

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-10-02

职务: 教研室支部书记/副主任
职 称: 副教授
所属 部门:材料科学与工程教研室
学科 专业:材料科学与工程
研究 方向:材料表面改性
联系 方式:jzhang@swpu.edu.cn;

1998.09-2005.06本科硕士就读于四川大学无机材料系,从事金刚石薄膜材料的制备及性能研究工作。2015.09-至今 西南石油大学材料与化工专业 在职博士研究生,硬质涂层制备及性能研究。
2017.03-2018.03 国家留学基金委派至美国北卡罗莱纳大学夏洛特校区 访问****。四川省海外高层次人才,校“油井管力学和环境行为双一流团队”主研人员。主要从事先进表面涂层、结构陶瓷材料的力学及耐磨防腐性能研究,近年来主持包括国家重点实验室、四川省教育厅、西南石油大学及油田技术开发(服务)科研项目5项,主研国家863计划、自然科学基金面上项目等各级科研课题10余项。以第一及通讯作者在Appl.Surf.Sci., Surf. Coat.g Technol., J. Alloy Compd.等国际期刊发表SCI论文10余篇,授权国家发明专利8项,担任全国金相技能大赛优秀指导教师,获校级教学奖励及荣誉称号10余项。



(1)Pan Luo, Jin Zhang*, Tong Lin, Xuelin RanYuhong Liu. Effects of Added Aluminum Chromium Slag on the Structure and Mechanical Properties of Colored Zirconia Ceramics. IntJ Appl Ceram Technol, 2020; 00:1–10.
(2)Shuai Li, Shuai Pu, Zongying You, Caiyuan Sun, Songxia Li, Jin Zhang*, Effect of heat treatmenton microstructure and tribology behaviour of electroless Ni-P/BN(h) composite coating, Transaction of The IMF,98(2020)21-29
(3) Jin Zhang*, Shuai Li, Chenfeng Lu, Caiyuan Sun, Shuai Pu, Qi Xue, Yuanhua Lin,Min Huang, Anti-wear titanium carbide coating on low-carbon steel by thermo-reactive diffusion, Surface and Coatings Technology 364 (2019) 265–272
(4) Pan Luo, Jin Zhang*, Zongying You, Xuelin Ran, Yuhong Liu, Songxia Li, Shuai Li, Effect of TiO2 content on the microstructure and mechanical and wear properties of yttria-stabilized zirconia ceramics prepared by pressureless sintering, Materials Research Express 6(2019) 125211
(5) Jin Zhang*, Shuai Li, Qinglian Sun, Pan Luo, Yu Sun, Effect of process parameters on microstructure and wear resistance of niobium carbide coatings produced by pack cementation, Materials Research Express 2(2019) 096432
(6) Shuai Li, RuikeWang, Zongying You, Caiyuan Sun, Yu Sun, Ganghao Zhang, Songxia Li, Jin Zhang*, Influence of process parameters and rare earth content on the properties of niobium carbide coatings synthesized by pack cementation, Materials Research Express 2(2019) 116455
(7) Caiyuan Sun, Qi Xue, Jin Zhang, Shanhong Wan, A.K. Tieu, B.H.Tran,Growth behavior and mechanical properties of Cr-V composite surface layer on AISI D3 steel by thermal reactive deposition,Vacuum 148(2018) 158-1167
(8) Qi Xue, Caiyuan Sun, Jinyan Yu, Ling Huang, Jun,Wei, Jin Zhang*,Microstructure evolution of a Zn-Al coating co-deposited on low carbon steel by pack cementation, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 699(2017):1012-1021
(1)一种低碳钢表面盐浴稀土钒钛共渗剂及处理工艺 ZL 20** 2015.04
(2)一种氧化铝基金属陶瓷喷嘴材料及其制备方法 ZL 20** 2015.06
(3)低温等离子体改性氧化铝增强酚醛树脂及其制备方法 ZL 20** 2015.04
(4)一种金刚石表面金属化的复合处理方法 ZL 20** 2015.11
(5)低碳钢表面钛-氮-碳-铝-氧纳米陶瓷涂层及制备方法 ZL 7 2016.01

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