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张红 城市与区域科学学院


10 访问

部门: 城市与区域科学学院
性别: 女
专业技术职务: 教师
毕业院校: 香港理工大学
学位: 博士
学历: 研究生
电子邮箱: hzhang@re.ecnu.edu.cn
办公地址: 中北校区地理馆409室
通讯地址: 华东师范大学中北校区地理馆409
邮编: 200062

2007/11 – 2010/10, 香港理工大学,建设及环境学院土地测量与地理资讯学系,哲学博士学位,导师李志林教授
2006/01 – 2007/05, 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,资源与环境信息系统国家重点实验室,交流学生,导师杨小唤研究员
2004/09 – 2007/09, 湖北大学,资源与环境学院地理信息系统系,理学硕士学位,导师王新生教授
2000/09 – 2004/07, 湖北大学,商学院旅游与酒店管理系,学士

2020/07– 至今,华东师范大学,城市与区域科学学院,副教授
2011/05 – 2020/06,西南交通大学,地球科学与环境工程学院,副教授
2010/11 – 2011/04,香港理工大学,酒店及旅游业管理学院,副研究员,合作导师李咪咪副教授
2010/01 – 2010/06, 纽约城市大学,Levich物理化学流体力学研究所,访问****,合作导师Hernán Makse教授

张红,副教授,博士,硕导。2004年于湖北大学获管理学学士学位(专业:旅游管理学)、2007年于湖北大学获理学硕士学位(专业:人文地理学)、2011年于香港理工大学获哲学博士学位(专业:地图制图学与地理信息系统)学位,导师李志林教授。曾于2010年到本杰明莱维奇物理化学流体动力学研究所(Benjamin Levich Institute for Physico-Chemical Hydrodynamics)进行学术访问,合作导师为著名的物理学家、美国物理学会会士Hernán Makse教授,于2010年至2011年在香港理工大学任副研究员。2011年全职引进至西南交通大学,任副教授。2020年到华东师范大学工作。
个人研究兴趣为地理复杂性、交通地理学、城市地理学 。主持或参与各类项目近10项。在国内外学术期刊发表论文30余篇,其中SCI/SSCI 14篇(第一或通讯作者10篇),EI3篇(第一或通讯作者2篇),ESI前1%高被引1篇。2篇SSCI期刊论文刊于地理学顶级学术期刊《Annals of the Association of American Geographers》,1篇SCI期刊论文刊于地球信息科学领域顶级学术期刊《International Journal of Geographical Information Science》。现任《Professional Geographer》、《Journal of Transport Geography》、《Transport Geography》、《Transport Policy》、《Cities》、《IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing》、《Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems》、《IEEE Access》、《地理科学》、《地球信息科学学报》等学术期刊通讯评审专家。


地理复杂性 ;交通地理;城市地理

本科生课程: 《GIS数量分析方法与应用》、《地理信息系统应用》、《空间分析》、《人文地理学》、《专业外语》。

研究生课程:《地理建模方法》 、《空间统计分析基础》、《城市环境与服务》

[1] 基于复杂网络理论的道路网自组织结构和协同生长机理研究(项目编号:**),国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,2012.01-2014.12,23万,主持
[2] 四川省旅游资源空间格局及可达性研究(项目编号:2020YJ0325),四川省科技支撑项目,四川省科技厅,2020.01-2021.12,10万,主持
[3] 上海市旅游资源开发空间绩效评价与能级提升路径(项目编号:2020BGL034),上海市哲学社会科学规划一般项目,上海市哲学社会科学规划办公室,2021.1-2022.12, 10万,主持
[4] 大数据背景下川西林盘旅游资源开发与结路设计(项目编号:2019-YF05-02119-SN),成都市重点研发支撑计划技术创新研发项目,成都市科学技术局,2020.7-2021.7,10万,主持
[5] 互联网全息位置地图迭加协议与建模制图技术(项目编号:2013AA12A202),国家高技术研究发展计划(863)西南交通大学子课题,2013.01-2015.12,30.96万,主持
[6] 城市交通系统复杂性的可视化分析方法(项目编号:SWJTU11CX063),中央高校基本科研业务费科技创新项目,2011.07-2013.07,10万,主持,获滚动一次
[7] 乡村人居环境的韧性空间结构理论与规划方法研究(项目编号:**),国家自然科学基金面上项目,2019.01 – 2022.12,60万,排名第二
[8] 基于结构特性的数字地图多尺度表达研究(项目编号:**),国家自然科学基金面上项目,2015.01 – 2018.12,95万,排名第二
[9] 基于北斗的全息位置地图服务及其在智慧旅游中的示范应用(项目编号:2014SZ0106),四川省科技支撑计划,2014.01-2015.12,90万,主研(5/23)
[10]高分辨率遥感影像的信息度量与质量改善(项目编号:2012CB719901),国家科技计划项目(973计划),2012.01 –2016.12,257万,主研
[11] The Impact of Major Tourism Development Projects on the Spatial Structure and Product Mix of the Hong Kong Tourism Industry(大型旅游开发项目对香港旅游业空间结构及产品组合的影响),香港研究资助局优配研究金(GRF)项目,2011- 2014,HK$450538,项目副研究员.

