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Jianlin Liu Ph.D




刘建麟,博士,研究员。2009年和2013年先后毕业于湖南大学(工学学士)及东华大学(工学硕士)。2017年在香港理工大学获哲学博士学位,并先后在香港理工大学和澳大利亚悉尼大学从事博士后研究。刘建麟博士的研究领域是计算流体CFD仿真在健康建筑环境、建筑通风、人体热舒适等领域的研究与应用。近五年共发表20余篇学术论文,曾获国际期刊《Building and Environment》的高被引论文1次。他作为IBPSA、IAUC及ISIAQ等学会会员,兼任业内近20家知名SCI期刊、专业重要国际会议及研究生学位的论文评审人。

Brief Dr. Jianlin Liu is currently working as a full-time Professor in the Department of Building Environment and Energy of Donghua Universityin Shanghai. Prior to this position, he was the Postdoctoral Research Associate in the University of Sydney(USYD, 2017-2019) and the Research Fellow in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University(PolyU, 2016-2017), respectively. He also obtained his Ph.D from PolyU. Jianlin’s research interests include healthy built environment, urban microclimate, human thermal comfort and CFD in building ventilation.
Scopus-Jianlin LiuResearchgate-Jianlin Liu

团队有一定的博士及硕士招生名额,并长期与国内外院校保有交流合作,如清华大学THU、悉尼大学USYD、香港理工大学PolyU、加州大学伯克利分校UC-Berkeley、瑞士苏黎世理工学院ETH Zürich等。欢迎愿意参与科研和工程训练的本科同学及在读研究生直接与我联系: jianlin.liu@dhu.edu.cn,加入团队共同学习进步!
I am looking for Master, PhD students and PostdoctoralFellows who have passion to do cutting edge research with me in the areas of Civil, Energy, Environmental and Material etc. Previous research experience is preferred, but not required. Scholarships are available for good candidates. For those who are interested in this position, please send your CV to me by email: jianlin.liu@dhu.edu.cn.


香港特区政府研究资助局RGCCRF项目:Development of design methodologies for the improvement of wind and thermal comfort in urban environment; 2015-2018, 参与


上海市优秀毕业生 (2013)
教育部研究生国家奖学金 (2013)

10 篇代表论文(10 Representative Papers):

Liu, Jianlin, Niu, Jianlei*. Delayed detached eddy simulation of pedestrian-level wind around a building array – The potential to save computing resources. Building and Environment, 2019, 152, 28-38. IF = 4.82
Liu, Jianlin, Niu, Jianlei*, Du, Yaxing, Mak, Cheuk Ming, Zhang, Yufeng. LES for pedestrian level wind around an idealized building array – assessment of sensitivity to influencing parameters, Sustainable Cities and Society, 2019, 44, 406-415. IF = 4.624
Liu, Jianlin, Zhang, Xuelin, Niu, Jianlei*, Tse, K. T. Pedestrian-level wind and gust around buildings with a ‘lift-up’ design: assessment of influence from surrounding buildings by adopting LES. Building Simulation.2019. IF = 2.238
Liu, Jianlin, Niu, Jianlei*, Mak, Cheuk Ming, Xia, Qian. Detached eddy simulation of pedestrian-level wind and gust around an elevated building,Building and Environment, 2017, 125, 168-179. IF = 4.82
Liu, Jianlin, Niu, Jianlei*, Xia, Qian. Combining measured thermal parameters and simulated wind velocity to predict outdoor thermal comfort. Building and Environment, 2016, 105, 185-197. IF = 4.82
Liu, Jianlin,Niu, Jianlei*. CFD simulation of the wind environment around an isolated high-rise building: An evaluation of SRANS, LES and DES models.Building and Environment, 2016, 96, 91-106. IF = 4.82(Building and Environment Most Cited Article)
Xiong, Yan, Liu, Jianlin*, Kim, Jungsoo. Understanding differences in thermal comfort between urban and rural residents in hot summer and cold winter climate.Building and Environment, 2019, 165,106393. IF = 4.82
Xie, Yongxin, Liu, Jianlin, Huang, Taiyang, Li, Jianong, Niu, Jianlei*, Mak, Cheuk Ming, Lee, Tsz-cheung. Outdoor thermal sensation and logistic regression analysis of comfort range of meteorological parameters in Hong Kong. Building and Environment, 2019, 155, 175-186. IF = 4.82
Niu, Jianlei*, Liu, Jianlin, Lee, Tsz-cheung, Lin, Zhang, Mak, Cheuk Ming, Tse, Kam-Tim, Tang, Bo-sin, Kwok, Kenny C.S. A new method to assess spatial variations of outdoor thermal comfort: Onsite monitoring results and implications for precinct planning. Building and Environment, 2015, 91, 263-270. IF = 4.82
Du, Yaxing, Mak, Cheuk Ming*, Liu, Jianlin, Niu, Jianlei, Kwok, Kenny C.S. Effects of lift-up design on pedestrian level wind comfort in different building configurations under three wind directions. Building and Environment, 2017,117, 84-99.IF = 4.82

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