导师代码: 11248
导师姓名: 李洪伟
性别: 男
特称: ****
职称: 教授
学位: 工学博士学位
属性: 专职
电子邮件: hongweili@uestc.edu.cn
学术经历: 1.Secretary:
(1) IEEE Communication Society Communications and Information Security Technique Committee , Jan. 2020-present.
2.Associate Editor:
(1)《IEEE Internet of Things Journa 》(中科院JCR-1区期刊) , May 2018-present.
(2)《密码学报》(CCF-B类期刊) , Jan. 2020-present.
(3)《Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications》 (IF=2.65), Nov. 2013-present.
3.Lead Guest Editor:
(1)《IEEE Internet of Things》 Special Issue on Big Security Challenges in Big Data Era (中科院JCR-1区期刊)
(2)《IEEE Network》 Special Issue on Security and Privacy of Connected Vehicular Cloud Computing (中科院JCR-1区期刊)
(3)《IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology》 Special Issue on Blockchains in Emerging Vehicular Social Networks (IEEE Trans.系列期刊)
(4)《Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications》Special Issue on Security and Privacy of Machine Learning Assisted P2P Networks (IF=2.65)
(5)《Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications》Special Issue on Security and Privacy of P2P Networks in Emerging Smart City (IF=2.65)
4. Guest Editor:
(1)《IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics》(IF=8.82)Special Issue on Sofwarized Networking for Next Generation Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems, Jan. 2020-.
(2)《Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications》Special Issue on Security and Privacy for Big Data Storage in the Cloud, April 2016-April 2017.
(3)《Security and Communication Networks》Special Issue on Security and Privacy in Cloud-assisted Big Data Processing, Dec. 2017-Dec. 2018.
5. TPC Co-Chair:
(2)2018 International Workshop on Internet of Things
(3)2018 International Workshop on Smart Sensing and Computing (as a part of IEEE MASS 2018)
(6)2016 International Workshop on Cyber Security and Computing
6. Symposium Co-Chair:
(1)IEEE Globecom 2015(IEEE通信学会两大年会之一)
(2)IEEE ICCC 2016
(3)IEEE BigDataService 2015
7. Publication Chair: IEEE NFV-SDN 2015
8. Membership: IEEE Senior member
9. 学会专委会委员:
(1) 中国计算机学会物联网专业委员会
(2) 中国计算机学会区块链专业委员会
(3) 中国密码学会密码应用工作委员会
(4) 中国密码学会安全协议专业委员会专家委员会
(5) 中国保密协会隐私保护专业委员会
(6) 中国自动化学会边缘计算专业委员会
10. Program Committee Member: IEEE INFOCOM(CCF-A,2014年至今)、IEEE ICC(2012年至今)、IEEE GLOBECOM(2012年至今)、IEEE WCNC(2013年至今)、IEEE WCSP(2013年至今)、IEEE ICCC(2013年至今).
11. Reviewer:IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security、IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing、IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems、IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing、Information Sciences、IET Communications、Computer Communications(Elsevier)、Journal of Security and Communication Networks (Wiley)、Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics(Elsevier)、Journal of Communications and Networks 、KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems、International Journal of Communication Systems、软件学报、计算机学报.
个人简介: 欢迎信息安全、计算机、数学等相关专业的同学报考本课题组。课题组将提供优良的科研环境,鼓励并支持研究生出国参加国际会议。
主要研究领域: 数据安全、人工智能安全。
教育与工作经历: 2004年2月获西南交通大学计算机应用硕士学位,2008年6月获电子科技大学计算机软件与理论博士学位,2008年9月成为电子科技大学计算机学院讲师,2011年7月晋升为副教授,2015年12月晋升为博士生导师,2016年8月晋升为教授。2011年10月-2012年10月, 加拿大滑铁卢大学,博士后 (合作导师:Xuemin (Sherman) Shen(沈学民): 中国工程院外籍院士、加拿大皇家科学院院士、工程研究院院士、工程院院士、IEEE Fellow)。
国际合作: 与加拿大滑铁卢大学BBCR实验室、加拿大安大略理工大学信息取证与安全实验室、加拿大新不伦瑞克大学、澳大利亚迪肯大学、新加坡南洋理工大学电机与电子工程学院、马萨诸塞大学波士顿分校、纽约州立大学布法罗分校、纽约州立大学布韩国分校建立了长期的学术合作关系。
(1)国家科技进步一等奖(主要完成人),” 网络环境关键技术及应用”, 中华人民共和国国务院,2020.1
(2)四川省科技进步二等奖(主要完成人),” SDC大数据基础平台”,四川省科技厅,2020.1
(3)四川省青年科技创新团队带头人,” 边缘计算数据安全与隐私保护”,四川省科技厅,2020.1
(6)2018中国网络安全与信息产业“金智奖-十大人物奖” (全国共10人,高校唯一),2019.3
(8)Best Paper Award,IEEE MASS 2018,IEEE Healthcom2015
