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梅晔 精密光谱科学与技术国家重点实验室研究员


部门: 精密光谱科学与技术国家重点实验室
性别: 男
专业技术职务: 教授
毕业院校: 南京大学
学位: 理学博士
学历: 研究生
电子邮箱: samuel.y.mei@gmail.com
办公地址: 中山北路校区理科大楼A1012
通讯地址: 上海市中山北路3663号华东师范大学中山北路校区理科大楼A1012
邮编: 200062


研究员 2012年8月至今











1. 用于蛋白质分子计算机模拟的极化和非极化力场
2. 蛋白质大分子体系的多尺度模拟
3. 计算结构生物学

槐喆 (博士生 2017--)
靳淑伟(硕士生 2018--)
薛园菲(博士生 2019--)
王家宁(博士生 2020--)

陆小亮 (硕士 2010--2013)
郭漫 (硕士2010--2013)
高雅 (博士 2009--2014) 华东师范大学优秀毕业生
曾娟 (博士 2009--2014)
黎永秀 (博士 2011--2014)
牟丽蓉 (硕士 2011--2014)
林冰冰 (硕士 2011--2014)
贾相瑜 (博士 2011--2016) 上海市优秀毕业生
刘凤娇 (博士 2013--2018) 上海市优秀毕业生
柳维 (博士 2013--2019)
王美婷 (博士 2014--2019)
李鹏飞 (博士 2014--2019) 华东师范大学优秀毕业生
童正青(博士 2014--2019)
王晓慧 (博士2015--2020)


上海市青年科技启明星项目A类 (2011)
国家自然科学基金委面上项目(2012-2015, 2018-2021, 2021-2024)


Journal Articles

85.Hu, W.; Li, P.*; Wang, J.-N.; Xue, Y.; Mo, Y.*; Zheng, J.; Pan, X.; Shao, Y.; Mei, Y.*, Accelerated computation of free energy profile at ab initioquantum mechanical/molecular mechanics accuracy via a semi-empirical reference-potential. 3. Gaussian smoothing on density-of-states, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation,16, 11, 6814-6822 (2020)
84. Guo, J.; Yang, L.; Gao, Y.; Zhao, C.; Mei, Y.*; Song, Y.-Y.*,Insight of MOF environment-dependent enzyme activity via MOFs-in-nanochannels configuration, ACS Catalysis, 10, 5949-5958 (2020)
83.Tong, Z.; Huai, Z.; Mei, Y.; Mo, Y.*,Reproducing the low-temperature excitation energy transfer dynamics of Phycoerythrin 545 light-harvesting complex with a structure-based model Hamiltonian, Journal of Chemical Physics, 152, 135101 (2020)
82. Shao, Y.*; Mei, Y.; Sundholm, D.*; Kaila, Ville R. I.*,Benchmarking the performance of time-dependent density functional theory methods on biochromophores, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation,16, 587-600 (2020)
81. Zhang, Y.; Liu, W.; Li, Z.; Kumar, V.; Alvarez-Cabrera, A. L.; Leibovitch, E. C.; Cui, Y.; Mei, Y.; Bi, G.-Q.; Jacobson, S.; Zhou, Z. H.*,Atomic structure of the human herpesvirus 6B capsid and capsid-associated tegument complexes, Nature Communications, 10, 5346 (2019)
80. Pan, X.; Li, P.; Ho J.; Pu J.*; Mei, Y.*; Shao, Y.*,Accelerated computation of free energy profile at ab initio quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical accuracy via a semi-empirical reference potential. II. Recalibrating semiempirical parameters with force matching, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 21, 20595-20605 (2019) (selected as the2019 PCCP Hot Article)
79. Liu, W; Li, P.; Mei, Y.*,Discovery of SBF1 as an allosteric inhibitor targeting the PIF-pocket of 3-phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase-1, Journal of Molecular Modeling, 25, 187 (2019)
78. Li, P.; Liu, F.; Shao, Y.; Mei, Y.*,Computational insights into endo/exo selectivity of the Diels–Alder reaction in explicit solvent at ab initio quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical level, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 123, 5131-5138 (2019)
77. Qian, J.; Xia, M.X.; Liu, W.; Li, L.J.; Yang, J.; Mei, Y.; Meng, Q.C.; Xie, Yan*,Glabridin resensitizes p-glycoprotein-overexpressing multidrug-resistant cancer cells to conventional chemotherapeutic agents, European Journal of Pharmacology, 852, 231-243 (2019)
76. Wang, M. T.; Mei, Y.*; Ryde, U.*,Host–guest relative binding affinities at density-functional theory level from semiempirical molecular dynamics simulations, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 15, 2659-2671 (2019)
