

研究生院 免费考研网/2006-09-28

Ren Han
Associate Professor in Mathematics  







Born May 26. 1958,
Henan, China
Email hren@math.ecnu.edu.cn
Hobbies Small pets especially aquatic water animals ,thriller readings and videos etc.
Research Field  
Enumeration of Combinatorial Configurations,

Graphs on Surfaces, Cycle Structures in Graphs,

Graph Genus Problems , and The Crossing Number of Graphs


Part of Papers Published in recent 2 years

(1) The Number of Loopless 4-Regular Maps on the Projective Plane, J. of Combin. Theory, Ser B.( 2002)

(2) 2-Connected Loopless 4-Regular Maps on the Projective Plane, Europ. J. of Combinatorics, (2002).

(3) 4-Regular Maps on the Klein Bottle, J. of Combin. Ser B, Vol 83 (2001)

(4) 4-Regular Maps on the plane and the Torus, Discrete Applied Math., (2001)

(5) Simple Bipartite Maps on the Sphere and the Projective Plane, Discrete Math.,(2001)

(6) Bisingular Maps on the plane and the Projective Plane, Discrete Math., (2000)

(7) The Number of 4-Regular Maps on the Projective Plane, Utilitus Math.,(2000) (8) Another Cycle Structure Theorem for Hamiltonian Graphs, Discrete Math.,Vol 199 (1999).

(9) The number of Fair Triangulations on the Plane, Acta.Math. Sinica, (1999)