

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-16

黄坤 研究员紫江优秀青年/硕导/博导


部门: 精密光谱科学与技术国家重点实验室
毕业院校: 华东师范大学/巴黎高师
学位: 博士
学历: 博士
邮编: 200241
联系电话: (+86)
传真: (+86)
电子邮箱: khuang@lps.ecnu.edu.cn
办公地址: 光学大楼A503
通讯地址: 上海市闵行区东川路500号

2012.09 – 2015.06,法国巴黎高师,Laboratoire Kastler Brossel (LKB) 实验室,博士
2009.09 – 2015.06,华东师范大学,精密光谱科学与技术国家重点实验室,博士
2005.09 – 2009.07,华东师范大学,物理系,学士


黄坤,研究员,博导。2015年相继获得华东师范大学与法国巴黎高师双重博士学位(博士论文链接)。博士论文曾获法国最高论文等级评定“Très Honorable”,随后任职于巴黎第六大学,在量子光学前沿阵地Kastler-Brossel实验室(拥有三位诺贝尔物理学奖获得者)从事红外光场灵敏探测与量子调控等领域的研究工作。长期致力于红外光场精密调控与红外超灵敏探测等前沿领域的研究,近年来在Nature Photon.、Nature Comm.、PRL、Optica等国际权威期刊共发表学术论文近40篇,主持或参与国内外科研项目10余项;申请发明专利6项。




非线性红外光子学(Nonlinear Infrared Photonics)结合了经典非线性光学和现代光子学,横跨激光光谱学、精密测量、非线性光学、材料光学、量子光学等多个领域,从理论和实验上探究红外波段光场的产生、变换和探测,以及与物质的相互作用,主要探究红外光量子态的高效产生、精密调控和灵敏探测等方面的新原理和新技术,牵引红外光子测控、红外精密光谱、量子关联成像、和光量子信息处理等重要创新应用。这些研究涵盖了许多光学实验仪器和技术,包含激光器搭建、光学谐振器设计、微弱光检测、单光子探测和量子关联成像等。


- 红外光子探测
- 红外光纤激光
- 红外灵敏光谱

- 非线性光学
- 激光光学
- 量子光学

主要从事光量子信息处理、红外光场精密调控和光子超灵敏探测等前沿领域的研究。在国际上首次实验制备了光量子比特的杂化纠缠态,成果入选为Nature Photon.当期封面文章,被法国科学研究院 CNRS 和知名科学媒体Phys.org作亮点宣传,称该项工作“为长距离异质光量子网络的实现开辟了一条道路”;实现了国际最高效率的近红外光量子比特存储 器,将此前的世界纪录提高了一倍,被学术同行评论为“量子存储领域的重大进步”、“真正量子存储的重要里程碑”,成果发表在Nature Comm.上;在实验上制备了国际上最高纯度的光子数态和 最大尺寸的光学薛定谔猫态,相继发表在 PRL上,突破了长期以来量子态高保真度和高制备率难以兼得的技术难题,国际同行评论其为“一个新的方法,相较先前报道有着极为显著的进步,是该领域的重要突破”;发展了红外单光子非线性频率转换新技术,获得国际上最高的红外单光子转换效率,结合长波长泵浦和同步脉冲泵浦等有效抑制非线性噪声的技术方案,所研制的系统噪声接近探 测器的极限,这是目前国际上各种单光子频率上转换探测方案中噪声最低、灵敏度最高的一套系统 。

5. 《光谱技术》(本科生课程,3学分,38学时)
4. 《光谱技术实验》(本科生课程,0.5学分,16学时)
3. 《程序设计课程设计(C)》(本科生课程,2学分,32学时)
2. 《光电检测原理及应用》(研究生课程,3学分,38学时)


