

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-09-05

导师代码: 11057
导师姓名: 王勇
性别: 男

职称: 副教授
学位: 工学博士学位
属性: 专职
电子邮件: cla@uestc.edu.cn


个人简介: 博士毕业于中科院计算技术研究所,美国爱荷华州立大学访问****。主要研究领域包括网络安全、大数据安全等。近年来承担了信息技术领域信息安全技术专题的多项国家级和省部级重点科研项目,其中包括国家高技术研究发展计划(“863”计划)项目,国家“242” 信息安全计划项目、国家联合自然基金项目等7项,发表论文三十余篇,均被SCI或EI收录。

科研项目: 2008.7-2009.7×××网络×××关键技术研究(242)项目旨在解决对大规模用户下,***网络安全实时监管问题。2008.9-2010.12多特征融合的P2P网络监测预警关键技术研究(863)项目着重解决P2P网络监测、预警关键技术,对BT网络中节点行为特征、消息特征、数据分布特征等进行细致分析2010.7-2011.12×××关键技术研究(242)项目旨在解决对大规模用户下,***网络特征和监管方法2012.7-2015.7×××信息系统建设(242)2012-建-129项目任务是建设***网络信息系统。2012.1-2015.1基于数据包指纹特征的位置协议识别技术(国家自然基金)项目针对位置网络协议进行分析,研究在高噪声环境下,位置协议的发现、识别等关键技术2013.6-2014.6****安全关键技术研究(242)2013A050项目针对大数据安全问题,研究大数据安全管理的若干关键性问题2013.6-2014.6****分析平台研究(242)2013F098项目针对移动互联网的安全问题,研究移动互联网络下的恶意程序逆向分析、识别等关键技术问题

研究成果: [1]Yong Wang, Hong-zong Li, Ting-Ting Zhang and Jie Hou. A Privacy Preserving Matchmaking Scheme for Multiple Mobile Social Networks. The 13th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing(ICA3PP),Vietri sul Mare, Italy ,December 18-20, 2013[2]Yong Wang, Nan Zhang, Yan-mei Wu and Bin-bin Su. Protocol Specification Inference Based on Keywords Identification. The 9th International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications (ADMA), CCNT Lab, Zhejiang University. Dec. 14-16, 2013[3]Kamenyi Domenic M., Yong Wang, Fengli Zhang, Yankson Gustav, Daniel Adu-Gyamfi, and Nkatha Dorothy. Optimizing Placement of Mix Zones to Preserve Users' Privacy for Continuous Query Services in Road Networks. The 9th International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications (ADMA), CCNT Lab, Zhejiang University. Dec. 14-16, 2013[4]Yong Wang, Nan Zhang, Yan-mei Wu, Bin-bin Su and Yong-jian Liao. Protocol Formats Reverse Engineering based on Association Rules in Wireless Environment. The 12th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (IEEE TrustCom-13), Melbourne, Australia, 16-18 July, 2013[5]Yong WANG, Jie HOU, Yuan-wei Tan, Xiao NIE. A Recommendation-based Matchmaking Scheme for Multiple Mobile Social Networks against Private Data Leakage. In: proc. of ITQM 2013, Suzhou, China[6]Yong Wang, Jie Hou, Yuan-wei Tan and Xiao Nie. A Recommendation based Matchmaking Scheme for Multiple Mobile Social Networks against Private Data Leakage. The First International Conference on Information Technology and Quantitative Management(ITQM),Suzhou, China, 16-18 May, 2013[7]Kamenyi D. M., Yong Wang, Fengli Zhang, Imran Memon and Y. H. Gustav. Authenticated Privacy Preserving for Continuous Query in Location Based Services. Journal of Computational Information Systems, Jan. 2014[8]Yankson H. Gustav, Yong Wang, Kamenyi Domenic M., Fengli Zhang and Imran Memon. Velocity Similarity Anonymization for Continuous Query Location Based Services. The 4th International Conference on Computational Problem-Solving (ICCP), JiuZhai Valley, China. Oct.26-28, 2013[9]Daniel ADU-GYAMFI, Yong WANG, Fengli ZHANG, Domenic KAMENYI M., Imran MEMON and Gustav YANKSON H. A Model for Spreading Behavior of Passive Worms in Mobile Social Networks. Journal of Computational Information Systems, March, 2014

专业研究方向: 专业名称 研究方向 招生类别
083900网络空间安全 04云计算与物联网安全 硕士
083900网络空间安全 05网络与系统安全 硕士

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