
复旦大学物理系研究生导师简介张远波 教授

复旦大学 /2013-01-16

张远波 教授

办公地点: 江湾校区先进材料楼305

电子邮件: zhyb(at)fudan.edu.cn, yuanbo.zhang(at)gmail.com

办公室电话: 021-51630268



教育背景:北京大学技术物理系学士(2000),哥伦比亚大学物理系博士(2000-06),加州大学伯克利分校博士后(2006-09),IBM Almaden Research Center博士后研究员(2010)



1)研究在石墨烯(graphene)中相对论效应对电子影响,包括由此引起的反常量子霍尔效应(quantum Hall effect),准自旋物理(pseudo-spin physics)等等。发展新的样品制备方法提高样品质量,在这个基础上用精细测量方法探寻二维电子系中的电子-电子相互作用,以及可能由此引起的新的有序电磁结构。

2)发展新的样品制备和探测手段来研究其它低维度系统的结构和电磁性质。这些系统包括(自然存在或人工生长的)单晶界面,自组装的分子单层(self-assembled monolayer)等等。根据它们不同的性质,研究内容涵盖广泛,从半导体物理,强关联体系,到最近受到很多关注的“狄拉克材料(Dirac Material)”(石墨烯是其中的一种)。




入选“青年****” (2011)

IUPAP Young Scientist Prize, International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (2010)

Miller Fellowship, 加州大学伯克利分校 (2006)

Charles H. Townes Fellowship, 哥伦比亚大学 (2005)

Selected Publications:

V. W. Brar (韦小宝), S. Wickenburg (魏烈钢), M. Panlasigui, C.-H. Park, T. O. Wehling, Y. Zhang (张远波), R. Decker, C. Girit, A. V. Balatsky, S. G. Louie, A. Zettl and M. F. Crommie“Observation of Carrier-Density-Dependent Many-Body Effects inGraphene via Tunneling Spectroscopy” Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 036805 (2010).

T.-T. Tang*, Y. Zhang*, C.-H. Park, B.Geng, C.Girit, Z.Hao, M. C. Martin, A.Zettl, M. F. Crommie, S. G. Louie, Y. R.Shen& F. Wang, “A tunable phonon–excitonFano system in bilayer graphene” Nature Nanotechnology 5, 32 (2010).

Y. Zhang*, V. W. Brar*, C.Girit, A.Zettl& M. F. Crommie, “Origin of spatial charge inhomogeneity in graphene”Nature Physics 5, 722 (2009).

Y. Zhang*, T.-T. Tang*, C. Girit, Z. Hao, M. C. Martin, A. Zettl, M. F. Crommie, Y. R. Shen and F. Wang, “Direct Observation of a Widely Tunable Bandgap in Bilayer Graphene” Nature 459, 820 (2009).

Y. Zhang, V. W. Brar, F. Wang, C. Girit, Y. Yayon, M. Panlasigui, A. Zettl, M. F. Crommie, “Giant phonon-induced conductance in scanning tunneling spectroscopy of gate-tunable graphene” Nature Physics 4, 627 (2008).

F. Wang, Y. Zhang, C. Tian, C. Girit, A. Zettl, M. F. Crommie, Y. R. Shen, “Gate-Variable Optical Transitions in Graphene” Science 320, 206 (2008).

Y. Zhang, Z. Jiang et. al., “Landau Level Splitting in Graphene in High Magnetic Fields” Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 136806 (2006).

Y. Zhang, Y.-W. Tan, H. L. Stormer, P. Kim, “Experimental Observation of Quantum Hall Effect and Berry’s Phase in Graphene” Nature 438, 201 (2005).

Y. Zhang, J. Small, M. Amori, P. Kim, “Electric Field Modulation of Galvanomagnetic Properties of Mesoscopic Graphite” Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 176803 (2005).

Y. Zhang, J. Small, W. Pontius, P. Kim, “Fabrication and Electric-field-dependent Transport Measurements of Mesoscopic Graphite Devices” Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, 073104 (2005).

* Equal contribution

