李响 职称:
直属机构: 地理科学学院
10 访问
部门: 地理科学学院
性别: 男
专业技术职务: 教授
毕业院校: 香港中文大学
学位: 博士
学历: 博士研究生
联系电话: +86-
电子邮箱: xli@geo.ecnu.edu.cn
办公地址: 华东师范大学
通讯地址: 上海市闵行区东川路500号
邮编: 200241
传真: +86-
2004: Ph.D. in Geography, Supervisor Prof. Hui Lin, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Thesis: Modeling and accessing trajectory data of moving vehicles in a road network
2000: M.Sc. in Cartography and GIS, Supervisor Prof. Manchun Li, Nanjing University
Thesis: A GIS-based land price evaluation system
1997: B.Sc. in Economic Geography and Urban Planning, Nanjing University
Thesis: Applying quantitative methods to urban planning
1997: Minor in Computer Application, Nanjing University
Aug. 2014 - Aug. 2015: Visiting Scholar, The Department of Geography, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA
Jul. 2012 - Aug. 2012: Visiting Scholar, The Department of Geography and Resource Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Aug. 2011 - now:Professor, East China Normal University, China
Jan. 2007 - Jul. 2011: Associate Professor, East China Normal University, China
Nov. 2009: Visiting Scholar, GIS Research Lab, Naval Academy Research Institute, France
Jul. 2009 - Sep. 2009: Visiting Scholar, Institute of Space and Earth Information Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Jul. 2007 - Oct. 2007: Visiting Scholar, Institute of Space and Earth Information Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Sep. 2005 - Dec. 2006: Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept. of Earth Sciences, University of Memphis, US
Jan. 2005 - Jul. 2005: Postdoctoral Fellow, GIS Research Lab, Naval Academy Research Institute, France
2002 - 2004: Teaching Assistant, The Department of Geography and Resource Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
2001 - 2002: Research Assistant, The Joint Laboratory for GeoInformation Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
2000 - 2001: GIS Software Engineer, Newland Co. Ltd., Fuzhou, China
1997 - 2000: Teaching Assistant, The Department of Urban and Resource Management, Nanjing University, China
先后于南京大学获得学士及硕士学位,于香港中文大学获得博士学位,曾于法国及美国从事博士后研究工作,目前任职于华东师范大学地理科学学院暨地理信息科学教育部重点实验室,受聘为教授,博士生导师,同时担任城市空间优化与智能交通研究工作室负责人。其学术成绩主要集中在以下两个研究方向 “时空轨迹大数据处理及应用”与“空间优化算法”,近年来,主持相关省部级以上研究课题10项,发表相关代表性学术论文35篇,出版相关学术专著2部,自2017年起,受聘担任IJGIS期刊编委,负责审阅时空轨迹数据分析与空间优化方面的投稿论文。在时空轨迹大数据处理及应用领域,申请人较早地定义了面向轨迹数据的道路网络模型及轨迹数据模型,发展了轨迹数据索引方法,探索了轨迹数据在不同方向上的应用价值,开发了国内外唯一一套专用于轨迹数据管理与应用的软件工具。在空间优化算法领域,申请人的研究集中在公共设施的空间定位、服务范围的划分及交通流的有效组织,核心贡献包括深度探索了遗传算法在空间选址中的应用手段,提出了面向容量受限设施服务范围划分的有效方法,发展了不同情景下应急疏散方案制定的策略,并开发了多个相应的软件工具。2019年,获W2GIS年会最佳论文奖。 (更新于2020-9-2)
Publicity Chair, The 21th IEEE Conference on Mobile Data Management,Versailles, France, June 30 - July 3, 2020
会议秘书组成员,2019 中国地理信息科学理论与方法学术年会,2019年10月18日-20日
Frontiers of Earth Science(since 2012)
The Open Geography Journal(since 2007),
Journal of Geographic Information System(since 2010),
International Journal of Spatial, Temporal and Multimedia Information Systems(since 2013),
International Journal of Geographical Information Science(since 2017)
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies(since 2007),
Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica(since 2007),
Geo-Information Science(since 2008),
International Journal of Geographical Information Science(since 2008),
Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems(since 2008),
Annals of GIS(since 2009),
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems(since 2010),
International Journal of Digital Earth(since 2012),
International Geocarto(since 2014),
Open Journal of Databases(since 2014),
Transactions in GIS(since 2014),
Journal of Spatial Science(since 2014),
International Journal of Spatial, Temporal and Multimedia Information Systems(since 2015),
Applied Geography (since 2020),
Journal of Geographical Sciences (since 2020),
PC member,The 10th International Conference on Geographic Information Science, (GIScience'18), 28-31 August, 2018,Melbourne, Australia
PC member,The 8th International Symposium “Information Fusion and Intelligent Geographical Information Systems 2017” (IF&IGIS’17), Shanghai, China
Conference chair,15th International Symposium on Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems W2GIS 2017, May 8-9, 2017, Shanghai, China
PC member,The 24th International Conference on GeoInformatics, 2016, Galway, Ireland.
PC member,The 23th International Conference on GeoInformatics, 2015, Wuhan, China.
PC member,The 22th International Conference on GeoInformatics, 2014, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
PC member,The Third International Workshop on Spatial Information Modeling, Management and Mining (SIM3), April 21-24, 2014, Bali, Indonesia.
PC member,The 8th International Conference on Geographic Information Science, September 24 to 26, 2014, Vienna University of Technology, Austria.
PC member,The 21th International Conference on GeoInformatics, 2013, kaifeng, China.
Scientific advisory board member,Open Source Geospatial Research and Education Symposium(OGRS2012), October 24-26, 2012, Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland.
PC member,The 7th International Conference on Geographic Information Science, September 19 to 21, 2012, Ohio, USA.
PC member,The 20th International Conference on GeoInformatics, 2012, Hong Kong, China.
Committee member, Theory and Methodology Group,China Association for Geographic Information System(CAGIS), since 2012.
PC member,The Second International Workshop on Spatial Information Modeling, Management and Mining(SIM3), part of DASFAA2012, April 15-18, 2012, Busan, South Korea
Committee member, Foresight Committee of Key Fields (urban safety and hazard mitigation) in Science and Technology Development, Shanghai, Sep. 2011-Mar. 2012.
