

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-09-12

姓名:高建彬 性别: 学历:博士
职称:副教授 职务: 系别:空间信息与数字技术系

性别 男 学历 博士
职称 副教授 职务
xbb 空间信息与数字技术系 科研团队
E-mail gaojb@uestc.edu.cn 电话

1996.09-2000.07 西南交通大学机械工程与自动化专业,获学士学位
2003.09-2006.05 西南交通大学系统工程专业,获硕士学位
2008.09-2012.05 电子科技大学计算机科学与技术专业,获博士学位
2009.12-2011.11 美国宾夕法尼亚大学Perelman School of Medicine,联合培养博士(CSC资助)2012.07-2014.07 电子科技大学,讲师
2013.04-2016.01 电子科技大学?四川省人民医院博士后流动站,博士后(在职)
2017.12-2019.12 美国宾夕法尼亚大学Perelman School of Medicine,Visiting Scholar(CSC资助)
2014.08至今 电子科技大学,副教授、硕士生导师
[1] Gao, Jianbin, Kwame Opuni-Boachie Obour Agyekum, Emmanuel Boateng Sifah, Kingsley Nketia Acheampong, Qi Xia, Xiaojiang Du, Mohsen Guizani, and Hu Xia. "A blockchain-SDN-enabled Internet of vehicles environment for fog computing and 5G networks." IEEE Internet of Things Journal 7, no. 5: 4278-4291,2019.(JCR一区)
[2] Asamoah, Kwame Omono, Hu Xia, Sandro Amofa, Obiri Isaac Amankona, Kecheng Luo, Qi Xia, Jianbin Gao*, Xiaojiang Du, and Mohsen Guizani. "Zero-Chain: A Blockchain-Based Identity for Digital City Operating System." IEEE Internet of Things Journal, no.10: 10336-10346,2020. (JCR一区,通讯作者)
[3] Xia, Qi, Emmanuel Boateng Sifah, Kwame Opuni-Boachie Obour Agyekum, Hu Xia, Kingsley Nketia Acheampong, Abla Smahi, Jianbin Gao*, Xiaojiang Du, and Mohsen Guizani. "Secured fine-grained selective access to outsourced cloud data in IoT environments." IEEE Internet of Things Journal 6, no. 6: 10749-10762, 2019. (JCR一区,通讯作者)
[4] Sifah, Emmanuel Boateng, Hu Xia, Christian Nii Aflah Cobblah, Qi Xia, Jianbin Gao*, and Xiaojiang Du. "BEMPAS: a decentralized employee performance assessment system based on blockchain for smart city governance." IEEE Access 8: 99528-99539, 2020. (中科院二区,通讯作者)
[5] Obiri, I. A., Xia, Q., Xia, H., Obour Agyekum, K. O. B., Asamoah, K. O., Sifah, E. B., ... & Gao, J*. (2020). A Fully Secure KP-ABE Scheme on Prime-Order Bilinear Groups through Selective Techniques. Security and Communication Networks, 2020. (SCI,通讯作者).
[6] Smahi, A., Xia, Q., Gao, J., Sifah, E. B., Agyekum, K. O. B. O., & Xia, H. (2020, October). Blockchain-Based Outsourced Privacy-Preserving Support Vector Machine Classification on IoT Data. In 2020 IEEE 20th International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT) (pp. 818-823). IEEE.
[7] Smahi, Abla, Qi Xia, Hu Xia, Nantogma Sulemana, Ahmed Ameen Fateh, Jianbin Gao*, Xiaojiang Du, and Mohsen Guizani. "A blockchainized privacy-preserving support vector machine classification on mobile crowd sensed data." Pervasive and Mobile Computing 66 (2020): 101195. (JCR三区,CCF-C,通讯作者)
[8] 刘彦松, 夏琦, 李柱, 夏虎, 张小松,高建彬*. "基于区块链的链上数据安全共享体系研究." 大数据 6, no. 5: 0.(中文CCF-C,通讯作者)
[9] Deng, Zelu, Jianbin Gao*, Tao Huang, and James C. Gee. "Combining Cross Entropy Loss with Manually Defined Hard Example for Semantic Image Segmentation." In International Conference on Image and Graphics, pp. 32-43. Springer, Cham, 2019.(2S作者,通讯作者)
[10] Agyekum, Kwame Opuni-Boachie Obour, Qi Xia, Yansong Liu, Hong Pu, Christian Nii Aflah Cobblah, Goodlet Akwasi Kusi, Hanlin Yang, and Jianbin Gao*. "Digital Media Copyright and Content Protection Using IPFS and Blockchain." In International Conference on Image and Graphics, pp. 266-277. Springer, Cham, 2019. (通讯作者)
[11] Obour Agyekum, Qi Xia, Emmanuel Sifah, Jianbin Gao, Hu Xia, Xiaojiang Du, and Moshen Guizani. "A secured proxy-based data sharing module in IoT environments using blockchain." Sensors 19, no. 5 (2019): 1235.(SCI)
[12] Amofa, Sandro, Emmanuel Sifah, O-B. Kwame, Smahi Abla, Qi Xia, James C. Gee, and Jianbin Gao. "A blockchain-based architecture framework for secure sharing of personal health data." In 2018 IEEE 20th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Applications and Services (Healthcom), pp. 1-6. IEEE, 2018.