48. J. Fang, Y. Wang, M. Yan, E. Wu, K. Huang*, and H. Zeng*, 'Highly Sensitive Detection of Infrared Photons by Nondegenerate Two-Photon Absorption Under Midinfrared Pumping,' Phys. Rev. Appl. 14(6), 064035 (2020).
47. Kangwen Yang, Hai Li, Hang Gong, Xuling Shen, Qiang Hao, Ming Yan, Kun Huang, and Heping Zeng, 'Temperature measurement based on adaptive dual-comb absorption spectral detection,' Chin. Opt. Lett. 18, 051401 (2020).
46. M. Xu, J. Wu, B. Li , Y. Jiang, Q. Hao, K. Yang, K. Huang*, and H. Zeng, “Experimental Study on Efficient Mid-infrared Difference-Frequency Generation Based on All-optical Passive Synchronization,” Acta Optica Sinica, 40, ** (2020).
45. B. Li, J. Wu, M. Xu, Y. Jiang, Q. Hao, K. Yang, K. Huang*, H. Zeng, “Study on widely tunable mid-infrared difference-frequency generation based on passive synchronization,” Chinese Journal of Lasers, 47, ** (2020).
44. Y. Jiang, J. Wu, Q. Hao, K. Huang*, and H. Zeng, “Experimental study on all-polarization-maintaining passive synchronization for dual-color mode-locked fiber lasers,” Acta Optica Sinica 40, ** (2020).
43. Yinqi Wang, Xinyi Ren, Kun Huang, Ming Yan and Heping Zeng, 'Frequency comb interference spectroscopy using a fiber laser comb and a multi-colour laser,' Laser Phys. 30 055702 (2020).
42. Kangwen Yang, Yue Shen, Jianpeng Ao, Shikai Zheng, Qiang Hao, Kun Huang, Minbiao Ji, and Heping Zeng, 'Passively synchronized mode-locked fiber lasers for coherent anti-Stokes Raman imaging,' Opt. Express 28, 13721-13730 (2020).
41. Xinyi Ren, Hu Dai, Detian Li, Kun Huang, Mengyun Hu, Tianjian Lv, Ming Yan, and Heping Zeng, 'Mid-infrared electro-optic dual-comb spectroscopy with feedforward frequency stepping,'Opt. Lett. 45, 776 (2020).
40.Weiyan Kang, Bowen Li, Yan Liang, Qiang Hao, Ming Yan, Kun Huang*, and Heping Zeng, 'Coincidence-pumping upconversion detector based on passively synchronized fiber laser system,' IEEE Photon. Tech. Lett. 32, 184 (2020).
39.Xu H, Yuan S, Guo Z, Zhang Q, Ma Y, Hao Q, Huang K, Li M, Nie Y, Zeng H. 'Femtosecond Red and Near-Infrared Lasers Due to Cascaded-Raman-Assisted Four-Wave Mixing in a Nonlinear Yb-Doped Fiber Amplifier,'Applied Sciences 10, 669 (2020).
38. Jing Zeng, Bowen Li, Qiang Hao, Ming Yan, Kun Huang*, and Heping Zeng, 'Passively synchronized dual-color mode-locked fiber lasers based on nonlinear amplifying loop mirrors,'Opt. Lett.44, 5061-5064 (2019).
37. Xiaoyue Wang, Junsong Peng, Kun Huang, Ming Yan*, and Heping Zeng*, 'Experimental study on buildup dynamics of a harmonic mode-locking soliton fiber laser,'Opt. Express 27, 28808-28815 (2019).
36. K. Huang*, H. Le Jeannic , O. Morin, T. Darras, G. Guccione, A. Cavaillès and J. Laurat*, 'Engineering optical hybrid entanglement between discrete- and continuous-variable states,'New J. Phys. 21 083033 (2019).
35. S. Zheng, K. Yang*, J. Ao, P. Ye, Q. Hao, K. Huang, M. Ji, and H. Zeng, 'Advances in Fiber Laser Sources for Coherent Raman Scatering Microscopy,'Chinese J. Lasers 46, ** (2019).
34.Q. Hao, Q. Qiao, H. Fu, J. Peng, K. Huang, H. Zeng*, 'Observation of Soliton Molecules in NPR Mode-Locked Er-Fiber Laser via Birefringence Management,'IEEE Photon. Tech. Lett. 31, 639-642 (2019).
33.Kun Huang, Jiwei Gan, Jing Zeng, Qiang Hao, Kangwen Yang, Ming Yan, and Heping Zeng*, 'Observation of spectral mode splitting in a pump-enhanced ring cavity for mid-infrared generation,'Opt. Express27, 11766-11775 (2019).