Track committee member,The 27th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Italy, 2010
Secretary general,The 19th International Conference on GeoInformatics, Shanghai, China, 2011
Member,IEEE,IEEE GRSS,CPGIS, since 2010
BOD member ofThe Association of Chinese Professionals in GIS(CPGIS), 2010-2011
PC member,The International Conference on Remote Sensing, Environment and Transportation Engineering(RSETE 2011), Nanjing, China, 2011
PC member, The First International Workshop on Spatial Information Modeling, Management and Mining (SIM3), part ofDASFAA2011, Hong Kong, China, 2011
Track committee member,The 26th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Taiwan, 2010
Track committee member,The 25th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Switzerland, 2010
PC member,International Workshop on GIS for Transportation, Wuhan, China, 2009
Invited reviewer,The 2009 International Conference on Web Information Systems and Mining (WISM’09) and the 2009 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computational Intelligence (AICI'09), Shanghai, China, 2009
Reviewing committee member,The International Opensource Geospatial Research Symposium, France, 2009
PC member,Web and Wireless GIS 2009, Ireland, 2009
Symposium chair ofWeb and Wireless GIS 2008, Shanghai, China, 2008
BOD member ofThe Association of Chinese Professionals in GIS(CPGIS), 2002-2004
BOD member ofChina Association for Geographic Information System(CAGIS), since 2007
Technical committee member ofChina Association of GIS for Transportation, since 2007
Track committee member ofThe 24th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, USA, 2009
Track committee member ofThe 23rd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Brazil, 2008
Affiliate member of the Graduate Faculty,Dept. of Earth Sciences, University of Memphis, US, 2005-2008
Member ofNorth America Chinese Transportation Association(NACOTA), since 2004
Member ofThe Association of American Geographers(AAG), since 2005
Instructor,Spatial Data Analysis and Modeling, East China Normal University, Since 2009
Instructor,Advanced GIS, East China Normal University, 2007-2015
Instructor, ESCI/PLAN-4515/6515:Geographic Information Science, The University of Memphis, Fall 2006
Instructor, ESCI/PLAN-1401-504:Intro/Cultural Geography, The University of Memphis, Fall 2007
Instructor, GEOG-4515/6515:Geographic Information Science, The University of Memphis, Summer 2006
Instructor, GEOG/PLAN-4515/6515:Geographic Information Science, The University of Memphis, Spring 2006
Teaching Assistant,Computer Cartography,Geographical Information Systems,Statistical Analysis in Geography,Understanding China through Travel, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2002-2004
Teaching Assistant,Computer Programming with Language C. Nanjing University, 1997-2000
8/2019-7/2022 Co-Investigator (PI: Prof. CAI Yongli), 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题, “大数据驱动下自然资源生态安全预测预警预案(负责课题五:自然资源生态安全预测预警预案大数据共享与云协作平台构建)”, Ref. No. 19JZD023. (RMB 800,000)
1/2018-12/2021Principal Investigator, 国家自然科学基金面上项目, “基于可控时空立方体的车辆轨迹大数据检索方法研究, Ref. No. **. (RMB 748,000)
1/2014-12/2016 Principal Investigator, 教育部博士点博导基金,Ministry of Education Foundation for Doctoral Supervisors in Doctoral Program, “Key Technology on Evaluation of Traffic Intersection with Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, Ref. No. 20**4. (RMB 120,000)
1/2013-6/2015 Co-Investigator (PI: Prof. YANG Liao), 863项目,华东师范大学课题负责人,The National High Technology Research and Development Program of China Integrated Spatial Analysis, Simulation, and Decision based on Comprehensive Spatio-temporal Data in Urban Area, Ref. No. 2013AA122302. (RMB 9,200,000)
1/2013-12/2013 Principal Investigator, 华东师范大学,校内创新基金,Innovation Research Grant of East China Normal University, Environment surveillance and emergence evacuation for integrated indoor and outdoor space . (RMB 100,000)
1/2013-12/2016 Principal Investigator,国家自然科学基金面上项目,National Natural Science Foundation of China, Traveler-oriented path travel time prediction with numerous taxi trajectories in highly urbanized area, Ref. No. **. (RMB 750,000)
7/2011-7/2012 Principal Investigator, Grant from China Data Center, University of Michigan, “Virtual Environment Project”. (USD 5,000)
1/2012-6/2013 Principal Investigator, Grant from Shanghai Key Lab for Urban Ecology and Sustainability, “Estimate the volume of vehicle exhaust in road network with a large number of vehicle trajectory data”, Ref. No. SHUES2011A01. (RMB 50,000)
6/2011-5/2013 Principal Investigator, Director Grant of Key Lab of GIScience, Ministry of Education, “Traffic Flow Forecasting Based on Vehicle Trajectory Data”, Ref. No. KLGIS2011C01. (RMB 50,000)
4/2011-3/2014 Principal Investigator, Natural Science Foundation of Shanghai, “Vehicle Trajectory-oriented Spatial Data Query Language”, Ref. No. 11ZR**. (RMB 100,000)
8/2010-8/2011 Principal Investigator, East China University of Science and Technology, “Study on Urban Development Indicator Systems”. (RMB 30,000)
1/2009-12/2010 Co-Investigator, (PI: Prof. LIN Hui) Hong Kong RGC Project Modeling Pedestrian Evacuation using a Geo-referenced Multi-agent Approach: Taking Hong Kong's Fireworks Show as a Sample Case, Ref. No. 405608. (HKD 290,000)
1/2009-12/2011Principal Investigator,Scientific Research Foundation for the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars, State Education Ministry, Network-based Spatio-temporal Data Indexing and Query Language , (RMB25,000)
10/2007-9/2009 Principal Investigator, Shanghai Pujiang Program, Key techniques of applying GIS to emergency services, Ref. No. 07PJ14035. (RMB250,000)
1/2008-12/2010 Principal Investigator, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Data query language and data mining for trajectories of vehicles moving in a road network, Ref. No. **. (RMB190,000)
1/2008-12/2011 Co-Investigator, (PI: Prof. YU Lizhong and Prof. XU Shiyuan) National Natural Science Foundation of China, Scenario-based natural hazard analysis for coastal cities, Ref. No. **. (RMB1,900,000)
1/2008-12/2010 Co-Investigator, (PI: Prof. ZHENG Xiangmin) National Science Fund for Fostering Talents in Basic Science, Science and research training program in geography, Ref. No. J**. (RMB1,800,000)
1/2008-12/2010 Principal Investigator, Ministry of Education Foundation for Junior Faculty in Doctoral Program, Spatial modeling for distributed sensors in micro-environment, Ref. No. . (RMB36,000)
1/2008-12/2008 Principal Investigator, Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping, “Applying GIS to emergency services”. (RMB 100,000)
10/2007-9/2009 Co-Investigator, (PI: Prof. YU Lizhong) Shanghai S&T Foundation, A decision-support system for digital Chongming Island, Ref. No. 07DZ12037. (RMB4,000,000)
09/2005-12/2006 GIS-basedhazard mitigation planand database
04/2005-07/2005Spatial data mining: extending the capability of decision trees to spatial data
02/2002-04/2005GIS-T applications: How to efficiently manage and apply real-time traffic data with GIS technologies
02/2002-02/2005Moving objectdata management, analysis, and application in transportation
10/2001-02/2002Urban simulation,Virtual Geography Environment: building geometrical, physical, and behavioral models of geo-entities with GIS, VR, and Internet technologies
09/1998-07/2000 GIS-basedland price evaluation
09/1999-07/2000Web-based GIS. GIS data model, spatial analysis, and database
06/1996-12/1997 Applying GIS tourban and land use planning
特别推出 Showcase
2016年7月:地理信息系统底层开发教程(Develop a GIS from buttom up)科学出版社 (Science Press: Beijing),ISBN 978-7-03-049131-2
研究兴趣 Research interests
Spatial operational research
Spatial big data analysis with a concentration in vehicle trajectories
Geographical information systems (GIS) for transportation
GIS algorithms and software development
曾指导的研究生 Supervised postgraduate students
XU Xianrui- graduated in 2010 with his Master's Degree and now is a Ph.D. student of Tongji University. His thesis is Applying Scatter Search Algorithm to Capacitated p-Median Problem in Facility Location Allocation.
XIAO Sen- graduated in 2010 with her Master's Degree and now is a geographic teacher of Xinjian High School in Zibo, Shandong. Her thesis is The Impact of the Social Attributes of House Buyers on the Spatial Differences of House Purchasing Behavior——A Case Study in Shanghai.
