

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-16



部门: 物理与电子科学学院
邮编: 200062
电子邮箱: yzou@phy.ecnu.edu.cn
办公地址: 闵行校区物理楼429室
通讯地址: 上海市华东师范大学物理系





the Group of Nonlinear Dynamics and Complex Networks:
nonlinear dynamics and modeling;
time series analysis;
recurrences and statistical tests;
complex systems and complexity;
nonlinear processes in geophysics? climate dynamics;
bioinformatics? gene expression;
social-economic networks? games;



[76] Z. W. Chen, Y. Zou, S. G. Guan, Z. H. Liu, and J. Kurths. Fully solvable lower dimensional dynamics of Cartesian product of Kuramoto models. New Journal of Physics, 21, 123019, 2019. (Corresponding author)
[75] Q. Ni, J. Kang,M. Tang, Y. Liu, and Y. Zou. Learning epidemic threshold in complex networks by Convolutional Neural Network. Chaos, 29, 113106, 2019.
[74] Y. Z. Xu, M. Tang, Y. Liu, Y. Zou, and Z. H. Liu. Identifying epidemic threshold by temporal profile of outbreaks on networks. Chaos, 29, 103141, 2019.
[73] Y. J. Ruan, R. V. Donner, S. G. Guan, and Y. Zou. Ordinal partition transition network based complexity measures for inferring coupling direction and delay from time series. Chaos, 29, 043111, 2019. (Corresponding author)
[72] X. Li, J. M. Zhang, Y. Zou, and S. G. Guan. Clustering and Bellerophon state in Kuramoto model with second-order coupling. Chaos, 29, 043102, 2019.
[71] J.-M. Zhang, X. Li, Y. Zou, and S. G. Guan. Novel transition and Bellerophon state in coupled Stuart-Landau oscillators. Frontiers of Physics, 14, 33603, 2019.
[70] F. J. Tan, M. Tang, Y. Zou, and J. Zhou. Interdependent networks with redundant and dependant interconnections, Physica A, 526 , 120777, 2019.
[69] X. C. Zhu, J. Zhou, M. Tang, Y. Zou, G. X. Xiao. Enhanced connection adaption strategy with partition approach. IEEE Access, 9, 34162 - 34169, 2019.
[68] Y. Zou, R. V. Donner, N. Marwan, J. F. Donges, and J. Kurths. Complex network approaches to nonlinear time series analysis. Physics Reports, 787, 1--97, 2019.
[67] Y. Zou, Z. Y. Zhao, D. Z. Yin, M. X. Fan, M. Small, Z. H. Liu, C. C. Hilgetag, and J. Kurths. Brain anomaly networks uncover heterogeneous functional reorganization patterns after stroke. NeuroImage: Clinical, 20, 523--530, 2018.
[66] Y. Zou, E. E. N. Macau, G. Sampaio, A. M. T. Ramos, and J. Kurths. Characterizing the exceptional 2014 drought event in Sao Paulo by drought period length. Climate Dynamics, 51, 433--442, 2018.
[65] H. Guo, J. Y. Zhang, Y. Zou, S. G. Guan. Cross and joint ordinal partition transition networks for multivariate time series analysis. Frontiers of Physics, 13, 130508, 2018. (Corresponding author)
[64] Y. N. Huang, M. Tang, Y. Zou, J. Zhou. Hybrid phase transitions of spreading dynamics in multiplex networks. Chinese Journal of Physics, 56, 1166--1172, 2018.
[63] A. M. T. Ramos, Y. Zou, G. Sampaio, J. Kurths, and E. E. N. Macau. Unveiling non-stationary coupling between Amazon and ocean during recent extreme events. Climate Dynamics, 50, 767--776, 2018.
[62] D. G. de B. Costa, B. M. da F. Reis, Y. Zou, M. G. Quiles, E. E. N. Macau. Recurrence density enhanced complex networks for nonlinear time series analysis. Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos, 28, **, 2018. (Corresponding author)
[61] J. Zhou, Y. Zou, S. Guan, Z. Liu, Xiao G. X., and S. Boccaletti. Connection adaption for control of networked mobile chaotic agents. Scientific Reports, 7, 16069, 2017.
[60] C. S. Wang, Y. Zou, S. Guan, J. Kurths. Cartesian Product of Synchronization Transitions and Hysteresis. New Journal of Physics , 13, 130201, 2017. (Corresponding author)
[59] H. Guo, A. M. T. Ramos, E. E. N. Macau, Y. Zou, S. G. Guan. Constructing regional climate networks in the Amazonia during recent drought events. PloS ONE, 12(10), e**, 2017. (Corresponding author).
