

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-16


1)期刊《International Journal of Thermodynamics and Catalysis》、《Progress in Petrochemical Science》、《Journal of Energy and Natural Resources》的Editorial board member;
2)《Energy Storage Materials》、《Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells》、《Energy》、《Solar Energy》、《Renewable Energy》、《Applied Thermal Engineering》、《Applied Sciences》等国际期刊审稿人
学历(学位): 博士
在相变储能及热管理、多孔介质及纳米强化传热、露点及新型制冷剂空调方面进行了研究。共发表科研论文90余篇,其中SCI/EI论文40余篇,一区SCI论文20余篇,总他引1300+,ESI高引论文三篇。先后获得上海市浦江人才计划,日本学术振兴会海外特别研究员、英国利兹大学的Marie Curie Fellowship(欧盟玛丽居里资深****),省部级自然科学奖一等奖(第四获奖人)。具有多年的企业产品开发经验,与国内外高校开展广泛合作。非常欢迎具有科研兴趣和探索精神,同时具有暖通,汽车,传热等相关专业背景的研究生和本科生加入研究团队。
“Nanoparticle Enhanced Molten Salts for Solar Energy Storage”,Horizon 2020Marie Sklodowska Curie Project(欧盟2020地平线计划),2017~2019,主持
“Falling film evaporator development”,United Technology Center Project,2014~2017,主持
Xiao X*,Jia HW,Pervaiz S, Wen DS*. Molten salt/Metal Foam/Graphene nanoparticle phase change composites for thermal energy Storage. ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2020, 3: 5240-5251.(IF: Predicted7.5~10)
Xiao X*,Jia HW,Wen DS, Zhao XD. Theperformance analysis of a solar energy storage unit encapsulated with HITEC salt/copper foam/nanoparticles composite. Energy, 2020, 192: 116593. (IF: 6.082)
Akhlaghi YG, Badiei A, Zhao XD*, Aslansefat K, Xiao X*, et al. A constraint multi-objective evolutionary optimization of state-of-the-art dew point cooler using digital twins. Energy Conversion and Management, 2020, 211: 112772. (IF: 8.028)
Yin JL, Xiao X, Zhong K, Feng LL, Kang YM, Jia HW*. Experimental investigation of pool boiling characteristics of surfactant solutions on bi-conductive surfaces. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020, 157: 119914.(IF: 4.947)
Badiei A*, Akhlaghi YG, Zhao XD, Shittu S, Xiao X, et al. A chronological review of advances in solar assisted heat pump technology in 21stcentury. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2020, 211: 112772. ( IF: 12.11)
Xiao X*,Zhang G, Ding YL, Wen DS*. Rheological characteristics of molten salt seeded with Al2O3nanopowder and graphene. Energies, 2019, 12(3): 467. ( IF: 2.702)
Alhreez M,Xiao X,Wen DS*. Kinetic study of controlled asphaltene inhibitor release from nanoemulsions. Langmuir, 2019,35(33): 10795-10807. (IF: 3.686)
Jia HW, Xiao X, Kang YM*. Investigation of a free rising bubble with mass transfer by an arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian method. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 137: 545-557. ( IF: 4.947)
Zhang P*, Xiao X, Ma ZW. A review of the composite phase change materials: Fabrication, characterization, mathematical modeling and application to performance enhancement. Applied Energy, 2016, 165: 472-510. (IF: 8.848) (ESI High Cited Paper)
Xiao X, Zhang P*. Numerical and experimental study of heat transfer characteristics of a shell-tube latent heat storage system: Part I-Charging process. Energy, 2015, 79: 337-350. (IF: 6.082)
Xiao X, Zhang P*. Numerical and experimental study of heat transfer characteristics of a shell-tube latent heat storage system: Part II-Discharging process. Energy, 2015, 80: 177-189. (IF: 6.082)
Xiao X, Zhang P*, Meng ZN, Li M. Thermal conductivity of eutectic nitrates and nitrates/expanded graphite composite as phase change materials. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2015, 15: 3135-3142. (IF: 1.134)
Xiao X, Zhang P*, Li M. Experimental and numerical study of heat transfer performance of nitrates/expanded graphite composite PCM for solar energy storage. Energy Conversion and Management, 2015, 105: 272-284. (IF: 8.028)
Zhang P*, Xiao X, Meng ZN, Li M. Heat transfer characteristics of a molten-salt thermal energy storage unit with and without heat transfer enhancement. Applied Energy, 2015, 137: 758-772. (Invited paper, IF: 8.848)