ZHENG Yanfei- graduated in 2010 with her Master's Degree and now works with Wenzhou Medical College. Her thesis is Construction of 3D Visualization Lane-based Road Network Model.
HUANG Yiyu- graduated in 2011 with her Master's Degree and now works with a consulting company. Her thesis is GIS-based Business Layout and Strategy Research on Facility Location Allocation.
TANG Daimin- graduated in 2011 with his Master's Degree and now is a research assistant with University of California, Santa Barbara. His thesis is Research in Lane-based road network data model and microscopic transportation simulation platform.
LI Xiaojie- graduated in 2011 with his Master's Degree and now works with ZTE, a world-class communication company. His thesis is Geometric Characteristics of Road Network Extraction from Trajectory Data of Vehicles.
LI Menglei- graduated in 2011 with her Master's Degree and now is a geographic teacher of Attached High School of Zhejiang University. Her thesis is Research on Transit Network Model and Transfer.
HU Yujie- graduated in 2012 with his Master's Degreeand now is a Ph.D. student of Louisiana State University. His thesis is Image-based Road Network Model and Its Applications.
ZHAO Minyue– graduated in 2013 with her Master’s Degree. Her thesis is “Analyze Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Exhaust Emissions around Intersections based on Trajectory Data”.
SUN Jing- graduated in 2013 with her Master’s Degree. Her thesis is “Research on Exploration Analysis of a Large Volume of Trajectory Data”.
JIANG Yijuan- graduated in 2013 with her Master’s Degree. Her thesis is “Travel Time Prediction Based on Historical Trajectory Data”.
谢君XIE Jun- graduated in 2014 with her Master’s Degree. Her thesis is “Study on the Integration of Indoor and Outdoor Space Emergency Evacuation Algorithm”.
汪炯骅WANG Jionghua- graduated in 2015 with his Master's Degreeand now is a Ph.D. student of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. His thesis is Optimal Vehicle Operations Based on Dynamic Programming in Emergency Services.
任慧君REN Huijun-graduated in 2015 with her Master’s Degree. Her thesis is “Semiautomatic Indoor Positioning and Navigation with Mobile Devices”.
徐栋XU Dong- graduated in 2016 with her Master’s Degree. His research is about indoor evacuation plan and simulation.
郑毅ZHENG Yi- graduated in 2016 with her Master’s Degree. His research is about video-based moving object detection and tracking.
杨婷婷YANG Tingting- graduated in 2016 with her Master’s Degree. Her research is about extracting real-time traffic situation with taxi trajectory data.
许涛XU Tao- graduated in 2017 with his doctoral Degree. 基于海量出租车轨迹数据的旅行时间预测
柴培汕CHAI Peishan- graduated in 2017 with her Master’s Degree. 基于移动设备的室内定位与导航
许园园XU Yuanyuan- graduated in 2017 with her Master’s Degree. 基于地铁刷卡数据的客流拥挤度提取—以上海市地铁5号线、8号线为例
薛蕊XUE Rui- graduated in 2017 with her Master’s Degree. 面向微观影响因素的房价评估模型的构建与实现
严朝霞YAN Zhaoxia - graduated in 2017 with her Master’s Degree. 基于VISSIM微观仿真的上海迪士尼乐园的交通组织评价
陈林CHEN Lin- graduated in 2018 with her Master’s Degree. 利用无人机视频提取交通信息
石艳SHI Yan- graduated in 2018 with her Master’s Degree. 空间认知与校园环境设计探究
张砚炳ZHANG Yanbing- graduated in 2018 with his Master’s Degree. 利用低成本定位及惯导设备实现驾驶姿态提取及行为判断
王肖柳- graduated in 2018 with his Master’s Degree. 上海市商业用地租金时空变化规律与预测模型
朱延冰- graduated in 2019 with his Master’s Degree. 基于轨迹大数据的出租车司机就餐点选址问题研究——以上海市为例基于轨迹大数据的出租车司机就餐点选址问题研究——以上海市为例()
叶金- graduated in 2019 with her Master’s Degree. 基于多源车辆行驶数据的驾驶行为识别与评估研究()
陈渠- graduated in 2019 with her Master’s Degree. 基于深度学习的多摄像头协同目标跟踪方法研究()
王鹏远- graduated in 2020 with his Master's Degree. 基于手机数据集成LSTM与CA的微时空粒度活动人口预测方法研究——以上海市崇明区中国联通用户为例()
曾指导的本科生 Supervised undergraduate students
WANG Xinyi- graduated in 2009 with his Bachelor's Degree. His thesis is Setting Up The Prototype System Of Mobile Location-based Services Based On The Mobile Communication Networks.
ZHANG Xiaoyu- graduated in 2009 with her Bachelor's Degree. Her thesis is Vehicle Positioning and Navigation Simulation System Based on ArcGIS Engine.
ZHOU Jie- graduated in 2009 with her Bachelor's Degree. Her thesis is Indoor Spatial Modeling for Spatial Analysis.
ZHANG Yanping- graduated in 2009 with her Bachelor's Degree. Her thesis is Developments in Spatio-Temporal Query Languages.
ZHA Zhijiang- graduated in 2009 with his Bachelor's Degree. His thesis is A Study on Vehicle Trajectory Data Management.
HOU Chuanlong- graduated in 2010 with his Bachelor's Degree and then became a Master's student of Chinese University of Hong Kong. His thesis is Rainfall runoff simulation on urban region considering the topography and surface characteristics.
JIANG Yijuan- graduated in 2010 with her Bachelor's Degree and then became one of my Master's students. Her thesis is The Research and Application of Thinning Algorithms in Extracting Spatial Data of Road Network Based on Vehicle Trajectory Data.
SUN Jing- graduated in 2010 with her Bachelor's Degree and then became one of my Master's students. Her thesis is Design and Realization of Management Information System of Infrastructure in Xinzhuang Industrial Park Based on ArcGIS Engine.
ZHU Yan- graduated in 2011 with her Bachelor's Degree and works with a GIS company. Her thesis is Preliminary Study on Shanghai Metro.
LI Jing- graduated in 2011 with her Bachelor's Degree and now is a Master's student of Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her thesis is Research on the Foundation of the Transit Algorithm Realization Bus Network Modeling and Analysis Based on a Specific Example.
LI Yang- graduated in 2012 with his Bachelor's Degree and now is a Master's student of Chinese University of Hong Kong. His thesis is The Impact of the Social Attributes of House Buyers on the Spatial Differences of House Purchasing Behavior——A Case Study in Shanghai.
WANG Jionghua- graduated in 2012 with his Bachelor's Degree and now is a Master's student of East China Normal University. His thesis is 3D Object Modeling, Visualization, and Applications.
CHI Guanghua- graduated in 2012 with his Bachelor's Degree and now is a Master's student of Beijing University. His thesis is Planning and simulation of indoor emergency evacuation.
PANG Yanbo- graduated in 2012 with his Bachelor's Degree and now is a Master's student in Japan. His thesis is Space cognitive case study for campus road network Take the East China Normal University as Example.
MAO Xinye- graduated in 2013 with his Bachelor's Degree. His thesis is The spatial analysis of the highly-polluted enterprises and highly-risky facilities in Minhang District.
SONG Shan- graduated in 2013 with her Bachelor's Degree. Her thesis is Rational Analysis of the Spatial Distribution of Shanghai’s Medical Resources.