(9)IEEE Vehicular Technology Society Distinguished Lecturer (自2011年以来当选的44位Distinguished Lecturers中,已有24位入选IEEE Fellow,3位入选IET Fellow, 2位入选****,2位入选****),2018.6
科研项目: 一、在研项目:
(1)2017.7-2020.6,"异构身份联盟与监管基础科学问题研究" (国家重点研发计划项目),项目总经费:1590万,项目牵头单位总体负责人兼课题一负责人;
(2)2017.7-2021.6,"新型数据保护密码算法研究" (国家重点研发计划项目),项目总经费:2091万,主研;
(3)2021.1-2025.12,"基于边缘计算的物联网应用中安全与隐私保护技术研究" (国家自然科学基金重点项目),主持;
(4)2018.1-2021.12,"面向实际应用的可搜索加密技术研究" (国家自然科学基金面上项目),主持;
(5)2020.1-2022.12,"边缘计算数据安全与隐私保护" (四川省青年科技创新团队),主持;
(1)2018.1-2019.12,"雾计算环境下用户安全与隐私的关键技术研究" (国家自然科学基金海外及港澳****合作研究基金),国内合作者。
(2)2015.1-2018.12,"云计算环境中数据的对称可搜索加密关键技术研究" (国家自然科学基金面上项目),主持;
(3)2013.7-2014.6,"Big Data Analysis for Securing Smart Grid" (国家自然科学基金外国青年****基金),国内合作者;
(4)2012.1-2014.12,“基于身份加密的新型设计与形式化分析” (国家自然科学基金青年项目),主持;
(7)2015.7-2017.6,“云计算中对称可搜索加密的核心技术研究” (中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目),主持;
(8)2014.1-2015.12,“面向智能电网的数据可搜索加密技术研究” (中国博士后科学基金面上项目),主持;
(9)2011.6-2013.6,"基于身份加密的设计与应用” (中央高校基本科研业务项目),主持;
(12)2016.1-2017.12,"云计算环境下安全外包计算的关键技术研究” (中央高校基本科研业务项目),主持。
研究成果: 一、著作:
[1] Hongwei Li*, “Enabling Secure and Privacy Preserving Communications in Smart Grids,” Springer Briefs in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, 2014. (ISBN:978-3-319-04945-8)
[2]Mi Wen , Shui Yu, Jinguo Li, Hongwei Li, Kejie Lu, Big Data Concepts, Theories, and Applications “Chapter 6 Big Data Storage Security,” Springer Briefs in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, 2016. (ISBN: 978-3-319-27761-5)
[3]李洪伟*. 网络安全新型技术研究及其应用. 电子科技大学出版社. 2011. (ISBN :35)
[1]Xiaoyuan Liu, Hongwei Li* Guowen Xu, Sen Liu, Zhe Liu, Rongxing Lu, “PADL: Privacy-aware and Asynchronous Deep Learning for IoT Applications,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal , 2020, DOI: 10.1109/JIOT.2020.**. (中科院JCR-1区期刊)
[2]Guowen Xu, Hongwei Li*, Xiaodong Lin, Xuemin(Sherman) Shen, “DNA Similarity Search with Access Control over Encrypted Cloud Data,” IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 2020, DOI: 10.1109/TCC.2020.**. (中科院JCR-1区期刊)
[3]Yuan Zhang, Chunxiang Xu, Nan Cheng, Hongwei Li, Haomiao Yang, and Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, “Chronos+: An Accurate Blockchain-based Time-stamping Scheme for Cloud Storage,” IEEE Transactions on Services Computing , 2020, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 216–229. (中科院JCR-1区期刊)
[4]Guowen Xu, Hongwei Li*, Hao Ren, Kan Yang, Robert H.Deng, “Data Security Issues in Deep Learning: Attacks, Countermeasures and Opportunities,” IEEE Communications Magazine, 2019, vol. 57, no. 11, pp. 116–122. (中科院JCR-1区期刊)
[5]Hongwei Li*, Dongxiao Liu, Yuanshun Dai and Tom H. Luan, “Engineering Searchable Encryption of Mobile Cloud Networks: When QoE Meets QoP,” IEEE Wireless Communications, 2015, vol.22, no.4, pp. 74 - 80. (ESI高被引论文, 中科院JCR-1区期刊)
[6]Meng Hao,Hongwei Li*, Xizhao Luo, Guowen Xu, Haomiao Yang and Sen Liu , “Efficient and Privacy-enhanced Federated Learning for Industrial Artificial Intelligence,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2019, DOI: 10.1109/TII.2019.**. ( 中科院JCR-1区期刊)
[7]Yinbin Miao, Qiuyun Tong, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, Ximeng Liu, Robert, Deng, and Hongwei Li. “Secure Online/Offline Data Sharing Framework for Cloud-Assisted Industrial Internet of Things,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2019, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 8681–8691. (中科院JCR-1区期刊 )
[8]Yuan Zhang, Chunxiang Xu, Jianbing Ni, Hongwei Li, and Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, “Blockchain-Assisted Public-Key Encryption with Keyword Search against Keyword Guessing Attacks for Cloud Storage,” IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 2019, DOI: 10.1109/TCC.2019.**. (中科院JCR-1区期刊)