75. Tong, Z.; Huai, Z.; Mei, Y.; Mo, Y.*,Influence of the protein environment on the electronic excitation of chromophores in the phycoerythrin 545 light–harvesting complex: a combined MD-QM/MM method with polarized protein–specific charge scheme, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 123, 2040-2049 (2019)
74. Liu, W.; Dai, X.; Jih, J.; Chan, K.; Trang, P.; Yu, X.; Balogun, R.; Mei, Y.; Liu, F.; Zhou, Z. H.*,Atomic structures and deletion mutant reveal different capsid-binding patterns and functional significance of tegument protein PP150 in murine and human cytomegaloviruses with implications for therapeutic development, PLOS Pathogens, 15, 1-26 (2019)
73. Wang, M. T.; Mei, Y.*; Ryde, U.*,Predicting relative binding affinity using nonequilibrium QM/MM simulations,Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 14, 6613–6622 (2018)
72. Li, P.; Jia, X.; Pan, X.; Shao, Y.; Mei, Y.*,Accelerated computation of free energy profile atab initioquantum mechanical/molecular mechanics accuracy via a semi-empirical reference potential. I. weighted thermodynamics perturbation, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 14, 5583–5596 (2018)
71. Li, P.; Liu, F.; Jia, X.; Shao, Y.; Hu, W.*; Zheng, J.; Mei, Y.*,Efficient computation of free energy surfaces of Diels–Alder reactions in explicit solvent atab initioQM/MM level, Molecules, 23, 2487 (2018) (Invited contribution toSpecial Issue “Combined Quantum Mechanical and Molecular Mechanical Methods and Simulations”)
70. Gao, Y.; Zhu, T.*; Zhang, C.M.; Zhang, J.Z.H.; Mei, Y.*,Comparison of the unfolding and oligomerization of human prion protein under acidic and neutral environments by molecular dynamics simulations, Chemical Physics Letters,706, 594–600 (2018)
69. Li, P. F.; Jia, X. Y.; Wang, M. T.; Mei, Y.*,Comparison of accuracy and convergence rate between equilibrium and nonequilibrium alchemical transformations for calculation of relative binding free energy, Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics,30, 789?799 (2017) (invited article)
68. Liu, F. J.; Yang, Z. Y.; Yu, Y. M.; Mei, Y.*; Houk, K. N.*,Bimodal Evans–Polanyi relationships in dioxirane oxidations of sp3 C–H: Non-perfect synchronization in generation of delocalized radical intermediates, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 139, 16650–16656 (2017)
67. Wang, M. T.; Li, P. F. (co-first author); Jia, X. Y.; Liu, W.; Shao, Y.; Hu, W. X.; Zheng, J.; Brooks, B;Mei, Y.*,Efficient strategy for the calculation of solvation free energies in water and chloroform at the quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical level, Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 57, 2476?2489 (2017)
66. Sun, Z.*; Zhu, T.; Wang, X.;Mei, Y.; Zhang, JZH*,Optimization of convergence criteria for fragmentation methods, Chemical Physics Letters, 687, 163–170 (2017)
65. Liu, W.; Jia, X. Y.; Wang, M. T.; Li, P. F.; Wang, X. H.; Hu, W. X.; Zheng, J.;Mei, Y.*,Calculations of the absolute binding free energy for Ralstonia Solanacearum Lectins bound with methyl-α-L-fucoside at molecular mechanical and quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical levels, RSC Advances,7, 38570?38580 (2017)
64. Huang, J.;Mei, Y.; Koenig, G.; Simmonett, A.; Pickard, F.; Wu, Q.; Wang, L.-P.; MacKerell, A.; Brooks, B.; Shao, Y.*,An estimation of hybrid quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical (QM/MM) polarization energies for small molecules using polarizable force-field approaches, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation,13, 679?695 (2017)