CHEN Fangyuan- graduated in 2013 with her Bachelor's Degree. Her thesis is The spatial analysis and information query of outdoor advertising in Xinzhuang.
ZHANG Mengtian- graduated in 2013 with her Bachelor's Degree. Her thesis is Evolution rules and mechanisms of Shanghai port since Sui and Tang dynasties.
SHEN Jiaqi- graduated in 2014 with his Bachelor's Degree. Her thesis is A video-based Virtual Reality road roaming System”.
ZHANG Yanbing- graduated in 2014 with his Bachelor's Degree. Her thesis is Security Analysis of Driving Behavior Based on Mobile Sensor Data”.
CHAI Peishan- graduated in 2014 with her Bachelor's Degree. Her thesis is The Design and Implementation of Mobile Real-time Bus Inquiry System—Take Minhang District in Shanghai as Example”.
JIANG Tingting- graduated in 2014 with her Bachelor's Degree. Her thesis is Spatial Analysis of Housing Prices from Microscopic Factors—Take some houses of Putuo District, Shanghai City as an Example”.
QUAN Xinyi- graduated in 2014 with her Bachelor's Degree. Her thesis is Rationality Analysis of School District Division: Take Shi Quan Road for Example”.
SHI Yan- graduated in 2015 with her Bachelor's Degree. Her thesis is A system on exploring the dynamics of traffic flow around Wujing in Minhang, Shanghai”.
ZHU Yanbing- graduated in 2016 with his Bachelor's Degree. His thesis is about developing a series of GIS analysis tools from the bottom up.
ZHAO Yun- graduated in 2016 with his Bachelor's Degree. His thesis is about modeling road network in neighborhoods and planning delivery routes of logistics.
LI Yanjun- graduated in 2016 with his Bachelor's Degree. He built a 3D model for a commercial center and developed a property management system based on the model.
SHI Mingyu- graduated in 2016 with her Bachelor's Degree. She compared the development of several suburban districts in Shanghai with one-month smart card data.
LI Luning- graduated in 2016 with her Bachelor's Degree. She explored the spatio-temporal features of customer flows in Dashilan, Beijing, with video data.
WANG Yi - graduated in 2017 with her Bachelor's Degree. 深圳市绿地景观吸收雾霾生态系统服务价值测算及其与绿地空间格局的关系
DONG Yue - graduated in 2017 with her Bachelor's Degree. 三维日照分析工具的研究与开发
SONG Jiajia - graduated in 2018 with her Bachelor's Degree. 120大数据分析
QIAN Jiale - graduated in 2018 with his Bachelor's Degree. 灾害应急响应
金慧丽- graduated in 2019 with her Bachelor's Degree. 基于计算机视觉的蚯蚓运动时空轨迹提取方法基于计算机视觉的蚯蚓运动时空轨迹提取方法()
罗嘉贝- 2020. 基于深度学习和双目定位的羽毛球运动员轨迹提取研究()
张宣- 2020. 上海市崇明区花卉博览会三维智慧园区系统开发()
曹经纬- 2020. 室内三维GIS在楼宇消防设施管理系统中的应用()
在读学生 Present students:
徐栋 XU Dong- present doctoral student (2016)
宋嘉佳 SONG Jiajia - present Master's student (2018)
Joseph Mango - present doctoral student (2018)
金慧丽 JIN Huili - present Master's student (2019)
张迪 ZHANG Di - present doctoral student (2019)
罗嘉贝 LUO Jiabei - present Master's student (2020)
木森林 MU Senlin - present Master's student (2020)
何益珺 HE Yijun - present undergraduate student (2020)
软件著作权 Software:
地理信息系统平台软件(XGIS) ,登记号:2019SR**
专利 Patents:
学位论文 Theses:
2005 Ph.D. Modeling and accessing trajectory data of moving vehicles in a road network, published by UMI ProQuest, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2000 M.Sc. A GIS-based land price evaluation system, Nanjing University
1997 B.Sc. Applying quantitative methods to urban planning, Nanjing University
专著或编著 Books:
Bertolotto, Michela, Ray, Cyril, Li, Xiang, 2008, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 5373, Springer.
Li, Xiang, Bao, Shuming, 2011,Proceedings of 19th International Conference on Geoinformatics, IEEE.
Wang, Jun, Ye, Mingwu,Li, Xiang, Xu, Shiyuan, 2013,Risk Evaluation on Natural Hazards in Urban Area and Contingency Methods(in Chinese). Science Press.
Li, Xiang, 2016,Develop a GIS from buttom up(in Chinese), Science Press: Beijing, ISBN 978-7-03-049131-2
Li, Xiang, 2017, Modeling and Accessing Trajectory Data of Moving Vehicles, Golden Light Academic Publishing: SaarBrucken, Germany, ISBN 978-3-330-82131-6
Brosset, D., Claramunt, C., Li, X., Wang, T. (Eds.), 2017, Proceedings of 15th International Symposium on W2GIS, Shanghai, China, May 8-9, 2017, Springer.
学术论文 Papers:
Joseph Mango, Ebru ?olak & Xiang Li (2020) Web-based GIS for managing and promoting tourism in sub-Saharan Africa, Current Issues in Tourism, DOI: 10.1080/**.2019.**
Xu, Dong, Huang, Xiao, Li, Zhenlong, Li, Xiang (Corresponding author), 2020, Local Motion Simulation using Deep Reinforcement Learning, Transactions in GIS, 24: 756-779.
Song, Jiajia, Li, Xiang (Corresponding author), Mango, Joseph, 2020, Location Optimization of Urban Emergency Medical Service Stations: A Hierarchical Multi-Objective Model with a New Encoding Method of Genetic Algorithm Solution, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12473, Springer, doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-60952-8_7.
Huang, Jie; Hu, Yujie; Wang, Jiaoe; Li, Xiang, 2020, A tale of two cities: Jobs–housing balance and urban spatial structures from the perspective of transit commuters. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science. July 2020. doi: 10.1177/38803
Li X., Chen Q., Cao B., Claramunt C., Yi H. (2019) An Iterative Two-Step Approach to Area Delineation. In: Kawai Y., Storandt S., Sumiya K. (eds) Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems. W2GIS 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11474. Springer, Cham
Ye, Jin, Hu, Yujie, Xu, Xianrui, Yi, Hong, Li, Xiang(Corresponding author), 2018, Evaluate Errors of 1-median model: A Case Study in Spring Hill, FL, US, Proceedings of 26th International Conference on Geoinformatics, IEEE, pp.1-4, 24-26 June 2018.
Chen, Qu, Yi, Hong, Hu, Yujie, Xu, Xianrui, Li, Xiang(Corresponding author), 2018, A New Method of Selecting K-means Initial Cluster Centers Based on Hotspot Analysis,Proceedings of 26th International Conference on Geoinformatics, IEEE, pp.1-6, 28-30 June 2018.
Li, Xiang, Li, Qiuping, Xu, Xianrui, Xu, Dong, Zhang, Xihui. 2018, A novel approach to developing organized multi-speed evacuation plans, Transactions in GIS, 22: 1205-1220.
Li, Xiang, Li, Qiuping, Claramunt, Christophe, 2018, A time-extended network model for staged evacuation planning, Safety Science, 108: 225-236.
