

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-10-01

导师类别 硕导
性 别 男
出生年月 1988年2月
Email z.w.niu@foxmail.com

2011年9月考入四川大学原子与分子物理研究所原子与分子物理专业攻读硕士学位, 2012年9月于中国工程物理研究院流体物理研究所进行联合培养,2016年6月获得四川大学凝聚态物理专业理学博士学位. 2016年7月至今,在西南科技大学国防科技学院从事教学科研工作。目前从事极端条件下材料结构与物性研究,主要为高温高压条件下过渡金属合金与化合物结构性质:①冲击波作用下含能材料的分解机理及反应路径;②第一性原理计算研究材料的相变,物态方程及热力学性质;③分子动力学模拟极端条件下材料的结构以及物性变化。主持国家级项目、中国空气动力研究与发展中心开放项目多项研究,并参与多个国家级项目研究。在 “J. Chem. Phys. ”、“J. Alloy. Comp.,”、 “Phys. Earth Planet. In.”等国外学术刊物上已发表20余篇论文被SCI检索。


2013-09至2016-06, 四川大学, 物理科学与技术学院, 博士, 导师: 陈向荣/蔡灵仓
2011-09至2013-06, 四川大学, 原子与分子物理研究所, 硕士, 导师: 陈向荣
2007-09至2011-06, 河南师范大学, 物理学, 学士, 导师: 刘玉芳


(1) 中国空气动力研究与发展中心超高速空气动力研究所, 高速冲击下TNT和RDX分解反应产物及其特征辐射常数研究, 2020-03至2021-12, 20万, 主研
(2) 中国空气动力研究与发展中心超高速空气动力研究所, 典型含能材料超高速碰撞中热化学响应的理论研究, 2019-01至2019-12, 12万, 主持
(3) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 地核中氧元素含量及其存在形式的理论研究, 2018-01至2020-12, 24万元, 主持
(4) 中国空气动力研究与发展中心超高速空气动力研究所, 冲击压缩下镁合金热力学响应、光学性质及电磁辐射特性的理论研究,2018-01至2018-12, 8万, 参与
(5) 西南科技大学,亚稳态铁氧化合物在地球深部的稳定性研究, 2016-07至2019-7, 9万, 主持
(6) 国家自然科学基金委员会,基于高分子刷海水提铀吸附材料的结构调控与构效机制研究,2019/01-2022/12,65万元,参与
(7) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 500 GPa压力范围内多晶钽的压缩特性的高精确度作用势研究, 2015-01至2017-12, 参与

1.Zhen-Wei Niu, Mei Tang*, and Ni-Na Ge. Structure, stability, infrared spectra, and bonding of OHm(H2O)7 (m = 0, ±1) clusters. Ab initio study combining the particle swarm optimization algorithm. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2020,22: 26487.
2.Zhen-Wei Niu, Mei Tang*, and Ling-Cang Cai. Mechanism for structure conversion of FeSi under pressures. Physics Letters A, 2020, 384: 126598
3.Zhen-Wei Niu*, Mei Tang, and Ling-Cang Cai. Structural stabilities of iron silicides at high pressures and temperatures. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2020, 34: **
4. Shao-Peng Qi, Xiu-Lu Zhang, Zhen-Wei Niu*, Cheng-An Liu, and Ling-Cang Cai. First-principles investigations on elasticity properties of FeSi under high pressure and temperature. Physica B : Condensed Matter, 2019, 557: 82-87
5. Mei Tang, Zhen-Wei Niu*, Xiu-Lu Zhang, Ling-Cang Cai. Structural stability of FeO2 in the pressure range of lower mantle. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 765, 271 - 277 (2018).
6. Xiu-Lu Zhang, Zhen-Wei Niu*, Mei Tang, Jian-Zhou Zhao, Ling-Cang Cai. First-principles thermoelasticity and stability of pyrite-type FeO2 under high pressure and temperature. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 719, 42 - 46 (2017).
7. Niu ZhenWei*, Cai LingCang. Ab initio phase stability of some cubic phases of ordered Ni-Fe alloys at high temperatures and pressures. Computational Materials Science 125, 100-104 (2016).
8. Niu ZhenWei, Zeng ZhaoYi, Cai LingCang*, Chen XiangRong*. Study of the thermodynamic stability of iron at inner core from first-principles theory combined with lattice dynamics. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 248, 12-19 (2015).
9. Niu ZhenWei, Zeng ZhaoYi, Hu CuiE, Cai LingCang*, Chen XiangRong*. Study of the thermodynamic properties of CeO2 from ab initio calculations: The effect of phonon-phonon interaction. Journal of Chemical Physics 142, 014503 (2015).
10. Niu ZhenWei, Zhu Bo, Cheng Yan*, Song RuiNan, Ji GuangFu. Elastic and electronic properties of cubic cerium oxide under pressure via first principles. International Journal of Modern Physics B 28, 145007 (2014).
11. Niu ZhenWei*, Cheng Yan, Zhang HuaiYong, Ji GuangFu. First-Principles Investigations on Structural, Phonon, and Thermodynamic Properties of Cubic CeO2.International Journal of Thermophysics 35, 1601-1612 (2014).
12. Niu ZhenWei, Cheng Yan, Chen XiangRong*, Xu Kai, Ji GuangFu. Elastic and electronic properties of Ce2O3 from first principles. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 551, 672-676 (2013).
13. Hu CuiE, Zeng ZhaoYi*, Niu ZhenWei, Cai LingCang, Kong ChunYang, Cui YuTing. Dynamical stability of NiTi under high pressure and high temperature. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 608, 258-260 (2014).
14. Zeng ZhaoYi*, Hu CuiE, Zhang Wei, Niu ZhenWei, and Cai LingCang. Dynamical stability of Mo under high pressure and high temperature Dynamical stability of Mo under high pressure and high temperature. Journal of Applied Physics 116, 13 (2014).
15. Zhu Bo, Cheng Yan*, Niu ZhenWei, Zhou Meng, Gong Min*. LDA+U calculation of structural and thermodynamic properties of Ce2O3. Frontiers of Physics 9, 4 (2014).
16. Zhang LiQin, Cheng Yan*, Niu ZhenWei, Ji GuangFu. First-Principles Investigations on Structural, Elastic, and Thermodynamic Properties of Ce-La Alloys Under High Pressure. Z. Naturforsch 69a, 12 (2014).
17. Qi YuanYuan#, Niu ZhenWei#, Cheng Cai, Cheng Yan*. Structural and elastic properties of Ce2O3 under pressure from LDA+U method. Frontiers of Physics 8, 4 (2013).