[58] J. Y. Zhang, J. Zhou, M. Tang, H. Guo, M. Small, Y. Zou. Constructing ordinal partition transition networks from multivariate time series. Scientific Reports, 7, 7795, 2017. (Corresponding author)
[57] L. M. Ying, J. Zhou, M. Tang, S. G. Guan, Y. Zou. Mean-field approximations of fixation time distributions of evolutionary game dynamics on graphs. Frontiers of Physics, 13, 130201, 2017. (Corresponding author)
[56] X. Y. Nie, M. Tang, Y. Zou, S. G. Guan, J. Zhou. The impact of heterogeneous response on coupled spreading dynamics in multiplex networks. Physica A, 484, 225--232, 2017.
[55] R. Zhang, Y. Zou, J. Zhou, Z. K. Gao, and S. G. Guan. Visibility graph analysis for re-sampled time series from auto-regressive stochastic processes. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 42, 396--403, 2017. (Corresponding author)
[54] W. C. Zhou, Y. Zou, J. Zhou, Z. H. Liu, and S. G. Guan. Intermittent Bellerophon state in frequency-weighted Kuramoto model. Chaos, 26, 123117, 2016.
[53] J. Zhou, Y. Zou, S. Guan, Z. Liu, and S. Boccaletti. Synchronization in slowly switching networks of coupled oscillators. Scientific Reports, 6, 35979, 2016.
[52] S. Boccaletti, J. A. Almendral, S. Guan, I. Leyva, Z. Liu, I. Sendinna-Nadal, Z. Wang, Y. Zou. Explosive transitions in complex networks' structure and dynamics: percolation and synchronization. Physics Reports, 660, 1--94, 2016.
[51] H. Bi, X. Hu, S. Boccaletti, X. Wang, Y. Zou, Z. Liu and S. Guan. Coexistence of quantized, time dependent, clusters in globally coupled oscillators. Physical Review Letters, 117, 204101, 2016.
[50] T. Qiu, S. Boccaletti, I. Bonamassa, Y. Zou, J. Zhou, Z. Liu, and S. Guan, Synchronization and Bellerophon states in conformist and contrarian oscillators, Scientific Reports, 6, 36713, 2016.
[49] L. Y. Zhang, L. M. Ying, J. Zhou, S. G. Guan, and Y. Zou. Fixation probabilities of evolutionary coordination games on two coupled populations. Physical Review E, 94, 032307, 2016. (Corresponding author)
[48] Y. Zou, E. E. N. Macau, G. Sampaio, A. Mario, and J. Kurths. Do the recent severe droughts in the Amazonia have the same period of length? Climate Dynamics, 46, 3279--3285, 2016.
[47] Y. Zou, R. V. Donner, M. Thiel, and J. Kurths. Disentangling regular and chaotic motion in the standard map using complex network analysis of recurrences in phase space. Chaos, 26, 023120, 2016.
[46] X. Y. Zhang, S. G. Guan, Y. Zou, X. S. Chen and Z. H. Liu. Suppressing explosive synchronization by contrarians. Europhysics Letter (EPL), 113, 28005, 2016.
[45] M. H. Zheng, C. Q. Wang, J. Zhou, M. Zhao, S. G. Guan, Y. Zou, and Z. H. Liu. Non-periodic outbreaks of recurrent epidemics and its network modelling. Scientific Reports, 5, 16010, 2015.
[44] V. Vlasov, Y. Zou, T. Pereira. Explosive synchronization is discontinuous. Physical Review E, 92, 012904, 2015.
[43] S. F. Ma, H. J. Bi, Y. Zou, Z. H. Liu, and S. G. Guan. Shuttle-run synchronization in mobile ad hoc networks. Frontiers of Physics, 10, 100505, 2015.
[42] L.Y. Zhang, Y. Zou, S. G. Guan, Z. H. Liu. Analytical description for the critical fixations of evolutionary coordination games on finite complex structured populations. Physical Review E, 91, 042807, 2015. (Corresponding author)
[41] Y. Zou, R. V. Donner, and J. Kurths. Analyzing long-term correlated stochastic processes by means of recurrence networks: Potentials and pitfalls. Physical Review E, 91, 022926, 2015.
