于永斌 副教授
任职:Lab Page: http://www.dis.uestc.edu.cn
研究方向:Nonlinear circuits and systems(Memristor), Artificial Intelligence(Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithm), VLSI physical design, Modern control theory and its application
2015.01- present: School of Information & Software Engineering, UESTC, as an associate professor
2016.09-2017.04: Gevirtz Graduate School of Education, University of Carlifornia, Santa Barbara, as a visiting scholar
2011.01- 2015.12: School of Management and Economics, UESTC, as a postdoctor in management science
2013.09- 2014.09: The department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, as a visiting scholar
2011.07- 2014.12: School of Computer Science & Engineering, UESTC, as an associate professor
2008.06- 2011.06: School of Computer Science & Engineering, UESTC, as a lecturer
2004.09-2008.06: School of Electronic Engineering, UESTC, Ph.D. in circuits and systems
2002.09-2004.06: School of Electronic Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC),M.S. in circuits and systems
1999.07-2002.08: Dongfang Steam Turbine Ltd. as a CNC engineer
The Ongoing Research Projects:
<1>NSFC: Memristor-based neural networks for ultra-low power circuits
<2>National Key Laboratory Foundation: The simulation and implementation of memristor
<3>CETC(10):The software of automatic calibration and fault diagosis of Ka power amplifier
<4>Tibet University: Research on Sino-Tibetan multi-source information acquisition, fusion, data miningand its application
Since 2002, he has published more than 42 papers in IEEE journals and international conferences as well as Chinese journals and conferences, got3 national invention patents and2 computer software copyrights, and published 3 books.
The latest publications:
[1] Xingwen Liu, Yongbin Yu, Hao Chen. Stability of perturbed switched nonlinear systems with delays, Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems 25 (2017)114-125
[2] Ruimei Zhang, Deqiang Zeng, Shouming Zhong, Yongbin Yu. Event-triggered sampling control for stability and stabilization of memristive neural networks with communication delays, Applied Mathematics and Computation 310 (2017)57-74
[3] Qianhua Fu, Jingye Cai, Shouming Zhong, Yongbin Yu. Dissipativity and passivity analysis for memristor-based neural networks with leakage and two additive time-varying delays. Neurocomputing, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neucom.2017.09.014
[4] Deqiang Zeng, Ruimei Zhang, Shouming Zhong, Guowu Yang, Yongbin Yu, and Kaibo Shi, Novel Lebesgue-integral-based approach to improved results for neural networks with additive time-varying delay components, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 354(16), 2017:7543-7565
[5] Xiaoqing Li, Kun She, Shouming Zhong, Kaibo Shi, Wei Kang, Jun Cheng, and Yongbin Yu. Extended robust global exponential stability for uncertain switched memristor-based neural networks with time-varying delays. Applied Mathematics and Computation.2018
[6]Ruimei Zhang, Deqiang Zeng,Shouming Zhong, Yongbin Yu, Novel discontinuous control for exponential synchronization of memristive recurrent neural networks with heterogeneous time-varying delays, Accepted by the Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2018
[7]Ruimei Zhang,Deqiang Zeng,Shouming Zhong,Yongbin Yu, Jun Cheng, Sampled-data synchronization for memristive neural networks with multiple time-varying delays via extended convex combination method, Accepted by the IET Control Theory & Applications, 2018
Seletcted Publications:
[1] Yongbin Yu, Fengli Zhang, Qishui Zhong, Xiaofeng Liao, Juebang Yu. Impulsive Control of Lurie Systems. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 2008, 56(11):2806-2813
[2] Yongbin Yu, Jingfu Bao, Hongbin Zhang, Qishui Zhong, Xiaofeng Liao, Juebang Yu.Impulsive Control of Nonlinear Systems with Time-varying Delays. Chinese Physics B. 2008,17(07):2377-2387
[3] Yongbin Yu, Qishui Zhong, Xiaofeng Liao, Juebang Yu. Exponential Stability of Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Systems with Impulsive Effects and Time Delays. Chinese Physics B. 2008, 17(03):842-846
[4] Yongbin Yu, Hongbin Zhang, Fengli Zhang, Juebang Yu, Xiaofeng Liao. Stability Analysis and Design of Impulsive Control Lorenz Systems Family. Communications in Theoretical Physics, 2009, 51(5):869-875
[5] Qishui Zhong, Jingfu Bao, Yongbin Yu, Xiaofeng Liao. Impulsive Control for Fractional-Order Chaotic Systems. Chinese Physics Letters, 2008, 25(8): 2812-2815
[6] Qishui Zhong, Jingfu Bao, Yongbin Yu, Xiaofeng Liao. Impulsive control for T-S fuzzy model-based chaotic systems. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 2008, 79(3):409-415
[7] Qishui Zhong, Jingfu Bao, Yongbin Yu, Xiaofeng Liao. Exponential stabilization for discrete Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems via impulsive control. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals,August 2009, 41(4):2123-2127
[8] Qishui Zhong, Yongbin Yu, and Juebang Yu. Fuzzy Modeling and Impulsive Control of a Memristor-based Chaotic Systems. Chinese Physics Letters, vol.27, no.2, pp.1-3, February 2010
[9] Hongbin Zhang, Yongbin Yu, and Jian Zhang. Robust H∞ Control of Piecewise-linear Chaotic Systems with Random Data Loss. Chinese Physics B. 2010, 19(08):1-9
[10] Hongbin Zhang, Jianwei Xia, Yongbin Yu, and Chuangyin Dang. Synchronising Chaotic Chua’s Circuit using Switching Feedback Control based on Piecewise Quadratic Lyapunov Functions. Chinese Physics B. 2010, 19(03):1-8
National invention patents:
1) Garbage Sorting Robot and its method of garbage recognition and classification
2) Virtual projection interactive system in multi-environment
3) Winner Take All Neural Network based on memristor crossbar and its application
4) An automatic calibration method for solid state power amplifier
Undergraduate course: The Basis of Electronic Circuit, Digital Signal Processing (DSP), The Introduction to Information Engineering
Graduate course: Advanced Digital Image Processing,Information Systems Analysis and Design
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-09-12
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