32.Yan Liang*, Qilai Fei, Zhihe Liu,Kun Huang, and Heping Zeng*, 'Low-noise InGaAs/InP single-photon detector with widely tunable repetition rates,'Photon. Res. 7, A1-A6 (2019).
31.Kangwen Yang, Shikai Zheng, Pengbo Ye, Qiang Hao,Kun Huang*, and Heping Zeng, 'Fiber-based optical parametric oscillator with flexible repetition rates by rational harmonic pumping,'Opt. Express27, 4897-4906 (2019).
30. Xiaoyue Wang, Xinyi Ren, Junsong Peng, Xuling Shen,Kun Huang, Ming Yan*, and Heping Zeng*, 'On the Q-switching bunch dynamics in the build-up of stretched-pulse mode-locking,'Opt. Express27, 2747 (2019).
29. Kun Huang, Jing Zeng, Jiwei Gan, Qiang Hao, Ming Yan, and Heping Zeng*, 'Passive all-optical synchronization for polarization-maintaining mode-locked fiber lasers,'Opt. Express26, 32184 (2018).
28. H. Le Jeannic, A. Cavaillès, J. Raskop,K. Huang, and J. Laurat*, 'Remote preparation of continuous-variable qubits using loss-tolerant hybrid entanglement of light,'Optica5, 1012 (2018).
27. K. Huang, J. Zeng, J. Gan, Q. Hao, and H. Zeng*, 'Controlled generation of ultrafast vector vortex beams from a mode-locked fiber laser,'Opt. Lett. 43, 3933 (2018).
26. K. Yang, S. Zheng, Y. Wu, P. Ye,K. Huang, Q. Hao, and H. Zeng*, 'Low-repetition-rate all-fiber integrated optical parametric oscillator for coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy,'Opt. Express 26, 17519 (2018).
25. H. Le Jeannic, A. Cavaillès,K. Huang, R. Filip*, and J. Laurat*, 'Slowing Quantum Decoherence by Squeezing in Phase Space,'Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 073603 (2018).
24. P. Vernaz-Gris#,K. Huang#,*, M.Cao, A. S. Sheremet, and J. Laurat*, 'Highly-efficient quantum memory for polarization qubits in a spatially-multiplexed cold atomic ensemble,'Nat. Comm. 9, 363 (2018). [coverage byPhys.org]
23. K. Yang, P. Zhao, J. Luo,K. Huang, Q. Hao, and H. Zeng*, 'Comparison on different repetition rate locking methods in Er-doped fiber laser,'Laser Phys.28, 055108 (2018).
22. K. Yang, Y. Wu, J. Jiang, P. Ye,K. Huang, Q. Hao, and H. Zeng*, 'Fiber Optical Parametric Oscillator and Amplifier for CARS Spectroscopy,'IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett.30, 967 (2018).
21. K. Yang, P. Ye, S. Zheng, J. Jiang,K. Huang, Q. Hao, and H. Zeng*, 'Polarization switch of four-wave mixing in a tunable fiber optical parametric oscillator,'Opt. Express 26, 2995 (2018).
20. X. Chen, C. Ding, H. Pan,K. Huang, J. Laurat, G. Wu, E. Wu*, 'Temporal and spatial multiplexed infrared single-photon counter based on high-speed avalanche photodiode,'Sci. Rep. 7, 44600 (2017).
19. Q. Hao, G. Zhu, S. Yang, K. Yang, T. Duan, X. Xie,K. Huang, H. Zeng*, 'Mid-infrared transmitter and receiver modules for free-space optical communication,'Appl. Opt. 56, 2260 (2017).
18. K. Yang, G. Zhu, Q. Hao,K. Huang, J. Laurat, W. Li, and H. Zeng*, 'Coherent polarization beam combination by microcontroller-based phase-locking method,'IEEE Photon. Tech.Lett. 28, 2129 (2016).
17. H. Le Jeannic, V. B. Verma, A. Cavaillès, F. Marsili, M. D. Shaw,K. Huang, O. Morin, S. W. Nam, and J. Laurat*, 'High-efficiency WSi superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors for quantum state engineering in the near infrared,'Opt. Lett. 41, 5341 (2016).
