

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-09-12


陈波(CHEN Bo) 副教授
研究方向:Computational Intelligence; Data Intensive Computing


Do not go gentle into that good night
Old age should burn and rave at close of day
Rage, rage against the dying of the light

- by Dylon Thomas (1914-1953)



Sept. 2018, welcome Te Shi, Yuding Zuo, Yuandan Deng, Tingting Feng and Pachigo to be my new master students.

June 2018, congratulations to graduation of Ming Zhao and Edward for their Master degree in Software Engineering.

June 2017, congratulations to graduation of Can Jiang, Tianqi Li and Appiah for their Master degree in Software Engineering.
April, 2017, engaged in industrial cooperation projects.
September,2016, undergraduate students in my team.
September,2016, two of my International Students Emmanuel Appiah and Edward Agyemang-Duah from Ghana are in UESTC campus.
September, 2016, welcome three new postgraduates to our team, Bowen Xiao and Peng Tian.

June, 2016. My MSc students Liying Zhu and Bizhang Zhou accomplished their Master Degrees. May they all the sucess in future pursuits!
Mar.1st, 2016. A co-editored book, Intelligent Logistics and e-Commerce, published byPublishing House of Electronics Industry .2016年3月,与中国国际电子商务中心研究院胡荣副院长、南京财经大学信息工程学院曹杰教授共同编著的“十二五”国家重点图书出版规划项目《大数据与智慧物流系列丛书——智慧物流与电子商务》由电子工业出版社出版。
Feb.1st,2016. Currently on my research leave to visitBig Data Labof the University of St Andrewstill February 2017. Please reach me via Email.2016年2月1日起赴英国圣安德鲁斯大学大数据实验室进行为期一年的学术访问。

BIOGRAPHY Dr. Chen has received his B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. from UESTC in 1999, 2003 and 2008, respectively. Prior to joining UESTC, he served as a senior technical consultant for Telecom industry for BEA and a senior Java developer for TongTech. He is an expert panel member of China Ministry of Science and Technology, for China National Sci-Tech Support Program and National Torch Program. He is also a deputy sectary and expert panel member of Innovation Technology Alliance for Electronic Trade Industry, led by CIECC, a sub-institute of China Ministry of Commerce.
陈波,博士(电子科大1999本,2003硕,2008博),1977年5月生,九三社员,电子科技大学信软学院副教授,主要研究方向计算智能、云计算、密集数据处理等。科技部“十二五”科技支撑计划现代服务业领域专家,火炬计划专家,商务部电子贸易产业技术联盟副秘书长及专家组成员,成都市电子政务专家。工程项目经验丰富,曾主持或作为主要负责人参与国家科技支撑计划重点与重大项目关键技术研究课题及完成多项电子政务、电子商务项目。学术上主要在计算智能的粗糙集技术方面和网络计算面向密集型数据计算方面做过一些工作,研究成果发表在APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING, 软件学报,电子学报等国内外期刊和会议上。

Cloud Computing:
1) Workload Pattern Identification and Simulation for Public Cloud
2) Container Based Cloud Service Provisioning
3) Benchmarking on Public Cloud

Data Intensive Processing
Efficient Processing for Large Volume Semi-structured Data
SELECTED RESEARCH PROJECTSFinancial Data Processing Collaborative Initiative, Industrial Project,PI, 2015.01 till Now.
Key Research of International Trading Collaboration and Acceleration Support Platform, National 11th Five-Year Sci-Tech Support Program Project GRANT No. 2009BAH46B0302, PI, 2009.06 ~ 2011.12. 十一五科技支撑计划重点项目“国际贸易区域经贸合作与流通促进支撑平台”关键技术研究课题负责人。
Key Research of Modern Service Industry Interactive Platform, National 11th Five-Year Sci-Tech Support Program Project GRANT No. 2006BAH02A0407, Co-PI, 2006.11 ~ 2009.06.十一五科技支撑计划重大项目“现代服务业服务交互支撑平台”关键技术研究课题主要负责人。
Integrated Data Services for Internet of Things, Industrial Project,PI, 2010.01~2010.08.
Virtual Storage Service Framework, Industrial Projet, Co-PI, 2010.07 ~ 2011.06.
Area Medical Collaboration Portal, Industrial Project, Co-PI, 2008.09 ~2009.02.

SELECTED PUBLICATIONS[1] Chen Bo, Sun Ming, Zhou Mingtian. Rudiments of Granular Rough Theory. Proceedings of ICACIA2008:44-48.
[2] Chen Bo, Sun Ming, Zhou Mingtian. Granular Rough Theory: A Representation Semantics Oriented Theory of Roughness.(全文PDF)Applied Soft Computing Journal, v 9, n 2, March, 2009, p 786-805.
[3] Chen Bo, Zhou Mingtian. Granular Rough Theory Research(粒度粗糙理论研究 全文PDF).Journal of Software, 2008,19(3):565-583 (In Chinese)
[4] Chen Bo, Zhou Mingtian. Rater maturity oriented k-nearest neighbor collaborative filtering algorithms. Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2007,16(4):584-590.
[5] Chen Bo, Zhou Mingtian. A pure mereological approach to roughness. Proc. of the 9th Int’l Conf. on Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, Data Mining, and Granular Computing (RSFDGrC 2003). LNCS 2639, Berlin, Heiderberg: Springer-Verlag, 2003,425-429.
[6] Chen Bo, Zhou Mingtian. Adapting granular rough theory to multi-agent context. Proc. of the 9th Int’l Conf. on Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, Data Mining, and Granular Computing (RSFDGrC 2003). LNCS 2639, Berlin, Heiderberg: Springer-Verlag, 2003, 701-705.
[7] Chen Bo, Zhou Mingtian. ODWIS as a prototype of knowledge service layer in semantic grid. Proc. of the 5th Int’l Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT 2004). LNCS 3320, Berlin, Heiderberg: Springer-Verlag, 2004,772-776.
[8] Chen Bo, Zhou Mingtian. Extending granular representation calculus for internet media resources. Wavelet Analysis and Its Applications, and Active Media Technology, Proc. of the Int’l Computer Congress 2004, Vol. 2. Singapore: World Scientific, 2004, 571-576.


· Algorithm Design and Analysis(算法设计与分析),from Autumn 2018, forPostgraduates.
·. Programming Based Computer Networks(网络计算编程),from Autumn 2017, forInternationalJunior Undergraduates
·Basics of Software Engineering(软件工程基础),from Spring 2017, forInternationalSophomore Undergraduates
· Fundamentals of Network Computing(网络计算基础), from Autumn 2017, forInternationalPh.D. Candidates and PostgraduatesStudents

· Advanced Network Computing(高级网络计算), from Spring 2009 to Spring 2017, forPh.D. Candidates and Postgraduates(includingInternational Students)
·Design Methodologies for Embedded and Realtime Software(嵌入式实时软件设计), forJunior Undergraduates

·Applied Mathematics Fundamentals(应用数学基础), forFreshman Undergraduates
·Unified Modeling Language(UML统一建模语言), forSophomore Undergraduates
· Software Developing Technologies(软件开发技术),forInternational Ph.D. Candidates and Postgraduates
·Practical Java Development (Java工程训练)forUndergraduates

Recognized Lecturer for International Student Courses, 2011,2012,2014,2018
Recognized Prominent Young Lecturer of UESTC,2014

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