[9]Yanzhi Ren, Chen Wang, Yingying Chen, Jie Yang, and Hongwei Li. “Non-invasive Fine-grained Sleep Monitoring Leveraging Smartphones,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2019, DOI: 10.1109/JIOT.2019.**. (中科院JCR-1区期刊 )
[10]Yinbin Miao, Ximeng Liu, Kim-Kwang Raymood Choo, Robert.H Deng, Hongjun Wu, and Hongwei Li. “Fair and Dynamic Data Sharing Framework in Cloud-Assisted Internet of Everything,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2019, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 7201– 7212. (中科院JCR-1区期刊 )
[11]Xiaojun Zhang, Jie Zhao, Chunxiang Xu, Hongwei Li, Huaxiong Wang and Yuan Zhang. “CIPPPA: Conditional Identity Privacy-Preserving Public Auditing for Cloud-Based WBANs against Malicious Auditors,” IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing , 2019, DOI: 10.1109/TCC.2019.**. (中科院JCR-1区期刊 )
[12]Yinbin Miao, Jianfeng Ma, Ximeng Liu, Jian Weng, Hongwei Li, Hui Li, “Lightweight Fine-Grained Search over Encrypted Data in Fog Computing”, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 2018, DOI: 10.1109/TSC.2018.**.(中科院JCR-1区期刊)
[13]Hao Ren, Hongwei Li*, Yuanshun Dai, Kan Yang, and Xiaodong Lin, “Querying in Internet of Things with Privacy Preserving: Challenges, Solutions and Opportunities,” IEEE Network, 2018, vol. 32, no. 6, pp. 144 –151. (中科院JCR-1区期刊)
[14]Yuan Zhang, Chunxiang Xu, Hongwei Li, Kan Yang, Jianying Zhou and Xiaodong Lin, “HealthDep: An Efficient and Secure Deduplication Scheme for Cloud-Assisted eHealth Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2018, vol. 14, no. 9, pp. 4101– 4112.(中科院JCR-1区期刊)
[15]Haomiao Yang, Qixian Yao, Mingxuan Lu, Rongxing Lu, Hongwei Li*, and Xiaosong Zhang. “A Practical and Compatible Cryptographic Solution to ADS-B Security,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2019, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 3322 –3334. (中科院JCR-1区期刊 )
[16]Shenmin Zhang, Hongwei Li*, Yunshun Dai, Jin Li, Miao He and Rongxing Lu, “Verifiable Outsourcing Computation for Matrix Multiplication with Improved Efficiency and Applicability,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2018, vol. 5, no. 6, pp. 5076 - 5088. (中科院JCR-1区期刊 )
[17]Yinbin Miao, Ximeng Liu, Robert H. Deng, Hongjun Wu, Hongwei Li, Jiguo Li and Dapeng Wu,“Hybrid Keyword-Field Search with Efficient Key Management for Industrial Internet of Things”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2018. DOI: 10.1109/TII.2018.**.(中科院JCR-1区期刊)
[18]Yinbin Miao, Jian Weng, Ximeng Liu, Kim Kwang Raymond Choo, Zhiquan Liu and Hongwei Li, “Enabling Verifiable Multiple Keywords Search over Encrypted Cloud Data”, Information Sciences, 2018, vol.465, pp.21-37.(中科院JCR-1区期刊)
[19]Chuan Zhao, Shengnan Zhao, Minghao Zhao, Zhenxiang Chen, Chong-Zhi Gao, Hongwei Li, Yu-an Tan. “Secure Multi-Party Computation: Theory, Practice and Applications”, Information Sciences, 2019, vol.476, pp.357-372.(中科院JCR-1区期刊)
[20]Peter He, Mushu Li, Lian Zhao, Bala Venkatesh and Hongwei Li, “Water-filling Exact Solutions for Load Balancing of Smart Power Grid Systems,” IEEE Transaction on Smart Grid, 2018, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 1397 - 1407. (中科院JCR-1区期刊)
[21]Hongwei Li*, Yi Yang, Yuanshun Dai, Shui Yu and Yong Xiang, “Achieving Secure and Efficient Dynamic Searchable Symmetric Encryption over Medical Cloud Data,” IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 2017, http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/**/. (中科院JCR-1区期刊)
[22]Yuan Zhang, Chunxiang Xu, Hongwei Li, Kan Yang, Nan Cheng, and Xuemin(Sherman) Shen, “PROTECT: Efficient Password-based Threshold Single-sign-on Authentication for Mobile Users against Perpetual Leakage,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, accepted 2020, to appear, pp. 1-16, doi: 10.1109/TMC.2020.**. (CCF-A)