16. K. Huang, H. Le Jeannic, V. B. Verma, M. D. Shaw, F. Marsili, S. W. Nam, E Wu, H. Zeng, O. Morin, and J. Laurat*, 'Experimental quantum state engineering with time-separated heraldings from a continuous-wave light source: A temporal-mode analysis,'Phys. Rev. A 93, 013838 (2016).
15. Jian-huiMa, Xiong-jieLi, Wen-jieWu,K. Huang, Hai-fengPan, E.Wu*, 'Spatial modulation characteristics of single-photon frequency up-conversion systems pumped by Gaussian laser beam',Optoelectronics Lett. 11, 477 (2015).
14. Lin Zhao,K. Huang, Yan Liang, Jie Chen, Xueshun Shi, E Wu*, and Heping Zeng*, 'Quantum witness of high-speed low-noise single-photon detection,'Opt. Express 23, 31857 (2015).
13. K. Huang, H. Le Jeannic, J. Ruaudel, V. B. Verma, M. D. Shaw, F. Marsili, S. W. Nam, E Wu, H. Zeng, Y.-C. Jeong, R. Filip, O. Morin, and J. Laurat*, 'Optical Synthesis of Large-Amplitude Squeezed Coherent-State Superpositions with Minimal Resources,'Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 023602 (2015). [Coverage byPhys.org]
12. C. Hu,K. Huang, X. Hu, Y. Liu, F. Yuan, Q. Wang, and G. Fu*, 'Measuring the cognitive resources consumed per second for real-time lie-production and recollection: a dual-tasking paradigm,'Front. Psychol. 6, 214 (2015). [co-develop a so-called “follow me” software for lie-detection]
11. K. Huang, H. Le Jeannic, J. Ruaudel, O. Morin, and J. Laurat*, 'Microcontroller-based locking in optics experiments,'Rev. Sci. Instrum. 85, 123112 (2014).
10. O. Morin,K. Huang, J. Liu, H. Le Jeannic, C. Fabre, and J. Laurat*, 'Remote creation of hybrid entanglement between particle-like and wave-like optical qubits,'Nat. Photon. 8, 570-574 (2014). [Journal cover]
9. O. Morin, J. Liu,K. Huang, F. Barbosa, C. Fabre, and J. Laurat*, 'Quantum State Engineering of Light with Continuous-Wave Optical Parametric Oscillators,'J. Vis. Exp., 87, e51224 (2014).
8.K. Huang, X. Gu, Q. Zhou, H. Pan, E Wu*, and H. Zeng*, 'Efficient generation of mid-infrared photons at 3.16 μm by coincidence frequency downconversion,'Laser Phys. 23, 045401 (2013).
7. Q. Zhou,K. Huang, H. Pan, E Wu*, and H. Zeng*, 'Ultrasensitive mid-infrared up-conversion imaging at few-photon level,'Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 241110 (2013).
6. X. Gu,K. Huang, H. Pan, E Wu*, and H. Zeng*, 'Efficient mid-infrared single-photon frequency upconversion detection with ultra-low background counts,'Laser Phys. Lett. 10, 055401 (2013).
5. K. Huang, X. Gu, H. Pan, E Wu*, and H. Zeng*, 'Few-photon-level two-dimensional infrared imaging by coincidence frequency upconversion,'Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 151102 (2012).
4. K. Huang, X. Gu, H. Pan, E Wu*, and H. Zeng*, 'Synchronized fiber lasers for efficient coincidence single-photon frequency upconversion,'IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quant. Electron. 18, 562 (2012).
3. X. Gu,K. Huang, H. Pan, E Wu*, and H. Zeng*, 'Photon correlation in single-photon frequency upconversion,'Opt. Express 20, 2399 (2012).
2.K. Huang, X. Gu, M. Ren, Y. Jian, H. Pan, G. Wu, E Wu*, and H. Zeng*, 'Photon-number-resolving detection at 1.04 μm via coincidence frequency upconversion,'Opt. Lett. 36, 1722 (2011).
1. X. Gu,K. Huang, Y. li, H. Pan, E Wu*, and H. Zeng*, 'Temporal and spectral control of single-photon frequency upconversion for pulsed radiation,'Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 131111 (2010).