[1] Hong Zhang, Zhilin Li*. Weighted ego network for forming hierarchical structure of road networks.International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2011, 25(2):255-272.(SCI)
[2] Hong Zhang, Zhilin Li*. Fractality and self-similarity in the topological structure of road networks.Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 2012, 102(2): 350-365, (SSCI)
[3] Hong Zhang, Zhiwei Wu*. A head/tail breaks-based method for efficiently estimating the absolute Boltzmann entropy of numerical raster data[J]. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2020,9,103.1-13. (SCI)
[4]Hong Zhang, Zhiwei Wu, Tian Lan, Yanyu Chen, Peichao Gao*. Calculating the Wasserstein metric-based Boltzmann entropy of a landscape mosaic[J]. Entropy, 2020, 22,381. (SCI)
[5] Hong Zhang, Yanyu Chen, Peichao Gao*, Zhiwei Wu. Mapping the changing Internet attention to the spread of coronavirus disease 2019 in China[J]. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space,2020,52(4):691-694.(SSCI)
[6] Hong Zhang, Shan Xu, Xuan Liu,Chengliang Liu*. Near “real-time” estimation of excess commuting from open-source data:Evidence from China’s megacities.Journal of Transport Geography,2020, In Press. (SSCI)
[7]Hong Zhang, Peichao Gao, Tian Lan, Chengliang Liu. Exploring the Structural Fractality of Road Networks by Different Representations[J]. The Professional Geographer, 2020,In Press. (SSCI)
[8] Peichao Gao, Hong Zhang*, Zhiwei Wu. Wasserstein metric-based Boltzmann entropy of a landscape mosaic: a review and evaluation of thermodynamic consistency. Landscape Ecology,2020, In press. (SCI)
[9]Peichao Gao,Hong Zhang*, Zhiwei Wu, Jicheng Wang. Visualizing the expansion and spread of coronavirus disease 2019 by cartograms[J].Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space,2020,52(4):698-701.(SSCI, ESI高被引)
[10]Tian Lan(硕士生), Zhilin Li(共同导师), Hong Zhang(共同导师). Urban allometric scaling beneath structural fractality of road networks[J].Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 2019,109(3):943-957. (SSCI)
[11] Chengliang Liu*, Jiaqi Xu, Hong Zhang*. Competitiveness or complementarity? A dynamic network analysis of international agri-trade along the belt and road[J]. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy, 2020,13:349-374. (SSCI)
[12] Chengliang Liu*, Jiaqi Wang, Hong Zhang*. Spatial heterogeneity of ports in the global maritime network detected by weighted ego network analysis[J].Maritime Policy and Management, 2018, 45(1): 89-104. (SSCI,2018 ESI高被引)
[13] Chengliang Liu, Jiaqi Wang, Hong Zhang*, Meiyuan Yin. Mapping the hierarchical structure of the global shipping network by weighted ego network analysis[J]. International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, 2018, 10(1): 63-86. (SSCI)
[14] Chengliang Liu, Dezhong Duan.* ,HongZhang*. Relationships between fractal road and rrainage networks in Wuling mountainous area: another symmetric understanding of human-environment relations[J].Journal of Mountain Science, 2014, 11(4):1060~1069. (SCIE)
[15] Weiwei Cao, Xiangnan Feng, Hong Zhang*. The structural and spatial properties of the high-speed railway network in China: a complex network perspective[J].Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrtpm.2018.10.001
[16] Zhongmin Lu(*),Hong Zhang, Frank Southworth, John Crittenden. Fractal dimensions of metropolitan area road networks and the impacts on the urban built environment[J].. Ecological Indicators, 2016, 70, 285-296.(SCI)
[17] Peichao Gao, Hong Zhang, Zhilin Li*. A hierarchy-based solution to calculate the configurational entropy of landscape gradients[J].Landscape Ecology, 2017, 32(6): 1133-1146. (SCI)
[18] Xun Wu(*), Hong Zhang, Yunhui Xu. 2016. A comparative study of various properties to measure the road rank in road networks. Spatial Data Handling in Big Data Era. Springer Singapore. 2017.
[19] Peichao Gao, Hong Zhang, Zhilin Li*. An efficient analytical method for computing the Boltzmann entropy of a landscape gradient[J]. Transactions in GIS, 2018, 22(5): 1046-1063. (SSCI)
[20] Peichao Gao,Hong Zhang, Duo Jia et al. Efficient approach for computing the discrimination ratio-based variant of information entropy for image processing[J]. IEEE Access, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.** (SCI)
[21] Weiwei Cao, Xiangnan Feng*, Hong Zhang and Jianmin Jia. Characterizing the structure of the railway network in China: a complex weighted network approach. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2019,(3):1-10 (SCI)
[22] Peichao Gao, Zhilin Li*, Hong Zhang. Thermodynamics-Based Evaluation of Various Improved Shannon Entropies for Configurational Information of Gray-Level Images. Entropy, 2018, 20(19): 1-25. (SCI)
[23] Peichao Gao, Jicheng Wang, Hong Zhang, Zhilin Li*. Boltzmann entropy-based unsupervised band selection for hyperspectral image classification. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2019, 16(3): 462-466. (SCI)
[24] 张红,徐珊*,龚恩慧. 顾及实时路况的城市浪费性通勤测算——以成都市为例[J].武汉大学学报? 信息科学版,2020, 【DOI】10.13203/j.whugis**
[25] 张红*,蓝天,李志林,分形城市研究进展:从几何形态到网络关联. 地球信息科学学报, 2020,22(4):827-841. (CSCD
[26]曹炜威,张红*,何晶,蓝天. 顾及结构和几何特征的道路自动选取方法[J]. 武汉大学学报? 信息科学版, 2017,42(4), 520-524. (EI)
[27] 张红*,何晶,杨婕,吴荣光,曾映敏,吴珣. 基于复杂网络的道路网拓扑结构信息度量[J]. 地理与地理信息科学, 2017,33(2), 1-6. (CSCD
[28] 何晶,张红*,曹炜威,蓝天. 地图符号拓扑紧凑性和异质性信息测度[J]. 测绘科学, 2017,42(1),131-135. (CSCD)