[23]Guowen Xu,Hongwei Li*, Sen Liu, Kan Yang, Xiaodong Lin, “VerifyNet: Secure and Verifiable Federated Learning,” IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2020, vol.15, pp. 911 – 926. (CCF-A)
[24]Yinbin Miao, Robert Deng, Kim-Kwang Raymood Choo, Ximeng Liu, Jianting Ning andHongwei Li, “Optimized Verifiable Fine-Grained Keyword Search in Dynamic Multi-owner Settings,” IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing , 2019, DOI: 10.1109/TDSC.2019.**. (CCF-A)
[25]Yinbin Miao, Robert Deng, Ximeng Liu, Choo Kim-Kwang Raymond, Hongjun Wu,and Hongwei Li, “Multi-authority Attribute-Based Keyword Search over Encrypted Cloud Data,” IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing , 2019, DOI: 10.1109/TDSC.2019.**. (CCF-A)
[26]Yinbin Miao, Ximeng Liu, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, Robert H. Deng, Jiguo Li,Hongwei Li, and Jianfeng Ma, “Privacy-Preserving Attribute-Based Keyword Search in Shared Multi-owner Setting,” IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing , 2019, DOI:10.1109/TDSC.2019.**. (CCF-A)
[27]Guowen Xu,Hongwei Li*, Yuanshun Dai, Kan Yang, Xiaodong Lin, “Enabling Efficient and Geometric Range Query with Access Control over Encrypted Spatial Data,” IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2019, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 870 - 885. ( ESI高被引论文, CCF-A)
[28]Hongwei Li*, Yi Yang, Tom H. Luan, Xiaohui Liang, Liang Zhou, and Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, “Enabling Fine-grained Multi-keyword Search Supporting Classified Sub-dictionaries over Encrypted Cloud Data,” IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2016, vol.13, no.3, pp. 312 - 325. ( ESI热点论文, ESI高被引论文, CCF-A)
[29]Yuan Zhang, Chuanxiang Xu, Xiaohui Liang, Hongwei Li, Yi Mu, and Xiaojun Zhang, “Efficient Public Verification of Data Integrity for Cloud Storage Systems from Indistinguishability Obfuscation,” IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, 2016, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 676 - 688. (CCF-A)
[30]Hongwei Li*, Xiaodong Lin, Haomiao Yang, Xiaohui Liang, Rongxing Lu, and Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, “EPPDR: An Efficient Privacy-Preserving Demand Response Scheme with Adaptive Key Evolution in Smart Grid,” IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2014, vol. 25, no.8, pp. 2053 - 2064. (ESI高被引论文, CCF-A)
[31]Wenbo Jiang,Hongwei Li*, Sen Liu, Xizhao Luo, Rongxing Lu, “Poisoning and Evasion Attacks Against Deep Learning Algorithms in Autonomous Vehicles,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, accepted 2020, to appear. pp. 1-1, doi: 10.1109/TVT.2020.**. (IEEE Trans.系列期刊)
[32]Guowen Xu, Hongwei Li*, Sen Liu, Mi Wen, Rongxing Lu, and Guishan Dong, “Efficient and Privacy-preserving Truth Discovery in Mobile Crowd Sensing Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2019, vol.68, no.4, pp.3854-3865. (IEEE Trans.系列期刊)
[33]Hongwei Li*, Dongxiao Liu, Yuanshun Dai, Tom H. Luan, and Shui Yu, “Personalized Search over Encrypted Data with Efficient and Secure Updates in Mobile Clouds,” IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, 2018, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 97 - 109. ( ESI高被引论文, IEEE Trans.系列期刊)
[34]Hongwei Li*, Dongxiao Liu, Yuanshun Dai, Tom H. Luan, and Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, “Enabling Efficient Multi-keyword Ranked Search over Encrypted Mobile Cloud Data through Blind Storage,” IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, 2015, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 127-138. (Pupular Article(2/50), Auguest 2015) .