[13] Kwame, O-B., Qi Xia, Emmanuel Boateng Sifah, Sandro Amofa, Kingsley Nketia Acheampong, Jianbin Gao, Ruidong Chen et al. "V-chain: a blockchain-based car lease platform." In 2018 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings) and IEEE Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom) and IEEE Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (CPSCom) and IEEE Smart Data (SmartData), pp. 1317-1325. IEEE, 2018.
[14] Gao, Jianbin, Kwame Opuni-Boachie Obour Agyekum, Emmanuel Boateng Sifah, Qi Xia, and Edward Agyemang-Duah. "Ambiguity Function Analysis of Frequency Diverse Array
[15] Aboagye, Emelia Opoku, Gee C. James, Gao Jianbin, Rajesh Kumar, and Riaz Ullah Khan. "Probabilistic Time Context Framework for Big Data Collaborative Recommendation." In Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Computing and Artificial Intelligence, pp. 118-121. 2018.
[16] Xia, Qi, Emmanuel Boateng Sifah, Ke Huang, Ruidong Chen, Xiaojiang Du, and Jianbin Gao. "Secure payment routing protocol for economic systems based on blockchain." In 2018 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC), pp. 177-181. IEEE, 2018.
[17] Gao, Jianbin, Kwame Omono Asamoah, Emmanuel Boateng Sifah, Abla Smahi, Qi Xia, Hu Xia, Xiaosong Zhang, and Guishan Dong. "GridMonitoring: Secured sovereign blockchain based monitoring on smart grid." IEEE Access 6 (2018): 9917-9925.(JCR二区,ESI高被引)
[18] Aboagye, Emelia Opoku, Gao Jianbin, and Ampoma Affum Emmanuel. "Efficient parallelization for big data collaborative recommendation decisions." In 2018 IEEE 8th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC), pp. 268-274. IEEE, 2018.
[19] Agyekum, Kwame OB Obour, Jianbin Gao*, Emmanuel Boateng Sifah, Hanlin Yang, and Qi Xia. "Towards an Efficient Access Control and Computation Environment for IoT using Blockchain." In Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA), pp. 87-93. The Steering Committee of The World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Applied Computing (WorldComp), 2018.
[20] Sifah, Emmanuel Boateng, Qi Xia, Kwame Opuni-Boachie Obour Agyekum, Sandro Amofa, Jianbin Gao, Ruidong Chen, Hu Xia, James C. Gee, Xiaojiang Du, and Mohsen Guizani. "Chain-based big data access control infrastructure." The Journal of Supercomputing 74, no. 10 (2018): 4945-4964.(SCI,CCF-C)
[21] Xia, Q. I., Emmanuel Boateng Sifah, Kwame Omono Asamoah, Jianbin Gao, Xiaojiang Du, and Mohsen Guizani. "MeDShare: Trust-less medical data sharing among cloud service providers via blockchain." IEEE Access 5 (2017): 14757-14767.(JCR二区,ESI热点文章)
[22] Opoku, Aboagye Emelia, Jianbin Gao*, Dagadu Joshua Caleb, and Qi Xia. "Efficient and Scalable Matrix Factorization Transfer with Review Helpfulness for Massive Data Processing." Journal of Computer Sciences and Applications 5, no. 2 (2017): 76-82
[23] Opoku, Aboagye Emelia, Gao Jianbin, Qi Xia, Nartey Obed Tetteh, Opoku Mensah Eugene, and M. Factorization. "Efficient Tensor Strategy for Recommendation." ASTES J 2 (2017): 111-114.
1. 基于区块链的**********研究,清华大学项目,2020.03-2021.02,课题主持人。
2. 基于大数据与区块链技术的电力用户智能互动应用研究,国网四川省电力公司,2020.09-2021.12,课题主持人。
3. 基于区块链的群智协同研究,四川省科技厅项目国际合作项目,2020.01-2021.12,课题主持人。
4. 可信的分布式身份标识和个人数据管理研究,腾讯犀牛鸟基金,2019.10-2020.12,课题主持人。
5. 基于区块链的医疗大数据共享平台,四川省科技厅,2019.01-2022.12课题主持人。
6. 基于***平台,中国人民解放军信息技术安全研究中心,2015.11-2017.11,课题主持人。
7. *****平台,国防创新高地项目,2019.10-2021.09,参加。
8. *****平台搭建及示范应用,国防创新高地项目,2018.10-2019.09,参加。
9. 群智协同网络下的医疗信任管理体制创新研究,四川省科技厅项目,2020.01-2021.12,参加。
10. 能源互联网移动和互联安全关键技术研究,国家电网项目,参加。
1. 夏琦,高建彬.《数据主权区块链技术》,科学出版社,2020年.
2. Emmanuel Boateng Sifah, QiXia, Jianbin Gao.《Secure Payment Routing Protocol for Economic Systems Based on Blockchain》.LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2017.
3. Sandro Amofa, Qi Xia,? Jianbin Gao.《Blockchain-based Data Access Control in Medical Data Networks: The Health Data Account》.LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2017.
1. 四川省科技进步三等奖,排名第二,2018年。
2. 腾讯犀牛鸟专项基金,2019年。
1. 中国计算机协会(CCF)区块链专委会委员。
2. 河北省区块链联盟-加密与安全专委会秘书长。
3. iDASH’18 PC Member。
4. IEEE IoT Journal,IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,IEEE Transactions on TII等中科院一区杂志审稿人。

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