Xiao X, Zhang P*, Li M. Effective thermal conductivity of open-cell metal foams impregnated with pure paraffin for latent heat storage. International Journal of Thermal Science, 2014, 81: 94-105. (IF: 3.476) (ESI High Cited Paper)
Xiao X, Zhang P*, Shao DD, Li M. Experimental and numerical heat transfer analysis of a V-cavity absorber for linear parabolic trough solar collector. Energy Conversion and Management, 2014, 86: 49-59. (IF: 8.028)
Xiao X, Zhang P*. Experimental investigation on heat storage/retrieval characteristics of a latent heat storage system. Heat Transfer Engineering, 2014, 35(11-12): 1084-1097. (IF: 1.693)
Xiao X, Zhang P*, Li M. Preparation and thermal characterization of paraffin/metal foam composite phase change material. Applied Energy, 2013, 112: 1357-1366. (IF: 8.848) (ESI High Cited Paper)
Xiao X, Zhang P*. Morphologies and thermal characterization of paraffin/carbon foam composite phase change material. Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, 2013, 117: 451-461. (IF: 6.984)
Xiao X, Zhang P*, Li M. Thermal characterization of nitrates and nitrates/expanded graphite mixture phase change materials for solar energy storage. Energy Conversion and Management, 2013, 73: 86-94. (IF: 8.028)
2019年,The11th International Conference on Applied Energy,瑞典韦斯特罗斯,“Experimental study of a latent heat thermal energy storage unit encapsulated with molten salt/copper foam composite seeded with nanoparticles”报告
2019年,16thUK Heat Transfer Conference,英国诺丁汉,“Heat transfer performance of a solar energy storage unit infiltrated with molten salt/copper foam composite seeded with nanoparticles”报告
2018年,The 16thInternational Heat Transfer Conference,中国北京,“Cascaded latent heat thermal energy storage with molten salt/nanoparticles composite”报告
2018年,7th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications,法国巴黎,“Investigation on properties of molten salt enhanced with nanoparticle and copper foam”报告
2018年,The 6thInternational Conference on Cryogenics and Refrigeration,中国上海,“Preparation and characterization of salt/nickel foam composite seeded with graphene”报告
2018年,25thJoint Annual Conference of CSCST and SCI,英国曼城,“Investigation on melting characteristics of eutectic molten salt in a horizontal tube”报告
2017年,24thJoint Annual Conference of CSCST and SCI,英国纽卡斯尔,“Experimental investigation on heat storage and retrieval characteristics of a molten-salt latent heat thermal energy storage system”报告
2014年,The 1stInternational Heat Transfer Symposium,中国北京,“Numerical and experimental investigation on melting characteristics of eutectic salts with free surface”报告
2013年,The 5thInternational Conference on Cryogenics and Refrigeration,中国杭州,“Measurement of the thermal conductivities of open-cell metallic foams infiltrated with paraffin for thermal heat storage”报告
2013年,The4thInternationalSymposium onMicro-andNano- Technology,中国上海,“Thermal characterization of eutectic salt and salt/expanded graphite composite as phase change materials for solar energy storage”报告
2012年,4thInternational Conference on Applied Energy,中国苏州,“Preparation and thermal characterization of composite phase change material using metal foam”报告
2012年,10thIIR International Conference on Phase-Change Materials and Slurries for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning,日本神户,“Thermal characteristics of nitrates and nitrates/expanded graphite composite as phase change materials for solar energy storage”报告
2019年,《Applied Energy》的Highly Cited Review Paper(高引论文奖)。
2018年,Society of Chemical Industry(英国化学工业学会)的Excellence in Chemical Research Joint Third Prize(杰出研究三等奖)。
2017年,Award for Most Cited Energy Article from China(中国高被引能源论文奖)。
2016年,《Applied Energy》的Highly Cited Review Paper(高引论文奖)。
2015年,United TechnologiesCenter-Carrier(美国联合技术开利研发中心)的T-C Recognition Award-Excellence in Innovation(T-C优秀创新奖)。
2015年,United TechnologiesCenter-Carrier(美国联合技术开利研发中心)的Asia Super Star Award(亚洲之星奖)。
2014年,被推荐参加新加坡青年科学家峰会(Global Young Scientists Summit)。
2007年,制冷专业夏安世教授教育基金会-Heatcraft Award。

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