

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-16



部门: 精密光谱科学与技术国家重点实验室
电子邮箱: dorfmank@lps.ecnu.edu.cn
办公地址: 理科大楼A1206b
通讯地址: 中山北路3663号 精密光谱科学与技术国家重点实验室





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1. 对于复杂量子光场的研究


2. 电池、激光和生物学中的非线性响应和量子涨落。


3. 相干多维拉曼光谱学






2017至今, 华东师范大学精密光谱学国家重点实验室教授, 中国上海。

2015至今, 加州大学欧文分校化学与物理与天文学系客座教授。

2015–2017科学家, 精密测量组, 新加坡制造技术研究所, 科学, 技术和研究机构 A * 星, 新加坡。

2012–2015高级研究科学家/博士后****, 加利福尼亚大学 (与 Shaul 教授 Mukamel), 欧文, CA。

2010–2012博士后研究员, 德克萨斯 A 和 M 大学 (与 Marlan 教授), 大学驻地, 得克萨斯州。

2010–2012访问博士后科学家, 普林斯顿大学 (与 Marlan 教授), 普林斯顿, 新泽西州。


2006-2009, 德州 A 和 M 大学物理博士, GPA-4.0。专业在原子, 分子物理和光学

2002-2006 下诺夫哥罗德哥罗德州立大学物理学士学位。专业的相对论电子学和太赫兹物理


51.P. Wei, M.Qin, K.E. Dorfman, X. Yuan1, C. Liu, Z. Zeng, X. Ge, X. Zhu, Q. Liang, B. Yao, Q. Wang, H. Li, J. Liu, Y. Zhang, S.Y. Jeong, G.S. Yun, D.E. Kim, P. Lu, and R. Li, "Probing electron-atom collision dynamics in gas plasma by high-order harmonic spectroscopy", Optics Letters 43, 1970 (2018)
50.K.E. Dorfman, D. Xu, J. Cao, "Efficiency at maximum power of a laser quantum heat engine enhanced by noise-induced coherence", Phys. Rev. E, 97, 042120 (2018).
49.Z. Zhang, P. Saurabh, K.E. Dorfman, A. Debnath, and S. Mukamel, “Monitoring
polariton dynamics in the LHCII photosynthetic antenna in a microcavity by twophoton
coincidence counting”, J. Chem. Phys. 117, 074302 (2018).
48. K.E. Dorfman and S. Mukamel,“Multidimensional photon correlation spectroscopy
of cavity polaritons”, PNAS 115, 1451 (2018).

47. M. Kowalewski, B.P. Fingerhut, K.E.Dorfman, K. Bennett, and S. Mukamel,
“Simulating Coherent Multidimensional Spectroscopy of Nonadiabatic Molecular
Processes: From the Infrared to the X-ray Regime”, Chemical Reviews, 117, 12165(2017).

46. K.E. Dorfman, Yu Zhang, and S. Mukamel, “Coherent Control of Long-range
Photoinduced Electron Transfer by Stimulated X-ray Raman Processes", PNAS,
113, 10001 (2016).
45. K.E. Dorfman, F. Schlawin, and S. Mukamel, “Nonlinear optical signals and spectroscopy
with quantum light”, accepted to Review of Modern Physics, 88, 045008
44. K.E. Dorfman, S. Mukamel, “Time-and-frequency gated photon coincidence countingl
a novel multidimensional spectroscopy tool”, arXiv:1602.03241, Phys. Scr. 91,
083004 (2016). The article has been selected for the cover of Phys. Scr.
43. G. Fumero, G. Batignani, K.E. Dorfman, S. Mukamel, and T. Scopigno, “Probing
ultrafast processes by fifth order Stimulated Raman Scattering”, J. Phys.: Conf.
Ser. 689, 012023 (2016).
42. F. Schlawin, K.E. Dorfman, and S. Mukamel, “Pump-probe spectroscopy using
quantum light with two-photon coincidence detection”, Phys. Rev. A 93, 023807

