

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-16

杨毅 教授


部门: 地理科学学院
电子邮箱: yyang@geo.ecnu.edu.cn
办公地址: 闵行校区地理科学学院304室




Science of the Total Environment和Journal of Hazardous Materials编委





2012.7 -

美国Virginia Tech, CEINT, Research Scientist

2008.5 – 2012. 7

2003.10– 2008. 3
奥地利维也纳大学, 环境地学系,博士,博士后


图:纳米颗粒物(Nanoparticles, NPs)的环境意义
以城市水环境中的内分泌干扰物EDCs(Endocrine Disrupting Compounds)为例。

陈芋如 2016级
武家园 2017级
牛作顺2018级 (硕博连读)
孙 源 2018级
刘 昶 2019级
陆大培 2016级 污染物多介质行为研究;
孙笑丽 2017级 污染物多介质行为研究;
赵 赛2017级 污染物多介质行为研究;
符继全 2018级 纳米颗粒物的多介质行为研究


Chen, Y., Guo, X., Feng, J., Lu, D., Niu, Z., Tou, F., Hou, L., LIu, M., Yang, Y. * (2019) Impact of ZnO nanoparticles on the antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in estuarine water: ARG variations and their association with the microbial community. Environmental Science: Nano. 6, 2405-2419. https://doi.org/10.1039/C9EN00338J(Cover paper,插图设计:唐曦)

Hochella, M.*, Mogk, D., Ranville, J.F., Allen, I.C., Luther, G.W., Marr, L., McGrail, B.P., Murayama, M., Qafoku, N.P., Rosso, K.M., Sahai, N., Schroeder, P.A., Vikesland, P., Westerhoff, P., Yang, Y. (2019) Natural, incidental, and engineered nanomaterials and their impacts on the Earth system. Science 363(6434):eaau8299. DOI: 10.1126/science.aau8299 (Invited review, all the authors contributed equally).

Guo, X., Liu, X., Lu,D., Zhao, S, Sun, X., Wu, J., Chen, Y., Tou, F., Hou, L., Liu, M., Yang, Y.*(2018) Seasonal and spatial distribution of antibiotic resistance genes in the sediments along the Yangtze Estuary, China. Environmental Pollution 242, 576-584.

Niu, Z., Pan, H., Guo, X., LU, D., Feng, J., Chen, Y., Tou. F., Liu, M., Yang, Y.* (2018) Sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB) in the Yangtze Estuary sediments: Abundance, distribution and implications for the bioavailibility of metals. Science of the Total Environment 634, 296-304.

Guo, X., Yang, Y., Niu, Z., Lu, D., Zhu, C., Feng, J., Wu, J., Chen, Y., Tou, F., Liu, M., Hou. L. (2018) Characteristics of microbial community indicate anthropogenic impact on the sediments along the Yangtze Estuary and its coastal area, China. Science of the Total Environment 648, 306-314.
Guo, X., Yang, Y.,* Lu, D. Niu, Z., Feng, J., Chen, Y., Tou, F., Garner, E., Xu, J., Liu, M., Hochella, M.(2018)Biofilms as a sink for antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in the Yangtze Estuary. Water Research. 129: 277-286

Yang, Y., Chen,B., Hower, J., Schindler, M., Winkler, C., Brandt, J., Di Guilio, R., Ge, J.,Liu, M., Fu, Y., Zhang, L., Chen, Y., Priya, S., Hochella, Jr., M.* (2017) Discovery and ramifications of incidental Magnéli phase generation and releasefrom industrial coal-burning. Nature Communications. 8 (1), 194 (热点文章)

Hochella, M. & Yang, Y. (2017) The emerging field of nano-envioronmental science.Pan European Networks: Science & Technolgoy 24: 226-229.

Tou, F., Yang, Y.,* Feng, J., Niu, Z., Pan, H., Qin, Y., Guo, X., Meng, X., Liu, M., Hochella, Jr. M. F. (2017) Environmental Risk Implications of Metals in Sludges from Waste Water Treatment Plants: The Discovery of Vast Stores of Metal-containing Nanoparticles. Environmental Science & Technology. 51 (9), 4831-4840.

Qin, Y., Guo, X., Tou, F., Pan, H., Feng, J., Xu, J., Chen, B.,Liu, M.Yang, Y.* (2017) Cytotoxicity of TiO2 Nanoparticles toward Escherichia coli in Aquatic Environment: Effects of Nanoparticle Structural Oxygen Deficiency and Aqueous Salinity. Environmental Science: Nano. 4(5), 1178-1188.

Mohammed, B., Yang, Y.*, Vance, M.E., Coleman, B.P., McNeal, S., Xu, J., Blaszczak, J., Steel, M., Bernhardt, E., Hochella Jr., M.F. (2016) Outdoor urban nanomaterials: The emergence of a new, integrated, and critical field of study. Science of the Total Environment 557–558: 740–753.

