姓 名
性 别
职 称
目前为力学学会及四川省力学学会会员,四川省科技青年联合会会员,四川省固体力学专委会委员,四川省建设科技协会科技委员会青年库专家,《International Journal of Plasticity》、《International Journal of Mechanical Sciences》及《Ain Shams Engineering Journal》杂志审稿人。2005年至2015年间在西南交通大学先后获工学学士及工学博士学位,毕业时分别获评四川省优秀大学毕业生及四川省优秀博士毕业生。博士期间曾获西南交通大学轨道交通行业拔尖创新人才培育资格以及博士创新基金资助。2015年9月被特聘为成都大学建筑与土木工程副研究员,2019年3月作为引进人才进入西南石油大学土木工程与建筑学院工作,2019年12月晋升副研究员。目前主要从事拉胀超材料优化设计及性能表征,工程承载构件多场耦合疲劳损失问题研究以及生物力学方面的研究。先后主持各级课题9项,参与国家级课题研究多项,基于相关研究成果发表SCI论文20余篇(第一作者论文14篇:一区3篇,二区7篇;非一作通讯作者2篇),Google Scholar引用360余次,撰写英文专著2个章节,出版书籍1本并受邀参加国际国内会议多次。工作经历和受教育经历如下:
2005.09-2009.07 西南交通大学力学与工程学院,获工程力学专业学士学位;
2009.09-2015.09 西南交通大学力学与工程学院,获固体力学专业博士学位;
2015.09-2018.11 成都大学建筑与土木工程学院,特聘副研究员;
2015.09-2015.12 香港理工大学工业与系统工程系,助理研究员;
2016.03-2017.07 新加坡国立大学土木与环境工程系,博士后;
2019.03至今 西南石油大学土木工程与建筑学院,助理研究员,副研究员。
[1].Yilin Zhu, Guozheng Kang, Chao Yu. A finite cyclic elasto-plastic constitutive model to improve the description of cyclic stress-strain hysteresis loops. International Journal of Plasticity 2017, 95: 191-215. (SCI中科院分区1区,影响因子5.800)
[2].Yilin Zhu, Guozheng Kang, Qianhua Kan, Otto T. Bruhns, Yujie Liu. Thermo-mechanically coupled cyclic elasto-viscoplastic constitutive model of metals: theory and application. International Journal of Plasticity, 2016, 79: 111-152.(SCI中科院分区1区,影响因子5.800)
[3].Yilin Zhu, Guozheng Kang, Qianhua Kan, O. T. Bruhns. Logarithmic stress rate based constitutive model for cyclic loading in finite plasticity, International Journal of Plasticity, 2014, 54: 34-55.(SCI中科院分区1区,影响因子5.800)
[4].Yilin Zhu, Zhen-Pei Wang, Leong Hien Poh. Auxetic hexachiral structures with wavy ligaments for large elasto-plastic deformation. Smart Materials and Structures 2018, 27: 055001. (SCI中科院分区2区,影响因子3.543)
[5].Yilin Zhu, Songhui Jiang, Leong Hien Poh, Yongbo Shao, Qingyuan Wang. Enhanced hexa-missing rib auxetics for achieving targeted constant NPR and in-plane isotropy at finite deformation. Smart Materials and Structures, 2020, 29:045030.(SCI中科院分区2区,影响因子3.543)
[6].Yilin Zhu. Cyclic torsion behavior and the related thermal response of 316L stainless steel tube: Experiments and FE simulations. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2017, 128: 17-22. (SCI中科院分区2区,影响因子4.134)
[7].Yilin Zhu, Leong Hien Poh. On an energetic or dissipative isotropic hardening mechanism for thermo-mechanical models in cyclic loading. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2017, 122: 297-307.(SCI中科院分区2区,影响因子4.134)
[8].Yilin Zhu, Leong Hien Poh. A finite deformation elasto-plastic cyclic constitutive model for ratchetting of metallic materials. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2016, 117: 265-274. (SCI中科院分区2区,影响因子4.134)
[9].Yilin Zhu, Guozheng Kang, Chao Yu, Poh Leong Hien. Logarithmic rate based elasto-viscoplastic cyclic constitutive model for soft biological tissues. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2016, 61: 397-409. (SCI中科院分区2区,影响因子3.485)
[10].Yilin Zhu. An elasto-viscoplastic model to describe the ratchetting behavior of articular cartilage. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 2018: 1-9. (SCI中科院分区2区,影响因子2.829)
[11].Yilin Zhu, Guozheng Kang, Qianhua Kan, Chao Yu. A finite viscoelastic–plastic model for describing the uniaxial ratchetting of soft biological tissues. Journal of Biomechanics, 2014, 47(5): 996-1003.(SCI中科院分区3区,影响因子2.431)
[12].Yilin Zhu, Fucong Lu, Chao Yu, Guozheng Kang. A rate‐type nonlinear viscoelastic–viscoplastic cyclic constitutive model for polymers: Theory and application. Polymer Engineering & Science, 2016, 56(12): 1375-1381. (SCI中科院分区3区,影响因子1.920)
[13].Yilin Zhu, Guozheng Kang, Jun Ding, Minhao Zhu. Study on bending fretting fatigue of LZ50 axle steel considering ratchetting by finite element method, Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 2013, 36(2): 127-138.(SCI中科院分区3区,影响因子2.555).