63. Gao, Y.*; Zhang, C.; Zhang, J. Z. H.;Mei, Y.*,Evaluation of the coupled two-dimensional main chain torsional potential in modeling intrinsically disordered proteins, Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 57, 267–274 (2017)
62. Zeng, J.*; Li, Y. X.; Zhang, J. Z. H.; Mei, Y.,Examination of the quality of various force fields and solvation models for the equilibrium simulations of GA88 and GB88, Journal of Molecular Modeling,22, 177 (2016)
61. Liu, F.J.; Zhang, J. Z. H.; Mei, Y.*,The origin of the cooperativity in the streptavidin-biotin system: A computational investigation through molecular dynamics simulations, Scientific Reports, 6,27190 (2016)
60. Liu, F. J.; Yang, Z. Y. (co-first author); Mei, Y.; Houk, Kendall N.*,QM/QM’ direct molecular dynamics of water-accelerated Diels-Alder reaction, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 120, 6250?6254 (2016)
59. Jia, X. Y.; Wang, M. T. (co-first author); Shao, Y.; Koenig, G.; Brooks, B.; Zhang, J. Z. H.; Mei, Y.*,Calculations of solvation free energy through energy reweighting from molecular mechanics to quantum mechanics, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation,12, 499?511 (2016)
58. Koenig, G.; Mei, Y.; Pickard, F.; Simmonett, A.; Miller, B.; Herbert, J.; Woodcock, H. L.; Brooks, B.; Shao, Y.*,Computation of hydration free energies using the multiple environment single system quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical (MESS-QM/MM) method, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 12, 332?344 (2016)
57. Jia, X. Y.; Mei, Y.; Zhang, J. Z. H.; Mo, Y.*,Hybrid QM/MM study of FMO complex with polarized protein-specific charge, Scientific Reports, 5, 17096 (2015)
56. Mei, Y.*; Simmonett, A. C.; Pickard IV, F. C.; DiStasio Jr., R. A.; Brooks, B. R.; Shao, Y. H.*,Numerical study on the partitioning of the molecular polarizability into fluctuating charge and induced atomic dipole contributions, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 119, 5865-5882 (2015)
55. Gao, Y.; Li, Y. X.; Mou, L. R.; Lin, B. B.; Zhang, J. Z. H.; Mei, Y.*,Correct folding of an α-helix and a β-hairpin using a polarized 2D torsional potential, Scientific Reports, 5, 10359 (2015)
54. Gao, Y.; Li, Y. X.; Mou, L. R.; Hu, W. X.; Zheng, J.; Zhang, J. Z. H.; Mei, Y.*,Coupled two-dimensional main chain torsional potential for protein dynamics II: Performance and validation, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 119, 4188-4193 (2015)
53. Sodt, A.; Mei, Y.; Koenig, G.; Tao, P.; Steele, R.; Brooks, B.; Shao, Y.*,Multiple environment single system quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical (MESS-QM/MM) calculations. I. Estimation of polarization energies, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 119, 1511-1523 (2015)
52. Duan, L. L.; Gao, Y.; Ji, C. G.; Mei, Y.; Zhang, Q. G.; Tang, B.; Zhang, J. Z. H.*,Energetics of protein backbone hydrogen bonds and their local electrostatic environment, Science China-Chemistry, 57, 1708-1715 (2014)
51. Li, Y. X.; Zhang, J. Z. H.; Mei, Y.*,Molecular dynamics simulation of protein crystal with polarized protein-specific force field, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 118, 12326-12335 (2014)
50. Ji, C. G.; Mei, Y.*,Some practical approaches to treating electrostatic polarization of proteins, Accounts of Chemical Research,47, 2795-2803 (2014)