[40] Z.-K. Gao, Y.-X. Yang, P.-C. Fang, Y. Zou, C.-Y. Xia, and M. Du. Multiscale complex network for analyzing experimental multivariate time series. Europhysics Letter (EPL), 109, 30005, 2015.
[39] H. J. Bi, X. Hu, X. Y. Zhang, Y. Zou, Z. H. Liu, and S. G. Guan, Explosive oscillation death in coupled Stuart-Landau oscillators. Europhysics Letter (EPL), 108, 50003, (2014).
[38] Y. Zou, R. V. Donner, N. Marwan, M. Small, and J. Kurths. Long-term changes in the north-south asymmetry of solar activity: a nonlinear dynamics characterization using visibility graphs. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 21, 1113-1126, 2014.
[37] W. W. Huang, X. Y. Zhang, X. Hu, Y. Zou, Z. H. Liu, S. G. Guan. Variation of critical point of aging transition in a networked oscillators system. Chaos, 24, 023122, 2014.
[36] R. V. Donner, J. F. Donges, Y. Zou, and J. H. Feldhoff. Complex network analysis of recurrences. Book chapter in: C. L. Webber Jr. and N. Marwan (eds.), Recurrence Quantification Analysis: Theory and Best Practices, Springer, 101-163, 2015.
[35] Y. Zou, M. Carmen Romano, M. Thiel, J. Kurths. Identifying coupling directions by recurrences. Book chapter in: C. L. Webber Jr. and N. Marwan (eds.), Recurrence Quantification Analysis: Theory and Best Practices, Springer, 65-99, 2015.
[34] N. Malik, N. Marwan, Y. Zou, P. J. Mucha, and J. Kurths. Fluctuation of similarity to detect transitions between distinct dynamical regimes in short time series. Physical Review E, 89, 062908, 2014.
[33] X. Y. Zhang, Y. Zou, S. Boccaletti, and Z. H. Liu. Explosive synchronization as a process of explosive percolation in dynamical phase space. Scientific Reports, 4, 5200, 2014.
[32] Y. Zou, T. Pereira, M. Small, Z. H. Liu, J. Kurths. Basin of Attraction Determines Hysteresis in Explosive Synchronization. Physical Review Letters, 112, 114102, 2014.
[31] Y. Zou, M. Small, Z. H. Liu, and J. Kurths. Complex network approach to characterize the statistical features of the sunspot series. New Journal of Physics, 16, 013051, 2014.
[30] Y. Zou, J. Heitzig, J. Kurths. Power laws of recurrence networks. In: Dr. Markus J. Aschwanden (Ed.). Self-Organized Criticality Systems, Open Academic Press, 229-250, 2013. (Book Chapter)
[29] N. Marwan, Y. Zou, N. Wessel, M. Riedl, and J. Kurths. Estimating coupling directions in the cardio-respiratory system using recurrence properties. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 371, **, 2013.
[28] Y. Zou, R. V. Donner, M. Wickramasinghe, I. Z. Kiss, M. Small, and J. Kurths. Phase coherence and attractor geometry of chaotic electrochemical oscillators. Chaos, 22, 033130, 2012.
[27] Y. Zou? J. Heitzig? R.?V. Donner? J.?F. Donges? J.?D. Farmer? R. Meucci? S. Euzzor? N. Marwan? J. Kurths. Power-laws in recurrence networks from dynamical systems. Europhysics Letters (EPL)? 98? 48001? 2012.
[26] N. Malik? Y. Zou? N. Marwan? and J. Kurths. Fluctuation of similarity to detect dynamical transitions in short palaeo records of Asian monsoon. Europhysics Letters (EPL)? 97? 40009? 2012.
[25] Y. Zou? R. V. Donner? J. Kurths. Geometric and dynamic perspectives on phase coherent and noncoherent chaos. Chaos? 22? 013115? 2012.
[24] J. Heitzig? J.F. Donges? Y. Zou? N. Marwan? and J. Kurths. Node-weighted measures for complex networks with spatially embedded? sampled? or differently sized nodes. European Physical Journal B? 85? 38? 2012.
[23] J. Heitzig? K. Lessmann? Y. Zou. Self-enforcing strategies to deter free-riding in the climate change mitigation game and other repeated public good games. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA (PNAS)? 108? 15739-15744? 2011.
[22] R. V. Donner? J. Heitzig? J. F. Donges; Y. Zou? N. Marwan? and J. Kurths. The Geometry of chaotic dynamics -- a complex network perspective. European Physical Journal B? 84? 653-672? 2011.