[35]Yuan Zhang, Chunxiang Xu, Shui Yu, Hongwei Li, Xiaojun Zhang, “SCLPV: Secure Certificateless Public Verification for Cloud Storage in Cyber-physical-social System,” IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 2016, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 159 - 17. (IEEE Trans.系列期刊)
[36]Hongwei Li*, Rongxing Lu, Liang Zhou, Bo Yang, and Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, “An Efficient Merkle-Tree-Based Authentication Scheme for Smart Grid,” IEEE SYSTEMS Journal, 2014, vol. 8, no.2, pp. 655 - 663. (IEEE系列期刊)
[37]Yuan Zhang, Chuanxiang Xu, Hongwei Li, and Xiaohui Liang, “Cryptographic Public Verification of Data Integrity for Cloud Storage System,” IEEE Cloud Computing, 2016, vol. 3, no. 5, pp. 44 - 52. (IEEE系列期刊)
[38]Wenbo Jiang, Hongwei Li*, Guowen Xu, Mi Wen, Guishan Dong, and Xiaodong Lin, “PTAS: Privacy-preserving thin-client authentication scheme in blockchain-based PKI,” Future Generation Computer Systems , 2019, DOI: 10.1016/j.future.2019.01.026.(SCI, IF=4.639)
[39]Hongwei Li*, Yi Yang, Haomiao Yang, and Mi Wen, “Achieving Efficient and Privacy-preserving Multi-feature Search for Mobile Sensing,” Computer Communications, 2015, vol. 65, pp. 35-42. (SCI, IF=2.613)
[40]Guowen Xu, Hongwei Li*, Chen Tan, Dongxiao Liu, Yuanshun Dai, and Kan Yang, ““Achieving Efficient and Privacy-preserving Truth Discovery in Crowd Sensing Systems,” Computers & Security, 2017, vol. 69, pp. 114 -126. (SCI, IF=2.650)
[1]Dongxiao Liu, Jianbing Ni, Hongwei Li*, Xiaodong Lin, and Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, Efficient and Privacy-preserving Ad Conversion for V2X-assisted Proximity Marketing,” in Proceedings of MASS, Chengdu, China, Oct. 9-12, 2018. (Best Paper Award)
[2]Hongwei Li*, Yuanshun Dai and Xiaodong Lin, “Efficient E-health Data Release with Consistency Guarantee under Differential Privacy,” in Proceedings of Healthcom, Boston, USA, pp. 602 – 608, 2015. (Best Paper Award)
[3]Hongwei Li*, Hao Ren, Hongxian Yao, Hao Chen, Guowen Xu and Yuanshun Dai, “Diverse Multi-keyword Ranked Search over Encrypted Cloud Data Supporting Range Query,” in Proceedings of ICCC, Shenzhen, China, 2015. (Best Paper Finalist)
[4]Hongwei Li*, Shenmin Zhang, Tom H. Luan, Hao Ren, Yuanshun Dai, and Liang Zhou, “Enabling Efficient Publicly Verifiable Outsourcing Computation for Matrix Multiplication,” in Proceedings of ITNAC, Sydney, Australia, pp. 44 – 50, 2015. (Best Paper Finalist)
[5]Hongwei Li*, Yuansun Dai, Ling Tian, Haomiao Yang, “Identity-Based Authentication for Cloud Computing,” in Proceedings of Cloud, Beijing, China, pp. 157-166, 2009. (Google学术引用次数:311, 2018年10月21日)
[6]Guowen Xu, Hongwei Li*, and Rongxing Lu.“ POSTER:Practical and Privacy-Aware Truth Discovery in Mobile Crowd Sensing Systems,” in Proceedings of ACM CCS, 2018, DOI:// doi.org/10.1145/**.**.(CCF-A)
[7]Guowen Xu, Hongwei Li*, Yuanshun Dai, Haomiao Ynag, and Yanzhi Ren, “Towards Practical Personalized Recommendation with Multi-level Differential Privacy Controls,” in Proceedings of INFOCOM, pp. 796 - 801, 2018.(CCF-A)
[8]Guowen Xu, Hongwei Li*, Shengmin Xu, Hao Ren, Yinghui Zhang, JIanfei Sun, Robert H. Deng, “Catch You If You Deceive Me: Verifiable and Privacy-Aware Truth Discovery in Crowd Sensing Systems,” in Proceedings of ACM AsiaCCS , Taipei, Taiwan, China, June 1-5, 2020. (网络安全领域著名会议)
