钟振扬 副教授
办公地点: 科学楼 525
电子邮件: zhenyangz@fudan.edu.cn
办公室电话: 021-65643278
Fax: 021-65643278
09/1990-07 /1995:北京大学电子学系学士学位;
01/2001: 获中科院物理所的理学博士学位;
01/2006—至今 复旦大学物理系副教授;
研究方向: (1)位置可控半导体纳米材料的生长,特性测量及其器件应用的探索;(2)半导体纳米材料的光电特性研究。
在国际学术刊物 Phys. Rev. Lett.,Phys. Rev. B., Appl. Phys. Lett. 等SCI杂志上发表论文38, 其中19篇为第一作者或通讯作者,这些论文被他人SCI文献引用超过320次; 为关与纳米科学和技术的丛书之一写了一章; 在国际会议上作学术报16次, 其中2次是邀请报告.
Selected Publications:
Y. Chen, B. Pan, T. Nie, P. Chen, F. Lu,Z. Jiang and Z. Zhong,“Enhanced photoluminescence due to lateral ordering of GeSi quantum dots on patterned Si(001) substrates”,Nanotechnology 21,175701 (2010)
P. Chen, Y. Fan, Z. Zhong,“Fabrication and application of patterned Si (001) substrates with ordered pits via nanosphere lithography”,Nanotechnology 20,95303 (2009)
Zhenyang Zhong, Peixuan Chen, Zuimin Jiang, and Guenther Bauer,“ Temperature dependence of ordered GeSi island growth on patterned Si (001) substrates”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 93 (4), 043106-043109 (2008)
Z. Zhong, W.Schwinger, F. Schäffler, G. Bauer, G. Vastola, F. Montalenti and L. Miglio, “Delayed Plastic Relaxation on Patterned Si Substrates: Coherent SiGe Pyramids with Dominant {111} Facets” Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 176102 (2007)
Z. Zhong, O. G. Schmidt, and G. Bauer, “Increase of islands density via formation of secondary ordered islands on pit-patterned Si (001) substrates”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 87, 133111 (2005)
Z. Zhong, G. Bauer, “Site-controlled and size-homogeneous Ge islands on prepatterned Si (001) substrates”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 84, 1922 (2004).
T.U. Schülli, J. Stangl, Z. Zhong, R. T. Lechner, M. Sztucki, T.H. Metzger, G. Bauer, “Direct determination of strain- and composition profiles in quantum dots by anomalous x-ray diffraction at high momentum transfer”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 66105 (2003).
Z. Zhong, A.Halilovic, M. Mühlberger, F. Schäffler, and G. Bauer, “Ge island formation on stripe-patterned Si (001) substrates”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 82, 445 (2003).