

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-10-02


●2004.09-2008.06 杭州电子科技大学,电子信息工程,学士
●2008.09-2011.06 西南石油大学,油气田开发工程,硕士
●2011.09-2015.12 西南石油大学,油气田开发工程,博士
●2014.09-2015.09 加拿大里贾纳大学,油气田开发工程,访问****
●2015.12-2018.12 西南石油大学石油与天然气工程学院,讲师
●2018.12-至今 西南石油大学石油与天然气工程学院,副教授


●Tan X H,Liu C Y,Li X P,et al. A stress sensitivity model for the permeability of porous media based on bi-dispersed fractal theory[J]. International Journal of Modern Physics C,2018,29(2):**.
●Tan, Xiao-Hua(#)(*), Jiang, Li, Li, Xiao-Ping, Zhang, Ben-Jian and Li, Xu-Cheng, Flow model of a multi-stage hydraulic fractured horizontal well based on tree-shaped fractal fracture networks. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2018. 169: p. 494-503.
●Tan, Xiao-Hua(#)(*), Kui, Ming-Qing, Li, Xiao-Ping, Mao, Zheng-Lin and Xiao, Heng, Permeability and porosity models of bi-fractal porous media. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2017. 0(0): p. **.
●Tan, Xiao-Hua(#)(*), Jiang, Li, Li, Xiao-Ping, Li, Yue-Yang and Zhang, Kai, A complex model for the permeability and porosity of porous media. Chemical Engineering Science, 2017. 172: p. 230-238.
●Tan, Xiao-Hua(#)(*), Liu, Jian-Yi, Li, Xiao-Ping, Zhang, Lie-Hui and Cai, Jianchao, A simulation method for permeability of porous media based on multiple fractal model. International Journal of Engineering Science, 2015. 95: p. 76-84.
●Tan, Xiao-Hua(#)(*), Li, Xiao-Ping, Zhang, Lie-Hui, Liu, Jian-Yi and Cai, Jianchao, Analysis of transient flow and starting pressure gradient of power-law fluid in fractal porous media. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 2015. 26(4): p. **.
●Tan, Xiao-Hua(#)(*), Li, Xiao-Ping, Liu, Jian-Yi, Zhang, Lie-Hui and Cai, Jianchao, A model for transient flow in porous media embedded with randomly distributed tree-shaped fractal networks. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2015. 29(2015): p. **.
●Tan, Xiao-Hua(#)(*), Li, Xiao-Ping, Liu, Jian-Yi, Zhang, Lie-Hui and Cai, Jianchao, Fractal analysis of stress sensitivity of permeability in porous media[J], Fractals, 2015. 23(2).
●Tan, Xiao-Hua(#)(*), Li, Xiao Ping, Liu, Jian Yi, Zhang, Lie Hui and Fan, Zhou, Study of the effects of stress sensitivity on the permeability and porosity of fractal porous media[J], Physics Letters A, 2015. 379(39): p. 2458-2465.
●Tan, Xiao-Hua(#)(*),Li,Xiao-Ping,Liu,Jian-Yi,Zhang,Lie-Hui,Cai,Jianchao,A model for transient flow in porous media embedded with randomly distributed tree-shaped fractal networks[J], International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2015, 29(19)
●Tan, Xiao-Hua(#)(*),Liu,Jian-Yi,Zhang,Lie-Hui,Li,Xiao-Ping,Zhang,Guang-Dong,Tang,Chuan,Li,Li,Determine the Inflow Performance Relationship of Water Producing Gas Well Using Multiobjective Optimization Method[J].Journal of Applied Mathematics,2014.
●Tan, Xiao-Hua(#)(*),Li,Xiao-Ping,Liu,Jian-Yi,Tang,Chuan,Li,Jin-man,Pressure Transient Analysis of Dual Fractal Reservoir[J].Journal of Applied Mathematics,2013,2013:1-9.