30. Yue Shen, Jianpeng Ao, Shikai Zheng, Qiang Hao, Kun Huang, Minbiao Ji, Heping Zeng, Kangwen Yang, Passive-synchronized picosecond fiber lasers for coherent anti-Stokes Raman imaging, Applied Optics and Photonics China (AOPC 2020), 2020, Beijing, China.
29. Y. Shen, J. Ao, K. Yang, S. Zheng, Q. Hao, K. Huang, M. Ji, and H. Zeng, 'Tunable dual-color picosecond pulses from passive synchronized fiber lasers for coherent anti-Stokes Raman imaging,' in 14th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO PR 2020).
28. Kangwen Yang, Qingting Wang, Shikai Zheng, Qiang Hao, Kun Huang, and Heping Zeng, Fiber Optical Parametric Oscillator with Flexible Repetition Rate for Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Imaging, 2020 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR), 2-6 Aug. 2020.
27. Kangwen Yang, Xu Chen, Hai Li, Dongshuai Hu, Ran Huo, Qiang Hao, Ming Yan, Kun Huang, Heping Zeng, Temperature Measurement of Water Vapor by Adaptive Dual Comb Spectroscopy, 2020 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR), 2-6 Aug. 2020.
26. Kun HUANG, Mid-infrared photon-number-resolving detection based on frequency upconversion, 2020 IEEE The 8th International Conference on Information, Communication and Networks (ICICN 2020), August 22-25 (2020), online. [邀请学术报告].
25. Kun HUANG, Synchronized ultrafast fiber lasers for single-photon upconversion detection, SPIE/COS Photonics Asia, October 12-16 (2020), online. [邀请学术报告].
24. Kun HUANG, Mid-infrared single-photon frequency upconversion detection, 2020 Sino-Canadian Bilateral Workshop, November 25-27 (2020), Shanghai, China.[邀请学术报告].
23. W. Kang, J. Wu, Y. Liang, M. Yan, K. Huang*, and H. Zeng, Mid-infrared photon-number-resolving detection based on efficient nonlinear frequency conversion, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), 10–15 May (2020), online. [口头报告]
22. Kun Huang, Jing Zeng, Weiyan Kang, and Heping Zeng, 'Mid-infrared generation and detection,' 2nd International Symposium on Advanced Laser Spectroscopy & Applications, 4-5 Jan. 2020, Chongqing, China. [邀请学术报告]
21.G. Guccione, A. Cavaillès, T. Darras, H. Le Jeannic, J. Raskop, K. Huang, and J. Laurat, 'Quantum Communication Protocols Based on Hybrid Entanglement of Light,' in Quantum Information and Measurement, Rome Italy, 4-6 April 2019.
20.Jing Zeng, Jiwei gan, Qiang Hao, Ming Yan,Kun Huang*, and Heping Zeng, 'Passive synchronization of Er- and Yb-doped mode-locked fiber lasers based on nonlinear amplifying loop mirror,' CLEO: Science and Innovations 2019,San Jose, California United States,5–10 May 2019.
19. Kun Huang, Jiwei Gan, Jing Zeng, Weiyan Kang, and Heping Zeng, 'Mid-infrared generation and detection based on nonlinear frequency conversion,' 1st International Symposium on Advanced Laser Spectroscopy & Applications, 27-28 Aug. 2019, Chongqing, China. [邀请学术报告]
18.K. Huang, H. Le Jeannic, V. B. Verma, M. D. Shaw, F. Marsili, S. W. Nam, E Wu, H. Zeng, O. Morin, and J. Laurat, 'Optical hybrid entanglement between discrete- and continuous-variable states,' International Symposium on Quantum Technologies, Shanghai, Oct. 31-Nov. 3, 2018. [邀请学术报告]
17.K. Huang, P. Vernaz-Gris, M. Cao, A. Sheremet, and J. Laurat, 'High-Efficiency Quantum Memory for Photonic Polarization Qubits in a Spatially-Multiplexed Dense Cold Atomic Ensemble,' European Quantum Electronics Conference, Paper# EB_5_2 (2017).