[9]Meng Hao, Hongwei Li*, Guowen Xu, Zhe Liu, and Zongqi Chen, “Privacy-aware and Resource-saving Collaborative Learning for Healthcare in Cloud Computing,” in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Dublin, Ireland, June 7-11, 2020. (IEEE通信学会两大年会之一)
[10]Hanxiao Chen, Hongwei Li*, Guowen Xu, Yun Zhang, and Xizhao Luo, “Achieving Privacy-preserving Federated Learning with Irrelevant Updates over E-Health Applications,” in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Dublin, Ireland, June 7-11, 2020. (IEEE通信学会两大年会之一)
[11]Haomiao Yang, Shaopeng Liang, Qixian Zhou*, and Hongwei Li, “Privacy-preserving HE-based clustering for load profiling over encrypted smart meter data,” in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Dublin, Ireland, June 7-11, 2020. (IEEE通信学会两大年会之一)
[12]Yiran Li, Hongwei Li*, Guowen Xu, Sen Liu and Rongxing Lu, “EPPS: Efficient Privacy-Preserving Scheme in Distributed Deep Learning,” in Proceedings of GLOBECOM, Hawaii, USA, Dec. 9-13, 2019. (IEEE通信学会两大年会之一)
[13]Wenbo Jiang, Hongwei Li*, Sen Liu, Yanzhi Ren, Miao He, “A Flexible Poisoning Attack Against Machine Learning,” in Proceedings of ICC, Shanghai, China, May 20-24, 2019. (IEEE通信学会两大年会之一)
[14]Meng Hao, Hongwei Li*, Guowen Xu, Sen Liu, Haomiao Yang, “Towards Efficient and Privacy-preserving Federated Deep Learning,” in Proceedings of ICC, Shanghai, China, May 20-24, 2019. (IEEE通信学会两大年会之一)
[15]Hao Ren, Hongwei Li, Dongxiao Liu, Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, “Toward Efficient and Secure Deep Packet Inspection for Outsourced Middlebox ,” in Proceedings of ICC, Shanghai, China, May 20-24, 2019. (IEEE通信学会两大年会之一)
[16]Yuan Zhang, Chunxiang Xu, Hongwei Li, Haomiao Yang, Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, "Chronos: Secure and Accurate Time-stamping Scheme for Digital Files via Blockchain," in Proceedings of ICC, Shanghai, China, May 20-24, 2019. (IEEE通信学会两大年会之一)
[17]Haomiao Yang, Weichao He, Qixian Zhou and Hongwei Li, “Efficient and Secure Outsourcing Linear Regression,” in Proceedings of ICA3PP, Guangzhou, China, Nov. 15-17, 2018.
[18]Dongxiao Liu, Jianbing Ni, Moreno Ambrosin, Xiruo Liu, Hongwei Li, and Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, “Balancing Anonymity and Linkability for Cellular V2X Group Communications in 5G,” in Proceedings of GLOBECOM, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Dec. 9-13, 2018. (IEEE通信学会两大年会之一)
[19]Wenbo Jiang, Hongwei Li*, Guowen Xu, Mi Wen, Guishan Dong and Xiaodong Lin, “A Privacy-preserving Thin-client Scheme in Blockchain-based PKI,” in Proceedings of GLOBECOM, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Dec. 9-13, 2018. (IEEE通信学会两大年会之一)
[20]Haomiao Yang, Weichao He, Jie Li and Hongwei Li, “Efficient and Secure kNN Classification over Encrypted Data using Vector Homomorphic Encryption,” in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Kansas City, MO, USA, May 20-24, 2018. (IEEE通信学会两大年会之一)
[21]Guowen Xu, Hongwei Li*, Yuanshun Dai, Jian Bai, and Xiaodong Lin, “EFRS: Enabling Efficient and Fine-grained Range Search on Encrypted Spatial Data,” in Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Kansas City, MO, USA, May 20-24, 2018. (IEEE通信学会两大年会之一)