Xu, Tao, Li, Xiang (Corresponding author), Claramunt, Christophe, 2018, Trip-oriented travel time prediction (TOTTP) with historical vehicle trajectories, Frontiers of Earth Science, 12(2): 253-263.
Xu, Tao, Zhang, Xihui, Claramunt, Christophe, Li, Xiang(Corresponding author), 2018,TripCube: A Trip-Oriented Vehicle Trajectory Data Indexing Structure, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 67: 21-28.
Xu, Dong, Li, Xiang(Corresponding author), 2017, A time-extended network approach to planning multi-velocity evacuation, Complex Systems and Complexity Science, 2017: 88-95. (徐栋,李响,2017,基于时间扩展网络制定的混合速度疏散算法,复杂系统与复杂性科学,2017: 88-95)
Zheng, Yi, Yang, Tingting, Xu, Dong, Xu, Tao, Li, Xiang(Corresponding author), 2017, Coordinating Multiple Cameras to Assist Tracking Moving Objects Based on Network Topological Structure, Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University, 42(8): 1117-1122. (郑毅,杨婷婷,徐栋,许涛,李响,2017,基于网络拓扑结构的多摄像头移动对象辅助协同跟踪,武汉大学学报信息科学版,42 (8): 1117-1122)
郑毅,陈林,徐栋,徐先瑞,李响 (通信作者). 2017. 基于MCMC粒子滤波和MeanShift的运动目标跟踪方法研究[EB/OL].北京:中国科技论文在线 [2017-04-27].
郑毅,陈林,徐栋,徐先瑞,李响 (通信作者). 2017. 复杂场景中的运动目标检测研究[EB/OL].北京:中国科技论文在线 [2017-05-03].
Xu, Tao, Xu, Xianrui, Hu, Yujie, Li, Xiang(Corresponding author), 2017, An entropy-based approach for evaluating travel time predictabilitybased on vehicle trajectory data, Entropy, 19(4): 165.
Li, Xiang, Wang, Fahui, Yi, Hong, 2017,A two-step approach to planning new facilities towards equal accessibility, Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 44: 994-1011.
Xu, Yuanyuan, Ta, Na,Li, Xiang, 2017, Analysis of Communicating Behavior and Employment Center Using Smart Card Data, Human Geography, 155(3): 93-101. (许园园,塔娜,李响,2017,基于地铁刷卡数据的城市通勤与就业中心吸引范围研究,人文地理,155(3): 93-101)
Ren, Huijun, Chai, Peishan, Zhang, Yanbing, Xu, Dong, Xu, Tao, Li, Xiang (Corresponding author), 2017, Semiautomatic Indoor Positioning and Navigation with Mobile Devices, Annals of GIS, 23(1): 15-26.
柴培汕, 李响, 2016, 基于移动设备的室内定位导航, 第六届高校GIS论坛论文集(优秀论文), 上海
Luo, Feixiong, Cao, Guofeng, Mulligan, Kevin,Li, Xiang, 2016,Explore spatiotemporal and demographic characteristics of human mobility via Twitter: A case study of Chicago, Applied Geography, 70(1): 11-25.
Yang, Tingting,Li, Xiang, 2016,The accuracy assessment of real-time road status system based on multi-original data, Journal of Jiangsu Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 34(3): 65-69 (杨婷婷,李响,2016,基于众源数据的实时路况发布系统准确性的评估,江苏师范大学学报(自然科学版),34(3):65-69)
Xu, Tao, Wang, Jionghua,Li, Xiang, 2015,A fast image rectification method for video captured with UAV hovering over traffic intersections, Annals of GIS, 21(1): 43-53.
Wang, Jionghua, Xu, Tao,Li, Xiang(Corresponding author), 2015,Geometric Correction for Images of Intersection Taken by Hovering UAV, Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University,40(6): 738-743.
Li, Xiang, Xu, Xianrui, Yi, Hong, 2015,Delineating service area of capacitated public facilities——A case study of shelters in Shanghai(in Chinese with English abstract),City Planning Review, 39(1).
Xie, Jun, Wan, Qing, Zhang, Chi,Li, Xiang(Corresponding author), 2015,Comparison of two approaches for evacuation plan with multiple exits, Chapter 25, Building Resilient Cities in China: The Nexus between Planning and Science, GeoJournal Library, Vol. 113, Springer.
Hu, Yujie, Miller, Harvey,Li, Xiang, 2015,Detecting and analyzing mobility hotspots using surface networks, Transactions in GIS, 18(6): 911-935.
Luo, Feixiong, Cao, Guofeng,Li, Xiang, 2014,An interactive approach for deriving geometric network models in 3D indoor environments, Proceedings of ACM SIGSpatial workshop on ISA 2014, November 4-7, 2014, Dallas, TX, USA.
Ren, Huijun, Xu, Tao,Li, Xiang(Corresponding author), 2014,Driving behavior analysis based on trajectory data collected with vehicle-mounted GPS receivers, Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University, 39(6): 739-744.
Xie, Jun, Zhang, Chi, Wan, Qing, Li, Qiang,Li, Xiang(Corresponding author), 2014,Near optimal allocation strategy for making a staged evacuation plan with multiple exits, Annals of GIS, 20(3): 159-168.
Xie, Jun, Wan, Qing, Zhang, Chi, Li, Qiang,Li, Xiang(Corresponding author), 2014,Applicability analysis for virtual node method applied in multiple exits evacuation planning (in Chinese with English abstract), Computer Engineering and Application, 50(23): 245-250.
Li, Xiang, Hu, Yujie, Xie, Jun, Sun, Jing, 2013,An efficient approach to building image-based road network model,Annals of GIS, 19(4): 209-217.
Chi, Guanghua, Xie, Jun, Li, Qiang, Yang, Liao,Li, Xiang(Corresponding author), 2013,A method for planning multilayer and multi-exit indoor emergency evacuation(in Chinese with English abstract), Remote Sensing Information, 28(6): 116-120.
Zhao, Minyue,Li, Xiang(Corresponding author), 2013,Deriving Average Delay of Traffic Flow around Intersections from Vehicle Trajectory Data, Frontiers of Earth Science, 7(1): 28-33.
Jiang, Yijuan,Li, Xiang(Corresponding author), 2013,Travel time prediction based on historical trajectory data, Annals of GIS, 19(1): 27-35.
Sun, Jing, Li, Xiang(Corresponding author), 2012,A Pyramid-based approach to visual exploration of a large volume of vehicle trajectory data, Frontiers of Earth Science, 6(4): 345–353.
Jiang, Yijuan, Li, Xiang, Li, Xiaojie, Sun, Jing, 2012,Extracting geometrical features of road network and accuracy analysis with vehicle trajectory data(Chinese with English abstract), Journal of Geo-information Science, 14(2): 165-170.
Li, Xiang, Huang, Bo, Liu, Zhengjun, Zhang, Xihui, Sun, Jing, 2012,A novel method for planning a staged evacuation, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 25(6): 1093-1107.
Li, Xiang, Claramunt, Christophe, Zhang, Xihui, Huang, Yingping, 2012,A fast and deterministic approach to a near optimal solution for the p-median problem, International Journal of Operations Research and Information Systems, 3(3): 1-14.
Sun, Jing,Li, Xiang(Corresponding author), 2011,Indoor evacuation routes planning with a grid graph-based model, Proceedings of19th International Conference on Geoinformatics, IEEE, pp.1-4, 24-26 June 2011.