[1]张红.分形城市研究:从形态到网络. 2020年中国城市地理学术年会暨黄河流域高质量发展高层论坛. 2020年10月24-25日,线上会议
[2]Hong Zhang. 2019. Fractal Evolution and Allometric Scaling of Cities: Size, Shape, Structure, Scaling and Scales. 2019 VVOIP-Theoretical Geography Debates: 3.1 Fractals and Multifractals.
[3]Hong Zhang. 2019. Urban Allometric Scaling Beneath the Structural Fractality of Road Networks. China Conference on Geography. Nov.1st-3rd, Beijing, China
[4]Hong Zhang. 2019. Improvements to Information Entropy for Raster Spatial Data: A Thermodynamics-based Evaluation, The 29th International Cartographic Conference. July, 14th-20th, Tokyo, Japan
[5]Hong Zhang, 2019. Exploring the Complexity of Urban Road Networks through Fractal and Entropy Analysis, Researcher Links Workshop Urban Analytics at the Interface between Environment, Human Health and Behaviour. July, 2nd-4th, Shanghai, China
[6]Hong Zhang, 2019. The Fractal Evolution of Urban Street Networks: from Geometry to Structure, The 2nd International Conference on Urban Informatics. June, 24th-26th, Hong Kong, China
[7]Xun Wu, Hong Zhang, Yunhui Xu. 2016. A Comparative Study of Various Properties to Measure the Road Rank
in Road Networks.International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, Aug. 18th-20th, Beijing, China.
[8]Xun Wu, Hong Zhang, Tian Lan, Weiwei Cao, Jing He. 2015.A Quantitative Approach to Measure Road
Network Information based on Edge Diversity. International Conference on Intelligent Earth Observing and
Applications, Oct. 23th-25th,Guilin,China.
[9]Jing He, Hong Zhang, Tian Lan, Weiwei Cao, Xun Wu, 2015.Exploring the Hierarchical Structure in Road
Network, International Conference on Intelligent Earth Observing and Applications, Oct. 23th-25th, Guilin, China.
[10]Tian Lan, Hong Zhang*, Xun Wu, Weiwei Cao , Jing He, 2015. A Modified Radius Fractal Dimension for
Capturing Spatial Complexity of A PolycentricCity.International Conference on Intelligent Earth Observing and
Applications, Oct. 23th-25th,Guilin,China.
[11]Zhongming LU, Southworth FRANK, Hong ZHANG, Crittenden JOHN, 2014. The Impact of Fractal-Likely
Transportation Infrastructures on Urban Land Development, Travel Demand and Transportation Carbon
Emissions, In: Global Engineering Conference 2014. Oct. 7th-11th,Panama City, Panama.
[12]Hong ZHANG, Zhilin LI. 2009. Structural Hole Analysis for Structuring Hierarchical Road Networks,
In:24thInternational Cartographic Conference, Nov.15th-21st, Santiago, Chile.

2019. “南方测绘杯”第十一届全国高等学校大学生测绘科技论文大赛一等奖(指导老师)

2019. 城市分析:环境、健康和行为交叉界面中英研讨会学术旅行奖学金
2019. 西南交通大学校级本科优秀毕业设计指导老师
2017. 西南交通大学校级本科优秀毕业设计指导老师
2015. 西南交通大学2013~2014年度先进女职工

2012. 西南交通大学2010-2012年创先争优活动优秀共产党员
2012. 西南交通大学校级本科优秀毕业设计指导老师

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