

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-31

赵万霞博士目前任教于华东政法大学政治学与公共管理学院,她的研究兴趣包括教育经济与管理、创新与可持续发展、公共政策分析和批判质性方法。她在美国印第安纳大学(Indiana University, Bloomington)获得教育政策博士学位(Ph.D. in Educational Policy),博士阶段师从教育政策领域国际著名****Heidi Ross教授。她的博士论文以清华大学为例,分析了中国精英大学的学生培养、发展和管理方面的成就与挑战。在此之前,她获得清华大学管理学硕士学位、北京大学历史学和经济学士学位。
Zhao, W& Zou, Y. 2015. Green University Initiatives in China: A Case of Tsinghua University. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 16 (4): 491 - 506 (SSCI)
Zou, Y.,Zhao, W.* Mason, R. & Li, M. 2015. Comparing Sustainable Universities between the United States and China: Cases of Indiana University and Tsinghua University.Sustainability(SSCI, 通讯作者)
Zou, Y., Zhao, W.*, & Mason, R. 2014. Marketization of collective-owned rural land: A breakthrough in Shenzhen, China. Sustainability, 6(12): 9114-9123 (SSCI, 通讯作者)
Zou, Y.& Zhao, W. 2014. Anatomy of Tsinghua University Science Park in China: Institutional evolution and assessment. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 39(5), 663-674 (SSCI)
Ross, H.,Zhang, R. & Zhao, W.2010. The Reconfiguration of State-University-Student Relationships in Post/socialist China. In: Silova, I. (eds.) Post-socialism is not dead: (Re)reading the global in comparative education.Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing
Wang, Y.,Qi, W. & Zhao, W.2010. College Entrance Examination and the Transition from High School to University Study in China. In: Vlaardingerbroek, B. and Talyor, N. (eds.) Getting Into Varsity –Comparability, Convergence and Congruence. Amherst, NY: Cambria Press
Zou, Y. Zhao, W.*, & Zhong, R. 2015. Integrating Real Estate into China’s Planning Education: Paradox and Prospect. China City Planning Review 24(3):41-49 (CSCD,通讯作者)
赵万霞,赵伟. MBA课程国际化与本土化现状及问题分析—以清华大学经济管理学院IMBA课程为例. 清华大学教育研究,2004 (06)
赵万霞,辛暖,赵伟. 改进来华留学生教育,提升办学国际化水平.中国高等教育,2003(20)
赵万霞.高学历家长家庭教育的特点及指导建议. 学前教育研究,2004(12)
赵万霞.近十年来中国家庭教育的研究综述. 早期教育,2004(9) (该文获2004年中国学前家庭教育和社会教育研讨会大会论文一等奖)
赵万霞.从燕大到北大. 建筑与文化,2007
赵万霞.论伪北大的兴亡. 北京教育史志,2001
赵万霞. 清华大学女生服饰研究. 载于:中国女性高等教育研究, 北京:高等教育出版社, 2002

Zhao, W.2013.The Developing Purposes of Low-income Students in China’s Elite Universities: The Role of University in the Development and Realization of Low Income Student’s goals. Accepted by the 2013 annual meeting of American Education Research Association, San Francisco, California
Zhao, W.2012.The Developing Purposes of Low-income Students in China’s Elite Universities: Resources, Constraints, and Disposition – How University System Influences College Students with Different Socioeconomic Backgrounds. Accepted by the 2012 annual meeting of American Education Research Association, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Zhao, W.2012.Developing Purposes of Low Income College Students in China’s Elite University, the annual meeting of Comparative and International Education Society(CIES), Puerto Rico
Zhao, W.2011.What is More Important for Low Income Students: The Struggling between Family Commitment and Personal Interests, the annual meeting of Comparative and International Education Society(CIES), Toronto, Canada
Zhao, W.2010.Low-income College Students in China's Elite Universities: Challenges and Expectations, the annual meeting of Comparative and International Education Society(CIES), Chicago
Zhao, W.2009.Changing Social Relations and Changing Self: Experiences of Low-income Students in China’s elite universities, the annual meeting of Comparative and International Education Society(CIES), Charleston

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