41. G. Fumero, G. Batignani, K.E. Dorfman, S. Mukamel, and T. Scopigno, “On the
Resolution Limit of Femtosecond Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy: Modelling Fifth-
Order Signals with Overlapping Pulses”, Chem. Phys. Chem. 16, 3533 (2015).
40. M. Kowalewski, K. Bennett, K.E. Dorfman, and S. Mukamel, “Catching conical
intersections in the act: Monitoring transient electronic coherences by attosecond
stimulated X-ray Raman signals”, arXiv:1510.02997v1 [physics.chem-ph], Phys. Rev.
Lett. 115, 193003 (2015).
39. K.E. Dorfman, K. Bennett, and S. Mukamel, “Detecting electronic coherence by
multidimensional broadband stimulated X-ray Raman signals”, arXiv:1506.08226
[physics.chem-ph], Phys. Rev. A 92, 023826 (2015).
38. S. Mukamel, and K.E. Dorfman, “Nonlinear fluctuations and dissipation in matter
revealed by quantum light”, arXiv:1505.00894 [quant-ph], Phys. Rev. A 91, 053844
37. B.K. Agarwalla, K.E. Dorfman, and S. Mukamel, “Evaluation of optical probe signals
from nonequilibrium systems”, arXiv:1503.08252 [quant-ph], Phys. Rev. A 91,
052501 (2015).
36. R. Glenn, K. Bennett, K.E. Dorfman, and S. Mukamel “Photon-Exchange Induces
Optical Nonlinearities in Harmonic Systems”, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 48,
065401 (2015).
35. B.K. Agarwalla, H. Ando, K.E. Dorfman, and S. Mukamel, “Stochastic Liouville
equations for impulsive transient absorption and stimulated Raman spectroscopy”,
arXiv:1503.08387 [quant-ph], J. Chem. Phys. 142, 024115 (2015).

34. Y. Zhang, J.D. Biggs, W. Hua, K.E. Dorfman, and S. Mukamel, “Three-Dimensional
Attosecond Resonant Stimulated X-Ray Raman Spectroscopy of Electronic Excitations
in Core-ionized Glycine”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 16, 24323 (2014).
33. H. Ando, B.P. Fingerhut, K.E. Dorfman, J.D. Biggs, and S. Mukamel “Femtosecond
stimulated Raman spectroscopy of the cyclobutane thymine dimer repair mechanism:
A computational study”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 136, 14801 (2014).
32. K.E. Dorfman, F. Schlawin, and S. Mukamel “Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy with
Entangled Light: Enhanced Resolution and Pathway Selection”, arXiv:1407.3332
[quant-ph], The J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 5, 2843 (2014).
31. K. Bennett, J. D. Biggs, Y. Zhang, K.E. Dorfman, and S. Mukamel “Time-,
Frequency-, and Wavevector-Resolved X-Ray Diffraction from Single Molecules”,
arXiv:1405.4039 [physics.chem-ph], J. Chem. Phys. 140, 204311 (2014).
30. K.E.Dorfman, and S. Mukamel “Multidimensional spectroscopy with entangled light;
loop vs ladder delay scanning protocols", arXiv: 1402.0496 [quant-ph], New Journal
of Physics 16, 033013 (2014)
29. K.E. Dorfman, and S. Mukamel “Indistinguishability and correlations of photons
generated by quantum emitters undergoing spectral diffusion”, Scientific Reports 4,
3996 (2014).
28. B.P. Fingerhut, K.E. Dorfman, and S. Mukamel “Probing the Conical Intersection
Dynamics of the RNA Base Uracil by UV-Pump Stimulated-Raman-Probe Signals;
Ab-Initio Simulations", J. Chem. Theory Comput. 10, 1172 (2014).

