

华东理工大学 免费考研网/2013-03-09

博导姓名 刘洪来

化学工程,分子热力学与分子传递; 物理化学,胶体与界面化学


2. Feng J., Liu H. L., Hu Y., Mesophase separation of diblock copolymer confined in a cylindrical tube by dissipative particle dynamics, Macrom. Thery Simul., 15(9), 2006: 668-679;
3. Yang J. Y., Xin Q., Sun L., Liu H. L., Hu Y., Jiang J. W., A new molecular thermodynamic model for multicomponent Ising lattice, J. Chem. Phys., 125(16), 2006: 164506;
4. Ye Z. C., Chen H. Y., Cai J., Liu H. L., Hu Y., Density functional theory of homopolymer square-well-chain mixtures confined in a slit, J. Chem. Phys., 125(12), 2006: 124705;
5. Yang J. Y., Yan Q. L., Liu H. L., Hu Y., A molecular thermodynamic model for compressible lattice polymers, Polymer, 47(14), 2006: 5187-5195;
6. Han X., Hu J., Liu H.L., Hu Y., SEBS aggregate patterning at surface studied by atomic force microscopy, Langmuir, 22(7), 2006: 3428-3433;
7. Hu Y., Liu H. L., Participation of molecular simulation in the developement of molecular-thermodynamic models, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 241(1), 2006: 248-256;

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