[22]Shenmin Zhang, Hongwei Li*, Yuanshun Dai, Miao He and Rongxing Lu, “EPP-DMM: An Efficient and Privacy-Protected Delegation Scheme for Matrix Multiplication,” in Proceedings of GLOBECOM ,Singapore, Dec. 4-8, 2017. (IEEE通信学会两大年会之一)
[23]Mi Wen, Xu Zhang, Hongwei Li and Jinguo Li.“A Data Aggregation Scheme with FineGrained Access Control for the Smart Grid” in proceedings of IEEE VTC2017, pp.1-5. (IEEE车联网学会年会)
[24]Guowen Xu, Hongwei Li*, Hao Ren, Dongxiao Liu, Yuanshun Dai, and Kan Yang, “CryptMDB: A Practical Encrypted MongoDB over Big Data,” in Proceedings of ICC, Paris, France, May 21-25, 2017. (IEEE通信学会两大年会之一)
[25]Guowen Xu, Hongwei Li*, Dongxiao Liu, Yuanshun Dai and Xiaohui Liang, “Towards Efficient Privacy-preserving Truth Discovery in Crowd Sensing Systems,” in Proceedings of GLOBECOM, Washington D.C., USA, Dec. 4 - 8, 2016. (IEEE通信学会两大年会之一)
[26]Shenmin Zhang, Hongwei Li*, Kun Jia, Yuanshun Dai and Lian Zhao, “Efficient Secure Outsourcing Computation of Matrix Multiplication in cloud computing,” in Proceedings of GLOBECOM, Washington D.C., USA, Dec. 4 - 8, 2016. (IEEE通信学会两大年会之一)
[27]Bohan Zheng, Peter He, Lian Zhao, and Hongwei Li*, “A Hybrid Machine Learning Model for Range Estimation of Electric Vehicles,” in Proceedings of GLOBECOM, Washington D.C., USA, Dec. 4 - 8, 2016. (IEEE通信学会两大年会之一)
[28]Jinguo Li, Mi Wen, Chunhua Gu and Hongwei Li, “PSS: Achieving High-efficiency and Privacy-preserving Similarity Search in Multiple Clouds,” in Proceedings of ICC, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May 23-27, 2016. (IEEE通信学会两大年会之一)
[29]Hao Ren, Hongwei Li*, Hao Chen, michael kpiebaareh and Lian Zhao, “Efficient Privacy-Preserving Circular Range Search on Outsourced Spatial Data,” in Proceedings of ICC, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2015.(IEEE通信学会两大年会之一)
[30]Kun Jia, Hongwei Li*, Dongxiao Liu, and Shui Yu, “Enabling Efficient and Secure Outsourcing of Large Matrix Multiplications,” in Proceedings of GLOBECOM, San Diego, GA, USA, 2015. (IEEE通信学会两大年会之一)
[31]Hongwei Li*, Dongxiao Liu, Kun Jia and Xiaodong Lin, “Achieving Authorized and Ranked Multi-keyword Search over Encrypted Cloud Data,” in Proceedings of ICC, London, UK, pp.7450 - 7455, 2015. (IEEE通信学会两大年会之一)
[32]Yi Yang, Hongwei Li*, Wenchao Liu, Haomiao Yang, and Mi Wen, “Secure Dynamic Searchable Symmetric Encryption with Constant Document Update Cost,” in Proceedings of GLOBECOM, Austin, Texas, USA, pp. 775 - 780, 2014. (IEEE通信学会两大年会之一)
[33]Yi Yang, Hongwei Li*, Mi Wen, Hongwei Luo, and Rongxing Lu, “Achieving Ranked Range Query in Smart Grid Auction Market,” in Proceedings of ICC, Sydney, Australia, pp. 951-956, 2014.(IEEE通信学会两大年会之一)
[34]Dongxiao Liu, Hongwei Li*, Yi Yang, and Haomiao Yang, “Achieving Multi-Authority Access Control with Efficient Attribute Revocation in Smart Grid,” in Proceedings of ICC, Sydney, Australia, pp. 634-639, 2014.(IEEE通信学会两大年会之一)
[35]Tan N. Le, Bong Jun Choi*, Hao Liang, Hongwei Li, and Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, “DCD: Distributed Charging and Discharging Scheme for EVs in Microgrids,” in Proceedings of SmartGridComm, Venice, Italy, pp. 704-709, 2014. (智能电网领域顶级会议)
[36]Shinyoung Cho, Hongwei Li, and Bong Jun Choi*, “PALDA: Efficient Privacy-preserving Authentication for Lossless Data Aggregation in Smart Grids,” in Proceedings of SmartGridComm, Venice, Italy, pp. 914-919, 2014. (智能电网领域顶级会议)
