本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-09-21
办公室:四川省成都市柳台大道555号, 611130, 通博楼A座528(会面请预约)
Group creativity and group dynamics
Cross-cultural differences and intercultural relations
Cultural metacognition and cultural identification
Social change, mobility and SWB
2002—2006 西北大学 管理科学系 学士(管理学)
2008—2014 南洋理工大学(Nanyang Technological University) 战略、管理与组织系 博士(管理学)
2015.09至今 西南财经大学 任 副教授
2014.09-2015.08 西南财经大学 任 讲师
Klafen, J., Li, C., & Chiu, C-Y. (2013). To Know or not to know, is that the question? Exploring the role of assessment of metacognition in Cross-cultural contexts. Journal of Cross Cultural psychology, 44, 963-991.
Li, C., Kwan, L., Y-Y., Liou, S., & Chiu, C-Y. (2013). Culture, group processes, and creativity. In M. Yuki, & M. Brewer (Eds.), Culture and Group Process (pp.143-165). New York: Oxford University Press.
Li, C., Li, D-M., Huang, Z., & Chiu, C-Y. (2016). Peace and War: Rewarding Intergroup Contacts Make Past Intergroup Aggression Unforgivable. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 22(2), 166-167.
Li, C., Li, D-M., Chiu, C-Y., & Peng, S. (2018). Strong brand from consumers’ perspective: A cross-cultural study. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. DOI: 10.1177/9456
Manuscripts under-review
Li., D-M., Li., C., Chiu, C-Y & Peng, S. Does Being Socially Responsible Buffer Reputation Loss in a Product Crisis? The Moderating Role of Lay Theory of Corporate Social Responsibility? (R&R in Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology)
Li., C., & Chiu, C-Y. Are individualists happier or more unhappy when they or their country gets rich quick?. (Under review in European Journal of Social Psychology)
Working papers
Egalitarian norm, talent development and innovation performance – The moderating role of societal tightness. With Chiu, C-Y.
How does negotiable fate prohibit people with high educational attainment facing agency threat from engaging in lottery purchase and gambling? With Chiu, C-Y. and Bettache, K.
Expatriate Cultural Identity in the Global Era: An Integrative Framework. With Zhang, E. & Chiu, C-Y.
User motives and social participation on SNS in China– A moderated mediation model. The singular author.
Selected conference presentations & awards
Li, C., & Chiu, C-Y. (2018). Egalitarian norm, talent development and innovation performance – The moderating role of societal tightness. The 8th Conference of International Association of Chinese Management Research, Wuhan, China.
Li, C., Zhang, E. L. (2015). Negotiating expatriate identity in the global era: Implications on expatriate performance. The 75th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, Canada. Conference proceedings, doi:10.5465/AMBPP.2015.13319abstractACAD MANAGE PROC January 2015 2015(Meeting Abstract Supplement) 13319
Li, C., Chiu, C-Y, Zhang, Z, & Ren, R. (2014). Creativity Performance of Egalitarian Groups. The 6th Conference of International Association of Chinese Management Research, Beijing, China.
Li, C., Li, D., Chiu, C-Y, & Peng, S. (2013). Strong brand from consumers’ perspective: A cross-cultural study. The Annual Conference of Academy of International Business, Istanbul, Turkey.
Student Best Paper. Li, C., Li, D., Chiu, C-Y, & Peng, S. (2013). Strong brand from consumers’ perspective: A cross-cultural study. The China Marketing International Conference, Xuzhou, China. (Presented by the 2nd author)
Li, C., Chiu, C-Y., Kwan, L., Y-Y., Zhang, Z., & Ren, R. (2013). Creativity performance of egalitarian groups. The 6th biennial Conference of International Association for Chinese Management Research, Beijing, China.
Li, C., Li, D., Chiu, C-Y, & Peng, S. (2011). The Lay Beliefs of Strong Brand: Comparison across nations from the perspectives of business executive and young consumers. The 9th biennial Conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology, Kunming, China. (Session chair)
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