16.K. Huang, H. Le Jeannic, V. B. Verma, M. D. Shaw, F. Marsili, S. W. Nam, E Wu, H. Zeng, O. Morin, and J. Laurat, 'Experimentally Accessing and Manipulating Temporal Wave Packets in Quantum State Engineering,' International conference on the frontiers in atomic, molecular, and optical physics, Shanghai, May 23-26, 2016.
15.K. Huang, H. Le Jeannic, J. Ruaudel, V. B. Verma, M. D. Shaw, F. Marsili, S. W. Nam, E Wu, H. Zeng, Y.-C. Jeong, R. Filip, O. Morin and J. Laurat, 'Generation of Large-Amplitude Squeezed Coherent-State Superpositions via Mode Mixing from a Type-II Optical Parametric Oscillator,' 24th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop, Shanghai, Aug. 21- 24, 2015. [邀请学术报告]
14.K. Huang, O. Morin, H. Le Jeannic, J. Liu, C. Fabre, and J. Laurat, Photons Beyond Qubits, Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic, Apr. 14 -17, 2014.
13.K. Huang, O. Morin, J. Liu, H. Le Jeannic, C. Fabre, and J. Laurat, 3rd Workshop of the GDR – IQFA, Université Paris 7, Nov. 20-22, 2013.
12.K. Huang, O. Morin, J. Liu, C. Fabre, and J. Laurat, 'Hybrid entanglement,' 3rd workshop of the Sino-French Research Network on Quantum Manipulation of Atoms and Photons, Palaiseau, France, Sep. 23-27, 2013. [邀请学术报告]
11.K. Huang, Q. Zhou, X. Gu, H. Pan, E Wu, H. Zeng, 'Efficient generation of mid-infrared photons at 3.16 μm by coherent frequency downconversion,' Quantum and Nonlinear Optics II, 85540X (2012).
10.K. Huang, X. Gu, H. Pan, E Wu, and H. Zeng, 'Two-dimensional infrared imaging by frequency upconversion at few-photon level,' Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), QF2G.1 (2012).
9.K. Huang, X. Gu, M. Ren, Y. Jian, H. Pan, G. Wu, E Wu, and H. Zeng, 'Frequency-upconversion photon-number-resolving detector for wavelengths around 1 μm,' Nonlinear Optics: Materials, Fundamentals and Applications, NMB2 (2011).
8.A. Cavaillès, H. Le Jeannic, J. Raskop,K. Huangand J. Laurat, 'Remote state preparation and quantum steering based on optical hybrid entanglement,' Quantum Information and Measurement, Paper# QT4C.1 (2017).
7.A. Cavaillès, H. Le Jeannic, J. Raskop,K. Huangand J. Laurat, 'Remote State Preparation and Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Steering for Optical Hybrid Quantum Information Processing,' European Quantum Electronics Conference, Paper# EB_4_4 (2017).
6.O. Morin, H. Le Jeannic,K. Huang, J. Liu, C. Fabre, J. Ruaudel, Y.-C. Jeong and J. Laurat, 'Hybrid Entanglement of Light for Heterogeneous Quantum Networks,' European Quantum Electronics Conference, Paper# EA_1_1 (2015).
5.H. Le Jeannic, O. Morin,K. Huang, J. Liu, C. Fabre, J. Ruaudel, Y.-C. Jeong and J. Laurat, 'Generation of hybrid entanglement of light between wave-like and particle-like qubits,' QELS Fundamental Science, Paper# FTu1A.1 (2015).
4.H. Le Jeannic,K. Huang, J. Ruaudel, V. B. Verma, M. D. Shaw, F. Marsili, S. W. Nam, E Wu, H. Zeng, Y.-C. Jeong, R. Filip, O. Morin and J. Laurat, 'Efficient Optical Generation of Large-Amplitude Schr?dinger Cat States with Minimal Resources,' QELS Fundamental Science, Paper# JTh5B.3 (2015).
3.O. Morin,K. Huang, J. Liu, H. Le Jeannic, C. Fabre, C. Fabre and J. Laurat, 'Entangling Particle-like and Field-like Optical Qubits at a Distance,' Quantum Information and Measurement, Paper# QTu1B.3 (2014).
2.Q. Zhou,K. Huang, H. Pan, E Wu, and H. Zeng, 'Efficient Mid-infrared Imaging at Few-photon Level by Frequency Up-conversion,' CLEO: Science and Innovations, Paper# CM4D.3 (2013).
1.X. Gu, E Wu,K. Huang, Y. Li, H. Pan and H. Zeng, 'Optimization of Synchronized Single-Photon Frequency Upconversion by Temporal and Spectral Control,' Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, QFB4 (2010).