Zhao, Minyue,Li, Xiang(Corresponding author), 2011,An application of spatial decision tree for classification of air pollution index, Proceedings of19th International Conference on Geoinformatics, IEEE, pp.1-6, 24-26 June 2011.
Hu, Yujie,Li, Xiang(Corresponding author), 2011,A novel approach to extracting street lamps from vehicle-borne laser data, Proceedings of19th International Conference on Geoinformatics, IEEE, pp.1-6, 24-26 June 2011.
Li, Xiang, Ningchuan, Xiao, Claramunt, Christophe, Hui Lin, 2011,Initialization strategies to enhancing the performance of genetic algorithms for the p-median problem, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 61(4): 1024-1034.
Xu, Xianrui,Li, Xiang(Corresponding author), Li, Xiaojie, 2011,An improved scatter search algorithm for capacitated p-Median problem(in Chinese with English abstract), Computer Engineering and Application, 47(20): 28-30.
Huang, Yiyu,Li, Xiang(Corresponding author), 2011,Preliminary exploration on scenario-based contingency planning(in Chinese with English abstract), Safety and Environmental Engineering, 2011(2): 56-59.
Zhang, Xihui, Huang, Yingping, Crabtree, John,Li, Xiang, 2011,A survey of channel allocation algorithms for wireless local loops. Information Technology Journal, 10(2): 231-238.
Li, Xiang, Sun, Jing, Zhao Minyue, Xie, Jun, 2011,A novel model for the analysis of indoor spaces, (in Chinese with English abstract), Sciencepaper Online.
Li, Menglei,Li, Xiang, 2011,Find the shortest path with A* Algorithm in an Indoor Space, (in Chinese with English abstract), Sciencepaper Online.
Li, Xiaojie,Li, Xiang(Corresponding author), 2010,Preliminary application of gesture recognition to virtual geographical environment(in Chinese with English abstract), Geomatics & Spatial Information Technology, 33(5): 41-44.
Huang, Yiyu, Su, Wenjing,Li, Xiang(Corresponding author), 2010,Comparison of BEKK GARCH and DCC GARCH models: An empirical study, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6441: 99-110.
Xiao, Sen,Li, Xiang, 2010,Geographical information system research and applications in indoor space(in Chinese with English abstract), Geomatics & Spatial Information Technology, 33(5): 38-40.
Li, Xiaojie,Li, Xiang(Corresponding author), Tang, Daimin, and Xu, Xianrui, 2010,Deriving features of traffic flow around an intersection from trajectories of vehicles, Proceedings of18th International Conference on Geoinformatics, IEEE, pp.1-5, 18-20 June 2010.
Li, Xiang, Claramunt, Christophe, Cyril, Ray,A grid graph-based model for the analysis of 2D indoor spaces, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 34(6): 532-540.
Hu, Yujie,Li, Xiang(Corresponding author), 2010,Find a center’s service area of a geographic network by the shortest path algorithm(in Chinese with English abstract), Geography and Geo-Information Science, 26(3): 111-112.
Zhang, Xihui, Hu, Tao, Dai, Hua, andLi, Xiang, 2010,Software development methodologies, trends and implications: A testing centric view. Information Technology Journal, 9(8): 1747-1753.
Yi, Hong,Li, Xiang(Corresponding author), 2010,Analysis on the intraurban distribution of business services in Guangzhou in the transit era(in Chinese with English abstract), Modern Urban Research, 25(7): 47-52.
Hu, Yujie,Li, Xiang(Corresponding author), Li, Menglei, 2010,A novel approach to delineating the service area of facilities in a network, Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Future Computer and Communication, IEEE, vol. 2, pp. 35-39.
Tang, Daimin,Li, Xiang(Corresponding author), Jiang, Yijuan, 2010,Microscopic traffic simulation oriented road network data model, Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Future Computer and Communication, IEEE, vol. 2, pp. 87-91.
Zheng, Yanfei,Li, Xiang(Corresponding author), Li, Menglei, Li, Xiaojie,Tang, Daimin, 2010,Modeling road surface and network froma 3D perspective, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology, IEEE, vol. 2, pp. 186-190.
Xu, Xianrui,Li, Xiang(Corresponding author), Li, Xiaojie, 2010,An improved scatter search algorithm for capacitated p-Median problem, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology, IEEE, vol. 2, pp. 316-320.
Xiao, Sen,Li, Xiang, 2009,A method of information transmission based on limited information flow in location based services(in Chinese with English abstract), Sciencepaper Online.
Zheng, Yanfei,Li, Xiang(Corresponding author), Lin, Hui, Li, Menglei, Li Xiaojie, 2009, A new approach to the generation of 3D road surface model,Proceeding of International Workshop on GIS for Transportation, Dec. 4-6, 2009, Wuhan, China, pp. 176-180.
Li, Xiang, Claramunt, Christophe, Cyril, Ray, 2009,A continuous-based model for the analysis of indoor spaces, Proceedings of Workshop on Spatial and Temporal Reasoning for Ambient Intelligence Systems, Conference on Spatial Information Theory (COSIT 2009), Sep. 21, 2009, Aber Wrac'h, France, pp. 44-53.
Li, Xiang, Liu, Zhengjun, Zhang, Xihui, 2009,Applying genetic algorithm and hilbert curve to capacitated location allocation of facilities, Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computational Intelligence, Nov. 7-8, 2009, Shanghai, China, IEEE, vol 1, pp. 378-383.
Li, Xiang, Liu, Zhengjun, Lin, Hui, Zhang, Xihui, 2009,Connectivity-oriented vehicle trajectory data query(in Chinese with English abstract), Journal of Image and Graphics, 14(7):1245-1250.
Li, Xiang, Zhang Xihui, Lin, Hui, 2009,Deriving network-constrained trajectories from sporadic tracking points collected in location-based services, Geo-spatial Information Science, 12(2): 85-94.
Zheng, Yanfei,Li, Xiang(Corresponding author), 2009,A novel algorithm for planning an organized evacuation(in Chinese with English abstract), Journal of East China Normal University, 2009(5): 45-52.
Zhang, Xiaoyi, Zhang Yanping,Li, Xiang(Corresponding author), Tang, Daimin, 2009,Spatio-temporal condition of network-constrained trajectories—taking the extraction of traffic flow for example(in Chinese with English abstract), Journal of Transportation Information and Safety, 27(5): 44-47.
Bertolotto, Michela, Ray, Cyril,Li, Xiang, 2008,Editorial: Preface of web and wireless GIS, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 5373, Springer.
Li, Xiang,Lin, Hui, Guo, Zhongyang, Zhang, Xihui, 2008,Reducing vehicle tracking data volume through a network-based approach,Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica, 37(1) 95-101.
Li, Xiang,Claramunt, Christophe, Kung, Hiang-te, Guo, Zhongyang, Wu, Jianping, 2008,A decentralised and continuity-based algorithm for delineating capacitated shelters' service areas,Environment and Planning B:Planning and Design, 35(4) 593- 608.
Li, Xiang, Shu, Jiong, Liu, Zhengjun, 2008,Applying GIS to video surveillance in indoor space,Journal of Remote Sensing,12(5) 55-60. (in Chinese with English abstract)
Li, Xiang, Zhang, Xihui., Tan, Lu, 2007,Assisting video surveillance in micro-spatial environments with a GIS approach, Proceedings ofGeoinformatics 2007, May 26-27, Nanjing, China.