49. Duan, L. L.*;Mei, Y.; Zhang, Q. G.; Tang, B.; Zhang, J. Z. H.,Protein’s native structure is dynamically stabilized by electronic polarization, Journal of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, 13, ** (2014)
48. Mou, L. R.; Jia, X. Y.; Gao, Y.; Li, Y. X.; Zhang, J. Z. H.; Mei, Y.*,Folding simulation of Trp-cage utilizing a new AMBER compatible force field with coupled main chain torsions, Journal of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, 13, ** (2014)
47. Lin, B. B.; Gao, Y.; Li, Y. X; Zhang, J. Z. H.; Mei, Y.*,Implementing electrostatic polarization cannot fill the gap between experimental and theoretical measurements for the ultrafast fluorescence decay of Myoglobin, Journal of Molecular Modeling, 20, 2189 (2014)
46. Koenig, G.*; Pickard IV, F. C.; Mei, Y.; BrooksB. R.,Predicting hydration free energies with a hybrid QM/MM approach: An evaluation of implicit and explicit solvation models in SAMPL4, Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design,28, 245-257 (2014)
45. Jia, X. Y.; Zeng, J.; Zhang, J. Z. H.; Mei, Y.*,Accessing the applicability of polarized protein-specific charge in linear interaction energy analysis, Journal of Computational Chemistry, 35, 737-747 (2014)
44. Jia, X. Y.; Wang, X. W.; Liu, J. F.; Zhang, J. Z. H.; Mei, Y.*; He, X.*,An improved fragment-based quantum mechanical method for calculation of electrostatic solvation energy of proteins, Journal of Chemical Physics, 139, 214104 (2013)
43. Lu, X. L.; Zeng, J.; Gao, Y.; Zhang, J. Z. H.; Zhang, D. W.;Mei, Y.*,The intrinsic helical propensities of the helical fragments in prion protein under neutral and low pH conditions: A replica exchange molecular dynamics study, Journal of Molecular Modeling, 19,4897-4908 (2013)
42. Zeng, J.; Jia, X. Y.; Zhang, J. Z. H.;Mei, Y.*,The F130L mutation in streptavidin reduces its binding affinity to biotin through electronic polarization effect, Journal of Computational Chemistry, 34,2677-2686 (2013)
41. Guo, M.;Mei, Y.*,Equilibrium and Folding Simulations of NS4B H2 in pure water and water/2,2,2-Trifluoroethanol mixed solvent: Examination of solvation models, Journal of Molecular Modeling, 19,3931-3939 (2013)
40. Gao, Y.; Lu, X. L.; Duan, L. L., Zhang, D. W.;Mei, Y.*; Zhang, J. Z. H.*,Direct folding simulation of a long helix in explicit water, Applied Physics Letters, 102, 193706 (2013)
39. Li, Y. X.; Gao, Y.; Zhang, X. Q.; Wang, X. Y.; Mou, L. R.; Duan, L. L.; He, X.*;Mei, Y.*; Zhang, J. Z. H.*,A coupled two-dimensional main chain torsional potential for protein dynamics: generation and implementation, Journal of Molecular Modeling, 29, 3647-3657 (2013)
38. Duan, L. L.; Zhu, T.;Mei, Y.*; Zhang, Q. G.; Tang, B.; Zhang, J. Z. H.*;An implementation of hydrophobic force in implicit solvent molecular dynamics simulation for packed proteins, Journal of Molecular Modeling, 19, 2605-2612 (2013)
37. Jia, X. Y.; Zhang, J. Z. H.*;Mei, Y.*,Assessing the accuracy of the general AMBER force field for 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol as solvent, Journal of Molecular Modeling, 19, 2355–2361 (2013)
36. Zeng, J.; Duan, L. L.; Zhang, J. Z. H.;Mei, Y.*,A numerically stable restrained electrostatic potential charge fitting method, Journal of Computational Chemistry, 34, 847-853 (2013)
35. Ren, S.; Zeng, J.;Mei, Y.; Zhang, J. Z. H.; Yan, S. F.; Fei, J.; Chen, L.*,Discovery and characterization of novel, potent, and selective cytochrome P450 2J2 inhibitors, Drug Metabolism and Disposition, 41,60-71 (2013)
