本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-10-02
姓名:朱成林 学位:博士 职称:讲师 研究生导师:否
电子邮箱: chenglin.zhu@swun.edu.cn
四川农业大学 食品质量与安全专业 学士学位
四川农业大学 食品工程 硕士学位
博洛尼亚大学 食品科学与生物技术 博士学位
1 教学
2 科研领域
3 代表性科研项目
4 代表性论文
(1)Zhu C, Laghi L, Zhang Z, He Y, Wu D, Zhang H, Huang Y, Li C and Zou L (2020) First steps towards the Giant Panda Metabolome Database: untargeted metabolomics of feces, urine, serum and saliva by 1H-NMR, J Proteome Res, 19(3), 1052-1059. IF: 4.074
(2)Zhu C, Petracci M, Li C, Fiore E and Laghi L (2020) An untargeted metabolomics investigation of Jiulong Yak (Bos grunniens) meat by 1H-NMR, Foods, 9(4), 481. IF: 4.092
(3)Zhu C, Fasoli S, Isani G and Laghi L (2020) First Insights into the Urinary Metabolome of Captive Giraffes by Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. Metabolites, 10(4), 157. IF: 4.097
(4)Zhu C, Li C, Wang Y and Laghi L (2019) Characterization of yak common biofluids metabolome by means of proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, Metabolites, 9(3), 41. IF: 4.097
(5)Zhu C, Vitali B, Donders G, Parolin C, Li Y and Laghi L (2019) Univariate statistical analysis as a guide to 1H-NMR spectra signal assignment by visual inspection, Metabolites, 9(1), 15. IF: 4.097
(6)Zhu C, Faillace V, Laus F, Bazzano M and Laghi L (2018) Characterization of trotter horses urine metabolome by means of proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, Metabolomics, 14(8), 106. IF: 2.881
(7)Laghi L#, Zhu C#, Campagna G, Rossi G, Bazzano M and Laus F (2018) Probiotic supplementation in trained trotter horses: effect on blood clinical pathology data and urine metabolomic assessed in field, J Appl Physiol, 125(2), 654-660. IF: 3.14
(8)Bazzano M, Laghi L, Zhu C, Magi G. E, Tesei B, and Laus F (2020) Respiratory metabolites in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) and exhaled breath condensate (EBC) can differentiate horses affected by severe equine asthma from healthy horses. BMC Vet. Res, 16(1), 1-9. IF: 1.835
(9)Bazzano M, Laghi L, Zhu C, Lotito E, Sgariglia S, Tesei B and Laus F (2020) Exercise Induced Changes in Salivary and Serum Metabolome in Trained Standardbred, Assessed by 1H-NMR. Metabolites, 10(7), 298. IF: 4.097
(10)Bazzano M, Laghi L, Zhu C, Di Giambattista A, Tesei B and Laus F (2020) Metabolomic analysis of seminal plasma in stallions belonging to two different horse breeds. J. Equine Vet. Sci., 89, 103038. IF: 1.1
(11)Zannoni A, Pietra M, Gaspardo A, Accorsi P. A, Barone M, Turroni S, Laghi L, Zhu C, Brigidi P and Forni M (2020) Non-invasive assessment of fecal stress biomarkers in hunting dogs during exercise and at rest. Front Vet Sci, 7, 126. IF: 2.245
(12)Brugaletta G, De Cesare A, Zampiga M, Laghi L, Oliveri C, Zhu C, Manfreda G, Syed B, Valenzuela L and Sirri F (2020) Effects of Alternative Administration Programs of a Synbiotic Supplement on Broiler Performance, Foot Pad Dermatitis, Caecal Microbiota, and Blood Metabolites. Animals, 10(3), 522. IF: 2.323
(13)Elmi A, Ventrella D, Laghi L, Carnevali G, Zhu C, Pertile G, Barone F, Benfenati F and Bacci ML (2019) 1H NMR spectroscopy characterization of porcine vitreous humor in physiological and photoreceptor degeneration conditions, Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 60(2), 741-747. IF: 3.812
(14)Foschi C, Salvo M, Laghi L, Zhu C, Ambretti S, Marangoni A and Re M.C (2018) Impact of meropenem on Klebsiella pneumoniae metabolism, PLoS ONE, 13(11), e**. IF: 3.14. IF: 2.776
(15)Foschi C, Laghi L, D’Antuono A, Gaspari V, Zhu C, Dellarosa N, Salvo M and Marangoni A. (2018) Urine metabolome in women with Chlamydia trachomatis infection, PLoS ONE, 13(3), e**. IF: 2.776
(16)Parolin C, Foschi C, Laghi L, Zhu C, Banzola N, Gaspari V, D’Antuono A, Giordani B, Severgnini M, Consolandi C, Salvo M, Cevenini R, Vitali B and Marangoni A (2018) Insights into vaginal bacterial communities and metabolic profiles of chlamydia trachomatis infection: positioning between eubiosis and dysbiosis, Front Microbiol, 9, 600. IF: 4.259
(17)Baldassarre ME, Di Mauro A, Tafuri S, Rizzo V, Gallone MS, Mastromarino P, Capobianco D, Laghi L, Zhu C, Capozza M and Laforgia N (2018). Effectiveness and safety of a probiotic-mixture for the treatment of infantile colic: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial with fecal real-time PCR and NMR-based metabolomics analysis, Nutrients, 10(2), 195. IF: 4.171
(18)Bazzano M, Laghi L, Zhu C, Magi GE, Serri E, Spaterna A, Tesei B and Laus F (2018) Metabolomics of tracheal wash samples and exhaled breath condensates in healthy horses and horses affected by equine asthma, J Breath Res, 12(4), 046015. IF: 3.00
(19)Laghi L, Mastromarino P, Elisei W, Capobianco D, Zhu C, Picchio M, Giorgetti G, Brandimarte G. and Tursi A (2018) Impact of treatments on fecal microbiota and fecal metabolome in symptomatic uncomplicated diverticular disease of the colon: a pilot study, J Biol Regul Homeost Agents, 32(5), 1421-1432. IF: 1.558
(20)Zampiga M, Laghi L, Petracci M, Zhu C, Meluzzi A, Dridi S and Sirri F (2018) Effect of dietary arginine to lysine ratios on productive performance, meat quality, plasma and muscle metabolomics profile in fast-growing broiler chickens, J Anim Sci Biotechnol, 9(1), 79. IF: 3.441
(1)第四届国家民委科普讲解大赛 一等奖,2021年5月
Industrial Crops and Products, Scientific Reports, Molecules, Metabolites, Processes, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health等SCI期刊和《现代食品科技》等国内期刊审稿人。
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