[37]Mi Wen*, Rongxing Lu, Jingsheng Lei, Xiaoghui Liang, Hongwei Li and Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, “ECQ: An Efficient Conjunctive Query Scheme over Encrypted Multidimensional Data in Smart Grid,” in Proceedings of GLOBECOM, Atlanta, USA, Dec. 9-13, 2013. (IEEE通信学会两大年会之一)
[38]Hongwei Li*, Xiaohui Liang, Rongxing Lu, Xiaodong Lin, and Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, “EDR: An Efficient Demand Response Scheme for Achieving Forward Secrecy in Smart Grid,” in Proceedings of GLOBECOM, Anaheim, California, USA, pp. 929-934, 2012. (IEEE通信学会两大年会之一)
专业研究方向: 专业名称 研究方向 招生类别
081200计算机科学与技术 02机器智能与模式识别 博士
081200计算机科学与技术 05计算机网络与系统安全 博士
081200计算机科学与技术 06云计算与大数据处理 博士
083900网络空间安全 01密码理论与技术 博士
083900网络空间安全 03大数据与人工智能安全 博士
083900网络空间安全 04云计算与物联网安全 博士
083900网络空间安全 05网络与系统安全 博士
083900网络空间安全 06区块链理论与应用 博士
085400电子信息 07不区分研究方向 博士
081200计算机科学与技术 02机器智能与模式识别 硕士
081200计算机科学与技术 05计算机网络与系统安全 硕士
081200计算机科学与技术 06云计算与大数据处理 硕士
083900网络空间安全 01密码理论与技术 硕士
083900网络空间安全 03大数据与人工智能安全 硕士
083900网络空间安全 04云计算与物联网安全 硕士
083900网络空间安全 05网络与系统安全 硕士
083900网络空间安全 06区块链理论与应用 硕士
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-09-05
相关话题/工程学院 计算机科学
导师代码:11251导师姓名:刘震性别:男特称:职称:副教授学位:工学博士学位属性:专职电子邮件:quake@uestc.edu.cn学术经历:主要研究领域:算法设计与分析、数据挖掘、机器学习,复杂网络等。近几年作为第一作者或通讯作者在包括JCR一区和二区的国际期刊以及国际会议上发表学术论文40余篇 ...电子科技大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-09-05电子科技大学计算机科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-李林
导师代码:11249导师姓名:李林性别:男特称:职称:副教授学位:工学博士学位属性:专职电子邮件:lilin@uestc.edu.cn学术经历:2009年6月留校任教,主要研究领域:操作系统、分布式计算、系统安全等。近几年来,作为第一作者在各类刊物上发表论文10余篇,其中被EI检索5篇。目前以第一负 ...电子科技大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-09-05电子科技大学计算机科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-汪小芬
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导师代码:11273导师姓名:蔡世民性别:男特称:职称:副教授学位:工学博士学位属性:专职电子邮件:@qq.com学术经历:2000.9-2004.6,合肥工业大学,电气工程及其自动化,工学学士2004.9-2009.6,中国科学技术大学,电路与系统,工学博士个人简介:本人研究方向是数据挖掘理论,复 ...电子科技大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-09-05电子科技大学计算机科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-张可
导师代码:11359导师姓名:张可性别:男特称:职称:副研究员学位:工学博士学位属性:专职电子邮件:kezhang@uestc.edu.cn学术经历:个人简介:博士,电子科技大学副研究员,硕士生导师,中国计算机学会计算机应用专委会执委,IEEE及ACM会员,中国人工智能学会会员,成都市2017年度“ ...电子科技大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-09-05电子科技大学计算机科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-陈娟
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导师代码:11408导师姓名:王晓敏性别:女特称:职称:副教授学位:工学博士学位属性:专职电子邮件:Xiaomin.wang@126.com学术经历:个人简介:作为第一负责人主持国家自然科学基金1项,“面向城市环境的延迟容忍传感器网络数据分发与路由算法研究”。作为第二负责人主持国家自然科学基金2项, ...电子科技大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-09-05电子科技大学计算机科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-李玉军
导师代码:11406导师姓名:李玉军性别:男特称:职称:副教授学位:工学博士学位属性:专职电子邮件:liyujun@uestc.edu.cn学术经历:2010年6毕业于电子科技大学计算机学院,获博士学位。2007.10-2009.10在美国VirginiaPolytechnicInstitutean ...电子科技大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-09-05电子科技大学计算机科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-孙明
导师代码:11410导师姓名:孙明性别:男特称:职称:副教授学位:工学博士学位属性:专职电子邮件:sunm@uestc.edu.cn学术经历:2009年7月至今,在电子科技大学计算机科学与工程学院任教,2012年晋升副教授。主要研究领域:网络计算技术、分布式计算、语义Web挖掘等。作为第一作者在国际 ...电子科技大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-09-05电子科技大学计算机科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-薛瑞尼
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