34. Xu, Z. J.; Lazim, R.;Mei, Y.; Zhang, D. W.*,Stability of the β-structure in prion protein: A molecular dynamics study based on polarized force field, Chemical Physics Letters? 539-540, 239-244 (2012)
33. Mei, Y; He, X; Ji, C.G.; Zhang, D.W.; Zhang, J.Z.H.*,A fragmentation approach to quantum calculation of large molecular systems, Progress in Chemistry, 24, 1058 (2012)
32. Xu, Z. J.; Lazim, R.; Sun, T. D.;Mei, Y.; Zhang, D. W.,Solvent effect on the folding dynamics and structure of E6ap characterized from ab initio protein folding simulations, Journal of Chemical Physics, 136, 135102 (2012)
31. Mei, Y.*; Li, Y. L.; Zeng, J.; Zhang, J. Z. H.*,Electrostatic polarization is critical for the strong binding in streptavidin-biotin system, Journal of Computational Chemistry,33, 1374 (2012)
30. Duan, L. L.; Gao, Y.;Mei, Y.*; Zhang, Q. G.; Tang, B.; Zhang, J. Z. H.*,Folding of helix is critically stabilized by polarization of backbone hydrogen bonds: study in explicit water, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 116, 3430 (2012)
29. Gao, Y.; Guo, M.;Mei, Y.; Zhang, J. Z. H.*,Protein-water hydrogen bonds are stabilized by electrostatic polarization, Molecular Physics, 110, 595 (2012)
28. Mei, Y.*; Wei, C. Y.; Yip, Y. M.; Ho, C. Y.; Zhang, J. Z. H., Zhang, D. W.*,Folding and thermodynamic studies of Trp-cage based on polarized force field, Theoretical Chemistry Accounts, 131, 1168 (2012)
27. Lazim, R.;Mei, Y.*; Zhang, D. W.*,Replica exchange molecular dynamics simulation of structure variation from α/4β-fold to 3α-fold protein, Journal of Molecular Modeling, 18, 1087 (2012)
26. Gao, Y; Lu, X. L.; Duan, L. L.; Zhang, J. Z. H*,Mei, Y.*,Polarization of intraprotein hydrogen bond is critical to thermal stability of short helix, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 116, 549 (2012)
25. Mei, Y.*; Zhang, D. W.*; Duan, L. L.; Zhang, Q. G.; Zhang, J. Z. H.*,Folding of EK peptide and its dependence on salt concentration and pH: A computational study, Science China-Chemistry, 54, 1974 (2011)
24. Li, Y. L.;Mei, Y.*; Zhang, D. W.; Xie, D. Q.; Zhang, J. Z. H.*,Structure and dynamics of a dizinc metalloprotein: effect of charge transfer and polarization, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 115, 10154 (2011)
23. Wei? C. Y.; Tung? D.; Yip Y. M.;Mei? Y.*; Zhang? D. W.*?Communications: The electrostatic polarization is essential to differentiate the helical propensity in polyalanine mutants? Journal of Chemical Physics? 134? 171101 (2011)
22. Wei? C. Y.;Mei? Y.; Zhang? D. W.*?Theoretical study on the HIV-1 integrase-5CITEP complex based on polarized force fields? Chemical Physics Letters? 495? 121 (2010)
21. Xu? Z. J.;Mei? Y.; Duan? L. L.; Zhang? D. W.*?Hydrogen bonds rebuilt by polarized protein-specific charges? Chemical Physics Letters? 495? 151-154 (2010)
20. Wei? C. Y.; Liu? Z. Y.; Zhang? D. W.;Mei? Y.?Docking of raltegravir to HIV-1 integrase structure ensemble? Journal of Theoretical & Computational Chemistry? 9? 1053 (2010)
19. Duan? L. L.;Mei? Y.*; Li? Y. L.; Zhang? Q. G.; Zhang? J. Z. H.*?Simulation of the thermodynamics of folding and unfolding of the Trp-cage mini-protein TC5b using different combinations of force fields and solvation models? Science China-Chemistry? 53? 196-201 (2010)
18. Duan? L. L.;Mei? Y.*; Zhang? D. W.; Zhang? Q. G.; Zhang? J. Z. H.*?Folding of a helix at room temperature is critically aided by electrostatic polarization of intraprotein hydrogen bonds? Journal of the American Chemical Society? 132? 11159-11164 (2010)