[14].Yilin Zhu, Zhuohong Zeng, Zhen-Pei Wang, Leong Hien Poh, Yongbo Shao. Hierarchical hexachiral auxetics for large elasto-plastic deformation. Materials Research Express, 2019, 6(8): 085701.(SCI中科院分区4区,影响因子1.449).
[15].Zhu Zhenyu, Zhu Yilin*, Wang Qingyuan. Fatigue mechanisms of wheel rim steel under off-axis loading. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2020, 773: 138731.(SCI中科院分区2区,影响因子4.081).
[16].Wang Jing, Zhu Yilin*, Zhang Bo, Shen Huoming, Liu Juan. Nonlocal and strain gradient effects on nonlinear forced vibration of axially moving nanobeams under internal resonance conditions. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2020, 41(2), 261-278.(SCI中科院分区2区,影响因子1.699).
[17].Chao Yu, Guozheng Kang, Qianhua Kan, Yilin Zhu. Rate-dependent cyclic deformation of super-elastic NiTi shape memory alloy: Thermo-mechanical coupled and physical mechanism-based constitutive model. International Journal of Plasticity, 2015, 72: 60-90.(SCI中科院分区1区,影响因子5.800)
[18].Zhu Zhenyu, Zhu Yilin, Dai Guangze, Wang Qingyuan. Microstructural evolution of strain rate related tensile elastic prestrain on the high-cycle fatigue in medium-carbon steel. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2019, 764: 138224.(SCI中科院分区2区,影响因子4.081).
[19].Zhen-Pei Wang, Leong Hien Poh, Justin Dirrenberger, Yilin Zhu, Samuel Forest. Isogeometric shape optimization of smoothed petal auxetic structures via computational periodic homogenization. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2017, 323: 250-271. (SCI中科院分区2区,影响因子4.821)
[20].Jun Ding, Guozheng Kang, Yilin Zhu, Minhao Zhu. Finite element analysis on bending fretting fatigue of 316L stainless steel considering ratchetting and cyclic hardening, International Journal of Mechanical Science, 2013, 86: 26-33.(SCI中科院分区2区,影响因子4.134)
[21].Chao Yu, Guozheng Kang, Fucong Lu, Yilin Zhu, Kaijuan Chen. Viscoelastic–viscoplastic cyclic deformation of polycarbonate polymer: experiment and constitutive model. Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2016, 83(4): 041002.(SCI中科院分区3区,影响因子2.127)
[22].Fucong Lu, Guozheng Kang, Yilin Zhu, Kaijuan Chen, Han Jiang. Experimental observation on multiaxial ratchetting of polycarbonate polymer at room temperature. Polymer Testing, 2016, 50: 135-144. (SCI中科院分区3区,影响因子2.943)
[23].Zhen-Pei Wang, Leong Hien Poh, Yilin Zhu, Justin Dirrenberger, Samuel Forest. Systematic design of tetra-petals auxetic structures with stiffness constraint. Materials & Design, 2019, 170: 107669.(SCI中科院分区2区,影响因子5.770)
[24].Yilin Zhu, Guozheng Kang, Qianhua Kan, Chao Yu. An extended cyclic plasticity model at finite deformations describing the Bauschinger effect and ratchetting behaviour. ICF2013, Beijing.(国际会议,EI检索)
[25].Qianhua Kan, Guozheng Kang, Wenyi Yan, Yilin Zhu, Han Jiang. A thermo-mechanically coupled cyclic plasticity model at large deformations considering inelastic heat generation. ICF2013, Beijing. (国际会议,EI检索)
[26].Jun Ding, Guozheng Kang, Yilin Zhu, Minhao Zhu. Finite element simulation of bending fretting fatigue considering ratchetting and cyclic hardening, AEPA2012, Dec. 5-7, 2012, Singapore; Also in: Key Engineering Materials, 2012, 535-536, p197-200. (国际会议,SCI, EI检索)
[27].Qianhua Kan, Guozheng Kang, Wenyi Yan, Jun Ding, Yilin Zhu. A study of cyclic thermal-mechanical response between wheel and rail based on fully coupled thermo-elastic-plastic analysis, 9th International conference contact mechanics and wear of rail/wheel systems, 2012. (国际会议,EI检索)
[28].Junding, Yilin Zhu. Experimental Study and Finite Element Simulation of Bending Fretting Fatigue for Tempered 42CrMo Steel, Key Engineering Materials 2017, 725: 394-398. (国际会议,EI检索)
[29].Yilin Zhu, Guozheng Kang, Qianhua Kan, A new kinematic hardening rule describing different plastic moduli in monotonic and cyclic deformations. In:From Creep Damage Mechanics to Homogenization Methods, Advanced Structured Materials. Springer International Publishing, 2015: 587-601.
[30].Yilin Zhu, Guozheng Kang. Ratchetting of Snake Skin: Experiments and Viscoelastic-plastic Constitutive Model. Advanced Structured Materials. In: Inelastic Behavior of Materials and Structures under Monotonic and Cyclic Loading. Springer International Publishing, 2015: 243-253.
[31].蒋春松, 孙浩, 朱一林. ANSYS有限元分析与工程应用. 电子工业出版社, 2012 (ISBN: 91).
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-10-02
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