27. K.E. Dorfman, B.P. Fingerhut, and S. Mukamel “Time-resolved broadband Raman
spectroscopies: A unified six-wave-mixing representation”, arXiv: 1305.5291[quantph],
J. Chem. Phys. 139, 124113 (2013).
26. K.E. Dorfman, P.K. Jha, D.V. Voronine, P. Genevet, F. Capasso, and M.O. Scully
“Quantum-Coherence-Enhanced Surface Plasmon Amplification by Stimulated Emission
of Radiation”, arXiv:1212.5237v2 [quant-ph], Physical Review Letters 111,
043601 (2013).
25. K.E. Dorfman, B.P. Fingerhut, and S. Mukamel “Broadband infrared and Raman
probes of excited-state vibrational molecular dynamics; Simulation protocols based
on loop diagrams”, arXiv: 1305.5291[quant-ph], Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 15,
12348 (2013).
24. K.E. Dorfman and S. Mukamel “Collective resonances in(3); a QED study”,
arXiv:1305.6994[quant-ph], Phys. Rev. A 87, 063831 (2013).
23. B.P. Fingerhut, K.E. Dorfman, and S. Mukamel “Monitoring Nonadiabatic Dynamics
of the RNA Base Uracil by UV Pump-IR Probe Spectroscopy”, The J. Phys. Chem.
Lett. 4, 1933 (2013).
22. K.E. Dorfman, K. Bennet, Y. Zhang, and S. Mukamel “Nonlinear light scattering
in molecules induced by impulsive X-ray Raman processes”, arXiv:1303.3550v2
[quant-ph], Phys. Rev. A 87, 053826 (2013).
21. F. Schlawin, K.E. Dorfman, B. Fingerhut, and S. Mukamel “Suppression of population
transport and control of exciton distributions in photosynthetic complexes by
entangled photons”, Nature Communications 4, 1782 (2013).
20. K.E. Dorfman, A.A. Svidzinsky and M.O. Scully “Increasing photovoltaic power
by noise induced coherence between intermediate band states”, Coherent Optical
Phenomena 1, pp. 42-49 (2013).
19. K.E. Dorfman, D.V. Voronine, S. Mukamel, and M.O. Scully “Photosynthetic
reaction center as a quantum heat engine”, PNAS, 110, 2746 (2013). The article
has been featured inPhysOrg News. See thecommentary articleby Peter
Nalbach and Michael Thorwart.

18. A.A. Svidzinsky, K.E. Dorfman, and M.O. Scully, “Enhancing photocell power by
Fano induced coherence”, Coherent Optical Phenomena, 1, pp. 7-24 (2012).
17. K.E. Dorfman and S. Mukamel “Nonlinear spectroscopy with time- and frequencygated
photon counting; A superoperator diagrammatic approach”, Phys. Rev. A
86, 013810 (2012).
16. F. Schlawin, K.E. Dorfman, B. Fingerhut, and S. Mukamel “Manipulating twophoton
fluorescence spectra of chromophore aggregates with entangled photons: A
simulation study”, arXiv:1204.4490v1 [quant-ph]. Phys. Rev. A 86, 023851 (2012).
15. K.E. Dorfman and S. Mukamel “Photon counting in parametric down-conversion:
Interference of field-matter quantum pathways”, Phys. Rev. A 86, 023805 (2012).
14. P.K. Jha, K.E. Dorfman, Z. Yi, L. Yuan, V. Sautenkov, Y.V. Rostovtsev,
G.R. Welch, A.M. Zheltikov, and M.O. Scully, “Ultralow-power local laser
control of the dimer density in alkali-metal vapors through photodesorption”,
arXiv:1112.4115v1[physics.atom-ph], Applied Physics Letters, 101, 091107 (2012).
13. L. Yuan, K.E. Dorfman, A.M. Zheltikov, and M.O. Scully, “Plasma Assisted Coherent
Backscattering for Stand-off Spectroscopy”, Optics Letters 37, pp. 987-989 (2012).