17. Tong? Y.;Mei? Y.*; Li? Y. L.; Ji? C. G.; Zhang? J. Z. H.*?Electrostatic polarization makes a substantial contribution to the free energy of avidin-biotin binding? Journal of the American Chemical Society? 132? 5137-5142 (2010)
16. Lu? Y. P.;Mei? Y.; Zhang? J. Z. H.; Zhang? D. W.*?Communications: Electron polarization critically stabilizes the Mg2+ complex in the catalytic core domain of HIV-1 integrase? Journal of Chemical Physics? 132, 131101(2010)
15. Duan? L. L.;Mei? Y.; Zhang? Q. G.; Zhang? J. Z. H.*?Intra-protein hydrogen bonding is dynamically stabilized by electronic polarization? Journal of Chemical Physics? 130? 115102 (2009)
14. Mei? Y.; Zhang? J. Z. H.*?Numerical stabilities in fitting atomic charges to electric field and electrostatic potential? Journal of Theoretical & Computational Chemistry? 8? 925-942 (2009)
13. Tong? Y.;Mei? Y.; Zhang? J. Z. H.*; Duan? L. L.; Zhang? Q. G.?Quantum calculation of protein solvation and protein-ligand binding free energy for HIV-1 protease/water complex? Journal of Theoretical & Computational Chemistry? 8? 1265-1279 (2009)
12. Tong? Y.; Ji? C. G.;Mei? Y.; Zhang? J. Z. H.*?Simulation of NMR data reveals that proteins′ local structures are stabilized by electronic polarization? Journal of the American Chemical Society? 131? 8636-8641 (2009)
11. Li? Y. L.; Han? L.;Mei? Y.; Zhang? J. Z. H.*?Time-dependent density functional theory study of absorption spectra of metallocenes? Chemical Physics Letters? 482? 217-222 (2009)
10. Ji? C. G.;Mei? Y.; Zhang? J. Z. H.*?Developing polarized protein-specific charges for protein dynamics: MD free energy calculation of pK(a) shifts for Asp(26)/Asp(20) in thioredoxin? Biophysical Journal? 95? 1080-1088 (2008)
9. Ding? Y.;Mei? Y.; Zhang? J. Z. H.*?Quantum mechanical studies of residue-specific hydrophobic interactions in p53-MDM2 binding? Journal of Physical Chemistry B? 112? 11396-11401 (2008)
8. Ding? Y.;Mei? Y.; Zhang? J. Z. H.; Tao? F.-M.?Efficient bond function basis set for pi-pi interaction energies? Journal of Computational Chemistry? 29? 275-279 (2008)
7. Wu? E. L.;Mei? Y.; Han? K. L.*; Zhang? J. Z. H.*?Quantum and molecular dynamics study for binding of macrocyclic inhibitors to human alpha-thrombin? Biophysical Journal? 92? 4244 (2007)
6. Duan? L. L.; Tong? Y.;Mei? Y.; Zhang? Q. G.; Zhang? J. Z. H.*?Quantum study of HIV-1 protease-bridge water interaction? Journal of Chemical Physics? 127? 145101 (2007)
5. Mei? Y.; Ji? C. G.; Zhang? J. Z. H.*?A new quantum method for electrostatic solvation energy of protein? Journal of Chemical Physics? 125? 094906 (2006)
4. Mei? Y.; Wu? E. L.; Han? K. L.; Zhang? J. Z. H.?Treating hydrogen bonding inab initiocalculation of biopolymers? International Journal of Quantum Chemistry? 106? 1267-1276 (2006)
3. He? X.;Mei? Y.; Xiang? Y.; Zhang? D. W.; Zhang? J. Z. H.*?Quantum computational analysis for drug resistance of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase to nevirapine through point mutations? Proteins-Structure Function and Bioinformatics? 61? 423-432 (2005)
2. Mei? Y.; He? X.; Xiang? Y.; Zhang? D. W.; Zhang? J. Z. H.*?Quantum study of mutational effect in binding of efavirenz to HIV-1 RT? Proteins-Structure Function and Bioinformatics? 59? 489-495 (2005)
1. Mei? Y.; Zhang? D. W.; Zhang? J. Z. H.*?New method for direct linear-scaling calculation of electron density of proteins? Journal of Physical Chemistry A? 109? 2-5 (2005)


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