

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-10-02

职 称: 讲师
所属 部门:材料科学与工程教研室
学科 专业:材料科学与工程
研究 方向:固井先进材料研究与应用
联系 方式:kaiqiangliu@swpu.edu.cn;@qq.com

1、博士,讲师, 2018年12月至2019年12月澳大利亚Monash University 公派联合培养,2020年6月毕业于西南石油大学材料化学工程专业,获工学博士学位。主要围绕提升油气井固井水泥环封隔质量的关键科学问题,在固井水泥环力学完整性、固井早期气窜、先进无机胶凝材料与纳米材料等方向开展研究。


(1)“十三五”国家重点研发计划, 固井工程用高耐蚀高韧性水泥基材料的研究与应用, 2016.07–2020.06, 主研
(2)中石油重点研究项目, 固井顶替模拟及水泥环防窜能力评价装置理论研究与模型建立, 2018.9–2018.12, 主研
(3)塔里木油田公司重点研究项目, 库车山前低返速配套固井技术研究, 2017.5–2018.12, 主研
(4)中石油大港油田重点研究项目, 提高低温浅井薄隔层固井质量技术研究与应用, 2015.01–2015.06, 主研
(5)中石油大港油田重点研究项目, 大港油田采油三厂固井水泥浆水侵机理研究, 2014.06–2014.12, 主研
(1)Kaiqiang Liu, Xiaowei Cheng, Yong Ma, et al. Visualization and quantification of pore structure of oil-well cement slurry in liquid-solid transition stage using high-resolution computed tomography [J]. Cement and Concrete Composites, 2020, 111: 103633.
(2)Xingguo Zhang, Jixiang Yang, Kun Li, …, Kaiqiang Liu*. Effects of steam on the compressive strength and microstructure of cement paste cured under alternating ultrahigh temperature [J]. Cement and Concrete Composites, 2020, 112: 103681. (通讯作者)
(3)Kaiqiang Liu, Xiaowei Cheng, Yong Ma, et al. Analysis of Interfacial Nanostructure and Interaction Mechanisms between Cellulose Fibers and Calcium Silicate Hydrates Using Experimental and Molecular Dynamics Simulation Data [J]. Applied Surface Science, 2020, 506: 144914.
(4)Kaiqiang Liu, Xiaowei Cheng, Jingxue Li, et al. Effects of Microstructure and Pore Water on Electrical Conductivity of Cement Slurry during Early Hydration [J]. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2019, 177: 107435.
(5)Kaiqiang Liu, Xiaowei Cheng, Chi Zhang, et al. Evolution of pore structure of oil well cement slurry in suspension–solid transition stage [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2019, 214: 382–398.
(6)Kaiqiang Liu, Xiaowei Cheng, Xianshu Gao, et al. Effect of the hydration rate and microstructure of Portland cement slurry on hydrostatic pressure transfer [J]. Powder Technology, 2019, 352: 251–261.
(7)Kaiqiang Liu, Xiaowei Cheng, Xingguo Zhang, et al. Design of low-density cement optimized by cellulose-based fibre for oil and natural gas wells [J]. Powder Technology, 2018, 338: 506–518.
(8)Kaiqiang Liu, Xiaowei Cheng, Xingguo Zhang, et al. Relationship between the microstructure/pore structure of oil-well cement and hydrostatic pressure [J]. Transport in Porous Media, 2018, 124: 463–478.
(9)Xiaowei Cheng, Kaiqiang Liu, Xingguo Zhang, et al. Integrity changes of cement sheath due to contamination by drilling fluid [J]. Advances in cement research, 2017, 30(2): 47–55.
(10)Xiaowei Cheng, Kaiqiang Liu, Zaoyuan Li, et al. Effects of ammonium hydrolyzed polyacrylonitrile on oil-well cement slurry [J]. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2017, 29: **.
(11)Zaoyuan Li, Kaiqiang Liu, Xiaowei Cheng, Kaiyuan Mei, Fengjuan Xiong, Xiaoyang Guo. The influence of sulfomethyl phenol formaldehyde resin (SMP) on cementing slurry [J]. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 2015, 29(10): 1002–1013.
(12)Zaoyuan Li, Kaiqiang Liu, Xiaowei Cheng, Xiaoyang Guo. Research on the influence of K-PAM on the microstructure of cement slurry [J]. Advances in cement research, 2015, 27(9): 526–531.
(13)程小伟, 刘开强, 李早元,等. 油井水泥浆液固态演变的结构与性能[J]. 石油学报, 2016, 37 (10): 1287–1292.
(14)刘开强, 赵殊勋, 李炜, 等. 提高固井第二界面质量的技术研究与应用[J]. 油田化学, 2018, 35 (1): 16–21.
(15)王海滨, 刘开强, 廖兴松, 等. 大港油田段六拨区块调整井固井技术 [J]. 石油钻采工艺, 2016, 38(2): 166–170.
程小伟, 刘开强, 郭小阳, 等. 高温高压下动态钻井液泥饼模拟评价仪 [P], ZL4.1, 2018.01.23.
塔里木油田库车山前固井新技术 [M]. 北京: 石油工业出版社, 2019.03.

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