Zhang, Xihui, Li, Yulong,Li, Xiang, Liu, Yuxiang, and Tan, Lu, 2007,GIS-based earthquake hazard assessment of urban power systems - Memphis electric substations, Proceedings ofGeoinformatics 2007, May 26-27, Nanjing, China.
Li, Xiang, Claramunt, Christophe, Ray, Cyril, Lin, Hui:A semantic-based approach to the representation of network-constrained trajectory data, Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling (SDH 2006), pp. 451-464, W. Kainz, A. Reidl, and G. Elmes (eds.), Vienna, Austria, Springer-Verlag, July 2006, ISBN 3-540-35588-x
Li, Xiang, 2006,A fast map matching algorithm for low-frequency vehicle tracking data,Proceedings of The 6th International Conference of Transportation Professionals, June 23-25, 2006, Dalian, China.
Li, Xiangand Lin, Hui, 2006,A trajectory-oriented, carriageway-based road network data model, part 3: Implementation,Geo-spatial Information Science, 9(3) 201-205.
Li, Xiangand Lin, Hui, 2006,A trajectory-oriented, carriageway-based road network data model, part 2: Methodology,Geo-spatial Information Science, 9(2) 112-117.
Li, Xiangand Lin, Hui, 2006,A trajectory-oriented, carriageway-based road network data model, part 1: Background,Geo-spatial Information Science, 9(1) 65-70.
Li, Xiangand Claramunt, Christophe, 2006,A spatial entropy-based decision tree for classification of geographical information,Transactions in GIS, 10(3) 451-467.
Li, Xiangand Lin, Hui, 2006,Indexing network-constrained trajectories for connectivity-based queries,International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 20(3): 303-328.
Claramunt, C., Fournier, S.,Li, Xiang., and Peytchev, E., 2005, Real-time geographical information systems for ITS,Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications, June 27-29, 2005, Brest, France, pp. 237-242.
Li, Xiangand Lin, Hui, 2005, A preliminary framework for cooperative traffic data applications,Proceedings of The 5th International Conference of Transportation Professionals, June 25-26, 2005, Xi'an, China, Beijing: China Communication Press, pp. 22-28.
Li, Xiang, 2005, A novel method of indexing trajectory data of objects moving in a network,Proceedings of the 101th Annual Meeting of the AAG, April 5-9, 2005, Denver, US.
Li, Xiang, Lin, Hui, and Zhao, Yibin, 2005, A connectivity-based map matching algorithm,Asian Journal of Geoinformatics, 5(3): 69-76.
Li, Xiangand Lin, Hui, 2004, Modeling trajectory data of moving vehicles as mobile sensors for traffic study,Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Mobile Mapping Technology, March 29-31, 2004, Kunming, China.
Li, Xiang, Lin, Hui, and Shen, Dayong, 2004, An LRS-based data model for moving vehicles, (in Chinese),Proceedings of The 4th International Conference of Chinese Transportation Professionals, June 15-20, 2004, Wuhan, China.
Li, Xiang,Lin, Hui, and Shen, Dayong, 2004, Modeling trajectory data in Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems (CITS) (in Chinese),Computer and Communications, 22(4): 6-9.
Li, Xiang, Lin, Hui,and Shen, Dayong, 2003, An GIS-T-based data model for moving vehicles, (in Chinese),Proceedings of Urban Geographical Information System Forum, ?November 29-30, 2003, Shenzhen, China.
Li, Xiangand Lin, Hui, 2003, A lane-Specific, temporal GIS-T data model for mobile object in dynamic road network,Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Digital Earth, pp. 459-471, September 21-25, 2003, Brno, Czech republic.
Li, Xiangand Lin, Hui, 2002, Participatory comprehensive plan based on Virtual Geographical Environment,Proceedings of the 23rd Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS), November 25-29, 2002, Katmandu, Nepal.
Wang, Zhibing, Li, Manchun,Li, Xiang, and Yu, Qian, 2001, Developing WebGIS based on internet map server (in Chinese),Remote Sensing Information, 2001(3): 120-121.
Yu, Qian, Wu, Guoping,Li, Xiang, et al., 2001, Storing spatial data into relational database (in Chinese),Remote Sensing Information, 2001(1): 26-30.
Li, Xiang and Lin, Hui, 2001, Digital urban planning based on Virtual Geographical Environment (VGE) (in Chinese),Proceedings of Urban Geographical Information System Forum, pp. 29-36, September 17-20, 2001, Guangzhou, China.
Li, Manchun, Chen, Qi, Zhou, Yankun, andLi, Xiang, 2000, Data organizing and processing of enterprise GIS based on spatial data engine (in Chinese),Journal of Image and Graphics, 5[A](3): 179-185.
Li, Xiang, 1999, A shortest path algorithm for transportation facilities between cities (in Chinese),City, 1999(3): 51-52.
Li, Xiang, Li, Manchun, Yi, Hong, et al., 1999, The research of multithreads of synchronizing control in JAVA under modern operate system (in Chinese),Computer Application Research, 1999(4): 14-16.
Li, Xiangand Yi, Hong, 1999, Rapid implementation of OLE automation technique and map windows (in Chinese),Computer Study, 1999(4): 33-34.
Li, Xiang and Li, Manchun, 1999, A fundamental study on application and practice of integrating database of GIS with object-oriented database technology (in Chinese),Geo-information Science, 1999(1): 26-32.
Li, Xiang, Li, Manchun, Yu, Yousheng, and Yi, Hong, 1999, A GIS data model for underground pipe network in urban area (in Chinese),Remote Sensing Information, 1999(3): 15-18.
Li, Xiang and Yu, Yousheng, 1999, The global information revolution and Digital Earth (in Chinese),China Information Review, 1999(9): 36-37.
Li, Manchun,Li, Xiang, Chen, Gang, et al., 1999, About digital earth (in Chinese),Modern Surveying and Mapping, 1999(2): 5-8.
Yu, Yousheng, Li, Manchun, Wu, Guoping,Li, Xiang, and Chen, Gang, 1999, Designing and developing landuse planning management information system in county based on client/server architecture (in Chinese),Remote Sensing Information, 1999(4): 29-32.
Yi, Hong andLi, Xiang, 1998, Application of principal-component analysis in urban system planning (in Chinese),Jiangsu Urban Planning, 1998(3).