[21] J.F. Donges? H. Schultz? N. Marwan? Y. Zou? and J. Kurths. Investigating the topology of interacting networks --- Theory and application to coupled climate subnetworks. European Physical Journal B? 84? 635-651? 2011.
[20] R.V. Donner? M. Small? J.F. Donges? N. Marwan? Y. Zou? R. Xiang? and J. Kurths. Recurrence-based time series analysis by means of complex network methods. Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos, 14? 1019-1046? 2011.
[19] A.P. Schultz? Y. Zou? N. Marwan? and M.T. Turvey. Local Minima-based recurrence plots for continuous dynamical systems. Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos? 14? 1065-1075? 2011.
[18] Y. Zou? M.C. Romano? M. Thiel? N. Marwan? and J. Kurths. Inferring Indirect Coupling by Means of Recurrences. Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos? 21? 1099-1111? 2011.
[17] Y. Zou? J. F. Donges? J. Kurths. Recent advances in complex climate network analysis. Complex Systems and Complexity Science? 8? 27-38? 2011. (in Chinese)
[16] X. Sun? Y. Zou? V. Nikiforova? J. Kurths? and D. Walther. The Complexity of Gene Expression Dynamics Revealed by Permutation Entropy. BMC Bioinformatics? 11? 607-621? 2010.
[15] Y. Zou? R.V. Donner? J.F. Donges? N. Marwan? and J. Kurths. Identifying complex periodic windows in continuous-time dynamical systems using recurrence-based methods. Chaos? 20? 043130? 2010.
[14] R.V. Donner? Y. Zou? J.F. Donges? N. Marwan? and J. Kurths. Ambiguities in recurrence based complex network representations of time series. Physical Review E (Rapid Communication)? 81? 015101(R)? 2010.
[13] R.V. Donner? Y. Zou? J.F. Donges? N. Marwan? and J. Kurths. Recurrence networks -- A novel paradigm for nonlinear time series analysis. New Journal of Physics? 12? 033025 ? 2010. (This paper has been selected as 'best of 2010')
[12] N. Marwan? J.F. Donges? Y. Zou? R.V. Donner? and J. Kurths. Complex Network Approach for Recurrence Analysis of Time Series. Physics Letters A? 373? 4246-4254? 2009.
[11] J.F. Donges? Y. Zou? N. Marwan? and J. Kurths. The backbone of the climate network. Europhysics Letters (EPL)? 87? 48007? 2009.
[10] J. Kurths? D. Maraun? C. S. Zhou? G. Zamora-Lopez and Y. Zou. Dynamics in complex systems. European Review? 17? 357-370? 2009.
[9] J.F. Donges? Y. Zou? N. Marwan? and J. Kurths. Complex networks in climate dynamics -- -- Comparing linear and nonlinear network construction methods. European Physical Journal -- Special Topics? 174? 157-179? 2009.
[8] Y. Zou? M. Thiel? M. C. Romano? P. L. Read? and J. Kurths. Recurrence analysis of quasiperiodicity in experimental fluid data. European Physical Journal -- Special Topics? 164? 23-33? 2008.
[7] M. Chen? Y. Shang? Y. Zou? and J. Kurths. Synchronization in the Kuramoto model: A dynamical gradient network approach. Physical Review E? 77? 027101? 2008.
[6] Y. Zou? M. Thiel? M.C. Romano? and J. Kurths. Characterization of stickiness by means of recurrence. Chaos? 17? 043101? 2007.
[5] Y. Zou? D. Pazo? M.C. Romano? M. Thiel? and J. Kurths. Distinguishing quasiperiodic dynamics from chaos in short-time series. Pysical Review E? 76? 016210? 2007.
[4] Y. Zou? M. Thiel? M. C. Romano? and J. Kurths. Analytical description of recurrence plots of dynamical systems with nontrivial recurrences. Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos? 17(12):4273-4283? 2007.
[3] Y. Zou? M. Thiel? M. C. Romano? Q. Bi? and J. Kurths. Shrimp structure and associated dynamics in parametrically excited oscillators. Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos? 16(12):3567-3579? 2006.
[2] Q. Bi? Y. Zou? Z. Liu? and G. Chen. Chaos synchronization in internal resonant system. J. Control Theory and Application, 21(6):932-934? 2004? (Print Chinese version).
[1] Q. Bi; Z. Chen? Y. Zhu? and Y. Zou. Dynamical analysis of coupled oscillators with parametrical excitation. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 35(3):367-372? 2003? (Print Chinese version).



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