2.Kun Huang, E Wu, X. Gu, H. Pan, and H. Zeng, 'Ultrashort Laser Pulses for Frequency Upconversion,'Chapter 16 in book Laser Pulses - Theory, Technology, and Applications, edited by Igor Peshko, ISBN 978-953-51-0796-5 (2012).
1. E Wu, X. Gu, G. Wu, X. Chen,KunHuang, Y. Jian, M. Ren, Y. Liang, H. Zeng, 'Photon-number resolving detection at infrared wavelengths,' Chapter in Proceedings of 20th international conference laser spectroscopy ICOLS 2011, ISBN 978-3-8325-2993-2 (2011).

6.黄坤,曾和平,一种产生高功率中红外超快脉冲激光的方法,授权公布号: CNB,授权公告日:2020-05-08。
5.黄坤,曾静,曾和平,一种基于全保偏同步脉冲泵浦的单光子红外频率上转换系统,专利申请号0.8,申请日期 2018-11-19。
4.黄坤,曾静,曾和平,一种中红外超短脉冲激光光源,专利申请号2.4,申请日期 2018-11-19。
3.黄坤,曾静,曾和平,一种全保偏的双色同步超快光纤激光系统,专利申请号6.0,申请日期 2018-09-29。
2.黄坤,曾静,曾和平,一种被动全光同步的全保偏超快光纤激光系统,授权公布号: CNB,授权公告日: 2020-09-01。
1. 周茜,黄坤,汤瑞凯,李雄杰,杜海彬,史学舜,武愕,潘海峰,丁晶新,精密的量子波长调谐器,授权公布号: CNU,授权公告日: 2014-05-14。



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