Thermodynamic Modeling of Pseudoelasticity )”, 中文本在 《应用数学和力学》, 17(1996), 909-917, No.10. English version in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 17(1996), 969-978, No.10.
(收录:EI 1997.01. 13498183)
41) Karl-Heinz Hoffmann and Yongzhong Huo,“On the Vibration of an Elastic Plate Embedded with Fibers of Shape Memory Alloys: modeling and numerical simulations” in Control and Cybernetics, 25(1996), 583-604, No.3.
42) Yongzhong Huo and Qing Jiang, “Effect of Polarization Switch upon Stress in Thickness Vibration of a Ferroelectric Plate”, in Journal of the American Ceramic Society , 79(1996), 651-654, No.3. (EI074118, SCI UB624, 1996)
(收录:SCI 1996.03 P743 EI 1996.04. 43147570 引用 SCI, 1次)
43) Yongzhong Huo and Qing Jiang, “Mixture Theory of Domain Switching in Ferroelectric Ceramics” in Mathematics and Control in Smart Materials, Proceedings of SPIE's 1996 Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, San Diego, California USA, 25-29 February, edited by V.V. Varadan and J. Chandra, pp448-459.
(收录:EI 1996.07 73260134 ISTP 1996 P69793 引用 SCI, 1次)
44) Yongzhong Huo,“A Classification of Thermodynamical Potentials for Two-Variable Transition Systems”, in Meccanica, 30(1995), 475-494, No.5.
(收录:ISTP 1996. P68259)
45) Yongzhong Huo and Ingo Müller,“The Evolution of Latent Heat in a Pseudoelastic Phase Transition”, in Proceedings of International Symposium on Shape Memory Materials, September 25-28, 1994, Beijing, edited by Y. Chu and H. Tu, pp79-81.
(收录:ISTP 1995. P65219)
46) Yongzhong Huo, Ingo Müller and Stefan Seelecke, ”Quasiplasticity and Pseudoelasticity in Shape Memory Alloys”, in Phase Transitions and Hysteresis, edited by A. Visintin, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Vol. 1584, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1994, pp87-146.
(引用SCI, 4次)
47) Yongzhong Huo and Ingo Müller,“Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics of Pseudoelasticity” in Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 5 (1993), 163-204, No. 3.
(引用SCI, 64次)
48) Senlin Fu, Yongzhong Huo and Ingo Müller, “Thermodynamics of Pseudoelasticity --- an Analytical Approach” in Acta Mechanica, 99 (1993), 1-19, No.1-4. (SCI LK575, 1993)
(收录:SCI 1993.04 P1889)
49) Senlin Fu, Yongzhong Huo and Ingo Müller,“Instability in Stress-Induced Martensitic Transformation” in Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Nonlinear Mechanics, August 23-26, 1993, Peking University Press, Beijing, edited by W.-Z. Chien et al., pp674-677.
(收录:ISTP 1995 P64968)
50) Yongzhong Huo and Ingo Müller,“Thermodynamics of Pseudoelasticity --- a Graphical Approach”, in Models of Hysteresis, edited by A. Visintin, Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics, Vol. 286, Longman, Harlow, 1993, pp39-58.
(收录:ISTP 1994 P58869) (引用SCI, 4次)
51) Cesare Davini and Yongzhong Huo,“On Certain Surfaces with Given Gaussian Curvature in the Theory of Defects in Crystals” in Journal of Elasticity, 26 (1991), 1-22, No.1. (SCI GG097, 1991)
(收录:SCI 1991.05 P2243)
52) Yongzhong Huo and Gianpietro Del Piero,“On the Completeness of the Crystallographic Symmetries in the Description of the Symmetries of the Elastic Tensor” in Journal of Elasticity, 25 (1991), 203-246, No.3. (SCI FU347, 1991)
(收录:SCI 1991.04 P2105) (引用SCI, 8次)
53) Yongzhong Huo,“On the Relative Stability of the Crystal Structures of Iron”in Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 3 (1991), 95-108, No.2.
54) Yongzhong Huo, “Preisach Model for Hysteresis in Shape Memory Alloys”, in Anisotropy and Localization of Plastic Deformations, Proceedings of Symposium: “Plasticity 91”, edited by J.P. Boehler and A.S. Khan, Elsevier, London, 1991, pp552-555.
(收录:ISTP 1993 P54749 引用SCI, 4次)
55) 郭仲衡、霍永忠,1991, “有限微极弹性的Lagrange场论”,收入“第17届国际理论与应用力学大会中国学者论文集锦”,中国力学学会编,北京大学出版社,北京,314-325
56) Yongzhong Huo,“A Mathematical Model for the Hysteresis in Shape Memory Alloys”in Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 1 (1989) 283-303, No.4.
(引用 SCI, 3次)
57) Zhong-heng Guo and Yongzhong Huo, “The Lagrangean field theory of finite micropolar elasticity”, in “Advances in Science of China, Mechanics”, Science Press, Beijing, 1(1989).
58) Zhong-heng Guo and Yongzhong Huo,“Material frame indifference, symmetry and balance law”, in Proceedings of International Conference on Nonlinear Mechanics, edited by W.-Z. Chien et al, Scientific Press, Beijing, 1985, pp132-138