●Tan, Xiao-Hua(#)(*), Li,Xiao-Ping,Liu,Jian-Yi,Zhang,Lie-Hui,Cai,Jianchao,Analysis of transient flow and starting pressure gradient of power-law fluid in fractal porous media[J].International Journal of Modern Physics C,2015, 26(4).
●Tan, Xiao-Hua(#)(*), Li,Xiao-Ping,Liu,Jian-Yi,Zhang,Guang-Dong,Tang,Chuan,Zhang,Lie-Hui,Analysis of permeability for transient two-phase flow in fractal porous media[J].Journal of Applied Physics,2014,115(11).
●Tan, Xiao-Hua(#)(*),Liu,Jian-Yi,Zhang,Lie-Hui,Li,Xiao-Ping,Zhang,Guang-Dong,Tang,Chuan,A Pressure Transient Model for Power-Law Fluids in Porous Media Embedded with a Tree-Shaped Fractal Network[J].Mathematical Problems in Engineering,2014.
●Tan,Xiao-Hua(#)(*),Liu,Jian-Yi,Li,Xiao-Ping,Zhang,Guang-Dong,Tang,Chuan,A Fractal Model for the Maximum Droplet Diameter in Gas-Liquid Mist Flow[J].Mathematical Problems in Engineering,2013.
●Tan,Xiao-Hua(#)(*),Li,Xiao-Ping,Liu,Jian-Yi,Zhang,Lie-Hui,Zhou,Fan,Study of the effects of stress sensitivity on the permeability and porosity of fractal porous media[J].Physics Letters A,2015,379(39):2458-2465.
●Tan, Xiao-Hua(#)(*),Li,Xiao-Ping,Liu,Jian-Yi,Zhang,Lie-Hui,Cai,Jianchao,A simulation method for permeability of porous media based on multiple fractal model[J].International Journal of Engineering Science,2015,95:76-84.
●Tan, Xiao-Hua(#)(*),Li,Xiao-Ping,Transient flow model and pressure dynamic features of tree-shaped fractal reservoirs[J].Journal of Hydrodynamics,2014,26(4):654-663.
●Tan, Xiao-Hua(#)(*),Li,Xiao-Ping,Liu,Jian-Yi,Model of continuous liquid removal from gas wells by droplet diameter estimation[J].Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering,2013,15:8–13.
●Tan, Xiao-Hua(#)(*),Li,Xiao-Ping,Liu,Jian-Yi,Zhang,Lie-Hui,Cai,Jianchao,Fractal analysis of stress sensitivity of permeability in porous media,Fractals-Complex Geometry Patterns and Scaling in Nature and Society,2015,23(2).
●Li,Xiao-Ping,Yan,Ning-Ping,Tan,Xiao-Hua(*),Characteristic Value Method of Well Test Analysis for Horizontal Gas Well[J].Mathematical Problems in Engineering,2014,2014:1-9.
●Xie,Wei-Yang(#),Li,Xiao-Ping,Tan,Xiao-Hua(*),Zhang,Lie-Hui,Tan,Xiao-Hua(*),Wang,Jun-Chao,Wang,Hai-Tao,Production Decline Analysis for Two-Phase Flow in Multifractured Horizontal Well in Shale Gas Reservoirs[J].Journal of Chemistry,2015,2015.
●Yuan,Lin(#),Li,Xiao-Ping,Tan,Xiao-Hua(*),Zhang,Lie-Hui,Study on Skin Factor and Productivity of Horizontal Well after Acidizing with Nonuniform Damage[J].Journal of Chemistry,2015,2015.
●谭晓华,李晓平,刘从领,等.确定气水同产水平井流入动态关系的新方法[J]. 石油钻采工艺,2014(3): 59-64.
●Tan X H,Liu Y Z,You J Y,et al. A new design method of coiled tubing for deliquification in shale gas field[C]. SPE/ICoTA Coiled Tubing and Well Intervention Conference and Exhibition,2017.
●Tan X H,Li X P,Liu J Y,et al. A new model for the accurate prediction of critical liquid removal based on energy balance[C]. Offshore Technology Conference Asia:Meeting the Challenges for Asia’s Growth,OTC ASIA 2014:1119-1127.

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