受邀报告 Invited Presentations:
2020年1月8日,深圳大学城市空间信息工程系,From GIS to Anywhere
2018年10月18日,华东师范大学【‘From smart and eco to smart eco-cities’ Summer School 2017 in Shanghai2018】,Spatial optimization facilitating urban planning and management
2018年10月17日,华东师范大学【‘From smart and eco to smart eco-cities’ Summer School 2017 in Shanghai2018】,Spatial optimization and big data in urban area
2017年4月24日,香港中文大学,Spatial operational research and its application in emergency services
A scheduling algorithm for making an evacuation plan,May 25, 2016,International Workshop on Advanced Geospatial Technology and Urban Applications, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
A two-step approach to planning new facilities towards equal accessibility, Dec. 11, 2015, The 11th Workshop on Spatial Behavior Research and Planning: Spatial-temporal Behavior Theory and Application Frontiers, Sun Yat-Sen University, China
Key technologies of big data process and analysis, Nov. 21, 2015, Department of Urban Planning, Tongji University, China
Spatial operational research ang its application, Feb. 13, 2015, Department of Geography, Ohio State University, USA
How to make an evacuation plan? A GIS approach, Jan. 28, 2015, Department of GIS, University of Texas at Dallas, USA
GIScience and its applications, Mar. 25, 2014, Software School, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China
GIScience and its applications in ITS, Annual Meeting of China Geographic Society (East China) 2013, Nov. 2, 2013, Fujian Normal University, Fujian, China
An efficient approach to building image-based road network model, Geoinformatics 2012, Jun. 17, 2012, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Applying GIScience to transportation, Oct. 24, 2012, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China
GIScience and its applications, April 20, 2012, Nanjing University (Jinling College), Nanjing, China
GIScience and its applications, April 9, 2012, Shanghai University, Shanghai, China
GISystem or GIScience? May 13, 2011, Jimei University, Xiamen, China
A spatial entropy-based decision tree for classification of geographical information, Nov. 25, 2010, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China
Genetic algorithms for p-median problem, Dec. 20, 2009, Tongji University, Shanghai, China
A novel method of planning a staged evacuation,CPGIS Young Scholar Summer Workshop, Jun. 19, 2008, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China
Key techniques of applying GIS to emergency services,Graduate student seminar, Dec. 11, 2007, State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research, Shanghai, China
Key techniques of applying GIS to emergency services, Nov. 30, 2007, Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping, Beijing, China
Applying GIS to emergency services,seminar of ISEIS, Sep. 14, 2007, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
An novel algorithm to delineating service areas of shelters,10th Anniversary workshop of JLGIS, Aug. 28, 2007, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Deriving network-constrained trajectories from sporadic tracking points collected in LBS, in proceedings ofThe First Symposium of GIS-T in China, Jun. 25, 2007, Wuhan, China.
GIS-based vulnerability analysis of floods, Hydrological Sciences for Managing Water Resources in the Asian Developing World,Jun. 9, 2006, Guangzhou, China.
Applying genetic algorithms to the location allocation of shelter sites,102th Annual Meeting of the AAG, Mar. 7-11, 2006, Chicago, IL.
A presentation on China,Course of World Geography, Nov. 3, 2005, The University of Memphis, Memphis, TN, US.
见证人 Referees:
Dr. Christophe Claramunt,
Professor and Director, Naval Academy Research Institute
Lanveoc-Poulmic, Brest Naval, France
Dr. Hsiang-te Kung
Professor, The Department of Earth Sciences
The University of Memphis, Memphis, Tennessee, US
2020: 所指导学生何益珺、刘泽平、樊春英获2020年(第十二届)上海市大学生计算机应用能力大赛类一等奖,GeoSpatial选址系统
2020: 所指导学生何益珺、刘泽平、樊春英获2020年(第十三届)中国大学生计算机设计大赛,软件应用与开发-算法设计与应用类三等奖,GeoSpatial选址系统
2020: 所指导学生何益珺、刘泽平、樊春英获2020年(第六届)中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛华东师范大学校赛优胜奖,GeoSpatial选址系统
2020: 所指导学生何益珺、刘泽平、樊春英获2020年华东师范大学本科生计算机应用能力大赛二等奖,GeoSpatial选址系统
2019:An Iterative Two-Step Approach to Area Delineation获W2GIS2019最佳论文奖,Li X., Chen Q., Cao B., Claramunt C., Yi H.
2018: 所指导学生宋嘉佳、王鹏远、朱延冰获全国研究生数学建模大赛,三等奖
2017: 所指导学生朱延冰、石艳、叶金、陈渠,获2017年华东师范大学-航天宏图杯PIE遥感图像处理软件二次开发大赛一等奖,作品名称:趣味地理轻松学——在哪儿视频播放器
2017: 所指导学生朱延冰及其他两位同学获全国研究生数学建模大赛,二等奖
2017: 所指导学生石艳、叶金、陈渠获全国研究生数学建模大赛,三等奖
2017: 所指导学生张砚炳、朱延冰及其他两位同学,荣获华为杯研究生电子设计大赛,上海赛区三等奖,作品名称:以驾驶行为分析为目的的多元轨迹信息融合及应用前景探究
2016: 所指导学生张砚炳及其他两位同学,荣获华为杯研究生电子设计大赛,全国三等奖,作品名称:基于uwb室内定位研究
2016: 所指导学生柴培汕、薛蕊、陈林获全国大学生数学建模大赛,三等奖
2016: 所指导学生朱延冰、石艳、陈林、许园园,获第二届全国研究生移动终端应用设计创新大赛,三等奖,作品名称:我家农场
2016: 所指导学生柴培汕,获2016年全国移动互联网创新大赛高校组,二等奖,作品名称:室内定位与导航
2016: 所指导学生陈林、张砚炳、石艳、朱延冰,获2016年全国移动互联网创新大赛高校组,二等奖,作品名称:同心家园-社区互助系统
2016: 获2016年全国移动互联网创新大赛高校组教学成果,二等奖(两项)
2016: 柴培汕、李响,获第六届高校GIS论坛优秀论文,论文:基于移动设备的室内定位导航
2016: Supervisor of XUE Rui, who developed an Android-based system and won the third place in the first Hui Chuang QIng Chun Shanghai Collage Student Contest on Creative Design (薛蕊:2016年第一届“汇创青春”上海大学生文化创意作品赛,三等奖)
2015:Supervisor of XUE Rui, who developed an Android-basedsystem and won the third place in the second National Graduate Contest on Smart-City and Creative Design (薛蕊:2015年第二届全国研究生智慧城市技术与创新设计大赛,创意设计赛,三等奖)
2015:Supervisor of REN Huijun, ZHENG Yi, YANG Tingting, XU Dong, who developed an Android-based indoor positioning and tracking system and won the third place inChina Graduate Contest on Application, Design and Innovation of Mobile-Terminal
2014:The first place (With Dr. WANG Jun, Dr. YE Mingwu, and Dr. XU Shiyuan), Shanghai Scocial Science Publication,Risk Evaluation on Natural Hazards in Urban Area and Contingency Methods
2014: Supervisor of XU Dong, XIE Jun, REN Huijun, ZHENG Yi, YANG Tingting, who won three excellence awards in the firstNational Graduate Contest on Smart-City Technology and Creative Design
2014: Supervisor of XU Tao, who won the second place in student paper competition, Geoinformatics 2014, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2013: Supervisor of XIE Jun, who wonthe first place in student paper competition, Geoinformatics 2013, Kaifeng
2012: Supervisor of JIANG Yijuan, who wonthe first place in student paper competition, Geoinformatics 2012, Hong Kong
2011: Academic Star Award for Junior Faculty Member, East China Normal University, China
2010: Excellent Instructors Award for Innovative Practices in Teaching, East China Normal University, China
2005:The second place in GIS Specialty Group student paper competition, AAG 2005, Denver, US
2005: Postdoctoral fellowship, Naval Academy Research Institute, France
2003&2004: Postgraduate Student Grants for Overseas Academic Activities, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
2001-2004: Postgraduate Studentship, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
2003: Nomination of the best postgraduate research output award, Dept. of Geography and Resource Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
1999: Chinese Science Academy Scholarship, China
1999: Certificate for Software Engineer, China
1995: People's Fellowship, Nanjing University, China
1994: People's Fellowship, Nanjing University, China
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-16
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