12. K.E. Dorfman, A.A. Svidzinsky, and M.O. Scully “Increasing Photocell Power by
Quantum Coherence Induced by External Source”, Phys. Rev. A 84, 053829 (2011).
11. A.A. Svidzinsky, K.E. Dorfman, and M.O. Scully, “Increasing photovoltaic power by
Fano induced coherence”, Phys. Rev. A 84, 053818 (2011).
10. E. Sete, K.E. Dorfman, and J.P. Dowling, “Phase-controlled entanglement in a
quantum-beat laser: application to quantum lithography”, J. Phys. B: At. Mol.
Opt. Phys. 44, 225504 (2011). The article has been selected for the cover of
J. Phys. B.
9. K.E. Dorfman, P.K. Jha, and S. Das, “Quantum-interference-controlled
resonance profiles from lasing without inversion to photo-detection”,
arXiv:1108.1567v1[physics.atom-ph], Phys. Rev. A 84, 053803 (2011).
8. M.O. Scully, K. Chapin, K.E. Dorfman, M. Kim, and A.A. Svidzinsky, “Quantum
Heat Engine Power Can be Increased by Noise Induced Coherence”, PNAS 108, pp.
15097-15100, (2011).The article has been featured inScienceNews.
7. L. Yuan, A.A. Lanin, P.K. Jha, A.J. Traverso, D.V. Voronine, K.E. Dorfman, A.B.
Fedotov, G.R. Welch, A.V. Sokolov, A.M. Zheltikov, and M.O. Scully, “Coherent
Raman Umklappscattering”, Laser Physics Letters,8, pp. 736-741, (2011).
6. K.E. Dorfman, M. Kim, and A.A. Svidzinsky, “Canonical statistics and thermodynamics
of weakly interacting Bose gas: Recursion relation approach”, Phys. Rev. A
83, 033609, (2011).

5. K.E. Dorfman, “Modern problems in statistical physics of Bose-Einstein Condensation
and in electrodynamics of Free Electron Lasers”, Ph.D. thesis, Texas A&M
University, USA, (2009).
4. V.V. Kocharovsky, Vl.V. Kocharovsky, and K.E. Dorfman. “Origin and universal
structure of non-Gaussian statistics of Bose-Einstein condensate in a mesoscopic
perfect gas”, Radiophys. Quantum Electronics, vol.52, pp. 422-434, (2009).
3. K.E. Dorfman, N.S. Ginzburg, A.M. Malkin, and A.S. Sergeev. “FEL amplifiers
based on planar Bragg waveguides”, PJTPh, No. 12, vol.35, pp. 9-17, (2009).

2. K.E. Dorfman, N.S. Ginzburg, A.M. Malkin, and A.S. Sergeev. “Open Planar Bragg
Waveguides for Mode Selection in Quantum and Classical Amplifiers”, Laser Physics,
No. 5, vol.17, pp. 665-671, (2007).
1. V.R. Baryshev, K.E. Dorfman, N.S. Ginzburg, A.M. Malkin, N.Yu. Peskov, R.M.
Rozental, A.S. Sergeev, and V.Yu. Zaslavsky. “The use of planar Bragg structures
for generation and amplification of coherent radiation from spatially-extended
active media”, Izvestiya VUZ: Prikladnaya Nelineynaya Dinamika (Applied Nonlinear
Dynamics), vol.14, pp. 43-70, (2006), ISSN 0869-6632.

Selected Conference Proceedings
4. F. Schlawin, K.E. Dorfman, B.F. Fingerhut, and S. Mukamel. “Nonlinear Spectroscopy
of Chromophore Aggregates with Entangled Photon Pulses”, Proc. of the
XVIIIth International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena In Ultrafast Phenomena
XVI, Editors, M. Chergui, S. Cundiff, E. Riedle and R. Schoenlein, (Springer-Verlag,
Berlin), 41, 12006 (2013).
3. K. Dorfman, K. Chapin, A. Svidzinsky, and M. Scully, “On Quantum Coherence
Effects in Photo and Solar Cells”, arXiv: 1012.5321.v2[physics.atom-ph] (2010).
Later revised version published as “Quantum Thermodynamics of Photo and Solar
Cells”, Second Law of Thermodynamics: Status and Challenges, AIP Conf. Proc.,
pp. 256-264 (2011).
2. K.E. Dorfman, N.S. Ginzburg, A.M. Malkin, and R.M. Rozental. “Selective properties
of a planar Bragg waveguide”, Proc. of Joint 31st International Conference on
Infrared Millimeter Waves and 14th International Conference on Teraherz Electronics,
p. 403, Shanghai, China, September 18-22 (2006).
1. K.E. Dorfman, N.S. Ginzburg, A.M. Malkin, and R.M. Rozental. “A FEL amplifier
based on planar Bragg waveguides”, Proc. of 28th International Free Electron Laser
Conference (FEL 2006), pp. 393-396, Berlin, Germany, Aug 27 - Sep 1 (2006).



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