

研究生院 免费考研网/2006-09-28

Welcome to Yong Zhou"s homepage!

Yong Zhou:
I am an associate professor at Department of Mathematics of East China Normal University. My research interests include Euler equations, Navier-Stokes equations, second grade flow, shallow water equation and wave equations.
Email: yzhou@math.ecnu.edu.cn
Tel#: (0086) 21 6223 3050

My education:
B.S. in Mathematics: 1993-1998 Department of Mathematics, University of Science and Technology of China.
M.Phil. in Mathematics: 1999-2001 The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Supervisor: Professor Zhouping Xin
Ph.D. in Mathematics: 2001-2004 The Chinese University of Hong Kong.Supervisor: Professor Zhouping Xin


Lecturer: 1998-1999, Calculus, School of Education, USTC

Teaching assistant: 1999-2004, ODE, PDE, Elementary analysis, Real analysis, CUHK

Publications and preprints:

1. On a singular quasilinear elliptic boundary value problem in a ball. (joint with Zuchi Chen) Nonlinear Analysis. 45 (2001), No. 7, Ser. A: Theory Methods, 909--924.

2. A regularity criterion for Navier-Stokes equations in terms of gradient of the velocity field. Methods and Applications of Analysis. 9 (2002) No. 4, 563--578.

3. Regularity criteria for Navier-Stokes equations in a generic domain. Mathematische Annalen. 328 (2004), 173--192.

4. Wave breaking for a periodic shallow water equation. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 290 (2004), 591--604.

5. Stability of solitary waves for a rod equation. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals. 21 (2004), 977--981.

6. Global nonexistence for a quasilinear evolution equation with critical lower energy. Archives of Inequalities and Applications. 2 (2004), 41--47.

7. Wave breaking for a shallow water equation. Nonlinear Analysis. 57 (2004), 137--152.

8. A blowup result for a nonlinear wave equation with damping and vanishing initial energy in $/Bbb{R}^N$. To appear in Applied Mathematics Letters.

9. Wave equation. To appear in Mathematische Nachrichten.

10. Local well-posedness for the incompressible Euler equations in the critical Besov spaces. To appear in Annales de l"Institut Fourier.

11. Remarks on regularities for the 3D MHD equations. To appear in Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems.

12. Local well-posedness and blow-up criteria of solutions for a rod equation. To appear in Mathematische Nachrichten.

13. Direction of vorticity and a new regularity criterion for the Navier-Stokes equations. To appear in The ANZIAM Journal.

14. Regularity criteria for Navier-Stokes equations in term of pressure in $/Bbb{R}^3$. To appear in Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society.

Useful links in academic:

MathSciNet. University Library. ISI Journal Citation Reports.

Science Citation Index - MATHEMATICS. Science Citation Index - MATHEMATICS, APPLIED.

Publications of the Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions. Pr¨|publications de ¨|cole normale sup¨|rieure

Preprints on Conservation Laws. lanl.arXiv.org e-Print archive mirror.

MILLENNIUM PRIZE PROBLEMS. Fields Medal and Rolf Nevanlinna Prizes.


Backlog information of mathematics research journals.

Search and download archives of mathematical journals published in France.

Mathematical tools:

Latex a short course MATLAB a website of Mathworks

My family:
I married with Miss Tao in 1998. Our son, Andrew was born in 2000. There are some photos of my family.


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