Yang, Y., Vance, M., Tou, F., Tiwari, A., Liu, M., Hochella, M. (2016) Nanoparticles in road dust from impervious urban surfaces: distribution, identification, and environmental implications. Environmental Science: Nano 3, 534-544. (Cover paper)

Zheng, X., Yang,Y. *, Liu, M., Yu, Y., Zhou, J.L., Li, D. (2016) PAH determination based on a rapidand novel gas purge-microsyringe extraction (GP-MSE) technique in road dust ofShanghai, China: characterization, source apportionment, and health riskassessment. Science of the Total Environment. 557-558: 688-696.

Pan, H., Geng, J., Qin, Y., Tou, F., Zhou, J., Liu, M., Yang, Y. * (2016) PCBs and OCPs in fish along coastal fisheries in China: distribution and health assessment. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 111: 483-487
Yang, Y.*, Colman, B., Bernhardt, E., Hochella, M. (2015) The importance of a nanoscience approach in the understanding of major aqueous contamination scenarios: a case study from a recent coal ash spill. Environ. Sci. Technol. 49:3375-3382.

Yan, C.X.,Nie, M.H.,Yang, Y. * Liu, M. Zhou, J. Lead, J. (2015) Effect of colloids on the occurrence, distribution and photolysis of emerging organic contaminants in wastewaters. J. Hazard. Mater. 229.

Nie, M.H., Yan, C.X., Dong, W., Liu, M., Zhou, J., Yang, Y.* (2015) Occurrence, distribution and risk assessment of estrogens in surface water, suspended particulate matter and sediments of the Yangtze Estuary. Chemosphere, 127
Yan, C.X., Yang, Y. *, Zhou, J.L., Nie, M.H., Liu, M., Hochella Jr., M.F. (2015) Selected emerging organic contaminants in the Yangtze Estuary, China: A comprehensive treatment of their association withaquatic colloids. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 283: 14–23.
Nie, M.H., Yang, Y. *, Liu, M., Yan, C.X., Shi, H., Dong, W.B., Zhou, J.L. (2014) Environmental estrogens in a drinking water reservoir area in Shanghai: Occurrence, colloidal contribution and risk assessment Science of the Total Environment. 487: 785–791.
Shi, H., Yang, Y.*, Liu, M., Yan, C.X., Yue, H.Y., Zhou, J.L. (2014) Occurrence and distribution of antibiotics in the surface sediments of the Yangtze Estuary and nearby coastal areas Marine Pollution Bulletin, 83: 317–323.
Ye, A.L., Yang, Y.*, Zhang, J., Liu, M., Hou, L.J., Zhou, J.L. (2013) Simultaneous determination of steroidal and phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals in fish by ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A1278:126-132.
Yan, C.X., Yang, Y.*, Zhou, J.L. *, Liu, M., Nei, M.H., Shi, H. (2013) Antibiotics in the surface water of the Yangtze Estuary: occurrence, distribution and risk assessment. Environmental Pollution. 175 22-29
Peng, H., Yang Y. * Liu, M., Zhou, J.L. (2012) PAHs in indoor dust samples in Shanghai’s universities: levels, sources and human exposure Environment Geochemistry and Health
Yang, Y., Fu, J., Peng, H., Hou, L., Liu, M., Zhou, J.L. (2011) Dynamic phase distribution of selected pharmaceuticals in the Yangtze Estuary and its coastal zone. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 190:588-596.
Yang, Y., Liu, M., Wang, L., Fu, J., Yan, C., Zhou, J.L. (2011) Sorption Behavior of Phenanthrene in Yangtze Estuarine Sediments: Sequential Separation. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 62, 1025-1031.
Yan C.X., Yang Y.*, Liu M., Nei M.H., Zhou J.L. (2011) Phenanthrene sorption to Chinese coal: importance of coal’s geochemical properties. Journal of Hazardous Materials.
Yang, Y., Hofmann, T. (2009) Aqueous accelerated solvent extraction of native PAHs from carbonaceous river floodplain soils. Environmental Pollution 157, 2604-2609.
Yang? Y.? Ligous? B.? Pies? C.? Achten? C.? Hofmann? T. (2008) Identification of carbonaceous geosorbents for PAHs by organic petrography in river floodplain soils. Chemosphere 77? 2158–2167.
Yang? Y.? Ligous? B.? Pies? C.? Grathwohl? P.? Hofmann? T. (2008) Occurrence of coal and coal-derived particle-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in a river floodplain soil. Environ. Pollut. 151? 121–129.
Yang? Y.? Cajthaml? T. Hofmann? T? (2008) PAH desorption from river floodplain soils using supercritical fluid extraction? Environ. Pollut. 156, 745-752.




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